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Stats Download Error


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In the SE War Stats Download, any war between two unaligned nations is recorded as belonging to the alliances from the next war declared.


For example:



491789|Jewbie35|New Clovis|New Polar Order|10006|Blue|200902|Furious Purpose|Amenable To Change|Bear Force One|10568|Purple|Active|8/31/2013 5:10:09 AM|9/7/2013 5:10:09 AM|Peace mode? … not 4 you.|736067|311.67|85|14|

533493|rte12|RTECOUNTRY|New Polar Order|10006|None|534013|Ser Jaqen|Sargdyfan|Bear Force One|10568|Blue|Active|8/31/2013 3:05:53 AM|9/7/2013 3:05:53 AM|A general dispute|736066|0.00|0|0|

535030|Artur|Armavir|New Polar Order|10006|None|533574|Haggashed|Burke Tome|Bear Force One|10568|None|Active|8/31/2013 12:31:55 AM|9/7/2013 12:31:55 AM|Attacking turkey|736065|18.61|0|100|



While Jewbie and Furious are part of Polar & BF1 (and this war shows in-game for their alliances), the previous two wars are between two unaligned nations.  Rte & Artur have no record as being part of Polar, nor do Jaqen or Haggashed for BF1.  In-game, these wars show both nations as having no alliance, yet the stats download doesn't record this properly.


These two have the same issue:



512699|Mindbraker|Aguda|New Polar Order|10006|Blue|192462|Micheal Malone|Malonia|Bear Force One|10568|None|Active|8/28/2013 6:46:20 AM|9/4/2013 6:46:20 AM|Winter is coming...|735979|3,341.13|1|98|

440089|Lev Silen|Nova Attica|New Polar Order|10006|Green|524146|Gen Hitler Jr|Neptune|Bear Force One|10568|Maroon|Peace|8/28/2013 3:56:26 AM|9/4/2013 3:56:26 AM|A general dispute|735978|111.22|0|100|

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