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An Imperial Decree


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[quote name='Haraldson' timestamp='1356194151' post='3066994']
Sir, I celebrate every victory in the battlefield. Every Nation that I declared upon was older than mine, and higher rated than yours truly in terms of strength, but I am consistently outscoring my opponents. Granted, I don't win every battle. The score-card tells the story. One of yours mounts a gallant but futile resistance and counter-attacks, one goes turtle,and the other one anarchised while I was still, to the best of my knowledge, the only one to declare WAR upon him or her. Does that define 'adequate performance' in Kaskus?

I do not know what you consider adequate performance, but other than sending nukes, I don't see much in the way of competent execution of attacks from Kaskus in my neck of the woods.

With the exception of the one opponent that you can surely identify and commend for gallantry ( she FIGHTS! ) , tis a pretty lacklustre showing.

But do not presume to hold others to the dismally incompetent standards that are prevailing amongst my Kaskus counterparts.

As for my team-mates in the 15K-5K strength section of NSO. I am proud that we pull together, learn to report competently, respond to opportunities,and actively help each other out against sticky wickets.

[b]The failings of my Kaskus counterparts are in the final analysis not their own failings - for how could they know better? - but the failings of those who were responsible for teaching them. [/b]

Yes,sir, I am talking about you, and Hiro, and Smurf - [i]the people who should have trained them to perform better.[/i]

I am happy for you.

Believe me, I was merely trying to help you from making the same mistake others made in the past when fighting us. But I guess, you will be alright, seeing that you seem to not completely blank.

Merry Christmas. :)

Edited by suryanto tan
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[quote name='Haraldson' timestamp='1356194151' post='3066994']
Sir, I celebrate every victory in the battlefield. Every Nation that I declared upon was older than mine, and higher rated than yours truly in terms of strength, but I am consistently outscoring my opponents. Granted, I don't win every battle. The score-card tells the story. One of yours mounts a gallant but futile resistance and counter-attacks, one goes turtle,and the other one anarchised while I was still, to the best of my knowledge, the only one to declare WAR upon him or her. Does that define 'adequate performance' in Kaskus?

I do not know what you consider adequate performance, but other than sending nukes, I don't see much in the way of competent execution of attacks from Kaskus in my neck of the woods.

With the exception of the one opponent that you can surely identify and commend for gallantry ( she FIGHTS! ) , tis a pretty lacklustre showing.

But do not presume to hold others to the dismally incompetent standards that are prevailing amongst my Kaskus counterparts.

As for my team-mates in the 15K-5K strength section of NSO. I am proud that we pull together, learn to report competently, respond to opportunities,and actively help each other out against sticky wickets.

[b]The failings of my Kaskus counterparts are in the final analysis not their own failings - for how could they know better? - but the failings of those who were responsible for teaching them. [/b]

Yes,sir, I am talking about you, and Hiro, and Smurf - [i]the people who should have trained them to perform better.[/i]

HAHAHAHA this guy is awesome, you should post more.

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[quote name='Haraldson' timestamp='1356194151' post='3066994']

Yeah, you should probably wind your neck in. No-one likes people gloating especially when they're tiny & irrelevant in the larger scheme of things. When nations fully geared up to fight with all military wonders drop down to your level you'll get tore a new arsehole & probably wouldn't appreciate them bragging about their so called fighting ability here.

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[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356195839' post='3067001']
Haraldson, your mouth is bigger than your NS

I cant help my self to check up on your nation, you have a big mouth for 7k NS nation

Do you plan to come down to NS 9310? Seems to be a big big fall from where you are. But if you do, we can go mano a mano.

Suryanto Tan said
[quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Believe me, I was merely trying to help you from making the same mistake others made in the past when fighting us. But I guess, you will be alright, seeing that you seem to not completely blank.[/quote][/font][/color]

It's true that what a Nation can do is limited by its size. Can't touch what is beyond your reach. Combats are pretty much like-for-like.
I am viewing this War as a learning opportunity, and intend to profit from the experience.

Merry Christmas!

Edited by Haraldson
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[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356195399' post='3066999']
[b] #Headline news
javapirate is reporting here ..

NSO : from 4,153,789 NS to 3,810,040 NS
KASKUS : from 1,422,843 NS to 1,290,651 NS
NSO : 61 Nations anarchy
Kaskus : 25 Nations anarchy
and 71 of 129 wars declared by KASKUS

goodluck guys[/b]

How much of that Kaskus NS comes from that nearly 200k in members that joined you? (as opposed to only 20k that has joined us)

How much of that NS loss comes from one of our ghosts (Death Drain) surrendering?

cancel those out, and the losses are practically even. Thank you for ghost-busting for us though, we were going to get around to that.

