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The Death of Beauty


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[center][b]Behind the scenes (Classified)[/b][/center]

A small passenger ship arrives on the bay on Kingston. 12 men come off, and one familiar woman. A woman that appears mixed between African and European descent. She walks over to the city and goes to a dark ally way. Her and her men immediately begin planning something... sinister.

"We must plan this out." she remarks. "Not a moment to spare, your majesty." one of her advisers remarked. 3 more ships would arrive in the same location, not being questioned. "Wilhelm is in the ministry, organizing his capture of 'festivities' if you will." She said snarling. She quickly wrote out some documents and handed the pamphlets out to her 12 men. Several more armed men began to arrive via ships arriving on the bay. They approached as if this was all planned out. "Greetings, Cameron! You look beautiful today your majesty!" remarked the guy who appeared to be in charge of the other men.

"This needs to go on at once men, no time for compliments or meetings or greetings!" She said hesitantly. She grabbed a pen and paper and wrote down the plans. "Portia is leaving here at 12:41 PM to meet with Mack, Gabe, Fernand, and Jewell for lunch." she began to explain, marking a circle over the map. "Read your pamphlets for your specific orders, Time is the key to this." She explained.

They all set out to their specified locations. One of the men, who appeared unarmed approached the government van. A guard quickly came to him "The Press is not welcomed around these cars, Move along." the guard explained quite rudely. "But, Im a huge fan, I need to get to meet this its critical!" he explained frantically. He began to become pushy and pushed the guard. The 4 guards protecting the car quickly swarmed the belligerent man. As they were distracted, another agent rolled under the car and attached a bomb detonated to go off in 30:00 Minutes. He quickly configured it and swooped out afterwards. "Harry, What are ya doing eh?" The guards turned to the other agent who was speaking towards them as if he knew them. "Nah, not you guys.. Im talking to my cousin your wrestling down there, Harry is mentally disturbed. He doesn't know what hes doing!" The agent said with a British accent. The guards let go of the other agent, and approached the man with the british accent, they thought it was quite odd that he appeared middle eastern and spoke with a British accent, but they shrugged it off. "We need to get back to business, if you dont mind. Bring your cousin on somewhere else." The two undercover agents quickly ran the other way.

Just around the time the agents became out of sight; Gabe, Mack, Fernand, and Jewell came out of the restaurant laughing. They remarked about how beautiful Portia looked today and how funny and intelligent she was. They all got into the gov't suburban, and went off back to their Headquarters. The bomb was at 10:17...

Meanwhile, Portia was escorted back to her room. She noticed a funny smell in the car, but mentioned nothing about it. Cameron, on the other hand, was rushing to Portia's bed room. The guards at the royal palace knew Cameron as Portia's cousin. They allowed her upstairs in Portia's private quarters. She rushed in the quarters, and pulled another time detonated bomb out of her purse. She quickly grabbed a glass, filled it with soda and threw it on the floor. She than set it in den under Portia's couch. Portia had a full view of the city from her Private Quarters, it was 6 stories tall in the air, and most of all it overlooked her childhood home in Kingston. Upon Portia's arrival, Cameron came out of the Private Quarters and approached one of the cleaning staff. "I spilled a glass of soda up in the private quarters and im a rush, Could you get that for me, hun?" she asked. It wasn't often one of the cleaning staff was welcomed up there, so Barbara Heldon quickly took up the offer "Of course, Your highness, Would you like anything while I do that?" she asked politely. "No thanks sweetie, just hurry before Portia notices." she replied smiling. The cleaning lady quickly took off up the stairs and Cameron went to tell everyone about how she heard a large explosion and spilled a glass up stairs, and how the cleaning lady was more than happy to go clean it up. She told them how suspicious it was that the cleaning lady had done that. Once the guard offered to go check out what she was doing, Cameron quickly refused. "No! Its best to let her to do her job, We don't want Portia upset. Shes been very depressed lately." The guard looked away and went on about his business. Portia walked in, she was fairly drunk as she had drank at the luncheon. She walked up to her room and laid in her bed.

