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Announcement from the Mushroom Kommune

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It is no where close to what Karma was dressed up to be. I recall how your eyes were sparkling at the sight of that moral crusade. I'm not sure why are you amazed, you switched sides to save your pixels on the eve of war. Conveniently dressed it up as some moral crusade against NPO. Forgot the optional stuff you orchestrated yourself and somehow thought people wont remember past WN's era, how convenient of you, yet you are amazed. Ofc I'm talking in context of when you were somewhere else. You ask for objective discourse but the problem is you know that cannot happen when you are not objective yourself. You have been here long enough to know that, if you're still all 'wonders will never cease', then I'm not sure what to tell you.


Its really amusing how you line up and fall over yourselves to criticize someone who says something along moral crusade lines yet you were all lined up and falling over yourselves to buy into Karma, which in itself was branded as a moral crusade. Atleast, a few people like Rush gets it. 


I readily agree I was fooled by Karma, I readily accept that Karma was ultimately a crock of shit...enough for me to criticize the actions of those I am now fighting alongside at times since Karma. Unlike yourself (with the greatest of respect Shah) Karma was a signal to someone like me who had felt the jackboot more than once of long overdue liberation. I am being objective inasmuch that I am not willing to buy into the current BS being peddled that MK and co are somehow the worst thing to happen to the game.


Lets be honest here the current war is nothing more than an attempt of one side to usurp through force of arms the exisitng order, constantly whining about some of their (MK) members spouting off to justify dressing up your sides war effort as a crusade of liberation is way off the mark. I am not claiming our sides moral superiority, this war is us against them...nothing more, nothing less. There are no clean hands in CN.


Are you implying that ODN's previous rep of being unreliable is something that can be traced back solely to myself? I am flattered by your allocation of so much power and influence to me but I can assure you I have never carried that much influence, certainly not enough to shift an entire alliance in a certain direction. I was however very much part of a faction in those days that consistently sought to direct ODN into a certain direction (given that I had previously experienced the injustice of the ICP reformation and GATO-1V war can you really blame me for wanting ODN, whom I was a member of at the time, to change direction?), perhaps your mistaking my vocal defence of ODN in those days on these forums as being tantamount to having immense political power in its own right.

Edited by Cataduanes
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I'm curios as to what you mean by "Karma traitors".


I have to agree that the declaration issued by the Kommune is indeed, incorrect, as the GDA have never even sided with the revolution, thus they never technically even had the chance to betray it.


Nevertheless, they are opposed to it, and thus have to perish. Our struggle for a better tomorrow takes its sacrifices, and GDA has willingly chosen the wrong side of history.

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This little quote highlights the elitism of the self proclaimed vanguard of the revolution and proves their opportunistic nature. I am sure that the people will not be deceived.

Socialism does not require the relinquishment of all standards. Every worker has great potential and the capacity for self-improvement. However, the ruling classes are often successful in obfuscating this fact. If the SF proletariat choose to wallow in the intellectual filth propagated by their masters then we have no problem with putting down these traitors to the cause.

4 legs bad 2 legs good eh comrade?

If 4 legs is bad posting then yes.
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The only thing that haunts any of us is how terribly prepared they were to jump into the ruckus weeks after it began. 

And yet... STILL they shall prevail, for they seek the path of righteousness.  

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Funny how similar your definition of righteousness is to that of damnation and hell.

They face but a very short stay in purgatory. This is necessary due to making contact with your foul fungal armies of weakness and evil.

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