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[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356195399' post='3066999']
[b] #Headline news
javapirate is reporting here ..

NSO : from 4,153,789 NS to 3,810,040 NS
KASKUS : from 1,422,843 NS to 1,290,651 NS
NSO : 61 Nations anarchy
Kaskus : 25 Nations anarchy
and 71 of 129 wars declared by KASKUS

goodluck guys[/b]

Smaller alliances do disproportionate damage before nukes run out, just like rogues :P

That trend is going to reverse hard in another week or so.

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[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356198202' post='3067010']
i know :) you think yo're safe :P
[/quote][quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356198202' post='3067010']
i know :) you think yo're safe :P

If it means so much to you we could meet in a Game that started in 2004 and has about 1.7 million members by now and I have this 1337 ID number, mkay?

Of course, I would defeat you at once if you joined and we met. Yes - so what would that mean?
Nothing,nada, niente, bupkas.
If I tried to brag about glorious victory in one fell swoop over a newbie whose stats I outmuscled by a factor of 40 Million or so, I'd become a public joke - and rightly so.

No doubt you and I shall meet at some point, somewhere, some game or other.
So what? You still know when you are punching below or above your level.
The level itself is quite immaterial.

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1356191881' post='3066982']
I honestly think it is too early for NSO to start the celebration. Perhaps you guys newer to the game should consult your experienced player to learn more.
The reality may not be as beauty as your fantasy. But if that keeps you happy, do not let the truth stand in the way.

It will hurt your feeling really bad when you have such high expectancy for your own potential, only to find out that you actually is impotent (unable to perform adequately).

I wish you all the luck in the world.

Oh Tan, are you suggesting that more NEW, TSI and other alliance nations will be jumping ship to help you fight a war you can't win on your own? Oh that's right you had to do that in the last war. You know before you talk crap you should remember that its such things like that keeping you in the fight ;)

[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1356194339' post='3066995']
I am happy for you.

Believe me, I was merely trying to help you from making the same mistake others made in the past when fighting us. But I guess, you will be alright, seeing that you seem to not completely blank.

Merry Christmas. :)

Is this another "Do something about it" line to tell us that we have to STOP your friends from ghosting your AA to hit us? Good to know ;)

[quote name='Hiro Nakara' timestamp='1356194365' post='3066996']
HAHAHAHA this guy is awesome, you should post more.

And you should stop posting, actually keep posting I gotta keep laughing at you.

[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356195399' post='3066999']
[b] #Headline news
javapirate is reporting here ..

NSO : from 4,153,789 NS to 3,810,040 NS
KASKUS : from 1,422,843 NS to 1,290,651 NS
NSO : 61 Nations anarchy
Kaskus : 25 Nations anarchy
and 71 of 129 wars declared by KASKUS

goodluck guys[/b]

Oh goodie someone who posted stats.

1) We only hit Smurf, you retaliated making it easy to gain such number of delcarations.
2) 200k added NS to your alliance because of "ghosts" as I like to think of them, please tell me where in that is KASKUS doing well when its being kept afloat by ghosts?
3) You've knocked out one of our ghosts which we thank you for and not to mention half our alliance is waiting to declare since all Kaskus slots are full.
4) Half your alliance is in anarchy whereas we have plenty of nations still ready to fight
5) As others have said your warchests aren't top of the line and many of you have wasted over 10 nukes a day trying to hit some of our nations with SDIs. (Hiro you are the best ;) )

Secondly I already posted how the top 5 worst nation growths in the last 7 days are all Kaskus members, yet here you are again talking more crap! Its excellent! I love it, please keep coming back.

[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356195839' post='3067001']
Haraldson, your mouth is bigger than your NS

I cant help my self to check up on your nation, you have a big mouth for 7k NS nation

Oh please stop trying to tell me that smaller nations can't smack talk when they are winning. Just because you find it impossible to argue against him does not mean you should ad hominem to change the subject. Please do better and try harder ;)

[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1356200094' post='3067016']
Smaller alliances do disproportionate damage before nukes run out, just like rogues :P

That trend is going to reverse hard in another week or so.

At the rate they are going they won't have any nukes left by the time 7 days expire XD

Edited by Longshadow
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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1356204691' post='3067035']
Longshadow, I hate to be the one to say this, but you're talking to Kaskus members. There's no point. How's that adage about idiots and experience go again?