Right about that time, the bomb under the minister's car hit 00:17. They stopped at a gas station to refill on gas. At first, Gabe wished to get out to go to the bathroom, but he had stayed put as he was drunk and did not want a bad reputation as a Drunken Minister. All of a sudden, beeping began to take place. "Jewell, I think your pho-

[center][b]The Explosion in Kingston (Open)[/b][/center]

An explosion rocked the Texaco in South-West Kingston. Police arrived on the scene, and began to investigate. The whole gas station looked as if it was in ruins. Fire department squads raced to the scene, screaming could be heard as a woman ran down to the Gas Station crying how her "baby" had just walked in there to purchase a candy bar. Fire dept. officials escorted her away from the scene as news stations began to make way down there. The news team quickly opened on the scene and began to tell the story.

[center][b]Behind the Scenes (Classified)[/b][/center]

Cameron waited eagerly in the lobby, and began to become impatient. Suddenly, the TV station changed to reporting on the "Freak Disaster at the Texaco". She rushed to the private quarters where Portia was sleeping. "How could I ha... It cant be!" she quickly pulled out her cell phone and dialed her closest agent, Al-Ambarhi Caliph. "Ambarhi! The plan hasn't worked, Portia is still watching TV, if you know what I mean!" upon the elevators arrival to the private quarters. It quickly went back down. Cameron chatted with Al-Ambarhi on the phone "Yes, Im sure.. Wai- I forgot to !@#$@#$ put the fail-safe on!" the elevator dinged and the Head-Guard walked off. "I need to-" he was interrupted by Cameron "My cousin is extremely tired, the cleaning lady is cleaning up a mess, I know about what happened and I will tell her as soon as she is stable. She's had a horrible weekend and our grandmother has passed from it. Leave her be!" She exclaimed angerly. "Yes, Madame." he replied and went on his way. "Oooh yous a mad woman, when you wants to be, Madame Little." Barbara said to Cameron. She smiled and nodded. "We just can't have anyone unhappy here." She laughed, "Would you mind bringing this hair clip down to the guest bathroom on the first floor? Ill clean up the rest of the mess." she smiled. "Sure your Madame, Ill go deliver it right away!" She smiled and got on the elevator. Cameron rushed over to the couch and re-armed the bomb. Making sure the fail safe was securely on. Portia interrupted her "What the $%&@ are you doing? What is that?!" she angerly exclaimed. "Portia, its my book? Calm down, you've just had a bit too much to drink. Don't yell, you don't want the guards to see you as drunk as this. Lay down, Ill make you a NON-Alcoholic drink" She laughed. Portia looked back at her "Your right, let me just... go..." she seemed woozy and fell to the floor. The bomb beeped 27:51. Cameron dragged Portia to bed. She rushed to the kitchen and made Portia a Coca-Cola. She slipped a pill out of her pocket and put it in the drink, "The other Fail safe" she whispered to herself. The elevator dinged once more. "SHES TRYING TO SLEEP!" she yelled, defeating the purpose. Portia woke up "WHAT?" It was Al-Ambarhi, he snuck in to the kitchen and whispered, "Jesus! You gotta get out of here, Cameron its about to blow!!" as he ran back. "Calm down, I had to reset it. I'm keep guard up here to T-10 Minutes. Portia heard them and sprang out of bed. "I don't hear things when I'm drunk, Who the $%&@ are you and Cameron, What the $%&@ is going on?" Portia yelled. Cameron quickly replied, "Hes on his phone Portia, God, Drinking makes you paranoid." Portia stumbled back to her bed room, second guessing herself the whole way. She snuck in the bed, The bomb read 14:12. Cameron rushed into Portia's room and helped her sip on the drink. "Drink this, it'll make you less as paranoid." Portia sipped on it and spit it out. "Everything tastes bad!" Portia exclaimed. A beep was heard, It was the 10:00 beep. Portia rose up again, the roofie that was in her drink slowly took effect, On top of the Alcohol Portia was over-weighted. She layed back down, in her heart she knew something was wrong. "Me and John have to go, Portia, John's mom is sick." Cameron exclaimed. Cameron and Al-Ambarhi rushed out of the room, as the Elevator dinged once more "!@#$@#$ great..." Cameron whispered. It was Barbara, Cameron quickly whispered to Barbara "John's mom here is dying, We need to go. Make sure Portia stays in bed, her new medicine has bad side effects and shes paranoid. She thought we were aliens and she thought we were trying to kid nap her, Then the story would change. Make sure she stays in bed." Cameron quickly whispered to her. Barbara nodded as she was scared for Portia. Barbara rushed to Portia's bed room as Cameron rushed down the elevator. Barbara went into Portia's room. Portia was up getting dressed, "Woah woah, Hunny what are you doing?" she asked "I'm getting out of here, and you are too Barbs. Something isn't right about this place! We need to go!" Portia yelled in a paranoid manner. "Hunny you are jus-- *sniff* Have you been drinking too? Boy, with you new medicine and this mixing it aint gonna be good." The bomb clicked at 01:59. "Barbara trust me, Please we got to get out here. There's something wrong, I don't know what it is, but something is terribly wrong!" The elevator dinged and 3 guards rushed in. Cameron reached the lobby and spoke with the Head Guard "That cleaning lady is up to something! Shes over there performing some kind of ritual on my cousin and she threatened to kill us if we made any sudden moves!" The head guard quickly got on the radio "I need all security personal to the Private Quarters, Repeat ALL security personal to the Private Quarters at once!" Cameron and Al-Ambarhi rushed out quickly. The security rushed up to the private quarters, to find they're 4 agents and Barbara wrestling Portia to the floor. "LET ME GO! WE NEED TO LEAVE, THERE'S A BOMB IN THIS PLACE" Portia screamed. "Honey child if there was a bomb in here, we would hear clicking!" Barbara yelled back to her in a stern yet polite manner. The Bomb began beeping at 00:05... The guards and Portia froze. Portia got loose for a second and began running towards the elevator. She touched the button as the 6th floor of The Government Headquarters was flattened and in ruin.

