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City in the deep


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"Hey guys, come look at this. It looks like an entrance." The divers were off the coast of Cabo de San Antonio, exploring the discovered sunken city. "I'm going to go take a look." "Careful, we don't know what kind of creatures have made this place home." "Yeah yeah." The diver readied his spear gun has he swam into the entrance. He enters a small room, a light coming from above. Looking up, it appears the water ends slightly above him. What in the hell? That is not possible he thought to himself. "I found something interesting, I'm going to take a closer look." He swam up a short distance and his head came out of the water, his ears popping. "Impossible, its pressurized." He climbed out of the small pool he was in and took a look around. The room he was in was brightly lit, yet he could not see the source of the light. The walls were a smooth, golden color. "Guys, I think we have found something. Get in here." On the outside of the structure the other divers heard broken up words and static. "Come in, the signal is breaking up." They would hear no reply. "Damn, you, get in there and check on him." "Uh, what if he was attacked or something." "Don't be stupid like him then and use that spear gun then." "Uh, right." Inside the first diver examined the room he was in, it was a circular room, the ceiling low just half a foot above his head. On the far side of the room was a door, but it was to dark to see what lay beyond it. He went to grab his flashlight and was startled to hear splashing in the water behind him. He turned around, his spear gun readied. "Oh, its just you. You scared the crap out of me man." The second diver climbed out "What the hell is this place." "Not sure, was about to do a little exploring and hopefully we will find out." The first diver took his flashlight out and walked into the next room, as he was about to turn the flashlight on the room lit up just as brightly has the last room. They looked around, the room was a hallway, on both sides stood a row of coffin looking boxes. They attempted to open them but the lid would not budge. "Alright, you stay here if anyone else comes up. I'm going to go look down that hallway." "Ok, shouldn't I radio the others?" "Go ahead, but the signal is pretty weak." The first diver walked off to the other end of the hallway and through the room, the other man stood by the pool of water trying to radio in to the others. He heard a bang come from inside the hallways, dropping his radio he grabbed his spear gun and walked in. "Hello?" He heard another thump coming from one of the coffin-boxes. He approached it, and gave it a knock. Another thud from inside could be heard. "Is there anyone in there? Hold on I will try and get you out." He dropped his spear gun, taking out a knife he stuck it into the box, attempting to pry the lid off. It took him 10 seconds of prying to realize the thumps had faded away. "Hello are you there?" With no thump to answer his question he turned and found himself looking into the most evil eyes he had ever seen.

The diver entered the room, and like before the room lit up. "That is pretty amazing, as if it knows I am here. Of course that can't be possible but..." He stopped, ahead of him was a large see through sphere. Inside sat a woman looking down at the ground. She raised her head as he entered the room. She was beautiful, long black hair, dark latin skin, light purple eyes. "I, um, mam are you stuck in there?" She stood up, hope in her eyes. "Yes, can you get me out of here, please?" He readied his spear gun preparing to fire it into the sphere. "That won't work. This prison is to strong for that." "Well, what do I do?" "This prison was mean't to keep people in, not out. You walking in should release me. The diver looked at her skeptically, but did it anyways. As he took his first step into the prison there was a blinding light and a second later he was on the inside. The woman on the outside. "Thank you sir for releasing me." "Yeah uh no problem. Let me go get my friends they will get you a suit and we will get out of here." He was about to walk out when he hit the wall. "What in the hell.... I can't get out." She turned to him "Oh, you won't be. You have taken my sentence in that prison for eternity. Now what were you saying about friends?" The diver looked confused at her, then began a weak laugh. "Ok, this joke has gone on long enough. Let me out of here." But she was already walking away, out into the hallways. "Hey! Wait! Don't leave me here." He slammed against the sphere, but no one helped him."

In the hallway 12 men stood waiting for her and on the ground, the shaking man of one of the divers. "Its a pleasure to see you all again. Its been far to long. What 200 years? I can't wait to see the sky again." "What do we do with him?" He pointed down to the man. "I will take care of him, I need a snack. Go take care of the others outside." The 12 men left and she looked down on the man. He looked up at her. "Who are you?" She smiled, but said nothing. Instead she grabbed the man by his suit, easily lifting him. "I will show you what I am."

