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Shout-Out Thread - Quality Opponents ITT


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Since the forums are so rampant with mean-spirited vitriol and propagandistic half-truths, and rather light on a more good-natured banter, it seems this thread (which is somewhat of a tradition, iirc) is long overdue.


So, yeah, if you're reading this, you're probably decently active and a right-good fighter. There's no need to boast of your conquests in this thread (pick any of the other threads for that). Let's use this thread to honor those that are giving as good (and sometimes better) than they are getting. 




I'll start. Of those I've fought the following have proven very capable fighters:


Jesse James (TSO) - The damage in our war reached nearly 32k NS and he did nearly 17k damage while I did nearly 15k. It was a high ranking war in damage totals at the beginning of the war (and war stats tracking). He was highly active and proved difficult for us to coordinate against. This was my first war in this war, and the first war that I've been active for. It was an "up-declare" on my part, as I was itching to join the war despite a dearth of war slots in my range at the time.


Metal Joe (Alchemy) - This war reached over 19k, with me taking 11k of that damage. 




After scanning the other thread titles, I didn't notice a shout-out thread. Feel free to lock this thread and point me in the right direction if I have simply overlooked it. 

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Oh boy, I don't remember the people I've fought but I'll try:


AI Guy I fought first round (the guy who had never been to war before):


You were awesome and hilarious. I was really glad you let me be your first. :wub: Hope you're still doing well, man. 


Other AI guy I fought on the first round:


Well, you got nuked eventually. I tried to give you a bit of a head start since you didn't have nukes, but it was bound to happen eventually. Good luck with the radiation, hopefully you'll get that MP postwar.


Mogar/SCY/Charles Stuart: 


I love you three in a way that I shouldn't. It was fun to war with you all and I hope to be able to jump out of PM at some point and tangle again, but as Mogar and I discussed, my nation is in shambles.


Other opponents:


You guys were a blast. I honestly haven't had one rude opponent this whole war, and you've all been super cool about nuking/getting nuked. See ya postwar, eh? 

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Lamuella, Dunhill, Ajaxify and Seamonster have probably put up the best fights against me thus far; Seamonster is easily the best of the four on grounds of a; only person to have out-damaged me in a single war thus far, albeit not when adding both rounds up together, and b; the only person of the lot that I'm probably going to run into again before we're finished here.

Edited by Avakael
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KHelfen of Helfenland (ODN) and Davian of Hadeln (UMB) were the best so far.

I believe NG nations that come out of PM (Derwood, etc.) will be a good opponent too.

Edited by Prozenz
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Had the pleasure of going a couple rounds each against Lavo_2 and Thors Hammer from TOP. I'd say we've been pretty even as far as damage overall. I've gotten the better of them in a round while they were able to rock my world in another round while they were fighting with Telchar (also from TOP).


Centurius and Fulgrim (again from TOP) were both quality opponents. Even with odds stacked heavily against them they kept bringing the fight.


Talisk (once again from...) was a particularly enjoyable opponent. Some fantastic banter was had throughout our encounter.


I'd give a shoutout to my other foes from TOP (and I think I had one against an Alchemy nation), but our wars were deleted and I don't remember their names. It's much the same story with these guys, though. Nobody has been rolling over in any of our wars.

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Had the pleasure of going a couple rounds each against Lavo_2 and Thors Hammer from TOP. I'd say we've been pretty even as far as damage overall. I've gotten the better of them in a round while they were able to rock my world in another round while they were fighting with Telchar (also from TOP).


Centurius and Fulgrim (again from TOP) were both quality opponents. Even with odds stacked heavily against them they kept bringing the fight.


Talisk (once again from...) was a particularly enjoyable opponent. Some fantastic banter was had throughout our encounter.


I'd give a shoutout to my other foes from TOP (and I think I had one against an Alchemy nation), but our wars were deleted and I don't remember their names. It's much the same story with these guys, though. Nobody has been rolling over in any of our wars.



Yeah, all of the the TOP-DT wars I've experienced/heard about so far have been pretty legendary.  And civil too, which is rather rare.

Edited by sammykhalifa
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I also enjoyed warring chax, Worldconquerer and Bros were both good sports about it, Mr limpit from VE, I cant sadly was knocked out of my range, so no third round quite yet for you, but you havent run to hippy like the others so I hope to see you see Limpit.

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I am not involved in this war but I can cite Matt Miller and DevastationStation, both in IRON, from previous experiences. The two were both particularly good (much better than me, of course), despite being fighting uphill against superior numbers.


While I have heard about Matt from others and everyone basically agrees that he's very good at CN warfare, I'd be curious to know if DS gave some good fighting to his opponents in this war too. From his screen I see that he went on the offensive against Xavii and JoshuaR in February, and the stats seem to indicate that he definitely held his own against better tech-ed nations.



EDIT: the two are classy and cordial too.

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Pearl Harbor (Alchemy) also gets honorable mention. If you check out our war page, the stats don't reveal how good he was doing. I was lucky with my SDI and the SDI of another co-attacker. Also communicated via PMs a bit - very cordial. 

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Pearl Harbor (Alchemy) also gets honorable mention. If you check out our war page, the stats don't reveal how good he was doing. I was lucky with my SDI and the SDI of another co-attacker. Also communicated via PMs a bit - very cordial. 

Thank you for the kind words. I had fun.


Too bad it's over so soon. You could always re-declare tonight and we can continue our love fest. :)


My shout-outs go to Ferdinand I Of GLoF and Jutopia of AB. Both were good, fun fights.. and of course Farnsworth of DT. Funny guy.

Edited by SirBombAlot
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Straccia of Ellis from Invicta
Boysun of Republic of WPMT from RnR
tom the pit leader of There be rabbits from The Legion
Also Scytale and I2eaper.

I've fought a lot of quality opponents this war and all have been generally pretty fun. Props to all of Legion though for effectively keeping GATO's nations in the shark tank staggered.

Edited by SoADarthCyfe6
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sorry i cannot remember any names.  but shout out to everyone i've fought.  the 5 GOONies 3 NG (or off AA of NG) and a few TLR'ers i've fought. cannot forget a few ODNers and i think 1-2 INT nations.  its been a blast.  but a big shout out to GOONs this war been active and coordinated this war i'm decently impressed.

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I've got to hand it to tagmote of NATO. He up-declared on three people on the first day of war, and every time he escapes stagger, he rebuilds and declares on our guys again and again. He's a fighter, and he's putting it all on the line for his coalition.

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