[center][b]The Explosion in Kingston (Open)[/b][/center]

Cameron was the last heir to Portia's throne. She was her first cousin. Portia's mom had died, leave the throne to her. Portia had one child who died of natural causes. By law, Cameron assumed power, and if the ministery was less than half full than no cardinal could stop her from gaining her throne. Cameron Little was guaranteed the throne of Portia Prada. Cameron and Al-Ambarhi were walking down the street of Kingston arm in arm as they heard an explosion.

[center][b]The Whisper (Closed[/b])[/center]
Cameron leaned in and kissed Al-Ambarhi. She leaned near his ear and whispered "The Yaza Hajin, Shall rise again"

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[b][center] Open [/center][/b]

Sirens blazed, Cameron Little and Al-Ambarhi rushed back to the Head Quarters to find several fire trucks, several news teams, several police officials surrounding the scenes. Cameron pushed through the guards "Get off me, Thats my cousin!" the police recognized Cameron and allowed her though. The head guard awaited her arrival, "You were right, I should of took it more seriously." he wept. Cameron began to cry. It finally hit her what had happened. She began to cry. "Barbara was planning something... As the Queen I must find out what it is". The Head Guard looked up, "Your... Your right. Your the new leader of Diocese." he looked surprisingly at Cameron. He was too distraught to put two and two together. He hugged her, "Your majesty, I am so sorry." he cried on her shoulder. A large crowd gathered outside of The Government HQ. They wept, bowed, and praised their leader as she was now "God's Angel".

Cameron quickly was rushed by the Press. They shouted asking many questions. Cameron appeared in front of the Cameras crying. "I have not only lost my first cousin, but my best friend. I am too distraught at the moment to say anything else, but as leader of this country. We must find out what has happened here and bring our Angel back to the light." Cameron was hugged by Al-Ambarhi. "This is my husband, John Calhoun. His military experience is outstanding. As we have also lost 4 ministers. I have assigned him as our Minister of Defense. I will be replacing the other angels we have lost as well. This is a great day of mourning for Diocese." She wept and walked off to the lobby.

