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República de Cuba


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[size="5"]Havana, capital building[/size]
A man walks to the podium, wearing a suit. He gives a smile and a wave before beginning his speech. "Hello my fellow Cuban's, and people of the world. Today marks a new day in Cuba. My people have voted me, Presidente Marco, to lead our new nation. With the continued support of my people and, hopefully, of the worlds I plan to lead Cuba into a new age of prosperity."

The same message would be played out in Spanish.

Un hombre camina hacia el podio, vistiendo un traje. Da una sonrisa y una ola antes de comenzar su discurso. ' Hola mi colega del cubano y personas del mundo. Hoy marca un nuevo día en Cuba. Mi pueblo ha votado me, Presidente de Marco, para conducir a nuestra nación nueva. Con el apoyo de mi gente y, ojalá, de los mundos planea llevar a Cuba a una nueva era de prosperidad. "

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"Nouvelle-Vicidalia will wait first for the protector to release this state, however, should that happen, we see no problem in recognising it. Either way, we hope for friendly relations with the Cuban people, be it under a souvereign or a foreign banner."
[i]-Lisette de Nouvelle-Beziérs[/i]
[b]Ministre des Affairs étrangeres de Nouvelle-Vicidalia[/b]

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