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Hellas DOW against Umbrellans

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[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1344000650' post='3018109']
Glad you admit that your Alliance lacks values, principles, ideas, humour and ... morality! :P

At least you may open your Umbrellas to protect yourselves ... not from nukes but from spitting.
It's much more fun being immoral baby eaters I'm afraid.

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[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1343968111' post='3018037']
White Majik, I thought you had a bit of humour :lol1:

It seems you do not have - your Alliance - morality but also you lack the humour. :P

I really need to start using sarcasm tags for every post I make....

Everyone knows I have no morals, well except for the people that know I have morals.

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[quote name='Itsuki Koizumi' timestamp='1343999251' post='3018107']
Please don't tell me you're actually dumb enough to think we care at all about morality.
Yeah, someone would have to be dumb to think people of your caliber have any morals.

I'm amazed that people are now labeling others as stupid for thinking they are anything better than scum.

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[quote name='Starfox101' timestamp='1344031235' post='3018229']
I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim! I'm a victim!

We know, Starfox. We know.

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[quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1344032756' post='3018232']
We know, Starfox. We know.
You are the guy claiming someone else is up for Worst Poster ever?

All you did was edit my response, and then make a stupid comment. I've never been victimized by your crew, I'm just sticking up for others you are bullying.

Way to dodge a comment though.

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[quote name='kwell' timestamp='1344002184' post='3018115']
Honestly, does it feel good to get all this attention. Alex? Is that what you REALLY want?

To: Kwell From: Alexandros o Megas Date: 8/3/2012 8:59:49 AM

Subject: Attention etc
Message: What I really want is to leave me and my new Alliance in peace.
As of tomorrow I am starting my summer holidays.
I have not attacked your Alliance but I have been declared 15 times by your nations and I am simply defending myself and my nation in game and in OWF.
What you would do in my case?
Surrender? No way ...
So what I want? Respect and at least White Peace ... Is it illogical?

Hellas has every right to exist and grow and some people deny this right to us showing only hate and more hate!


Because we were honest towards our previous alliance and it happened to be rich in tech, so considered as a threat.

But when the threat was over, what the did?

They continued to deny us the right to exist.


Because we do not surrender.

Because we do not keep silent accepting their torture till they get bored.

Because we do not want to see our nation receiving damage without reacting.

We simply "defend, with faith and devotion the Flags. Never shall we abandon them, nor ever separate from them in War".

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[quote name='Itsuki Koizumi' timestamp='1344057575' post='3018365']
Forgive me if I'm mistaken, but have you actually talked to domisi since Sparta peaced out?

I assume you have forgotten the peace terms you and Kryon have sent to me, proposing in a very rude wording (Kryon) Hellas surrendering and payment (!!!) of 50 tech for every cruise missile you have received during the war.

Hellas will accept White Peace but no surrender or any humiliating term.

What else to talk with domisi?

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Considering you CMed us and then offered peace, we had absolutely no reason to accept peace because

1. You hit us and peaced so that if we did accept we can hit you in retaliation that day.

2. We have orders to keep hitting you and cannot accept individual peace offers.

3. It's a !@#$@#$ joke. If you even sent tech we cannot accept the peace offer.

Talk to domisi and gov, they are the only people who can grant you peace, not me or Chill.

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[quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1344152216' post='3018768']
Payable to JoshuaR of Chana.

(Honestly, just surrender, and you'll get white peace aka no terms.)
something something something never surrender something something something

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Alex, I like ya man, but pretty sure that if you surrender, that will mean peace. Admitting defeat after a hard-fought war is really not that bad. You lost. That is plainly obvious. Accept it and move on to grow you alliance. Otherwise, it will just mean losing more infra. Pride is one thing, stupidity is another.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1344222738' post='3019003']
Alex, I like ya man, but pretty sure that if you surrender, that will mean peace. Admitting defeat after a hard-fought war is really not that bad. You lost. That is plainly obvious. Accept it and move on to grow you alliance. Otherwise, it will just mean losing more infra. Pride is one thing, stupidity is another.

