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La Paraguas esta viva!


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[quote name='Incitatus' timestamp='1330307300' post='2928956']
Wait...you're applying to MK?


Sorry, had to.

Edited by Ernesto Che Guevara
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1330305459' post='2928930']
This reminds me of Fernando76 for some reason.

You know, the same thought popped into my mind this morning actually.

Anyway, best of luck with this venture I suppose.

Edited by James Spanier
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If you want this alliance to be successful, as in more than a vanity micro alliance, this is the wrong way to go about doing it. Trying to take cheap shots at Umbrella with the theme and openly being an insurgent of sorts isn't very productive towards building an alliance.

There's a lesson to be learned in differences between various groups pre-karma. Vox could be open about their goals and didn't have to play by any of the conventional rules, but also entirely forfeit their ability to build in-game power (outside of the senate campaign) and play in the treaty web. Other alliances built up power and worked to strengthen their position against NPO, both politically and statistically, behind the scenes. You're trying to do both here and it's not going to work very because they are in many ways mutually exclusive.

This alliance is highly unlikely to get anywhere if you put your grudge with us (and anyone else who displeases you) ahead of the alliance. And right now that is exactly what you're doing.

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[quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1330325432' post='2929117']

This alliance is highly unlikely to get anywhere if you put your grudge with us

Careful, you're starting to sound like another certain paranoid alliance around a certain time.

I really don't hope lines like this are all you have left in the playbook. That would be[i] really[/i] disappointing.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330325723' post='2929124']
Careful, you're starting to sound like another certain paranoid alliance around a certain time.

I really don't hope lines like this are all you have left in the playbook. That would be[i] really[/i] disappointing.
And of course after it happens we will all take a moment to stop and thank brave prophet iyiyth for posts like this.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330325723' post='2929124']
Careful, you're starting to sound like another certain paranoid alliance around a certain time.

I really don't hope lines like this are all you have left in the playbook. That would be[i] really[/i] disappointing.
[/quote]I really love the way you picked out one line of his content filled post, and turned it into a contentless post of your own. Keep up the good work.

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[quote name='cookavich' timestamp='1330326778' post='2929136']
I really love the way you picked out one line of his content filled post, and turned it into a contentless post of your own. Keep up the good work.

Ah. This is obviously some strange usage of the word "content" that I hadn't previously been aware of.

It was declared that if Roquentin "wanted the alliance to succeed," he would have to stop making MK and Co. look bad. Gee. I wonder if Roquentin could have possibly thought about the ramifications of his actions prior to creating his own alliance. I'm willing to bet someone of his stature is more than able to think for himself, and so I quite rightly question the necessity of what amounts to continued belittlement of an individual who has persevered from far worse from you and your ilk. It is amusing that Roquentin is now taken so seriously. An individual not too long ago dismissed as irrelevant and incapable of having any affect on you and yours to any ear that would listen.
So much has changed now that he is offered unsolicited, sardonic advice on what actions you perceive he should be taking in order to further the "grudge," you seem to speak of?

To me? These are just continued attempts to make Roquentin appear incredulous or incapable of leading an alliance.
Things that Roquentin has proven time and again not only can he do, but things that he can do extraordinarily well.

Pats on the back all around indeed, gentlemen.

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[quote name='NationRuler' timestamp='1330307452' post='2928958']
Let me rephrase. By "It's important as all of our MD level treaties" I suppose I meant "All of our MD level treaties are important"

Either way, nobody should be butthurt over such a statement, and the point is valid. It should really go without saying.

Edit: See the first page of [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=109369&pid=2928579&st=0&#entry2928579"]This thread[/url] if you want to argue the word "important"

No, you totally missed the point. Try again.

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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330327549' post='2929146']
Ah. This is obviously some strange usage of the word "content" that I hadn't previously been aware of.

It was declared that if Roquentin "wanted the alliance to succeed," he would have to stop making MK and Co.

Azaghul never said anything about making us look bad. The [i]entire point[/i] of Paraguas is to be diet Umbrella with lime, first of all, and second of all, we over here in MK are sitting quite pretty, thank you very much. He talked about Roq's very real and entirely inexplicable vendetta being a detriment to his alliance. If I were you, Myth, I'd aspire to be a bit more than Roquentin's apple-polisher.

Edited by Quinoa Rex
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[quote name='Quinoa Rex' timestamp='1330329450' post='2929158']
Azaghul never said anything about making us look bad. In fact, we're sitting quite pretty, thank you very much. He talked about Roq's very real vendetta being a detriment to his alliance. If I were you, Myth, I'd aspire to be a bit more than Roquentin's apple-polisher.

Well, since you decided to stop reading after two sentences.

[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330327549' post='2929146'] I wonder if Roquentin could have possibly thought about the ramifications of his actions prior to creating his own alliance. I'm willing to bet someone of his stature is more than able to think for himself, and so I quite rightly question the necessity of what amounts to continued belittlement of an individual who has persevered from far worse from you and your ilk. It is amusing that Roquentin is now taken so seriously. An individual not too long ago dismissed as irrelevant and incapable of having any affect on you and yours to any ear that would listen.
So much has changed now that he is offered unsolicited, sardonic advice on what actions you perceive he should be taking in order to further the "grudge," you seem to speak of?

To me? These are just continued attempts to make Roquentin appear incredulous or incapable of leading an alliance.
Things that Roquentin has proven time and again not only can he do, but things that he can do extraordinarily well.

Pats on the back all around indeed, gentlemen.

I'm still wrapping my head around how someone who was seemingly irrelevant and recently not worthy of the Kingdom's attention by its own members and governments words should now seemingly take/need your clearly belittling, mocking and/or insincere advice on alliance-building.

Edited by IYIyTh
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Roquentin was told his words were worthless and irrelevant and had no bearing and it's on repeat here. He proved everyone wrong, even if some are having trouble admitting it. Kingdom and Co. are out attempting to belittle any and every effort because they view Roquentin as a threat, an ironic stance to take when seeing their comments first-hand but a week ago and beyond. He has led an alliance that at the time was arguably greater than any alliance now. I do have a hard time taking anyone seriously who thinks Roquentin doesn't know what he's up against, and contemptible that some are trying their best to deny the amount of rhetorical garbage and slander that continues to be heralded his way.

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt for now. I don't know why he deserves anything less all things considered.

Edit: Also, I'm not familiar with that brand of glasses. I'd suggest reading glasses if you need them.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330330187' post='2929160']
Well, since you decided to stop reading after two sentences.

I'm still wrapping my head around how someone who was seemingly irrelevant and recently not worthy of the Kingdom's attention by its own members and governments words should now seemingly take/need your clearly belittling, mocking and/or insincere advice on alliance-building.
A good advice is a good advice, no matter who it comes from.

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1330334318' post='2929175']
A good advice is a good advice, no matter who it comes from.

Sure, but it would have to qualify as advice and not rhetoric meant to belittle and detract from the individual first.
Something certain individuals have become quite fond of over the past year or so.

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='Chief Savage Man' timestamp='1330334424' post='2929177']
this is a funny way of saying blowjob

Thank you for your contribution.
Now that we are certain that you also have the best of intentions for Roq and the well-being of his alliance,
I must ask thee what wonderful advice you could also give former leader and individual largely responsible for your alliances successes on his new endeavor?

Edited by IYIyTh
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[quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1330335120' post='2929178']
I must ask thee what wonderful advice you could also give former leader and individual largely responsible for your alliances successes on his new endeavor?

see past your sycophany and keep your ass out of Bizarro Umbrella

would be a solid start

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