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The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella is surprised at these random acts of violence in Jamaica. We offer to deploy small special forces security teams for the protection of the new leadership aswell as a team of Special Operatives from Umbrellas Special Branch to investigate the attacks and find those responsible.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1339084675' post='2978789']
The Imperial Commonwealth of Umbrella is surprised at these random acts of violence in Jamaica. We offer to deploy small special forces security teams for the protection of the new leadership aswell as a team of Special Operatives from Umbrellas Special Branch to investigate the attacks and find those responsible.

"At the time, We prefer to evade any foreigners we can as a large act of terrorism has taken place. We are unsure if this was caused by foreign terrorist or by an upset Political faction. We prefer to keep security on the top standards, but we do thank Umbrella for their concerns. We are surprised as well. We will keep Umbrella updated on all the current situation and what it entails."

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[center][b]The Golden Alliance (open)[/b][/center]

Muslim Mosques, though few in number, were given unique visits by the new administration. They all were given hope for their equal rights. Cameron Little made a TV appearance a long with the head of The Holy Church of Kingston. "We on this day of June the 8th, In the year of 2012 do hereby swear in the new Leader of our holy nation." Cameron's eyes looked dodgy during the Priest's speech. "Cameron Little, you are hereby sworn in as The Holy Leader of Diocese. Can you please place your hand on the holy bible and please repeat after me?" Cameron looked at him, Opened her mouth, Just as a gun shot went off in the crowd. Time seemed as if it froze. Cameron's body slowly dropped to the floor. The crowd took off running and screaming, the Live TV broadcast quickly turned the camera down, and began running. Cameron's body hit the floor. Al-Ambarhi was in the crowd, holding the smoking 9mm pistol.

The Priest took off running within the crowd. Al-Ambarhi looked down, and began to cry. Security officials rushed to tackle him to the ground. Al-Ambarhi was apprehended and brought to the police car. Rain begin pouring from the skies. The nation was left without a leader.

The Yaza Hajin begin to regroup at the Marriot Hotel. "We have a betrayal in the Order. Al-Ambarhi must be brought to justice." Said Farheed Coaque, Corporal of Yaza Hajin. "We must take control of the nation, Cameron was the last of the Royal House." The Yaza Hajin selected Farheed to be the next leader of Diocese. It would not be an easy task to put him in power.

[center][b]Appointment Day (Open)[/b][/center]

The last two standing government members, began to make a TV Appearance. "Hell has reigned in Diocese" appeared as title of the news announcement. "The Political Stabiliy in Diocese has fallen in the last two days. Portia Prada lay dead, Her cousin Cameron also lay dead. Something is going on in Diocese." The TV broadcast reigned throughout the country. "We must rejoice and stay together in these times, The Lord has become needed in Diocese." The TV broadcast quickly snapped and went off air. A man came on the TV "Hello Citizens of Diocese, I am Farheed Coaque. Following the blood line, Cameron has left the leadership of Diocese. I will be making an official speech in a few hours on the front steps of the Marriot Hotel in Kingston." The broadcast went out just as the one before did.

[center][b]Church Days (Classified)[/b][/center]

The Kings of Christ Church quickly mobilized to go to the Marriot hotel, before any made it there. The steps had a small crowd instantly as the Kings of Christ made there way inside, The priest led 12 men who appeared unarmed. They made they're way up the stairs, and saw Farheed and his men making their way down. The priest and his men reached in their robes and pulled a gun on Farheed. "Farheed Coaque... In my studies, the Yaza Hajin had your name in lights in Republique du Fleuve... I will not have you in any sort of Power in my holy nation. We are not ignorant to what you-" One of Farheed's agents pulled a gun out and shot down the Priest. The Kings of Christ Church Clergy quickly fired back. Farheed had been struck in his shoulder. The hallway was dead silent. 29 dead bodies laid down in the hall. Several had escaped on both sides. The Marriot hotel was in Panic.

