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The Amazing Sanction Race


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It isn't all about recruiting though.

That 12k average strength isn't going to get you anywhere. This is turning out to be similar to how TOOL almost became sanctioned back in the day.

There is a right way to do it and then the wrong way. TOOL chose the right way.

First of all, recruiting is not all we're doing. Its definitely not our plan to recruit our way to a sanction.

Second, I don't see whats wrong with having lots of recruiting. All it means is that we will have an abundance of tech sellers, which is never a bad thing. Also, 100 small nations turn into 100 big nations 6 months to a year from now.

Edited by Will Smith
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It isn't all about recruiting though.

That 12k average strength isn't going to get you anywhere. This is turning out to be similar to how TOOL almost became sanctioned back in the day.

There is a right way to do it and then the wrong way. TOOL chose the right way.

Yep. Take my word for it, we almost killed ourselves... We had hundreds upon hundreds of inactive members, and very few contributors. Luckily we turned it around. It was worth it, even if it did take an extra year to get sanction.


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I'm sorry, but if someone has the courage and time to do the Sanction Race they should do the commentary as they see fit for their reward. If Adrian wanted to do nothing but Brigade for his commentary I would respect his right to do so as the updater.

I could not agree more.

Thank you Adrian, and the rest of you who update the Sanction Race, for the work you do that benefits the rest of us.

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Yep. Take my word for it, we almost killed ourselves... We had hundreds upon hundreds of inactive members, and very few contributors. Luckily we turned it around. It was worth it, even if it did take an extra year to get sanction.


tl;dr: build up avg NS or you will look like Jarheads.

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It isn't all about recruiting though.

That 12k average strength isn't going to get you anywhere. This is turning out to be similar to how TOOL almost became sanctioned back in the day.

There is a right way to do it and then the wrong way. TOOL chose the right way.

It was about 4k avg ns with 800 members :P

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29th March, 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 1 [940] (+4) New Pacific Order : 84.34 --> 84.47 (+0.13)

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [800] (+2) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.66 --> 73.91 (+0.25)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [638] (+4) Sparta : 47.12 --> 47.31 (+0.19)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 4 [608] (+5) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 43.98 --> 44.03 (+0.05)

sanctionmcxapl4.png 5 [609] (+3) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 42.96 --> 43.13 (+0.17)

{194} (+2) The Order of the Paradox : 41.23 --> 41.34 (+0.11)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 6 [339] (+0) Fark : 36.13 --> 36.20 (+0.07)

---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days)

sanctionodnto4.png 7 [534] (-5) Orange Defense Network : 34.69 --> 34.63 (-0.06)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 8 [387] (+2) New Polar Order : 34.39 --> 34.43 (+0.04)

sanctionrokyt0.png 9 [471] (-3) Ragnarok : 33.12 --> 33.00 (-0.12)

{117} (-1) The Grämlins : 30.79 --> 30.79 (+0.00)

sanctionvedj7.png 10 [379] (-3) Viridian Entente : 29.93 --> 29.95 (+0.02)

TOOLminiflag.jpg 11 [346] (+1) The Order of Light : 29.87 --> 29.95 (+0.08)

sanctiontpfhq1.png 12 [241] (-2) The Phoenix Federation : 28.37 --> 28.40 (+0.03)


13 [263] (+0) FOK : 28.00 --> 28.03 (+0.03)

14 [565] (+0) The Democratic Order : 26.04 --> 26.10 (+0.06)

[215] (-1) Green Protection Agency : 24.88 --> 24.92 (+0.04)

[312] (-3) Grand Global Alliance : 22.14 --> 22.18 (+0.04)

[383] (+5) The Legion : 19.34 --> 19.45 (+0.11)

[204] (+1) Greenland Republic : 18.77 --> 18.85 (+0.08)

[243] (+0) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.52 --> 18.51 (-0.01)

{130} (-2) Echelon : 18.44 --> 18.41 (-0.03)

[284] (-2) The Dark Evolution : 18.47 --> 18.36 (-0.11)

{140} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 18.28 --> 18.14 (-0.14)

{133} (-1) Valhalla : 18.32 --> 18.12 (-0.20)

[271] (-3) United Purple Nations : 17.50 --> 17.32 (-0.18)

{135} (+0) World Task Force : 16.66 --> 16.68 (+0.02)

{191} (-1) Nueva Vida : 16.64 --> 16.65 (+0.01)

[233] (-2) Monos Archein : 16.32 --> 16.31 (-0.01)

{163} (+2) M*A*S*H : 15.87 --> 15.95 (+0.08)

{83} (+0) Umbrella : 15.18 --> 15.21 (+0.03)

{175} (+2) RnR : 15.12 --> 15.16 (+0.04)

{185} (+0) LoSS : 15.03 --> 15.06 (+0.03)

{188} (-1) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.52 --> 14.54 (+0.02)

{179} (+2) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.10 --> 14.46 (+0.36)

---------- Add Line: 14.19 --> 14.20 (+0.01)

---------- Drop Line: 13.89 --> 13.90 (+0.01)

Biggest Gainer

{179} (+2) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 14.10 --> 14.46 (+0.36)

Biggest Loser

{133} (-1) Valhalla : 18.32 --> 18.12 (-0.20)


Echelon passes The Dark Evolution

Mushroom Kingdom passes Valhalla

North Atlantic Defense Coalition passes Add Line.


The North Atlantic Defense Coalition puts up the biggest gain today, with over a third of a point, getting them well over the Add Line. The Independent Republic of Orange Nations puts up the next biggest one, with a quarter of a point.

Valhalla puts up the largest loss today, with a fifth of a point. United Purple Nations has the next worst loss, with just under that.

In other news, Mushroom Kingdom passes Valhalla while backpedaling.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

End of line.

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