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A Brief Announcement from Umbrella

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1333638587' post='2948620']
I know I am at no position to say this, but consider to do something that has more impact. If the fish you wish to catch is an easy fry, well, it is not an accomplishment at all.

Consider to change the world, the power map. That way you and your members can be proud since you do accomplished something really BIG.
Valhalla along with Mjolnir have the capability to do it. That I am 100% sure. You deserved to be the main player and get back the glory you used to have..
Your old debt can always be settled (again) much later.

Oh come on now I know you can be a little less obvious in your brown nosing than that.

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1333638587' post='2948620']
I know I am at no position to say this, but consider to do something that has more impact. If the fish you wish to catch is an easy fry, well, it is not an accomplishment at all.

Consider to change the world, the power map. That way you and your members can be proud since you do accomplished something really BIG.
Valhalla along with Mjolnir have the capability to do it. That I am 100% sure. You deserved to be the main player and get back the glory you used to have..
Your old debt can always be settled (again) much later.
We have our glory and we are where we choose to be. We set our own standards and the rest of the cyberverse can go spin. Our place in this verse is where ever we want it to be whether that is the main stage or not. I am very proud to be a member of Valhalla and I am extreamly proud of our membership. Days long past are just that, in the past, we are not the Valhalla of 3 years ago for better or worse we have changed. IMO Valhalla is a better alliance now than it ever has been. Of course im prejuidice as I had a major part in the change. Mjolnir doesnt even exist anymore. While we still hold treaties with NoR and DT MJ as an entity is gone. I would say this to you as well. Jumping in to a frying pan just to do it has very little impact as well. Throwing yourselves on your swords will do very little to impact things in the long run.

Edited by Buds The Man
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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1333639581' post='2948623']Throwing yourselves on your swords will do very little to impact things in the long run.
Equivocal to skirting the peripheral of the power spheres of the global stage.

"I envision a world where Mjolnir's influence is nominal despite a hard earned military victory."

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1333639581' post='2948623']
We have our glory and we are where we choose to be. We set our own standards and the rest of the cyberverse can go spin. Our place in this verse is where ever we want it to be whether that is the main stage or not. I am very proud to be a member of Valhalla and I am extreamly proud of our membership. Days long past are just that, in the past, we are not the Valhalla of 3 years ago for better or worse we have changed. IMO Valhalla is a better alliance now than it ever has been. Of course im prejuidice as I had a major part in the change. Mjolnir doesnt even exist anymore. While we still hold treaties with NoR and DT MJ as an entity is gone. I would say this to you as well. Jumping in to a frying pan just to do it has very little impact as well. Throwing yourselves on your swords will do very little to impact things in the long run.

I was not aware that Mjolnir is no more. I am so sorry to hear that. I have always thought that you guys are a great group of alliances and that you guys would bring a new era and new standard to planet Bob.

Well, my best wishes to you guys. You have always painted yourself as a tough fighter in our book. Elite membership. Anyhow, I hope you guys share a little similar view with me , that associating yourself with the winner does give you the fantasy of being a winner. But it does not necessary something you deserve to be proud of. There is more honor and satisfaction in achieving your own victory through your effort rather than hijacking on others.

Send my best regards to the rest of your government.

Ah, and I agree on your comment about the sword things. But trust me, we have this calculated. And it is still under the level of risk we are willing to deal with. You can pm me if you wish for a more in depth discussion.

much respect,
Tan of Kaskus

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1333640401' post='2948625']
Equivocal to skirting the peripheral of the power spheres of the global stage.

"I envision a world where Mjolnir's influence is nominal despite a hard earned military victory."
OHHH ZING do you feel better. Do you have your big girl panties on now feeling good. Once again MJ is no more let it rest. It achieved what it could and then it faded. The comments by Leet or Flak (I honestly cant remember who said that) were made in private then leaked. If you look at it from the other perspective I understand what it means. NO bloc or grouping of AAs wishes to see another gain greater power than itself. Considering the rocky past MK and Val had as well as RoK and MK its a very understandable posistion. It was a comment made to ensure the safety of ones own AA as well as its allies.