[center][size="5"][b][OOC: Read the below if you want to RP in this, with a tl;dr[/ooc][/b][/size]
[b]World of Hurt (OPEN)[/b][/center]

World Wide Broadcast, CNN News - Headline: "A nation in Anarchy. The Holy Order of Diocese has had a pivetable 3 leaders in one day. All victims of murder!" The screen showed images of soldiers shooting into the crowds, several groups of people rioting for different reasons, tanks running over cars and shooting into buildings in Kingston. "We are live from a Helicopter here in Diocese, where it is not too safe to be on the ground, Chuck. A nation surely in Anarchy and religious turmoil. The nation just a few weeks ago was a peace-loving nation of -" An Anti-Aircraft missile could be seen coming in the back and striking the helicopter just before the camera tiled up and went to static.

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[center][size="5"][b][OOC:] This RP is now closed to between Myself and PresidentDavid[/OOC][/b][/size]

[b][size="3"]The Knights of Islam[/size][/center]

Several hundered, nearly 1,000 ships began approaching the bay area. They were quickly responded to by the Diocese airforce. 60 F/A Hornet 18s, 120 A-10 Thunderbolt IIs, and 60 AH-1 Super Cobras begin to heavily bombard the Yaza-Hajin ships. The ships contained many Anti-Aircraft Units of the Yaza Hajin firing rapidly on the Diocese Aircrew. The Airforce was quickly taken down as well as around 100,00 Yaza Hajin Operatives. ~130,000 Yaza Hajin Operatives landed down on the Diocese bay. The Diocese military quickly responded, under the command of Candy Courtenay who was the Leader of The Rastafarian Party. The new leading party of Diocese. Heavy fighting commenced in Kingston.

On the first day of fighting, The Texan Embassy was struck and held captive by Yaza Hajin operatives. A RPG-32 slammed into the doors of the Texas Embassy at midnight. Yaza Hajin operatives invaded the building and held it captive. Rastafarian Anti-Invasion Squads quickly surrounded the building and held control over it. At 12:31 AM, the Operatives surrendered the base.

TO: Government of Texas
FROM: Candy Courtenay
SUBJ: Obtained

The Texas Embassy is in Ruin. We are unsure as of yet if your diplomats are safe. We have regained control of the area. Challanger tanks and Anti-Invasion Squads are deep in combat around Kingston with the Yaza Hajin Invasion squadrons. We ask if you can to please send help.

In deep regards,
Candy Courtenay
Rastafarian Party President[/quote]

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[i]Wring........Wring.........Wring......[/i]- President Matt Damon awoke from his sleep and slumped over his right hand to the red hone that was wringing beside his bed. It couldn't be his morning wake up call, it doesn't come until five and it's just 1:00 in the morning. Cracking his neck as he sat up in his bed he picked up the wired phone and put it to his ear, "This is the President." A nervous, young, queasy voice spoke on the other side of the line, "Mister President, I- I'm from the Department of Defense. One of our embassies were attacked."



Josh uncomfortably laid in his springy bed as he looked at the bunk on top of him. "Hey Cane, you up?" Raising his left leg, Josh delicately forced the bottom of his foot into his friends bunk. "What the hell do you want Josh? I'm trying to sleep man!" whispered his friend James in a loudly hushed whisper. Josh whispered back, "I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about tomorrow. You think they'll let us actually patrol the Gulf tomorrow? I'm tired of these dang training sessions in the air." James looked over the side of his bunk with bloodshot eyes and glared at his friend, "I don't know. Close your eyes and it'll just feel like a few seconds so you can find out. Now get to bed!" Turning back, James got about thirty more seconds of his precious sleep until the lights shot on in the sleeping quarters. Air raid sirens blared outside as the loud speakers began blurting orders, "All soldiers to your battle stations. All soldiers to your battle stations. Airmen, man your craft." James wanted to blow his brains out while Josh jumped out of bed and rushed into his boots. The officer of their platoon kicked in the door to the sleeping quarters in full battle gear, "Everyone get the hell up! This ain't a drill! Anyone who isn't out of bed in two minutes will be courtmarshalled - I promise you that ladies!"



