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[quote name='Crazy Crazy' timestamp='1330051621' post='2927225']

It just gets better and better.

I remember Evella and XR1 calling out a certain alliance out about GPF being better in every way.
One that I belong to.
One that isn't self destructing.
One that isn't involved in shady, back alley transactions.
One that isn't involved in possible espionage.

This thread amuses me. Please continue.

I remember the same things, hopefully now that the fat was cut they can get on with growing as most of the people there are the nicest people you will ever meet. There was just those couple of bad apples that ruined the whole bunch.

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[quote name='Evella Vada' timestamp='1330048609' post='2927181']
The idea is that we absorb SUN, MO, and perhaps ROCK. Once we have done that, then the intent was to build up strong, increase our yellow count, and wait until the next war when FAN got hit again, and was weak. Then we would seize the day.
ROCK weren't interested in merging with their stalwart, long term (and only) ally, so where you guys got that idea is beyond me. Also, just because you are now no longer in GPF doesn't mean that you weren't a part of the formulation of the plans to begin with. In fact, I think it's safe to say that you might have even been a source of some of those ideas. Just because you're sitting on the outside now laughing at the sheer stupidity of GPF and their plan to dominate the yellow team doesn't mean that you weren't a part of, as well as most certainly a source of, that sheer stupidity.

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1330020280' post='2926805']
Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


EDIT: Where's the off duty cops when you need them?

Obligatory, STEVE! STEVE! STEVE!

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1330020280' post='2926805']
EDIT: Where's the off duty cops when you need them?

Here I am by the way. Why can't I escape from my job even when I'm not on duty? Oh well lets play mediator again... seems that is all people want us to do nowadays.

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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1330053305' post='2927240']
ROCK weren't interested in merging with their stalwart, long term (and only) ally, so where you guys got that idea is beyond me. Also, just because you are now no longer in GPF doesn't mean that you weren't a part of the formulation of the plans to begin with. In fact, I think it's safe to say that you might have even been a source of some of those ideas. Just because you're sitting on the outside now laughing at the sheer stupidity of GPF and their plan to dominate the yellow team doesn't mean that you weren't a part of, as well as most certainly a source of, that sheer stupidity.

You are correct. 100% I was part of it, and I will stand here and say that I was. I will stand by that. Difference is I came clean.

Edited by Evella Vada
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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1330054583' post='2927250']
Stop airing your worthless micro drama on the OWF. Obligatory; you should hire Roquentin to run your FA, only a man with such a cunning wit like him can turn this alliance around, and I believe he is free of obligations atm

UGH but the Roq drama is [i]so [/i]last week, man. We needed something to spice up our lives, right? Right?

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[quote name='Evella Vada' timestamp='1330048609' post='2927181']
The idea is that we absorb SUN, MO, and perhaps ROCK. Once we have done that, then the intent was to build up strong, increase our yellow count, and wait until the next war when FAN got hit again, and was weak. Then we would seize the day.

[quote name='Evella Vada' timestamp='1330054373' post='2927249']
You are correct. 100% I was part of it, and I will stand here and say that I was. I will stand by that. Difference is I came clean.

So GPF the alliances is bad: not for anything the members did; or even for anything the members knew about.
GPF is bad because of some secret plan YOU had: which only some gov knew about; and that plan of yours was evil!

Now, that even GPF members you recruited have lost respect for you, you point your finger at us and call us bad and cite plans you had as the reason why we are bad - get some perspective.

It's true that some alliance have a genuine dislike towards GPF, and they often cited you as a reason: I now see where they are coming from.

I am happy that you had to rage quit when you couldn't get your own way; it shows the rest of Planet Bob that we in GPF don't support the sorts of underhanded secret policies that you are now trying to pin on us. This day is a great day, when GPF can move in a better direction and I welcome the new found friendships in former enemies. For our enemies were never enemies of the GPF members, they were simply aggravated by your hubris and evil scheming.

It's pretty clear, that the prism of your own perspective, is totally distorting reality now; when you cite your own policy as reason for why GPF is stuffed (a policy that the members did not know of and would never have supported), and when called on the issue you admit that it was your policy, and that somehow shows what an honest person you are.

wow - seriously - wow

BTW, this thread isn't about you Evella. But hey, if you want to hate on GPF now, go ahead; I'm sure the damage you cause now will be nothing compared to the damage you did while being a member of our gov hating on everyone else!

