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Doombird Sees All


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Very Beslanesqe.


If the teacher knew what sort of Alliance they were he would pull the plug on the project.


A demonstration that nothing is off limits to save an MK skin. Throwing people under trucks since July 28th 2007.


What a brave new world you and your side are creating.

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Very Beslanesqe.


If the teacher knew what sort of Alliance they were he would pull the plug on the project.


A demonstration that nothing is off limits to save an MK skin. Throwing people under trucks since July 28th 2007.


Please tell me you aren't this stupid to believe that MK members literally want to kill children.  


The stupidity of some of you really knows no bounds.  

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Please tell me you aren't this stupid to believe that MK members literally want to kill children.  


The stupidity of some of you really knows no bounds.  


Bobsanders, Is that you?


What a brave new world you and your side are creating.


AndrewHG is a horrible person.


You just compared changing alliance affiliation in an internet nation game to the actual deaths of hundreds of actual children. I don't think you get to make moral judgments any more.


Sigh... I guess, we're just evil. Your just the victim. This seems familiar.

Edited by Rotavele
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Bobsanders, Is that you?
AndrewHG is a horrible person.
Sigh... I guess, we're just evil. Your just the victim. This seems familiar.

It comes to something when even elevator can't think of a full throated defense of AndrewHG's histrionic silliness.
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The fact that AndrewHG's comparation of the lastest MK strategy with Beslan may or may not be going too far, doesn't change the fact that said strategy of ghosting the Newcomerstown AA is quite... contemptible, to say the least.

Edited by Krashnaia
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AndrewHG is a horrible person.



Sigh... I guess, we're just evil. Your just the victim. This seems familiar.


Rotavele, you should probably bear in mind that this is an OOC forum. Judging from your terrible choice for the subject of a propaganda piece last night in another thread (now deleted, thankfully) and AndrewHG's wildly inappropriate comment, I'd posit that this sort of thing has its roots in thoughtlessness and ignorance, rather than evil (although there are evils attached to behaving thoughtlessly or saying ignorant things of course). Seriously, it is most likely that we are all fairly regular people here, I don't expect that we have any truly horrible/evil psychos participating in the game in an OOC sense.

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The fact that AndrewHG's comparation of the lastest MK strategy with Beslan may or may not be going too far, doesn't change the fact that said strategy of ghosting the Newcomerstown AA is quite... contemptible, to say the least.


I'd like to hear you explain how it may not be going too far.  

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Rotavele, you should probably bear in mind that this is an OOC forum. Judging from your terrible choice for the subject of a propaganda piece last night in another thread (now deleted, thankfully) and AndrewHG's wildly inappropriate comment, I'd posit that this sort of thing has its roots in thoughtlessness and ignorance, rather than evil (although there are evils attached to behaving thoughtlessly or saying ignorant things of course). Seriously, it is most likely that we are all fairly regular people here, I don't expect that we have any truly horrible/evil psychos participating in the game in an OOC sense.


Which in no way excuses some of the senseless behavior that goes on around here.

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Please tell me you aren't this stupid to believe that MK members literally want to kill children.  


The stupidity of some of you really knows no bounds.  


I think that if you are trying to defend MK from anything OOC you have your work cut out for you...and they have only themselves to blame.

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It's got nothing to do with real or faux moral outrage, or whatever else you're claiming it be. I think it's quite reasonable to criticise what I consider to be a rather inappropriate analogy on (what is purported by its operators to be) a family friendly forum. Nothing more, nothing less.


e: spelling

Edited by Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz
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Rotavele, you should probably bear in mind that this is an OOC forum. Judging from your terrible choice for the subject of a propaganda piece last night in another thread (now deleted, thankfully) and AndrewHG's wildly inappropriate comment, I'd posit that this sort of thing has its roots in thoughtlessness and ignorance, rather than evil (although there are evils attached to behaving thoughtlessly or saying ignorant things of course). Seriously, it is most likely that we are all fairly regular people here, I don't expect that we have any truly horrible/evil psychos participating in the game in an OOC sense.