@ Tan
Yes fighting for what you believe in can have its own rewards. Valhalla has been on both ends of the stick and we regret nothing we have done over the past 2-3 years. If this is a fight your willing to be in and its cost is acceptable then i wish you luck in getting to your goals.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1333642001' post='2948632']
OHHH ZING do you feel better. Do you have your big girl panties on now feeling good. Once again MJ is no more let it rest. It achieved what it could and then it faded. The comments by Leet or Flak (I honestly cant remember who said that) were made in private then leaked. If you look at it from the other perspective I understand what it means. NO bloc or grouping of AAs wishes to see another gain greater power than itself. Considering the rocky past MK and Val had as well as RoK and MK its a very understandable posistion. It was a comment made to ensure the safety of ones own AA as well as its allies.

Ardus said that. Well, when you get tired of carrying their purses for them maybe you'll find that toadying up to the dominant powers might be safe, but is rarely satisfying. Now that pesky bloc is dissolved, though, maybe you'll fit in. I see you working very hard to not make waves. Dominant powers like that. Good luck.

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1333642802' post='2948637']
Ardus said that. Well, when you get tired of carrying their purses for them maybe you'll find that toadying up to the dominant powers might be safe, but is rarely satisfying. Now that pesky bloc is dissolved, though, maybe you'll fit in. I see you working very hard to not make waves. Dominant powers like that. Good luck.
Please show me where we have done any of that drivel you are spouting. We have not and never have sucked up to any of the "current powers that be". We have been to the top of the mountain and now we choose to be exactly where we are at. The bloc disolved due to internal issues not because of out side influences. So if you want to give MK a +1 for having a part in MJ disolving then go ahead. Its incorrect but nothing I say is going to change your mind. I find the fact that outsiders constantly try to pit us against certain other parties laughable. If people want us we are not hard to find. Pack a lunch and come get us. Otherwise we are currently very content in the world we have created.

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[quote name='Buds The Man' timestamp='1333643243' post='2948639']
Please show me where we have done any of that drivel you are spouting. We have not and never have sucked up to any of the "current powers that be". We have been to the top of the mountain and now we choose to be exactly where we are at. The bloc disolved due to internal issues not because of out side influences. So if you want to give MK a +1 for having a part in MJ disolving then go ahead. Its incorrect but nothing I say is going to change your mind. I find the fact that outsiders constantly try to pit us against certain other parties laughable. If people want us we are not hard to find. Pack a lunch and come get us. Otherwise we are currently very content in the world we have created.

Alright, alright, settle down. I'm just jerking your chain a little. Goes great with morning coffee.

I would like to see you all carve out something a little bigger, though.

*Edit: Mjolnir dissolving was a disappointment because it was the only attractive alternative to the current arrangement.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1333640401' post='2948625']
Equivocal to skirting the peripheral of the power spheres of the global stage.

"I envision a world where Mjolnir's influence is nominal despite a hard earned military victory."

I'm sorry we weren't your group of folks to rally around to bring down MK or w/e we never wanted to be that so shut the hell up.

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1333644507' post='2948646']
I'm sorry we weren't your group of folks to rally around to bring down MK or w/e we never wanted to be that so shut the hell up.

I don't care about MK, or "bringing them down" as you put it. I simply like a variety of choices in spheres of influence.

*Edit: Right now the lands are strewn with chaos and no other major contenders. NPO is castrated and assimilated, NpO is alienated, XX seems only marginally functional, SF is scattered, and the only thing left are various micros and mid-tier groupings. Doomhouse rules the board, and while that's good for them, not very exciting for anyone else.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Ernesto Che Guevara' timestamp='1333589673' post='2948466']
Then that's great, you helped an ally out in their darkest hour and I respect that a lot. However, you can't go off and say that you were entering based on a legality, because the legality ends when they don't ask you to enter.

its like when you're in school and saw one of your good friend being bullied and tortured by some jerks, then you came and ask your friend is he OK ? then your friend said, yeah i'm OK, while his nose bleeding..
and then you walk away ??!

man, you're really are a good friend :)

EDIT : my idols ???!!

Edited by gantanX
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[quote name='Hime Themis' timestamp='1333647704' post='2948658']
Good Caliph

I am sorry this deserves a +1 for you.

Dame Hime Themis
Good Hime Themis,

I do not understand the +1 comment.