Outside the last two divers were now outside the complex. "Where the hell are they? They have be gone far to long." Just then the water around them rumbled with a large vibration. "What the hell is that?" "A whale maybe. But I can't see much. Its getting to dark we need to get to the surface, sharks will be in the area soon." "What about them? What if they are stuck or something." "We will go up and alert the coast guard, they will send a team in specialized to do this... what is that over there?" He pointed off into the distance, a pinkish object could be seen quickly approaching. "That thing is huge. A submarine maybe?" "What submarines look like that." "Well what the $%&@ do you think it is?" Just then it sped up, "Wow." It quickly went by them, they turned with their spear guns ready. "Where the hell did it go?" "Uh. its below us." The looked down on a giant Octopus. "Holy !@#$, that thing does not look friendly, lets get out of...." just then one of its arms wrapped around the diver, pulling him down fast. "Holy !@#$." He fired his spear at the creatures arm, it hit its target but did not cause him to let go, but instead tighten its grasp, completely crushing the diver. Another arm came towards the second diver. "!@#$, !@#$, !@#$." He took out his knife and slammed it into the approaching tentacle, causing it to go back. He turned into the hole that was the entrance of the complex. He was almost inside when he felt something wrap around his leg and sharply pull him deeper into the ocean.

On the surface the boat and its driver waited. "What the hell is taking so long." Something hit the bottom of the boat, causing it to rock back and forth violently. "What in the hell was that." He looked over the railing for signs of the divers. Instead he found a tentacle come shooting out of the water, then a second and a third, all wrapping themselves around the boat. He ran to his radio, but he would not make it in time. The boat made a large snapping noise then broke apart, and was pulled under. After the attack there was no sign that a diving team had ever been in the area.

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The witch and her 12 followers climbed out of the ocean. "Damned sharks, one of them almost bit my leg off you know." She walked forward, watching the stars. "It has been so long since I have seen the sky, felt the breeze. Its so freeing." Her face softened slightly, but she regained herself. "There is much to do. I am not yet free. My powers are still out of my grasp. We must locate my sealer. He can tell me where my power is." Her followers laughed. "It has been many years, you believe he is still alive?" "He is, I can feel it. He is on the other side of this island." "It has been a long time, this world must of changed much since the last time we walked upon it." "You are right. We should remain silent for now, learn what we can of this new world. We can't draw to much attention to ourselves, from the mortals or those like us who now walk this earth. Speaking of which, you can come out of hiding." A man landed before them. He was tall and black, a scar running up his face then hidden by his hair. The witches followers readied themselves to fight. "I come to deliver a message, I am not your enemy." "Very well, deliver your message." "Return to your prison in the sea, or come with me. There is no longer any room on this earth for people like you. Those few of us who have not left to find a new home hide among the mortals, concealing their powers." She laughed in his face. "You can tell your masters that I will not be frightened from them. Tell them that after I take this world, I will be coming for them." The man looked down in disappointment. "That is unwise of you, lets hope you do not choose to regret it." With that he disappeared. "Weren't you the one who was saying to stay on the down low? They will be hunting us now." "They can not locate us, not without my powers. They only found us now because they sensed the prison releasing me. Lets go." The group took off into the Cuba.

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"There, a building. We can rest for the night in there." The group were miles from any kind of civilization, other then an abandoned farm building. They walked through the doorless entrance and found a nice large room to rest in. "I'm going to go take a look around." The leader of the witches followers, a 6ft muscular Latin man with short thick black hair named Denzel walked out into the next room. "Yeah this place looks like it is ready to fall apart. I don't want to spend any more time then we..." He was cutoff, peering out the window at two pickup trucks approaching the building. He was curious as to what they were but knew that it couldn't be anything good. "Something is coming our way, fast!" He ram out to the others who looked confused. "I have no clue what they are but they will be here soon." The sound of the trucks stopping outside the building and the men inside getting out filled the silence. It was a group of 5 men, all looking rather poor and dirty, and all carrying machetes. The uncovered a tarp over the back of one of the trucks and began pulling boxes out. "Lets get this stuff set up and ready for transport, they will be here soon." The group were transporters for a local small time drug dealing operation. Inside the group had decided to hide out in the basement of the building, but that was where the boxes were being carried to. The group froze when they heard the door open and steps coming down. The first man turned on a flashlight and found himself looking at the group. He hesitated, not sure what to say, but then he grabbed his machete and pulled it up. The witch and her followers sprung to action, they were all good fighters and easily took on the group who had no clue how to use their weapons. In less then a minute the drug dealers were on their knees, bloody from the fight. The witch eyed them, picking one out to her followers they grabbed him and carried him out of the house. She turned to the others. "Kill them." Then she climbed up the stairs, ignoring the pleads by the men for their lives. "We will take him with us, he could prove useful." The group decided to move on, instead of taking their chances with anyone else who may show up.