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[quote name='Get Sum' timestamp='1330061619' post='2927312']

It takes more than one person to be a part of a conspiracy anymore. The fact is there that GPF attempted to subvert FAN's position on yellow, and still have plans to do so. No matter of pointing fingers at other parties will change the fact that the entire GPF government took part in this. Sure someone may have spearheaded it, but like sheep the rest followed and are going to continue the plans. That is what an alliance full of sheep like GPF would do.

You have no substantial evidence that the member you have expelled and are attacking did anything, and you are relying on an outside source, and someone posting after the person and calling them some random noob in GPF as the spy, when it is very possible that the person that posted the screenshot is the same person that called the other person the said member. It isn't that had to have multiple accounts on that location, and xR1 is very fond of that place and tends to use it a lot, so maybe you should start investigating you more immediate problems of your own government that are full of snakes.

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This is news? The plans for GPF to take over yellow have been on CNtel for something like 3 weeks, complete with multiple editions of screenshots, which already stated that they wanted to mess around with FAN. Making a lie and a big deal out of the sting on the person who leaked it isn't even necessary. Only things that should be stopping FAN, even after a losing war, would be terms from the NPO forcing them to not declare new fronts, or the treaty with Argent(?).

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QUIET!!! The Jellyfish is talking!!!!!

Now children (because that is how we're all acting) people need to get back into their character and stay there.

I must say Evella, seeing as you pointed out Facebones in the first place you're making a nice job of cosying up to him, you have a habit of back-stabbing, don't you?

I know you'll be a great "asset" to Oceania because, I mean come on, your nothing much else are you, I mean being a @"$!* to members doesn't really count. Nice to see you PM'd our members as well to see if they'd leave with you. :D

Oceania, the above is nothing against you at all! I still quite like you guys! Whether the feeling is mutual or not, I'm not sure, but that's how I feel this end. Oh and before you do, Helena, You do not represent Oceania's feelings towards GPF so don't answer that, It was more aimed at the big boys who can talk peacefully, like ADude, Stelios and Mikey.

Peggy, you left because everyone at GPF has grown tired of your B****ing and wouldn't fall into line for you, I wonder how long it will be before Oceania see that? I don't know, hey Maybe Oceania are a bridge alliance before you move on to somewhere else, Like you planned to do with us!

Also, I like your approach. Because I assume it was you that dropped Bellamy into Mr Bloodfury's hands, knowing fully that it was all arranged, if that was you -> you left out the post you made in that topic supporting the trap. If it wasn't you, then I'm sorry but that means Facebones is the spy because he's the only one who can see it!! :D

Anyway, thanks for your help over the last few months, Evella. I did appreciate having you around. It's only now, in this thread I regret appointing you my DSG :D

Edited by Colonel brick
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You know, seriously i laugh at this.

Bloodfury has wanted to destroy GPF ever since it was made, i have no idea why but i just went meh and went with the original plan.

Evella, you betrayed your "friends". Feel free to try and roll GPF yourself, but i WILL stop you at each corner. Feel free to resume your poaching ways like you did when you tried to destroy a Blue alliance when trying to grow a brand new Red team alliance after NPO lost the Karma war.


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[quote name='Colonel brick' timestamp='1330077083' post='2927418']
Good sir, your alliance is lucky to have someone as perceptive and with as much practical intelligence as you. It's just a shame that the rest of GPF is such a mess.

Edited by Avakael
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lol i just read all of that com on guys leave gpf alone thay just want to grow and from some one who has evella's !@#$%*y Attitude a few times well just get on with you nation growth evella
oh and i stand with ColBrick if any thing happens i will help my freind

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[quote name='Get Sum' timestamp='1330061619' post='2927312']
So GPF the alliances is bad: not for anything the members did; or even for anything the members knew about.
GPF is bad because of some secret plan YOU had: which only some gov knew about; and that plan of yours was evil!

Now, that even GPF members you recruited have lost respect for you, you point your finger at us and call us bad and cite plans you had as the reason why we are bad - get some perspective.

It's true that some alliance have a genuine dislike towards GPF, and they often cited you as a reason: I now see where they are coming from.

I am happy that you had to rage quit when you couldn't get your own way; it shows the rest of Planet Bob that we in GPF don't support the sorts of underhanded secret policies that you are now trying to pin on us. This day is a great day, when GPF can move in a better direction and I welcome the new found friendships in former enemies. For our enemies were never enemies of the GPF members, they were simply aggravated by your hubris and evil scheming.

