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Nightmare Governments


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Uhh, hello? I attacked the entirety of CnG during a losing war via oA and against a proxy ally (ODN), also I helped enable all those LPH guys you've all been listing. (with the exception of Rey)

I'm pretty sure I should be Director of "Defense" in this horrible line-up. :)


You and I polluted the OWF with dick jokes for like two years. 

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Considering the countless arguements and other crap I do on IRC I'm surprised i'm not the Minister of "Foreign Affairs" on any of these lists.
For reference just ask Bear Force One and/or MI6 about the stupid stuff I've said on IRC

Edited by Broncoskid8
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Considering the countless arguements and other crap I do on IRC I'm surprised i'm not the Minister of "Foreign Affairs" on any of these lists.
For reference just ask Bear Force One and/or MI6 about the stupid stuff I've said on IRC

The lack of attention you get is appalling!

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Blunders? No, you were never allowed to be in a position to do any real harm so that was never an issue. We realized that early on but gave you ample opportunities to prove your worth and to prove us wrong. In the end all you managed to do was prove you were completely useless in an official government position. That's why you were never afforded more upward mobility in the Alliance. That's not to say that you had no worth however until you finally proved that you had no loyalty and went off to join another Alliance when they offered you a FA position. It remains to be seen as to whether or not you belong in a "Nightmare Government" category. When you actually accomplish something so horrible as to qualify then you can come back and show everyone instead of being an attention "Edited". Until then I can think of several more, more qualified and deserving, individuals.

You and I knew that things were going to shit, constant fights with members and trolling with my profile when I constantly told you and the rest of your alliance to cut it out.

You want to really know why I left? Fine. I left AO since I couldn't take anymore of your bullshit and I felt that being somewhere else would prove better. THAT is why I left. You want to nuke me? Fine, I don't care. Do whatever you want. CN is not my priority and it never has been school, sports broadcasting at my schools radio station, fencing and my friends and family have been my top priority. CN is not one of them.


 . I shall leave you with this quote from Shakesphere:

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,"_ Shakespeare's "As you like it" (1603)


Remember the words above and think about your actions and how they affect others. 

Edited by Broncoskid8
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You and I knew that things were going to shit, constant fights with members and trolling with my profile when I constantly told you and the rest of your alliance to cut it out.
You want to really know why I left? Fine. I left AO since I couldn't take anymore of your bullshit and I felt that being somewhere else would prove better. THAT is why I left. You want to nuke me? Fine, I don't care. Do whatever you want. CN is not my priority and it never has been school, sports broadcasting at my schools radio station, fencing and my friends and family have been my top priority. CN is not one of them.
 . I shall leave you with this quote from Shakesphere:
"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,"_ Shakespeare's "As you like it" (1603)
Remember the words above and think about your actions and how they affect others.

Took you 15 days to write this shit?

Also lol fencing.

Even bigger lol Shakespeare quote.
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Took you 15 days to write this shit?

Also lol fencing.

Even bigger lol Shakespeare quote.

I haven't had much time for a while and this is the best I could do. Also make fun of my sport again there will be consequences

Edited by Broncoskid8
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I haven't had much time for a while and this is the best I could do. Also make fun of my sport again there will be consequences

Oh, I know. I hate it when people make fun of we fencers. It is a invaluable skill to have. In this day and age you can never know when a highwayman might sneak up on you.

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Leader: Sedrick
Vice: Chimaera
Advisers: Haruhi, Goldie, and Rush
MoFA: Rotavele
MoEcon: Teddyyo
MoIA: Jemmm
MoWar: Green Muffins
e: accidentally an "m"

I know my aid slot usage over the life of my nation is among the lowest in CN...but, this is the last position I expected to be nominated to.

Anyways, all of these fail because they do not include Batallion. By far the most frustrating person I have ever had to deal with, and he seemed determined to drive the alliance into the ground on a monthly basis.
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Oh, I know. I hate it when people make fun of we fencers. It is a invaluable skill to have. In this day and age you can never know when a highwayman might sneak up on you.

Remind me of what weapon you fence?

Edited by Broncoskid8
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I'd give you all the stats to fuck up with, then TimLee wouldn't even hold his position for more than a week.

Ironically enough. Anytime I have been in a Government position in my career regardless of the alliance it has been longer than your stint as LPH Leader. In terms of alliances I led from the #1 Position. COLD (3 Months merged with TF! to form TPF) TPF (2-3 Months) GATO (8 Months) FIRE 1 / FIRE 2 (Term > Rey's position as #1)


Don't fault me for your own inadequacies. 

Edited by TimLee
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I support this.
I was MoIA of CDS once. 2006/7. Haven't tried to once since. 

My placing you as a "nightmare MoIA" has nothing to do with any internal skills you may or may not have. It was more a personal reaction to "who would I hate to have to work with". You, Magic, Rey, and Penkala have historically been unfriendly IC although I consider Rey an OOC friend and kindred spirit. Rey does not get along with you, and I believe he'd clash with Penkala. Magic's position was really the only shot at anyone's skill. Besides the MoFA and my position of course. I interestingly believe any of us have done well heading FA departments, so I chose someone who would be terrible at it. This for me would be the ultimate nightmare. Not that I don't think we couldn't pull together. Rey can be great, You, I, and Magic have all worked together for good results before. Just that it'd be a headache until we did.
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My placing you as a "nightmare MoIA" has nothing to do with any internal skills you may or may not have. It was more a personal reaction to "who would I hate to have to work with". You, Magic, Rey, and Penkala have historically been unfriendly IC although I consider Rey an OOC friend and kindred spirit. Rey does not get along with you, and I believe he'd clash with Penkala. Magic's position was really the only shot at anyone's skill. Besides the MoFA and my position of course. I interestingly believe any of us have done well heading FA departments, so I chose someone who would be terrible at it. This for me would be the ultimate nightmare. Not that I don't think we couldn't pull together. Rey can be great, You, I, and Magic have all worked together for good results before. Just that it'd be a headache until we did.

Eh. I have no issues with you Omni. Sure some heated threads on occasion, but it stems from different beliefs or recollection on what occurred in prior events. Overall, I wouldn't rank you as an arch-nemesis, rival, political opponent or anything of the sort. 

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Eh. I have no issues with you Omni. Sure some heated threads on occasion, but it stems from different beliefs or recollection on what occurred in prior events. Overall, I wouldn't rank you as an arch-nemesis, rival, political opponent or anything of the sort. 

Glad to hear that. Same to you.
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Ironically enough. Anytime I have been in a Government position in my career regardless of the alliance it has been longer than your stint as LPH Leader. In terms of alliances I led from the #1 Position. COLD (3 Months merged with TF! to form TPF) TPF (2-3 Months) GATO (8 Months) FIRE 1 / FIRE 2 (Term > Rey's position as #1)


Don't fault me for your own inadequacies. 


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