You raise an interesting point, because the vast majority of what goes on around here is the sort of thoughtless cruelty that happens whenever someone can hide behind a screen name and thinks that no one will have the skills/guts/means to ever track them down and confront them IRL face-to-face.  Besides, their thought process goes, "it's just a game, so what?"


I guess i'm used to a certain level of decorum in my gaming and we'd all be better off if we weren't quite so horrible to each other OOC.  It's a simple thing, but clearly it eludes some people's ability to grasp. 

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Doombird r cee u all.

There is no eskapee.


Was using this for war purposes and general interested, but I figured it would be more productive to allow the public to use as well.


It also being released to please our puppetmasters. Thank you, and have nice day.



Mushroom Kingdom Nation Tracker

Umbrella Nation Tracker


Last Updated on March 4, 2013

Please tell me your side isn't only [i]now[/i] coming up with something like this.

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Very Beslanesqe.


If the teacher knew what sort of Alliance they were he would pull the plug on the project.


A demonstration that nothing is off limits to save an MK skin. Throwing people under trucks since July 28th 2007.

This is one of the dumbest comparisons to ever grace this forum.

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The fact that AndrewHG's comparation of the lastest MK strategy with Beslan may or may not be going too far, doesn't change the fact that said strategy of ghosting the Newcomerstown AA is quite... contemptible, to say the least.

Wow, considering the usual skew to your positions, this is a damning indictment of AndrewHG. Well done for voicing your opinions so strongly.
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touched a nerve? I wonder which alliance started the ridiculous jihadi terrorist meme in the first place?

They should put the kiddy faux horror back in the box. Perhaps they want to follow through and continue to justify their position threatening to strike endless terror around bob rather than taking it the way they gave out the last few years?


Hiding amongst school kids is frankly the lowest thing I have seen yet from an alliance. They deserve karmic payback plus some for this offense.

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Can someone please explain to me what's so horrible about changing AAs to the one of a school? Nothing will happen to anyone on that AA just because we have some people sitting there.


Also the 'ridiculous jihadi terrorist meme' as you call it, is a rp thing. The comparison you're making is something completely different.

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touched a nerve?


There's something endlessly and unutterably dull about this sort of response. Someone says something that has its acceptability questioned by others, and somehow the very act of mentioning this acceptability is taken as tacit admission that the commenter had a point.  You didn't tuch a nerve, you just made yourself look ridiculous.


You compared ghosting an AA to murdering children, what were you saying about "faux horror"?

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Alright seeing as it is ooc.


Consciously hiding amongst school kid nations on a legit exercise in order to test whether the opposition has the will to muck-up said project in order to lever them off the AA... It's nihilistic.


ArneS tell me what your members expected to achieve by moving onto that AA. To a lot of us it simply demonstrates a "couldn't give a toss about the game & new people playing" attitude that irritates people so much.


Is it a test to see how outrageous your members can get? Or simply to see whether we wade in knocking these kids nations aside to get at hiding MKrs?


ic Jihadist language? I'll take that one on the chin though regardless how distasteful I find it in the current climate.

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There's something endlessly and unutterably dull about this sort of response. Someone says something that has its acceptability questioned by others, and somehow the very act of mentioning this acceptability is taken as tacit admission that the commenter had a point.  You didn't tuch a nerve, you just made yourself look ridiculous.


You compared ghosting an AA to murdering children, what were you saying about "faux horror"?


That one is simple. Don't respond, go make a cup of tea and move to another thread.


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Is it a test to see how outrageous your members can get? Or simply to see whether we wade in knocking these kids nations aside to get at hiding MKrs?

Why would you need to knock anyone's nations aside? You are aware that game mechanics don't have anything to say regarding a nation's position in relation to any other nation, right? 
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