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Announcement from Pandora's Box

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I would of expected this type of behavior from VE, NG, Umbrella and GOONS. Although I'm disappointed to see FOK sink to such a low of taking part in helping GOONS to extract reps from a micro alliance who's only "crime" was sending a small amount of aid to assist a nation under attack with no just cause. I thought FOK had some honor and didn't approve of such abuse of power?

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[quote name='the rebel' timestamp='1334349772' post='2952404']
Can't say that I'm surprised about this development <insert random LOLgoon comment> but its funny to see Unknown Smurf a loud spokesman during this conflict run to POW status as soon as PB enters the field, must of lost his mojo.

I noticed that too <_<

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[quote name='Solaris' timestamp='1334347486' post='2952382']
I'm getting the impression, Schattenpoop, that your skills as a rhetor have been increasingly more lacking recently.
It doesn't fit your style to say poop that often, in my opinion, but I'm glad that what we are doing, gives you ammo for your so called creativity.
[/quote][quote name='Roadie' timestamp='1334347688' post='2952383']
If poop is a euphemism for money, you may be right.
I think we can all agree that Umbrella !@#$% money and that GOONS is sipping at the porcelain fountain.

Although it appears that lately Umbrella may have discovered a richer compost results from letting Deinos process the waste.

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[quote name='alyster' timestamp='1334315788' post='2952086']
Yes, but you're from Valhalla, you're suppose to enjoy horrible people and their posting.

Your hypothesis is sadly easy to dispute, If you were correct Id have much love and respect for you and your ilk....as my feelings do [i]not[/i] lean in that direction your statement is therefor invalid. As are most of your arguments and suppositions tbh. :blush:

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1334349974' post='2952409']
I think we can all agree that Umbrella !@#$% money and that GOONS is sipping at the porcelain fountain.

Although it appears that lately Umbrella may have discovered a richer compost results from letting Deinos process the waste.

I wouldn't agree to such vulgar ways of putting it, but it is clear, that there is mutual benefit in exchanging dongs for tech with foreign nations. But I'm left wondering, whether you had a point, or did you just wish to associate fecal matter with the associates of yours truly?

edit: quoted

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334342180' post='2952333']
GOONS have even said themselves it would of been impossible for them to fight and win this on their own, hence they asked Umbrella for help. When that wasn't enough, now they bring in the rest of Pandora's Box.
To clarify this, we were offered a single target since it was in our range, so we took the offer and promised to help for any future targets engaging GOONS that were within our range. Wanting also to bring a swifter ending to this war, even though we could do little else on the military front, we felt that we should give fair warning to future combatants that they would also be at war with Umbrella if they engaged GOONS, hence the brief announcement.

Evidently, all of Pandora's Box is in agreement that bringing a swifter end to this war would be nice not only for GOONS, but for the entire community that has nothing else to read in the news, hence the blanket declaration of war. I have no doubt that the end to this war will come about far more quickly and with less damage to our allies in GOONS. As the reparations are more than reasonable, PB feels no qualms in supporting GOONS in ending this war.

[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1334343322' post='2952344']
So the DH plan is to intentionally kill off those 2 alliances, something we havent seen attempted in years.
Ignoring your illogical and unfounded propaganda (or perhaps I am judging you too highly and you actually believe the nonsense in your post)...
There are 40 Mongols/Kaskus nations. The reparations asked require only a single aid cycle with less than 1.5 aid slots/nation. These alliances may choose to kill themselves by losing far more than that in each day of fighting, or they could pay what are very minor reparations considering the length that the world has had to endure this war.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334349788' post='2952406']
I would of expected this type of behavior from VE, NG, Umbrella and GOONS. Although I'm disappointed to see FOK sink to such a low of taking part in helping GOONS to extract reps from a micro alliance who's only "crime" was sending a small amount of aid to assist a nation under attack with no just cause. I thought FOK had some honor and didn't approve of such abuse of power?

Even more shocking is this nation (tech seller) was also in tech deal with FOK

Edit: and NG

Edited by death from above 82
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[quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1334315694' post='2952085']
War isn't supposed to be easy, if it was easy then it wouldn't be fun. Besides a good scrap increases your casualty count. A tech raiding alliance that doesn't like a good fight strikes me as a paradox.

[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1334328588' post='2952192']
My member was in the wrong so we paid a whopping 3 million. Why didnt mongols get the same deal?

This post is far too concrete and grounded in reality for people to actually take note, respond, and drop the criticism.
- [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=110304&view=findpost&p=2952150]Impero[/url]

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1334334108' post='2952241']
I hear they have tiger blood and their nukes smell like ginger. Clearly they must scare the piss out of some people.
Nah, the blood is giner and the nukes smell like tyga, more damaging that way.

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[quote name='JoshuaR' timestamp='1334350173' post='2952412'][b]As the reparations are more than reasonable[/b], PB feels no qualms in supporting GOONS in ending this war.

*wipes sweat and oil from forehead*

*points under hood*

Well there's yer problem right there! Dang thing is so chock full o grime it's muckin' up yer works. Just clean that little feller out and you'll be purring along in no time. 'Course, you could just keep on drivin' on it, but won't do nuthin' good fer yer engine. Shoot, might even blow a gasket.

Welp, glad I could help. You take 'er easy now.

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[quote name='Sarmatian Empire' timestamp='1334328588' post='2952192']
ZING nailed me.

My member was in the wrong so we paid a whopping 3 million. Why didnt mongols get the same deal?

Did your member continue to aid after being asked to not aid said nation? The question is rhetorical, but still applies. That is why Mongols didn't get the same deal as opposed to your member.