Sir Caliph

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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1333644716' post='2948648']
I don't care about MK, or "bringing them down" as you put it. I simply like a variety of choices in spheres of influence.

*Edit: Right now the lands are strewn with chaos and no other major contenders. NPO is castrated and assimilated, NpO is alienated, XX seems only marginally functional, SF is scattered, and the only thing left are various micros and mid-tier groupings. Doomhouse rules the board, and while that's good for them, not very exciting for anyone else.
There are many choices in spheres of influence. It's just that we're good friends with all the good ones.

Edited by Ardus
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[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1333595426' post='2948514']

There are no victims here. Only the consequences of raiding the wrong party. GOONS will "win" this conflict due to number superiority, but the members of Mongols/Kaskus will have secured a solid "don't $%&@ with us without expecting a vicious kick in the face" reputation.
Not really, considering by their own admission most of them will be shuffling off their mortal coils after this.

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[quote name='Ardus' timestamp='1333654173' post='2948684']
There are many choices in spheres of influence. It's just that we're good friends with all the good ones.

I chuckled.

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1333655336' post='2948688']
Not really, considering by their own admission most of them will be shuffling off their mortal coils after this.

That's too bad. More alliances should be willing to shed some stats instead of just rolling over when conflict comes a'knockin. Nobody likes to see a drop in our precious numbers, but the acquisition of a "not worth !@#$@#$ with" reputation always seems like a good exchange to me.

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[quote name='Sir Keshav IV' timestamp='1333644507' post='2948646']
I'm sorry we weren't your group of folks to rally around to bring down MK or w/e we never wanted to be that so shut the hell up.
Didn't see this before. It's not like you really have a choice since it's not really about you going out and doing something and starting a new rivalry. it already exists. It's more about what can/will happen.

I mean Bud was saying that he knows people dislike his alliance, but then says others are trying to pit them against the aforementioned people, when it has always been clear the threat has been there.

[quote name='Kzoppistan' timestamp='1333657394' post='2948705']
I chuckled.

That's too bad. More alliances should be willing to shed some stats instead of just rolling over when conflict comes a'knockin. Nobody likes to see a drop in our precious numbers, but the acquisition of a "not worth !@#$@#$ with" reputation always seems like a good exchange to me.

It's a lot more diverse than you think. Just because Mjolnir disbanded doesn't mean alliances like Valhalla can't keep doing diplomacy and they're in DR anyway. And not everyone in the spheres of influence GOONS/MK have ties to likes them.

[quote]4. In case of a vote of only the requesting signatory voting in favor and all remaining signatories voting against military action request, the alliance in question shall abstain from the planned military action.[/quote]

from a certain bloc's charter

Also your assertion that Valhalla's carrying MK's bags is hilarious and you haven' been paying attention to how DH views them unfavorably.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333657580' post='2948707']
Also your assertion that Valhalla's carrying MK's bags is hilarious and you haven' been paying attention to how DH views them unfavorably.

I know, I was just !@#$@#$ with them a little.

Hey, I get bored, sue me. :P

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I see chefjoe posting, so I'll just preempt it since it'll probably be derisive: while I do have an interest in it bringing it to light, that doesn't mean I'm going out of my way and making !@#$ up. That's it.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1333657580' post='2948707']
Didn't see this before. It's not like you really have a choice since it's not really about you going out and doing something and starting a new rivalry. it already exists. It's more about what can/will happen.[/quote]

A rivalry only exists when both parties play into it, if only one does(like you intimate MK does (which tbh if true is somewhat flattering) as Val doesnt view MK as rivals) then that one sided action is called a grudge or vendetta. Also if thats the case and they have some hard-on for us that they are cooking up some hilarious CB or pre-empt for, wouldnt be the first time we have been targeted for such so dont expect us to change how we do bsns do to your 'dire' warning Roq.

[quote]I mean Bud was saying that he knows people dislike his alliance, but then says others are trying to pit them against the aforementioned people, when it has always been clear the threat has been there. [/quote]

Every alliance worth its salt has people whom dislike them, and this whole game is about pitting one 'side' or alliance against each other....no revelation there either Roq...

