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A Brief Announcement from Umbrella

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[quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1332906717' post='2944072']
I think he's saying that Umbrella DoWed because of one nation, and he's claiming they can pull in 119 others.

Also, Hi dickos!

I'll reply to you since you are far and away the most coherent poster responding to me. Anyone who thinks that this announcement is a knee jerk reaction to one nation is a damn fool. As cute as the one 100k nation attacking theory is, it's total rubbish. His warchest isn't impressive and his tech leaves much to be desired. I'm sure he received an intensive training course over at NEW on how to "fight". But none of this matters.

What matters is an incredibly close ally of Umbrella is being attacked and has asked for our assistance. And now it is being provided without question or secrecy. If any alliance were to refuse to assist their close friends in a war they would be cowards at best. That is all there is to it. If your ally asks for help, you help them. If you don't, you are a pathetic craven.

Also, Hi Omni!

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1332906477' post='2944064']
~So when is MK gonna nut up and declare war themselves instead of ghosting GOONS? I thought you were all tough as !@#$ warriors with no regard for politics...~

I especially liked the part of this post where it was written by a guy that has been ghosting GOONS for 20 days because Umbrella hadn't declared war.

DH members being hypocrites? I'm shocked. :o

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[quote name='Iherudia' timestamp='1332906351' post='2944062']
It should be noted that Umbrella is not pushing for any specific amount of reps, only that some terms be reached.[/quote]

Is it too much for you to ask for you to ask about the current state of negotiations before declaring if that is your true intention?

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1332906477' post='2944064']
~So when is MK gonna nut up and declare war themselves instead of ghosting GOONS? I thought you were all tough as !@#$ warriors with no regard for politics...~

Soon as NEW declares.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1332907366' post='2944080']
Is it too much for you to ask for you to ask about the current state of negotiations before declaring if that is your true intention?
I spoke to both yourself and Sardonic about it on Sunday, or did you forget already?

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1332907417' post='2944083']

Before The Umbrella Declaration of Support.
What's your point? I already said the nation we are countering was ghosting Kaskus to hit an Umbrella nation that had been ghosting GOONS. I didn't try to hide it.

Or is this one of those cases where it's ok for NEW to ghost an ally for defense but it's despicable when we do it?

Let me spell it out for you: the nation was going to get countered anyway. The alternative was to send more Umbrella or MK nations to GOONS AA to ghost.

Edited by Iherudia
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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1332906282' post='2944061']
Yep that is exactly it. It's totally not about receiving just compensation or upholding longstanding policy.
Just compensation for what is essentially a raid that went slightly sour due to the target having friends you didn't know about.

And Sparta had a longstanding policy of being undefeated in battle. Oh dear admin, THINK OF THE WIKI! I think you'll survive no matter how little or how much you extort out of this little farce.

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[quote name='Lord Caparo' timestamp='1332907417' post='2944083']

Before The Umbrella Declaration of Support.

Shocking revelations. How [i]dare[/i] I have the audacity to ghost GOONS to fight a member of NEW who was ghosting Kaskus?

I am literally the worst person ever for doing this.

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[quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1332907741' post='2944089']
Just compensation for what is essentially a raid that went slightly sour due to the target having friends you didn't know about.

And Sparta had a longstanding policy of being undefeated in battle. Oh dear admin, THINK OF THE WIKI! I think you'll survive no matter how little or how much you extort out of this little farce.

It was a universal practice to regard aid sent to nations at war with your alliance to be an act of war by the alliance who sent it. As stated on numerous occasions, we requested 18M to make up for the aid they sent. More than fair to both them and ourselves. Let's stop over sensationalizing this. You're only making yourself look stupid.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1332907910' post='2944092']
...im not doubting you but i dont recall this at all. Can you PM me the logs you are referring to?
Of course. (OOC: Not everyone's aware this is the forum account for the irc nick domisi, so that may be what caused the confusion.)

Edited by Iherudia
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[quote name='Daikos' timestamp='1332906089' post='2944055']
So when is NEW gonna nut up and declare war themselves instead of ghosting Kaskus? I thought you were all tough as !@#$ warriors with no regard for politics...

You don't want this.

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[quote name='Iherudia' timestamp='1332907715' post='2944088']
The alternative was to send more Umbrella or MK nations to GOONS AA to ghost.
Or you could of let GOONS fight this war on their own until they wanted to be sensible about peace, rather than trying to bail them out of settling for any less than the big reps they are hoping to gain from this.

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