Edit: spelling and word usage.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334350775' post='2952418']
Did your member continue to aid after being asked to not aid said nation? The question is rhetorical, but still applies. That is why Mongols didn't get the same deal as opposed to your member.

Edit: spelling and word usage.

This is not true- mongols sent two aid slots (3rd aid was sent by an independent who never got attacked)- one was excepted the other was cancelled after lord bitburg enter negotiations with goons.

edit for spelling

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[quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1334350236' post='2952413']
Even more shocking is this nation (tech seller) was also in tech deal with FOK

Edit: and NG
So not only are FOK/NG saying they have no problem with GOONS raiding those they are tech dealing with, they also help GOONS punish those who try to assist their tech dealers. Poor show from both NG and FOK, you guys should be punishing GOONS not the ones who tried helping your business partner that you guys couldn't be bothered to help out yourselves.

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[quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1334351317' post='2952424']
This is not true- mongols sent two aid slots (3rd aid was sent by an independent who never got attacked)- one was excepted the other was cancelled after lord bitburg enter negotiations with goons.

edit for spelling

I also love all of these accusations yet I see no proof other than the words coming out of your mouth. If you care to actually prove a point you'll need to do a bit more work than stating something which could very well be a lie.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334351672' post='2952431']
So not only are FOK/NG saying they have no problem with GOONS raiding those they are tech dealing with, they also help GOONS punish those who try to assist their tech dealers. Poor show from both NG and FOK, you guys should punishing GOONS not the ones who tried helping your business partner that you guys couldn't be bothered to help out yourselves.
When you aid someone who is being raided for the explicit reason "war aid" you are sending a message. GOONS recieved that message. MONGOLS failed to do what was necessary, so GOONS had to let them know. KASKUS came into the fray, and now Pandoras Box is here.

This is not about helping GOONS extort anyone. This is about helping put down a situation that has gone on long enough.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1334351672' post='2952431']
So not only are FOK/NG saying they have no problem with GOONS raiding those they are tech dealing with, they also help GOONS punish those who try to assist their tech dealers. Poor show from both NG and FOK, you guys should punishing GOONS not the ones who tried helping your business partner that you guys couldn't be bothered to help out yourselves.

Sorry for my lack of computer skills- I posted this back on the 27 of Feb. in goons defend the great wall. it was a cut and paste, because i do not know how to do a screen shot. (Cant teach old dog new tricks)

It shows- the one mongol aid that got excepted, the independent aid, tech deal with FOK and tech deal with NG.

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[quote name='Caliph' timestamp='1334352144' post='2952441']
When you aid someone who is being raided for the explicit reason "war aid" you are sending a message. GOONS recieved that message. MONGOLS failed to do what was necessary, so GOONS had to let them know. KASKUS came into the fray, and now Pandoras Box is here.

This is not about helping GOONS extort anyone. This is about helping put down a situation that has gone on long enough.
Also PB is sending a message that if you do tech deals with PB and then get tech raided by PB during your tech deals, you won't receive any help from PB and those who do help you will be punished. So its best not to tech deal with PB and avoid you guys altogether, as you aren't nice people.

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[quote name='Stealthkill' timestamp='1334349005' post='2952392']
But c'mon Sardonic, think for a second and ask yourself if all this public embarrassment is really worth it.
I don't have time for such a silly emotion as embarrassment. My actions may not, and indeed seem to not, conform to SF's and a few other groups' views on how these sorts of situations should be resolved, but I'm fine with that really.
[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1334350549' post='2952414']
This post is far too concrete and grounded in reality for people to actually take note, respond, and drop the criticism.
I'm going to say this again, slowly, and loudly so you can hear it all the way over there in our PoW camp:
Mongols were given a ridiculously gentle offer before the war began. 18m to us for MULTIPLE offers of 'war aid' to a nation engaged with GOONS.

They refused, they tried the mercy board, it sucked, we attacked.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334352111' post='2952440']
I also love all of these accusations yet I see no proof other than the words coming out of your mouth. If you care to actually prove a point you'll need to do a bit more work than state something which could very well be a lie.

i posted the proof back in the forum: goon defends the great wall feb 27. sorry again for lack of computer skills it is a cut and paste of the nation receiving aid.

one aid slot from a mongol 3 mil 50 tech 2000 soldiers
one aid slot from an independent 3 mil 50 tech 2000 soldiers
one aid slot tech deal FOK
one aid slot tech deal NG

it there go look at it- i dont not have the skills to put it here, sorry

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[quote name='death from above 82' timestamp='1334352508' post='2952446']
i posted the proof back in the forum: goon defends the great wall feb 27. sorry again for lack of computer skills it is a cut and paste of the nation receiving aid.

one aid slot from a mongol 3 mil 50 tech 2000 soldiers
one aid slot from an independent 3 mil 50 tech 2000 soldiers
one aid slot tech deal FOK
one aid slot tech deal NG

it there go look at it- i dont not have the skills to put it here, sorry

That is not proof! This offers no evidence what so ever!

Edit: Also lets say I did buy this, you did not inform any of us which nations had been involved. What if for say this members had been from I don't know NPO and ghosting under FOK/NG and sending aid? You have not proven anything by writing text in a thread.

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So where was FOK in all this? Don't they have nations in the dreaded 15-45k range?

I mean, it's hard to blame Umbrella for not attacking nations they can't hit. And if GOONS wants to bite off more than they can chew because they know their allies will bail them out, more power to them. But FOK didn't really do much for their brothers in arms here.

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[quote name='Tick1' timestamp='1334352625' post='2952448']
That is not proof! This offers no evidence what so ever!

its proof that only one mongol aid got excepted- the raid took place on the 18th- that cut and paste was on the 27th there would have been no deletion of aid. at the oldest it would have been 9 days old if sent on the same day as the raid

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