Actually he's only losing Tech. 16k lost so far.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1344222738' post='3019003']
Alex, I like ya man, but pretty sure that if you surrender, that will mean peace. Admitting defeat after a hard-fought war is really not that bad. You lost. That is plainly obvious. Accept it and move on to grow you alliance. Otherwise, it will just mean losing more infra. Pride is one thing, stupidity is another.

Dear Doch,

How do you count defeat or victory?

By the total NS that each Alliance has got during the war?

By the total number of anarchies that each Alliance has succeeded?

By the total number of nations have been involved from each side and the results achieved?

If you count these then Hellas has not been defeated.

If you count only that if the war continues for a few months more Hellas will not exist, then you are right. We are defeated. But this was known from the very beginning when an established alliance of 110+ nations has declared against Hellas with superior forces in every aspect.

What do you mean "pride against stupidity"?

You have been a member of Hellas in TE for 1 1/2 round. Was not this enou to transfer to you that we fight for our values or our ideas without caring for losses?

Hellenes do not surrender.

We have ceased fire.

We have offered White Peace.

What ' s more "surrendering" will offer to our opponents than not showing the deserved respect to us for our well fought war?

WhenAlexander the Great conquered India and he has arrested the Indian King Poros he asked him: "How do you want to behave to you now?" and Poros replied "Like to a King" and so it happened.

Hellas wants the same respectful behavior and not humiliation of "surrendering".

Hellas either will be build with these bricks and mortar or it is no meaning other than to be sacrificed. We do not consider this "stupidity" neither "pride" but keeping our honor and dignity.

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Clearly by your words you feel you are not defeated yet. However, if you do not [i]admit [/i]defeat, then your nation will be a zero tech, zero money, worthless undefeated nation.

You might admire yourself after all is said and done, but few others will. If you surrender now, and get your white peace, then perhaps you will at least be a defeated nation with a future.

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[quote name='Alexandros o Megas' timestamp='1344230136' post='3019057']
Dear Doch,

How do you count defeat or victory?

By the total NS that each Alliance has got during the war?

By the total number of anarchies that each Alliance has succeeded?

By the total number of nations have been involved from each side and the results achieved?

If you count these then Hellas has not been defeated.

If you count only that if the war continues for a few months more Hellas will not exist, then you are right. We are defeated. But this was known from the very beginning when an established alliance of 110+ nations has declared against Hellas with superior forces in every aspect.

[quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1344238512' post='3019093']
Clearly by your words you feel you are not defeated yet. However, if you do not [i]admit [/i]defeat, then your nation will be a zero tech, zero money, worthless undefeated nation.

You might admire yourself after all is said and done, but few others will. If you surrender now, and get your white peace, then perhaps you will at least be a defeated nation with a future.

What else do you need about "defeat" or not "defeat"?

What will change to what we say if you realize your threats and we will be ZI, ZT, Z€?

If we wanted to keep infra, tech and money instead of honor, dignity, values and principles we could have avoided all this till now and we would not negotiated it now but then.

We believe in an honorable peace only.

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Hellas is clearly not a threat to Umbrella. It's not like this is a war of one alliance taking on another that is a threat to them. It's one alliance beating the crap out of one nation. I don't see why you can't just stop declaring wars on Hellas and I'm sure he won't declare any on Umbrella and then everybody can just move on. You know you won and achieved whatever it was you set out to do and Alexandros doesn't feel like he's been humiliated.

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[quote name='howlin mad' timestamp='1344278215' post='3019186']
Hellas is clearly not a threat to Umbrella. It's not like this is a war of one alliance taking on another that is a threat to them. It's one alliance beating the crap out of one nation. I don't see why you can't just stop declaring wars on Hellas and I'm sure he won't declare any on Umbrella and then everybody can just move on. You know you won and achieved whatever it was you set out to do and Alexandros doesn't feel like he's been humiliated.

After the show he put up on the OWF? The least he can do is surrender properly.

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[quote name='howlin mad' timestamp='1344278215' post='3019186']
Hellas is clearly not a threat to Umbrella. It's not like this is a war of one alliance taking on another that is a threat to them. It's one alliance beating the crap out of one nation. I don't see why you can't just stop declaring wars on Hellas and I'm sure he won't declare any on Umbrella and then everybody can just move on. You know you won and achieved whatever it was you set out to do and Alexandros doesn't feel like he's been humiliated.
You can't be serious.

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