The Florida Keys came to life as the two large Navy and Air Force bases sprung to life. Search lights glared into the sky as jet engines roared to life. Nearly 60,000 servicemen were stationed there for a recent drill that involved moving troops across the country. Luckily the Keys had been chosen for the drop off point. Huge transport ships, with smaller landing craft on them, and hundreds of C-130s prepared to leave the Florida Keys while gunships guided them to their final destination: The Island of Jamaica.
20 F-16s would enter into Jamaican airspace and begin dogfights with any craft there. Meanwhile 15 more F-16s would guide several C-130s that would air drop 500 members of the Texas special forces known as The Strategic Guard. They were about as close to super soldiers as you could get. They would air drop at Norman Manley International Air Port off the coast of Kingston. It would be easy to defend since it was on an island off of the main one.

Meanwhile the air force would continue to provide support for the troops while they could land and refuel at the air port. All civilian flights would be stopped of course as air traffic control would be ran by the military. The Navy would move in with it's thousands of soldiers and go through Cuban waters to get there - a message would be sent to Cuban officials long before the ships would even set sail to avoid confusion. While the Navy would make their way with members of the Marines and National Guard, 3,500 Marines would eventually be air dropped at the air port which would be the initial base of operations for the attack. Once the Navy would arrive there would be no stopping the Texas forces.

[b][b]To[/b][/b]: Candy Courtenay
[b]From[/b]: The President of The Republic of Texas

[quote][size="5"][i][b]From The Desk of The President of Texas[/b][/i][/size]

[img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/Seal_of_the_Republic_of_Texas_%28colorized%29.svg/200px-Seal_of_the_Republic_of_Texas_%28colorized%29.svg.png[/img] [img]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f8/State_Arms_of_Texas.svg/200px-State_Arms_of_Texas.svg.png[/img]

Miss Courtenay, because of the cowardly attack on the unarmed diplomats of my embassy and the attack on sovereign Texas soil, I've received emergency approval from my congress respond to this Act of War with the Texas Military. By the time you read this, the Air Force will be almost to Jamaica to engage any enemy air craft in on or above the island. A second wave of forces will then take over the international airport in Kingston, and a final force of the Navy will come in to assist in operations in Kingston and Spanish Town to begin with. The military will assist the people of Jamaica in having a democratic government not ruled by a single religion. You have the full strength of the Texas Armed Forces in a few hours Miss Courtenay. I will be addressing my country and the world of this situation in the morning. God speed.

[i]Matt Damon[/i]
[b]President of The Republic of Texas[/b][/quote]

A message would be sent to local neighbors that was responding to an attack.

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[b]Blood runs deep[/b][/center]

The Air near the island was still, The forces from Texas would see the black smoke rising from Kingston as they landed. The city was destroyed. As they're plane would come closer they would heavy gun fire, screams, different loud sirens, missile strikes, and would see several militants running, firing, and covering themselves. Tanks, some captures by the other side, would be roving around. Planes would begin to lift off to fight, and would be shot down before they could get 100 feet off the ground. The city was deep in war, people killing each other, fearful they were with this invasion of people they did not know. Gun shots blazed. Buildings would take randomly collapse and fill the air with more smoke. Bodies laid in the streets, civilian air craft would be laying in the dirt on fire. It looked as if Armageddon had taken place. Destruction surrounded them.

Deemer Martins and Pons Christianson, fearful of their life, went to the other side of Jamaica to board Flight 1782. Upon their arrival, it was safe. No "rebels" or whatever they were, were around. They, as the last members of the former government, quickly got on the plane for immediate take off. Several Yaza Hajin agents came out of hiding and surrounded the plane with AK47's screaming and demanding the plane to let them aboard. The Pilot was fearful, he ducted down to avoid gunshots and pushed the plane controls forward to take off. A RPG-31 would them slam into the side of the plane.

