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I have a question about EQ


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Whether the implication is intentional or not, the time from peace to having 3 defensive slots filled was 6 minutes. Could that have not been coordinated, sure. Not likely but sure I will give that. Had Umbrella gov gave a damn about the potential political and war ramifications talks would have been attempted (proper talks). Both wanted, both got, we move on.

Isn't everyone done being obtuse of the details?

Edited by Brehon
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We weren't able to get our BIBO on when Puppets first went rogue since people not Umbrella took his defensive war slots. 


We both know AI has been wanting a reason to attack Umbrella for a while now, so I really doubt any sort of mutual beneficial agreement could have been reached since Duckroll and Umbrella/DH were in a cold war for the past few months prior to this war starting off.


I will agree there were then tensions between Ai and Umb [and others] since even before Ai's formation and without a doubt in some form or fashion at some time in the then future we and others were going to tussle.  I also admit that I was fine with you lot as a target just as much as pretty much anyone else [I'm not picky I just want targets] but the Puppets issue did not have to be the spark, is really all I was trying to point out.  If your lot wanted to avoid this you could of avoided it by staying off the slots, you chose to push we pushed back.  That simple and now we have war \o/

Edited by Grendel
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Caliph, you need to tell us who gave your pals those psychic powers to nail when Puppets was intending to get out of Dove within an error margin of 6 minutes.


Puppets used public channels, as in channels available to every single person who uses IRC, to publish his intent to leave peace mode.  An Umbrella member saw that and let his buddies who were online know and they hit puppets when he left peace. 


The secret is activity and IRC.  There was no conspiracy by Umbrella.

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I will agree there were then tensions between Ai and Umb [and others] since even before Ai's formation and without a doubt in some form or fashion at some time in the then future we and others were going to tussle.  I also admit that I was fine with you lot as a target just as much as pretty much anyone else [I'm not picky I just want targets] but the Puppets issue did not have to be the spark, is really all I was trying to point out.  If your lot wanted to avoid this you could of avoided it by staying off the slots, you chose to push we pushed back.  That simple and now we have war \o/


If we had avoided the war when it started, then it would have started at a later date with the odds more in your favor and less in ours.  This war, while destructive, happened at one of the best times for us.  Had patterns continued we would've been attacked a few months later with so much less odds in our favor than this it would make this war look like a walk in the park in a gated community compared to this war.

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"Don't worry CnG. You'll have that tech replaced in no time"

C&G have ... what?  Like 26 alliances on them?  When was the last time any one of you had 26 alliances just on you?  Considering what they are facing they're doing a great job.  And NG and C&G are handling the upper tier in that fight and even made progress in the other tiers too. 


Considering what they are facing, they are doing a great job.  When facing better odds than C&G did Sparta crumbled so fast they had to have MHA help them, which crumbled so fast they needed FARK to come out to play to save them.


Also, Hal, where is your upper tier again?

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C&G have ... what?  Like 26 alliances on them?  When was the last time any one of you had 26 alliances just on you?  Considering what they are facing they're doing a great job.  And NG and C&G are handling the upper tier in that fight and even made progress in the other tiers too.

When was the last time we were gangbanged? Do you really need to ask that question? I mean, our bloc fell at the hands of your alliance, after all.


"considering what they're facing"  Translation: Dear allies, I don't want to be mean, but you're getting shit on real bad, and I have no intention to do anything about it.

Edited by Enamel32
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Why should Umbrella care about CnG's pixels? I would be very surprised if CnG didn't radically alter their political positions post-war.

Considering Umb is allied to ODN and INT, I'd think they would care, at least somewhat, but reading between the lines of what their members are saying, I don't get that impression whatsoever.


I'd agree with you regarding CnG FA, but some disagree.

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Why should Umbrella care about CnG's pixels? I would be very surprised if CnG didn't radically alter their political positions post-war.

You can do better than that.


Besides some AA's have made the rounds on multiple fronts.  Theres only so much of us to go around, considering we are a main target of this war.