The group stopped on the outskirts of Havana, in El Hueco. They walked through town, amazed at how much the world has changed since they last saw it. But they knew they were drawing attention to themselves. Hiding out in an alley they discussed their next plan. "We need to blend in, and these clothes obviously are not common here." "We don't have any money, unless you propose we steal what we need?" "We wouldn't even know where to look." Conveniently, a hooded man came walking by. The group surrounded him, and he looked around in panic. Putting his hand into his pocket and quickly pulling out a switch blade he lashed out at one of his attackers, but was quickly overpowered and held down. The witch looked down at him. "Where can I find some of the local currency?" The man looked at her "The wha?" "Money you fool. Where can I find some money?" "You can try to Bank of Cuba, just a few blocks up that way." "Thank you. Release him, lets go" The group set out to the bank leaving the man sitting on the ground wondering who these fools were, but not shaking the feeling that he somehow knew this woman.

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"we have a situation." Alex, leader of the black wasps sat at his desk. An agent before him. "This is footage from a bank in El Hueco. I think you may find it interesting." "what ever it is, cant the police handle it? We don't do bank robberies." "Please just watch." The footage started with the robbery. "The woman called herself Andreala. The others did not give a name." Andreala began shouting at the clerk, but the tape had no audio. The commotion attracted the attention of the guard who tried to force the woman out. She did not comply, instead picked the guard up with one hand and threw him through a wall. Alex sat up "It's not over yet." the agent told him, his eyes fixed on the screen as if he didn't believe it. The clerk began handing over cash and has the group prepared to leave a man walked in, blocking them off. They appeared to be arguing before one of the group charged him. The man raised his arms, flames coming out before the video ended. "The camera was found melted, and eyewitness reports and the guards broken body seems to confirm this. Not your regular bank robbery eh?"

"$%&@!" One of Andreals followers sat back against a wall, his face and arm badly burned. "I remember when we would face armies of conquistadors and come out scratch less. What's happened? One louzy flamer and were lucky to escape." The witch said nothing, instead sat planning their next move. Denzel approached her "Well if your going to sit meditating all night I'm going to go get some sleep."

Denzel stood on the middle of the ocean. Below him his home, submerged in water. A great civilization , magnificent pyramids, a strong infrastructure, a thriving city. Until the spanish caused it to submerge, taking his home, his loved ones, his friends and family away. A voice boomed through the empty space around him. "Everything you think you know is a lie." "Who is this?!" Denzel shouted into the emptiness. "Your mind has been clouded by the very person who destroyed your home." "Who?" "The answer is before you, it is up to you to see past the fog. Your time approaches, how this ends is in your hands, I have faith in your abilities." "Why me? Who are you?" "Your father." Denzel awoke in a cold sweet. "That was a weird ass dream." He laid back again.

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The group turned a corner in Santiago de Cuba. "Your time approaches." Those words kept ringing through Denzel's head. Andreala turned to him, watching him suspiciously. "What is wrong with you?" "Nothing, didn't sleep well I guess." " Well get over it. Our target is in this city."

"We have to find him before she does. Move out." The black man lifted his hand and a group of men in blue armor dispersed into the city, hoping along the buildings.

Around the city police were on the watch for the group after getting several eye witness reports of the group came in.

The sealer, a young man working as an officer sat back in his cruiser, unaware of the forces quickly closing in on him. He turned to his partner "You getting a funny feeling?" His partner turned to him. "Yeah, I think that doughnut was well past it's expiration date."

Andreala could sense the coming fight, it was going to be a bloody one. "I hope you guys are ready for a fight, because we have one coming our way." The group readied their swords. "There, the sealer." She pointed at the cruiser before sprinting forward, reading to fight.

"Is she running towards us?" The officers watched has she rushed forward, stopping just before the cruiser she lifted her fist and slammed into the hood of the cruiser, crushing the front of the cruiser. "Holy !@#$!" His partner climbed out of the cruiser, his pistol pointing at her while the sealer called for backup. Ontop of a building one of the blue knIghts watched the events unfold. Raising his long sword the sunlight glared off of it, informing the others the target has been located. Dropping off the building and onto the hood of the car the force of his fall causing Andreala to go flying back. The officer fired a round off at the knight and watched it bounce off the armor. The witches followers finally caught up. "!@#$, it's a knight." The group readied their swords and prepared to fight the knight. The knight stood staring at Andreala " You have breathed your last breathe witch, you should of stayed in your prison." the knight lifted his blade, preparing to swing, the cop who had fired off his gun stood inbetween the knight and Andreala, his pistol raised. "Sir, drop the sword. You are under arrest." The knight brought down his blade on the officer, cutting him in half in one easy swoop. The officer sat back frightened and unsure what to do. In the distance sirens could be heard approaching the scene. The knight turned his attention to the witch again but now Denzel was upon him, swinging his gladius at the knight who now turned his attention towards the witches followers. Ontop of a building watched an older man in the same blue armor, his eyes fixed on Denzel.

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