While I understand, I find it fun to talk to them :D its always enjoyable watching them try to run in circles chasing their own tails saying the same thing. It makes for great laughs ^.^

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actually :) i enjoy the war ..
i just tell everybody about our war :) if what will happen is something bad for us, let everyone know ..
i just hate to be a big mouth at end ..
i just love haraldson, he just be a big mouth from beginning, but, let's see in the end of war :)

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[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1356204986' post='3067036']
While I understand, I find it fun to talk to them :D its always enjoyable watching them try to run in circles chasing their own tails saying the same thing. It makes for great laughs ^.^

I love the new appearance of these swell NSO posters :D Haraldson is pure gold.

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[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356195399' post='3066999']
[b] #Headline news
javapirate is reporting here ..

NSO : from 4,153,789 NS to 3,810,040 NS
KASKUS : from 1,422,843 NS to 1,290,651 NS
NSO : 61 Nations anarchy
Kaskus : 25 Nations anarchy
and 71 of 129 wars declared by KASKUS

goodluck guys[/b]

Lol, as if that says anything.

NSO: 52.6% nations in anarchy
Kaskus: 67.5% of nations in anarchy

NSO: Lost 8.3% of their NS (according to your numbers)
Kaskus: Lost 9.3% of their NS

not huge differences, but it definitely skews the data the other way.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1356207425' post='3067051']
Lol, as if that says anything.

NSO: 52.6% nations in anarchy
Kaskus: 67.5% of nations in anarchy

NSO: Lost 8.3% of their NS (according to your numbers)
Kaskus: Lost 9.3% of their NS

not huge differences, but it definitely skews the data the other way.

Another person who understands :D

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[quote name='Javapirate' timestamp='1356205426' post='3067037']
actually :) i enjoy the war ..
i just tell everybody about our war :) if what will happen is something bad for us, let everyone know ..
i just hate to be a big mouth at end ..
i just love haraldson, he just be a big mouth from beginning, but, let's see in the end of war :)

The amount of emoticons in this post is disturbing.

It's quite laughable how Kaskus has performed so far. One would think they know how to prepare for war. There's a whole tier of nations, myself being one of them, waiting to climb in the ring once you make that glorious fall below 10K strength. We'll be waiting.

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[quote name='Letterkenny' timestamp='1356208861' post='3067061']
The amount of emoticons in this post is disturbing.

It's quite laughable how Kaskus has performed so far. One would think they know how to prepare for war. There's a whole tier of nations, myself being one of them, waiting to climb in the ring once you make that glorious fall below 10K strength. We'll be waiting.
i'm waitting for it too :)

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[quote name='Longshadow' timestamp='1356203996' post='3067032']
Oh Tan, are you suggesting that more NEW, TSI and other alliance nations will be jumping ship to help you fight a war you can't win on your own? Oh that's right you had to do that in the last war. You know before you talk crap you should remember that its such things like that keeping you in the fight ;)

Is this another "Do something about it" line to tell us that we have to STOP your friends from ghosting your AA to hit us? Good to know ;)

And you should stop posting, actually keep posting I gotta keep laughing at you.

Oh goodie someone who posted stats.

1) We only hit Smurf, you retaliated making it easy to gain such number of delcarations.
2) 200k added NS to your alliance because of "ghosts" as I like to think of them, please tell me where in that is KASKUS doing well when its being kept afloat by ghosts?
3) You've knocked out one of our ghosts which we thank you for and not to mention half our alliance is waiting to declare since all Kaskus slots are full.
4) Half your alliance is in anarchy whereas we have plenty of nations still ready to fight
5) As others have said your warchests aren't top of the line and many of you have wasted over 10 nukes a day trying to hit some of our nations with SDIs. (Hiro you are the best ;) )

Secondly I already posted how the top 5 worst nation growths in the last 7 days are all Kaskus members, yet here you are again talking more crap! Its excellent! I love it, please keep coming back.

Oh please stop trying to tell me that smaller nations can't smack talk when they are winning. Just because you find it impossible to argue against him does not mean you should ad hominem to change the subject. Please do better and try harder ;)


At the rate they are going they won't have any nukes left by the time 7 days expire XD

what's your point bud ? feel beaten ?
i just tell the fact of our war and didn't say if we're do better than yours ..

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1356194339' post='3066995']
I am happy for you.

Believe me, I was merely trying to help you from making the same mistake others made in the past when fighting us. But I guess, you will be alright, seeing that you seem to not completely blank.

Merry Christmas. :)
Sup Tan! Are you trying to open up a Pandora's Box? :P

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