[b]Flight 1782[/b][/center]

At this time around 192,512 civilian lives were taken from them. Yaza Hajin had nearly ~85,613 remaining operatives. The government was dead. The remaining people mostly followed Courtney, The leader of the Rastafarian Party. Yet it was rare to see her face, power was rare to have at this time. Most citizens attempted to group up in the strongest buildings around them and hide. Hell looked as if it would have been better than what Diocese had turned into. Yaza Hajin went around and recruited many mercenaries to aid them from the Mosque's to fight "Gods War for North America". Several groups of volunteers would combat them though. It wasn't rare to find a gun laying around. Especially in Kingston. Citizens were hiding, praying to anyone, to help them. Death rates were high. Diocese was a place of hell. Many men would leave their families, group up with other men in the neighborhood and go find resources. When a gun shot, or plane was heard, they would separate and run to random buildings, trying to follow a route back to the hide out. Driving a car through some cities, it would look like the world had ended. Until you heard the gun shots. The Military was scurrying into hide outs to combat the Yaza Hajin invasion. They were making process. It was generally known as a huge divide in Jamaica. East and West Diocese were at war. Civil Rights had been lost. There was only death.

[center][b]The Child of Death[/b][/center]

Smoke would fill the lungs of Courtney in her hide out, She heard gun shots going off. She was quickly grabbed by an unknown man and thrown into a truck. "Don't Look!" She was grabbed and hidden down in the back on the truck. She remained still, fearful of her next endeavor. She heard many gun shots, and an explosion right by the truck. Tears came from her eyes, she looked up and it was Corporal James Martinez. Rushing her into Army Base Jennamer in Kingston. The Army had taken full control of the base, an Active Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft system had been put in place. Snipers had range of about 1 mile from the base. Shooting everything with a black hood.

A young girl was in the base, she approached Courtney. "My mommie looked just like you." Courtney looked at her "Aww whats your name?" The little girl looked at her, "Im Jamie, My dad came on a boat to fight here. He hates you." The little girl turned away and begin to play with her doll. Courtney looked up and cried, Corporal James came to her "Its a shame isnt it?" Courtney looked at him, "A shame? That a little girl hates me? I dont give a F- umm , I dont care that she doesnt like me! A little girl should never have to deal with that! Shes seen more than I had two weeks ago! You cant.." Courtney rambled on in panic. James left the room, Courtney sat there and cried. Gun shots could be heard. "ALL MAN, MAN YOUR BATTLE STATIONS!" The Texan soldiers began storming the Jamaican bay. "HOLD FIRE, HOLD FIRE!! FRIENDLIES ENTERING THE AREA!"

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[quote][b]Imperial Statement[/b]

Enough is enough. Jamaica is too small for a conflict of this size and if what remains of Government that has not been assassinated does not permit Imperial Peacekeepers onto the Island, we will begin operations to enact a no fly zone over the Island before begining ground operations.

We offered you security teams and investigators and you declined, and now your in a state of civil war.

[b]Here are your terms[/b]
Allow Imperial Peacekeepers on the ground to force a ceasefire.
Allow Imperial Humanitarian workers on the ground to aid the civilian population.
A ceasefire MUST be made.

Failure to do so will result in military action against the Diocese with the aims of removing all aggressive parties and restoring stability to the Island.

You have twenty four hours to respond.[/quote]

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Official statement from the Cuban command: " We urge that what remains of the Diocese military and Government to quickly repel this terrorist attack. If this does not happen, we will see Diocese has in a state of anarchy and will act has per our agreement when Diocese became independent. Should Diocese require assistance in the current conflict we will provide what we can".

Edited by supercheese
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[quote name='supercheese' timestamp='1339160860' post='2979340']
Official statement from the Cuban command: " We urge the what remains of the Diocese military and Government to quickly repel this terrorist attack. If this does not happen, we will see Diocese has in a state of anarchy and will act has per our agreement when Diocese became independent. Shoul Diocese require assistance in the current conflict we will provide what we can".