We all know the reason C&G is getting dogpiled on is to teach them a lesson for sticking with DH this war.

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Considering Umb is allied to ODN and INT, I'd think they would care, at least somewhat, but reading between the lines of what their members are saying, I don't get that impression whatsoever.


I'd agree with you regarding CnG FA, but some disagree.


I can agree with that. I think we have the same opinions but are approaching things differently, probably because I'm not a member of either coalition.


You can do better than that.


Besides some AA's have made the rounds on multiple fronts.  Theres only so much of us to go around, considering we are a main target of this war.


We all know the reason C&G is getting dogpiled on is to teach them a lesson for sticking with DH this war.


What do you mean by "do better"? There are even leaked screenies at this point confirming that CnG has been planning to jump ship for quite some time. They're only on DH's side because they've been forced to, and post-war they'll be able to start really moving away without having to look like cowards since they took their lumps. If CnG is truly being dogpiled, it seems more likely that's just because most of the EQ coalition has a bone to pick with them than anything else. I doubt much of EQ really wanted or expected CnG to stay neutral or join them.

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C&G have ... what?  Like 26 alliances on them?  When was the last time any one of you had 26 alliances just on you?  Considering what they are facing they're doing a great job.  And NG and C&G are handling the upper tier in that fight and even made progress in the other tiers too. 
Considering what they are facing, they are doing a great job.  When facing better odds than C&G did Sparta crumbled so fast they had to have MHA help them, which crumbled so fast they needed FARK to come out to play to save them.
Also, Hal, where is your upper tier again?

Actually, in TOP's pre-empt Sparta had to fight at least 10 alliances.

That's likely more or not far off from the CnG front. Certainly a greater disparity in terms of NS on each side.
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Actually, in TOP's pre-empt Sparta had to fight at least 10 alliances.

That's likely more or not far off from the CnG front. Certainly a greater disparity in terms of NS on each side.


The initial DOW on C&G included 22 alliances.  Of those 22, MHA and Sparta were included.  In terms of NS, in terms of amount of nations, and terms of number of alliances this dogpile on C&G is far more than anything XX has faced.

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The initial DOW on C&G included 22 alliances.  Of those 22, MHA and Sparta were included.  In terms of NS, in terms of amount of nations, and terms of number of alliances this dogpile on C&G is far more than anything XX has faced.


Actually, if you want to play that game I could just as easily say that due to the massive amount of TLR/GATO nations in peace mode that isn't an accurate statement, for at least half of CnG anyway.

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"Don't worry CnG. You'll have that tech replaced in no time"


Your concern for CnG is touching. We are perfectly content, and that contention is 100% irrespective of Umbrella. And I will guarantee we will replace a larger chunk , more rapidly, than those we are fighting.

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I'm glad someone remembers.  :wub:

10 alliances vs 26. You can't be serious.


People wonder why the OWF has devolved into taunting and chest-thumping, and here we have a fine example: the opposition has no idea how to formulate an argument, especially one based on facts and stats.

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10 alliances vs 26. You can't be serious.


People wonder why the OWF has devolved into taunting and chest-thumping, and here we have a fine example: the opposition has no idea how to formulate an argument, especially one based on facts and stats.

It was 14 by my recollection, and you are comparing 1 alliance to an entire bloc. I don't want to count how many people hit fark, MHA and RnR.


People wonder why the OWF has devolved into taunting and chest-thumping,
and here we have a fine example: the opposition has no idea how to
formulate an argument, especially one based on facts and stats.

Edited by Enamel32
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You do realize MHA + Sparta comprised probably one current CnG and that the alliances aligned against CnG recruit far more than those who hit XX that war?


Try harder.

Edited by Neo Uruk
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TOP, Umbrella, and MK nations have jumped around to dozens of alliances to hit Ai. If I actually bothered to count them up, I would not be surprised if it was more than 50 AAs. Therefore Ai has fought more alliances than all of you. :rolleyes:


The epeen waving over number of alliances is ridiculous.

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