It's pretty clear, that the prism of your own perspective, is totally distorting reality now; when you cite your own policy as reason for why GPF is stuffed (a policy that the members did not know of and would never have supported), and when called on the issue you admit that it was your policy, and that somehow shows what an honest person you are.

wow - seriously - wow

BTW, this thread isn't about you Evella. But hey, if you want to hate on GPF now, go ahead; I'm sure the damage you cause now will be nothing compared to the damage you did while being a member of our gov hating on everyone else!

I'm absolutely sure that it was not the alliances dislike of your general membership but of Evella at the top who as Deputy Secretary General did represent your alliance on OWF. I mean think about it, I can't see a post by anyone in GPF government other than Evella that made GPF look like a foolish alliance and made people mad. Glad to see you have all washed your hands of it, now let's see how she poisons Oceania.

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I know I made GPF Look Foolish. Let me keep trying.

Let me put things in perspective for everyone. I left GPF on my own accord, if you would like to call it a "rage quit" then sure, feel free. All of that is beside the point. I left GPF just like any normal person should be able to do, I joined Oceania, and for 1 day everything was fine. Now the next day I come on IRC to find my irc channel being trolled by members of GPF, they took access of the channel and were being really childish, so we played the kick ban game for a good 20 minutes. Then I received PM's in game from Cress and Get_Sum (Cress the guy who resigned from GPF and left 2 weeks back with no explanation, and Get_Sum the guy who was sanctioned by FAN) The message was full of cuss words and hate, which I can take screen shots of those too. So it became clear that GPF was going to play hard ball which by the way was never my intention. I wanted to leave GPF and go on my own way, however with their constant trolling and spreading of lies they made that impossible.

Fundamentally there is a lot at stake here. Everyone knows I have a record in this game, everyone knows that the majority of people in GPF has a record in this game, so perhaps it comes down to a popularity contest, which I am sure I would loose. The facts are though if I was hated so much in GPF, I would have been expelled prior to leaving, which never happened. The facts are is that ColonelBrick does not control GPF and xr1, KingSamuel, and Get_Sum run that ship, so make no misconceptions on that one either. 2 times xr1 tried to put us in a war with Kaskus and TheCombine. It was because of ColonelBricks poor leadership skills that this whole FAN thing started, and GPF started talking about spying. I think I was much more popular in GPF until I started telling everyone the truth about GPF, but I guess perhaps the truth can be offensive, especially when you have xr1 and Poppa and KingSamuel spreading lies a mile a minute, and ColonelBrick who is so out of touch with what is going on, he sometimes forgets the name of his own AA. I think the question at hand is much more fundamental. I think there are some individuals who want to know the actual truth, and I won't bend it, it might be dirty, it might incriminate myself, but anyone who wants the truth can have it, feel free to shoot a PM and we can chat about it. My only regret is that I got a very negative reputation in CN from the first place because I protected the AA and its members no matter what, just for ColonelBrick and the rest of the GPF government to twist it all and create lies, and then to flame me. There was fair warning. I suppose this is where that phrase don't throw stones if you live in a glass house comes into play, no clique intended.


Edited by Evella Vada
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Evella, the linked pics didn't work. I've taken out the img tags in my own spoiler, to let every one else peruse on at their own leisure.

EDIT: Woops, there we go. Now they load. Strange. Just a second ago it was just a list of "User posted image". I blame my shoddy connection.

Edited by Atanatar
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By the way I thought we were done posting, until ColonelBrick decided to give his irrelevant opinion on the subject matter. Evella would like to be done on this subject matter. But if no then I can prepare more logs, and we can go outside the FAN issue as well. We can talk about warchest info, we can talk about ghosts and inactives, we can talk about more gov secretes, we can talk about Ragnarok. The deal was that GPF left me alone I left them alone. So Cress, send me another message in game. Poppa come on my IRC channel one more time and edit my topic description. CrackedMind query me one more time, oh and let someone in outside of GPF send me one more log where I am being talking about. Because if you think this FAN issue is dirty laundry, you have just seen the colors wait till we get to the whites, the stains will horrify you. Colonelbrick got on here earlier to show his newb, after GPF sent a message to everyone not to reply back in this topic or to talk to me, from xr1 himself. That is why the last log dump happened because GPF broke the armistice twice already. Now that, that is out of the way, the ball is in your court GPF. Make your move.

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