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A Brief Announcement from Umbrella

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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1332922092' post='2944227']
Lol you literally need help with Kaskus and MONGOLS GOONS?

[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1332905865' post='2944048']
A pair of micros with a total pre-war strength in excess of 1.2 mil and a decent upper and middle tier, yeah, completely ridiculous :rolleyes:

Edit: As mentioned above, we have no nations in range to counter the 100k NS ex-NEW nation Umbrella are helping us with. I don't see how asking for help from our allies in this sort of situation is at all ridiculous.

Yeah, lol, we do.


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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1332926930' post='2944255']
Pretty sure it's perfectly within my legal and moral right to cheer for my allies in GOONS in their war against an alliance I am not tied to. If you'd like to have a sit-down and chat about how I'm supposed to do my job, I'm more than receptive. If not, piss off, little one.
Lololol I love how pissed you get.

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lolGOONS. All I have to say. Go Kaskus! Lol, makin GOONS bring in two ally's because they can't fight on their own, hazzah! :lol1: It's no wonder GOONS lost the UJW, now they bring in two ally's from that war to try and fight. This keeps getting better!


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This isn't the same GOONS that lost UjW. GOONS lost UjW anyway because they got beaten out by Polar in the pre-war diplomacy and made enemies left and right. In addition, the whole incident during the war.


There's a reason words like "orbiter" are used.

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[quote name='Ezequiel' timestamp='1332927845' post='2944262']
lolGOONS. All I have to say. Go Kaskus! Lol, makin GOONS bring in two ally's because they can't fight on their own, hazzah! :lol1: It's no wonder GOONS lost the UJW, now they bring in two ally's from that war to try and fight. This keeps getting better!

Remind me what part Umbrella or the current GOONS had in the UJW again?

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[quote name='Iherudia' timestamp='1332928105' post='2944266']
Remind me what part Umbrella or the current GOONS had in the UJW again?

Two words starting with F come to mind.


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[quote name='Beefspari' timestamp='1332905326' post='2944033']
MONGOLS has said no to 18m. There's really no lower we can go on reps than that. That can literally be accomplished by a single nation in one round of aid. That's less than 1m per nation MONGOLS has. We're not the ones being unreasonable/irrational.

Oh, Beefcurtains...I think its cute how you pretend the 18 million dollar offer has been on the table the entire time. Let's been honest, my fine furry friend, the last numbers I heard were somewhere in the range of 180 million for MONGOLS and 300 million for Kaskus. But what's a factor of 10 between friends?

However, if you want to save face and keep up the public charade that the 18 million dollar number is a real, I'm sure my alliance could probably be persuaded to accept...[i]but only on the condition that Kaskus be granted a white peace.[/i]

I eagerly await both your denial and your hilariously unique reaction faces.


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[quote name='Courland' timestamp='1332932053' post='2944274']Let's been honest, my fine furry friend, the last numbers I heard were somewhere in the range of 180 million for MONGOLS and 300 million for Kaskus.[/quote]
The latest number I heard from GOONS were significantly less than that and were flatly rejected.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1332920811' post='2944220']
Oh wow. Flak is outright calling NEW out. Why doesn't MK take a swing at them?
Because no one member of the Kingdom dictates its foreign policy. I've yet to see anything to suggest that the departures from NEW are organized or supported by the NEW government. Given their position squarely between the two sides of this war, and the divided interest of their allies, I do not believe they'd be so illogical (the fact that we're talking about NEW set aside).

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1332933010' post='2944279']
I do not believe they'd be so illogical ([b]the fact that we're talking about NEW set aside[/b]).
That you need to set aside the bolded fact to believe they wouldn't be so illogical would mean you think the opposite.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1332933341' post='2944280']
That you need to set aside the bolded fact to believe they wouldn't be so illogical would mean you think the opposite.
History suggests a freewheeling character, but that's not yet enough for me to abandon the basic assumptions from which I operate.

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1332933842' post='2944284']
I don't get why people are so upset with Flak's post. My assumption when reading that was that he'd like NEW to be destroyed for reasons completely unrelated (for which I could only [i]assume[/i] there are many) to this Kaskus / GOONS conflict at hand.
I don't think anyone is upset with it, but it does show MK's attitude towards NEW somewhat and how you guys would deal with this if Flak got his way.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1332934238' post='2944288']
I don't think anyone is upset with it, but it does show MK's attitude towards NEW somewhat and how you guys would deal with this if Flak got his way.

