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The Amazing Sanction Race


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What blasphemy? A loss! How dare thine fill mine brain with such lies and deceit! But alas, I must realise the gravity of the situation at hand, a loss, so true so real, I must cope with this fall! Why, oh fair Sanction Race...why the fair Legion doth fall so unmajestically down thine grand walls of rankings - why, oh why?!

tl;dr Those TDE people are good psychics. Time to use our... secret weapon! The Dark Evolution, look out (again)!

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What blasphemy? A loss! How dare thine fill mine brain with such lies and deceit! But alas, I must realise the gravity of the situation at hand, a loss, so true so real, I must cope with this fall! Why, oh fair Sanction Race...why the fair Legion doth fall so unmajestically down thine grand walls of rankings - why, oh why?!

tl;dr Those TDE people are good psychics. Time to use our... secret weapon! The Dark Evolution, look out (again)!

It's not a sekrit anymore if you tell everybody, you Pikafool. :|

Edited by michaeru
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25th March, 2009

sanctionnpoec6.jpg 1 [946] (-3) New Pacific Order : 83.95 --> 84.02 (+0.07)

sanctionironcd8.png 2 [792] (+1) Independent Republic of Orange Nations : 73.63 --> 73.73 (+0.10)

sanctionspartatc0.jpg 3 [635] (+7) Sparta : 46.93 --> 47.10 (+0.17)

sanctionmhadc4.gif 4 [611] (+3) Mostly Harmless Alliance : 44.40 --> 44.59 (+0.19)

sanctionmcxapl4.png 5 [605] (-3) Multicolored Cross-X Alliance : 42.85 --> 42.88 (+0.03)

{192} (+1) The Order of the Paradox : 40.82 --> 41.07 (+0.25)

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 6 [342] (-2) Fark : 36.60 --> 36.42 (-0.18)

---------- ODN/RoK Challenge Line: 35.00 (ODN: 5/5 days)

sanctionodnto4.png 7 [543] (+3) Orange Defense Network : 34.71 --> 34.79 (+0.08)

sanctionpolarwv6.jpg 8 [383] (+2) New Polar Order : 33.65 --> 33.76 (+0.11)

sanctionrokyt0.png 9 [478] (+1) Ragnarok : 33.17 --> 33.17 (+0.00)

{120} (+1) The Grämlins : 31.03 --> 31.36 (+0.33)

sanctionvedj7.png 10 [402] (+8) Viridian Entente : 29.49 --> 30.18 (+0.69)

TOOLminiflag.jpg 11 [341] (+0) The Order of Light : 29.83 --> 29.88 (+0.05)

sanctiontpfhq1.png 12 [243] (+4) The Phoenix Federation : 28.16 --> 28.25 (+0.09)


13 [267] (+1) FOK : 27.91 --> 27.97 (+0.06)

14 [577] (+5) The Democratic Order : 25.99 --> 26.10 (+0.11)

[216] (+0) Green Protection Agency : 24.56 --> 24.69 (+0.13)

[324] (-1) Grand Global Alliance : 22.37 --> 22.29 (-0.08)

[205] (-1) Greenland Republic : 19.00 --> 19.04 (+0.04)

{137} (-1) Valhalla : 18.97 --> 18.89 (-0.08)

[358] (+1) The Legion : 18.52 --> 18.60 (+0.08)

[291] (+0) The Dark Evolution : 18.56 --> 18.58 (+0.02)

[239] (-1) Global Democratic Alliance : 18.34 --> 18.34 (+0.00)

^{132} (+0) Echelon : 18.23 --> 18.29 (+0.06)

{141} (-1) Mushroom Kingdom : 18.25 --> 18.20 (-0.05)

[268] (+3) United Purple Nations : 17.17 --> 17.30 (+0.17)

{196} (+0) Nueva Vida : 16.58 --> 16.70 (+0.12)

{135} (+1) World Task Force : 16.57 --> 16.60 (+0.03)

[235] (+0) Monos Archein : 16.22 --> 16.26 (+0.04)

{161} (+0) M*A*S*H : 15.80 --> 15.83 (+0.03)

{84} (+0) Umbrella : 15.30 --> 15.32 (+0.02)

{173} (+1) RnR : 15.09 --> 15.13 (+0.04)

{185} (+1) LoSS : 14.92 --> 14.96 (+0.04)

{193} (+1) Random Insanity Alliance : 14.42 --> 14.53 (+0.11)

---------- Add Line: 14.08 --> 14.13 (+0.05)

{177} (+2) Invicta : 13.99 --> 14.01 (+0.02)

{176} (+0) North Atlantic Defense Coalition : 13.88 --> 13.92 (+0.04)

---------- Drop Line: 13.78 --> 13.83 (+0.05)

Biggest Gainer

sanctionvedj7.png 11 [402] (+8) Viridian Entente : 29.49 --> 30.18 (+0.69)

Biggest Loser

sanctionfarkzg7.jpg 6 [342] (-2) Fark : 36.60 --> 36.42 (-0.18)


Viridian Entente passes The Order of Light

The Legion passes The Dark Evolution

Echelon passes Mushroom Kingdom


Today was a day for large gains. The Viridian Entente has the biggest one, with almost seven tenths of a point. The Grämlins comes in second, with a third of a point, and The Order of the Paradox rounds out the top three with a quarter of a point.

Fark reprises its role as biggest loser today, with just under a fifth of a point. There were no other significant losses today, interestingly enough.

Edit: I hereby declare war on [/color]. Rush update operations are in the works.

Edit: I'm also looking into declaring war on 10 and 11.


Related Links:

Stats By Unspeakable Evil

Tournament Edition Sanction Race

How To Update the Amazing Sanction Race

Sanction Race Update Creator spreadsheet: http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pFd...rmXWQ&hl=en

End of line.

Edited by Adrian LaCroix
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Way to go VE!!! I helped in that one xD.

We need a new photo...'Ole Rex there in the back is getting boring. At least get a different T. Rex!

I find myself agree with this man... <_<

Hi Adrian. Thank you for your weeks of night after night updating :P I don't think we see enough of thanking the updater here :blush:

Agreed, you do a mighty fine job, thanks Adrian ^_^

Nice gain for Viridia today, hopefully it's a sign of things to come

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