[quote]It's a lot more diverse than you think. Just because Mjolnir disbanded doesn't mean alliances like Valhalla can't keep doing diplomacy and they're in DR anyway. And not everyone in the spheres of influence GOONS/MK have ties to likes them.[/quote]

In this you actually are correct....just because MJ was dissolved certainly doesnt mean every alliance that was in it, including Valhalla, cannot keep doing diplomacy and FA according to how we view our own path to the future

Also your assertion that Valhalla's carrying MK's bags is hilarious and you haven' been paying attention to how DH views them unfavorably.

More of trying to reiterate how much were hated within DH? At this point im beginning to think you keep bringing it up because you feel we can somehow lynchpin or pose some serious threat to DH and want us to buy into your fantasies and pull a charge of the light brigade as some reaction to the doom and gloom you preach....sorry if that doesnt seem to be on our agenda ATM. If MK and whomever your implying want to come after Valhalla and DR for whatever reason then we all know they will do so with or without a valid base for doing so, though my guess is that although most over there wouldnt care if Val got rolled, the other folks that would get rolled along with Valhalla, have folks that imo people on that side DO care about and dont want to screw over per se.....So im content to just chill and collect taxes with the occasional post here on the OWF when something grabs my interest.....like your continued preaching Roq :rolleyes:

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[quote name='suryanto tan' timestamp='1333633825' post='2948608']
You were in the FEAR leadership, and I was in the NEW leadership, we both know about this Europa culture who always caved when fighting against larger foes. I remembered our gov to gov discussion about how they claimed to "had defended" NEW in NEW-DF war and wrote it so proudly in their wiki. We know better, they came in reluctantly, and did not actually put any meaningful fight. They keep complaining during the entire war like a little girl and push us to quickly end the war and accept the peace, what a joke... LOL.

You know, we weren't tied to NEW at the time, so you can understand our reluctance to defend them. We did, however, defend FEAR, and we were prepared to go to the ZI for them. When FEAR had secured peace, we secured it as well. Again, we weren't tied to NEW at the time, so why would we have stayed in?

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Im just going to poke some fun at the whole Valhalla - MK thing. they dont see each other as rivals as they have no point to.

Kaskus however, sets the bar high, our Main Rival for us is Non Grata. Simple fact being they can actually put up a good, fair and fun fight.

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[quote name='chefjoe' timestamp='1333663781' post='2948765']

More of trying to reiterate how much were hated within DH? At this point im beginning to think you keep bringing it up because you feel we can somehow lynchpin or pose some serious threat to DH and want us to buy into your fantasies and pull a charge of the light brigade as some reaction to the doom and gloom you preach....sorry if that doesnt seem to be on our agenda ATM. If MK and whomever your implying want to come after Valhalla and DR for whatever reason then we all know they will do so with or without a valid base for doing so, though my guess is that although most over there wouldnt care if Val got rolled, the other folks that would get rolled along with Valhalla, have folks that imo people on that side DO care about and dont want to screw over per se.....So im content to just chill and collect taxes with the occasional post here on the OWF when something grabs my interest.....like your continued preaching Roq :rolleyes:

I'm not asking to you go to on the offensive at all really. More to ready your positions. I'm glad I can entertain you. Who exactly do they care about? Relying on that is a foolish gamble anyway, because it's never worked for anyone they've rolled before. Just ask Sparta LOL. Never change man.

I'm not really sure how when it's been patently obvious that they dislike you that I'm still making stuff up. If the concept of DH disliking DT, RoK, and Valhalla is something you still haven't been able to grasp, I don't know what to say.

I'm not implying. I already stated that you charging in here given the GOONS goading aeros stuff would be stupid because all they have to do is use NG and Umb on you and you're done. people have given examples like Charles of the stuff he got during the Legion-Tetris war of conspiracies to roll Valhalla through it.

See where you are right, is it does make sense for me to highlight who the next target is so no one is taken by surprise if/when it happens and it makes sense for me to give the target information acquired while I did have access to DH/PB stuff. That's where you don't get it.

Gift horse --->You--> Mouth

It's obviously not in my interests for Valhalla to get rolled because you are a lynchpin, but I still don't get why you respond with derision.So you'll get some form of help even if you don't like it because it's not a loss I can write off easily. It might even be unaffordable.

For the record: I wouldn't want Valhalla anywhere near DH in this war or any war because it's too easy to take advantage of.

Edited by Roquentin
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