I'm pretty sure Flak isn't alone in his thinking, so I'm not too worried!

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[quote name='Balder' timestamp='1332913749' post='2944168']
Seriously, how do you guys even posture at this point? NEW isn't even in it and you guys are doing a bang up job. At least they have the balls to follow up their threats. I really don't think you actually want NEW to play, but by all means keep dropping NS.
Top 7 Day Biggest Alliance Gains
1) 1,082,679 Strength Change - Mushroom Kingdom

Yes, we "keep dropping NS"

[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1332918863' post='2944206']
Who or what is holding you back?
GOONS is nicer than we are.

[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1332934068' post='2944286']
I wouldn't say NEW are illogical. I would say that they just do not give a !@#$.
That is being illogical

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I am in awe, I truly am. GOONS, is this PR disaster truly worth it? Lets just run through the numbers.

1. You are losing sanction (no more pip, I liked it too :( )
2. You've clearly damaged relations with NEW, an alliance I am assuming you were counting on indirectly if the treaty web is any indication
3. Even after massive amounts of aid, and ghosting allied nations, you require the direct intervention of Doomhouses most powerful member.

Over a bunch of micros that would have been overjoyed to be let go after a brief mauling. Whichever way you want to slice the baloney, this is a disaster of your own creation. I hope you learn from it.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1332933010' post='2944279']
Because no one member of the Kingdom dictates its foreign policy. I've yet to see anything to suggest that the departures from NEW are organized or supported by the NEW government. Given their position squarely between the two sides of this war, and the divided interest of their allies, I do not believe they'd be so illogical (the fact that we're talking about NEW set aside).

Just for the record but you're saying if NEW engaged in the ghosting activities to the extent DH have been this war; you would find that sufficient cause to roll them? And we're not seeing the hypocrisy here or are we just pretending that once you get to a certain point double standards stop mattering?

[quote]Top 7 Day Biggest Alliance Gains
1) 1,082,679 Strength Change - Mushroom Kingdom

Yes, we "keep dropping NS"[/quote]

Collectively speaking, yes. Congratulations on the ghosts returning home though, I'm sure it was to quite a large amount of fanfare given how much they managed to do to a 19 nation alliance. Guess it's Umbrella's shot at beating Kaskus into submission now? :wacko:

Edit: spelling

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[quote name='Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz' timestamp='1332882112' post='2943796']
Sure, Affluenza, that makes 5. Hardly [i]massive[/i] numbers of nations.

Shibby was a long-standing goons member until recently, gov even. He's left us to join Umbrella :(

..and only 5 NEW nations have joined the Kaskus AA. <_<

[quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1332912814' post='2944159']
Does Kaskus have any other MDP partners? If so, they better declare in their defense. It's what Kaskus would do.


ODP'd to menotah who is in a couple blocs I believe. Basically this would escalate into a mjolnir/ex-BLEU stomp if it escalated.

[quote name='r00tn00b' timestamp='1332917541' post='2944195']
No please do. I'd love to hear about one of our large nation with over 2k tech and a ton of wonders that needs aid to survive. please go on with it.

How about this [url=http://www.cybernations.net/search_aid.asp?search=62921&Extended=1]3.4k tech GOON nation[/url] with full wonders?

[quote name='dunhill2071' timestamp='1332925303' post='2944245']
TBH take away all the guys who have joined kaskus within the last week or so and you'll find a pile of sand. Right now its still sand but with a bunch of rocks.
We will have to agree to disagree there because there are PLENTY of nations still fighting, myself included.

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[quote name='AAAAAAAAAAGGGG' timestamp='1332933842' post='2944284']
I don't get why people are so upset with Flak's post. My assumption when reading that was that he'd like NEW to be destroyed for reasons completely unrelated (for which I could only [i]assume[/i] there are many) to this Kaskus / GOONS conflict at hand.

I don't think people are really getting upset. They're just pointing out what a massive headache this would cause DH's allies in CnG and BFF

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[quote name='Reyas' timestamp='1332941691' post='2944310']
I don't think people are really getting upset. They're just pointing out what a massive headache this would cause DH's allies in CnG and BFF

That's what you get for allying NEW. Wasn't that clear when you signed them? I think we are the experts on that lol.

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