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Quick Note from MK

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Not to be that guy, but you can vote twice a month for senate.


Thanks for the heads up ;)


My point still stands about a senator representing a team colour, not just an alliance.  That's how I view them anyways.

Edited by TailsK
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Wow, there's a lot to go through here - most of it seemingly irrelevant to the issue at hand.


I think there a few important points to raise (forgive me if they have been raised and I didn't see them):

  • Since when is a senator a representative ONLY of an alliance?  They are not.  They are a representative of a team colour.  If you look at o ya baby's vote count, it exceeds that of the number of members in MK.
  • Another key fact that people seem to be missing is that HoT has previously gone rogue on the alliance that requested the sanction.  When there is no declaration of war and no acknowledgement from RIA government for days, why is it so unreasonable for people to see that a legitimate mistake could have been made?


On the contrary, Legatus approached RIA gov almost immediately, demanding reps, and they told him, basically, to screw off, that I wasn't a rogue.  You know this because you were there holding little Leggy's hand as he learned about diplomacy.  Legatus then ignored what RIA told him and literally lied to oyababy in a request for sanction, and oyababy did zero research or diplomacy and shot off a sanction without warning.


Previous actions have no bearing on the current chain of events, since everything is clear as day.  And, as a note, "rogue" is literally nothing more than a label of how popular or unpopular an individuals actions are, when used in the way you describe my previous crusade.


The blame-the-victim mentality here is starting to get absurd.

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On the contrary, Legatus approached RIA gov almost immediately, demanding reps, and they told him, basically, to screw off, that I wasn't a rogue.  You know this because you were there holding little Leggy's hand as he learned about diplomacy.  Legatus then ignored what RIA told him and literally lied to oyababy in a request for sanction, and oyababy did zero research or diplomacy and shot off a sanction without warning.


Previous actions have no bearing on the current chain of events, since everything is clear as day.  And, as a note, "rogue" is literally nothing more than a label of how popular or unpopular an individuals actions are, when used in the way you describe my previous crusade.


The blame-the-victim mentality here is starting to get absurd.


I'm not blaming the victim.  I honestly don't care.  I'm stating fact.  I went to ask Shadow (specifically) another question.  He wasn't there.  As for holding Legatus' hand, that's not the case.  I'm not privy to any of the discussions he had with RIA or o ya baby.


Unfortunately for you, people are judged on their previous actions.  Peoples' actions are often what define a person.

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On the contrary, Legatus approached RIA gov almost immediately, demanding reps, and they told him, basically, to screw off, that I wasn't a rogue.  You know this because you were there holding little Leggy's hand as he learned about diplomacy.  Legatus then ignored what RIA told him and literally lied to oyababy in a request for sanction, and oyababy did zero research or diplomacy and shot off a sanction without warning.


Previous actions have no bearing on the current chain of events, since everything is clear as day.  And, as a note, "rogue" is literally nothing more than a label of how popular or unpopular an individuals actions are, when used in the way you describe my previous crusade.


The blame-the-victim mentality here is starting to get absurd.


So you admit that his depiction of a logical thought process could have been concluded in Oyababy's mind? Therefor bringing us full circle to the original conclusion that MK was not using sanctions as a war tool and merely doing it as a request. The 'blame-who-we-are-at-war-with' mentality is also getting a bit absurd.

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So you admit that his depiction of a logical thought process could have been concluded in Oyababy's mind? Therefor bringing us full circle to the original conclusion that MK was not using sanctions as a war tool and merely doing it as a request. The 'blame-who-we-are-at-war-with' mentality is also getting a bit absurd.


To say that oyababy didn't jump on what he thought was an opportunity would be a lie.  And it certainly doesn't absolve him from not doing research.


The hilarity is when you flip out at GOD and CoJ for doing the exact same thing you guys did while defending your own actions with the same breath.  It truly is a matter of who and not what to you guys.  Not that this is news.

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To say that oyababy didn't jump on what he thought was an opportunity would be a lie.  And it certainly doesn't absolve him from not doing research.


The hilarity is when you flip out at GOD and CoJ for doing the exact same thing you guys did while defending your own actions with the same breath.  It truly is a matter of who and not what to you guys.  Not that this is news.


The hilarity is that you assume everyone on a coalition is one entity,

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There isn't really a difference between MK and Umbrella in my view.  To me, scum is scum, and I'm just happy to see the lot of you getting wiped out.


Once again failing to differentiate individuals from a larger body. Much like your inability to remove yourself from an event to make an objective opinion. 

Edited by Tick1
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I was not discussing what MK should do.  The Kingdom is doing precisely what it should be doing in respecting the desires of its allies, which is what I assume prompted this thread.  You're dim if you think fear of sanctions is the sole cause.


I had a lengthy post written up here explaining why you're wrong, but I want you to be wrong and I want you to act on it.  Please, please make my day.  And 1337's day.  And the day of every Shroomer who desires a phase of combat they, and every intelligent mind, knows they'd win.  They won't start it, but they'll damn sure enjoy it.




I think you've done enough to here to demonstrate why the war was not just needed, but why it should be taken to its logical conclusion.

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Clearly this is why MK went into panic mode, because this is a phase they would win and they are refraining from it out of the pure goodness of their hearts just to protect us little folk.  This is clearly what is happening and is totally in like with typical MK behavior.

If IC is anything like me, minus some swagger, it's because one or more of his allies asked him to do it and him, being capable of swallowing his pride, complied with their wishes.  That is why this thread exists.

Yeah...Kool-aid.I think you've done enough to here to demonstrate why the war was not just needed, but why it should be taken to its logical conclusion.

If your goal is humility, you have already failed. I will expect your surrender upon the morrow.
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I have a question for you, HoT...