OOC: Im tired of you throwing this up in my face and then saying in our PM that its fine. Im gonna re-roll so you cant have it back.[/OOC]

The base was shot with several RPGs and quickly demolished. Courtney grabbed and sheltered the little girl under her. Several more RPGs struck the base and Courtney and The Little Girl laid dead. The base was demolished. The last remnants of the army was scattered about the Island. Diocese was lost. It was in anarchy and destroyed. The rebels retreated as Texans made their way on the land. They boarded their ships with their small numbers and began to leave. 17 ships would be leaving the island and heading back to where they came from. Diocese was lost. Several political factions rose up and began sporadic fighting around the provinces. Diocese was lost.

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OOC: Zoot, SuperCheese, come on now. I would expect you two out of anybody to be sensible and respect a closed war for fun! Me and Rota are gonna keep RPing to finish the story. This wasn't an attempt for me to grab Jamaica or anything, it was just so she could get a new government - I don't understand what the big deal is that caused y'all to come in like that. Also I am still landing my troops regardless because I want my dang ambassador back. But I'll leave after I get him ICly.



Jet engines roared as Josh, his friend James, and the rest of their squad sped over the Gulf of Mexico. Gun fire and explosions could be seen over Jamaica as the F-16s rose in altitude. "Alright boys" said their commanding officer, "We're the first ones to go in to provide cover for those C-130s going over the airport. We were told that the good guys' air force was pretty much destroyed a while ago only leaving the Muslims with a few jets in the air. We take them now and we have the skies. Until that air port is taken over you'll have to watch out for civies flying around. Copy?" The other pilots gave a robot and exact, "Copy that sir" at the same time. An unguided missile through the formation and everyone quickly took a uniformed evasive action. The officer armed his rockets, "Looks like we're going in hot boys."

[i]Texas Strategic Guard[/i]

500 members of the Texas elite fighting forces, the Strategic Guard, stood in single file line behind one another inside the C-130s as they waited for the signal to drop. The leader in the front held up his right hand and began to signal, [i]three, two, one.[/i] The light turned green and one by one dropped out of the massive air craft. Falling straight through the sky they pierced the clouds like bullets incinerating a piece of paper. Falling as long as they could, they then pulled their black para shoots which even then only slowed down their decent by a little. Landing just in the water next to the runway they hurried onto the beach as more and more fell down. A few air craft were preparing to take off, probably fleeing civilians, but they'd have to wait. Running together in a small formation the first groups of men made their way to the terminal. Surprisingly, besides security guards, there were no military units at the air port. Quickly surrendering after seeing the heavily armed Guardsmen enter the terminal, they secured the tower and halted all flights. They then accessed contact with the fighters above them as most of the rest of the Strategic Guard went to defend the only road that led to the air port.


Barging in through the familiar doors of the President's Office in the estate, Secretary of Defense Denard walked in in his full formal General's uniform with his many accomplishments and buttons pinned on the front. President Damon looked up from his iPad, which was giving him constant updates, and removed his reading glasses. "Mister President, I have a battle report for you." President Damon lounged back in his leather chair and loosened his tie some more, "Lay it on me Mista' Secretary."
"They've gotten the air port and the second wave is getting to the beaches now. It's only a matter of time." Matt nodded and looked back down to his iPad. "God help those poor people."

F-16s blasted over the Navy as thousands of servicemen were at their battle stations and waiting to be deployed. Thousands of Marines and National Guardsmen entered landing craft which made it through the rocky Gulf of Mexico and onto the Jamaican shores. The first encounter with resistance wasn't pretty. Rushing from the beaches, the Marines had the first goal to secure the capital building and find protect any leaders left of the peaceful government. Some of the Marines were brought aboard helicopters to be air dropped over the capital though it was much more dangerous. A soldier watched from his chopper as three two were brutally shot out of the sky, probably killing 20 men. Dropping from ropes in front of the capital building they immediately identified a group of the enemy and took them out with percission. Busting down the barricaded doors the Marines identified hundreds of friendlies who weren't sure what to think of them. "Texas Marines!" shouted one of them bravely as they scuffled into the capital and began looking for their objective.

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