Did you at any point approach MK, o ya baby or even your own gov to ask the issue be resolved, before posting on the OWF?


I mentioned it to my gov first, I think.  Did I approach MK?  No.  The response in my thread is exactly what I would have got - mockery.  And besides, the sanction already took place, it's not like anyone has the power to go back in time and prevent it from happening.

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I mentioned it to my gov first, I think.  Did I approach MK?  No.  The response in my thread is exactly what I would have got - mockery.  And besides, the sanction already took place, it's not like anyone has the power to go back in time and prevent it from happening.


You "think" you approached your gov first?  You're not even sure?  If you did, what did your gov do?  You're saying MK / o ya baby made a mistake.  They've admitted it (hence this thread).  But at the same time, it doesn't sound like you made any significant diplomatic effort to point out that they made an error.

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I mentioned it to my gov first, I think.  Did I approach MK?  No.  The response in my thread is exactly what I would have got - mockery.  And besides, the sanction already took place, it's not like anyone has the power to go back in time and prevent it from happening.

I'll refer you to here, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/115750-quick-note-from-mk/?p=3107287

The OWF is a hostile environment and you are less likely to be taken seriously if you don't approach government members first. Out of all your time here it's obvious you haven't had much experience talking with people outside of the OWFs. Maybe it's your persona, but last I checked our reputation is why we are at war. Maybe you should work on changing your reputation as well?
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You "think" you approached your gov first?  You're not even sure?  If you did, what did your gov do?  You're saying MK / o ya baby made a mistake.  They've admitted it (hence this thread).  But at the same time, it doesn't sound like you made any significant diplomatic effort to point out that they made an error.


MK threw diplomacy out the window the second oyababy hit the sanction button.  I and RIA were under no obligation to attempt diplomacy with an entity that has a proven track record of mocking diplomatic outreach.  Except in cases where it suddenly becomes advantageous to tuck away all the goons and wheel out people who can spin words and try to claim the moral high ground.


My gov was mostly upset because most of them shared a trade circle with me.  They also sent me logs of Leggy trying to demand reps, and we all had a good laugh over it.

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I'll refer you to here, http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/115750-quick-note-from-mk/?p=3107287

The OWF is a hostile environment and you are less likely to be taken seriously if you don't approach government members first. Out of all your time here it's obvious you haven't had much experience talking with people outside of the OWFs. Maybe it's your persona, but last I checked our reputation is why we are at war. Maybe you should work on changing your reputation as well?


Oh yes clearly I am in the wrong here and MK is faultless.  I'm so sorry, I should have bent over backwards in ways that MK most certainly would not have had our roles been reversed.

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MK threw diplomacy out the window the second oyababy hit the sanction button.  I and RIA were under no obligation to attempt diplomacy with an entity that has a proven track record of mocking diplomatic outreach.  Except in cases where it suddenly becomes advantageous to tuck away all the goons and wheel out people who can spin words and try to claim the moral high ground.
My gov was mostly upset because most of them shared a trade circle with me.  They also sent me logs of Leggy trying to demand reps, and we all had a good laugh over it.

Clearly diplomacy wasn't out the window since instead of even posting the thread you'd have instead just sanctioned MK members. If there was nothing to be discussed you don't throw a hissy fit.

Edited by Tick1
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Oh yes clearly I am in the wrong here and MK is faultless.  I'm so sorry, I should have bent over backwards in ways that MK most certainly would not have had our roles been reversed.


Well, when you are a social pariah (and know this) you perhaps should consider how your lack of proper protocol will be received when you call another alliance out for their lack of protocol.


Responding at "their level" just makes you look like a fool.

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Previous actions have no bearing on the current chain of events, since everything is clear as day.


MK threw diplomacy out the window the second oyababy hit the sanction button.  I and RIA were under no obligation to attempt diplomacy with an entity that has a proven track record of mocking diplomatic outreach.


So you're saying that your previous actions have no bearing on the current chain of events, but when it comes to dealing with MK diplomatically, theirs do?

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Oh yes clearly I am in the wrong here and MK is faultless.  I'm so sorry, I should have bent over backwards in ways that MK most certainly would not have had our roles been reversed.

Where did I say you were wrong? You are claiming that there was no chance of diplomatic relationships being achieved based on the responses you received in your original thread. I can promise you that any alliance is more willing to work with you if you approach them privately rather than preceding quickly to the OWFs. Edited by Tick1
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When you drink the TOP Kool-aid, you just grab the pitcher and chug, don't you?   <_<


FYI: MK has stated it wants NO part in a sanction war because it knows while it might benefit your side of the war on a few colors, it would be devastating to them on others and would be of no benefit to them.  But if you want to continue to insist you can win a thermonuclear war Mr. Strangelove, please keep talking.

The biggest reason I wouldn't want to see a sanction war is not that I think our side would come out worse for it.  There are effective countermeasures to get around it that I think our side would pull off better than the other side.  Such measures are just a PITA to organize and implement.


(OOC: they don't make the game more fun at all and are just an annoyance.)

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I'd like to advise anyone who wishes to retain their sanity to no longer quote HoT or reply. It tickles his fancy when people reply and keep him stuck in his delusions of grandeur. How this made it to 20 pages shows me how fast the quality of posting has dropped in six years. 


Help him heal. Don't reply. 


Community Service Announcement: Symptoms and Treatment: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-delusions-of-grandeur.htm

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I'd like to advise anyone who wishes to retain their sanity to no longer quote HoT or reply. It tickles his fancy when people reply and keep him stuck in his delusions of grandeur. How this made it to 20 pages shows me how fast the quality of posting has dropped in six years. 


Help him heal. Don't reply. 


Community Service Announcement: Symptoms and Treatment: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-delusions-of-grandeur.htm


very classy.

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