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Non Nuclear Inter Alliance War League


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We'll make this simple, anyone who wants to run ground attacks only warfare, no cm's, no cruise missiles, no aircraft, no nuclear weapons or navy to i guess. So just basic nightly tech raid opportunies and casulty adders let me know cus nobody wants to do anything else competetive in this world :)

Edited by burtenjay
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because you can't fight realistically? i apologize sir but it seems to me the two nukes that have been dropped in real warfare have since been regaurded with tremendous regret and sadness. Did it work? yes. Did it take any skill? to build and procure, sure, to use, absolutely not. To be honest they don't leave much to chance or strategy. i'm simply looking for those who wish to brighten there dull evenings with a not so green glow in a competitive friendly manner.

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Ruler Name: BurtenJay
Nation Name:eXcessiveAgression
Nation strength: 60,312
Representing(alliance name): Nordreich
Random opponent or issue challenge(if so please list name(s)): come one come all
Pairing: 1v1, 2v2, or 3v3: whatever is first to come available

I agree to pay all entrance fees shall i lose,
Signed X [u]BurtenJay[/u]

im willing to do this with reps or without them or ill go as high as 22.5 mill and 250 tech shall the pairings be fair.

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[quote name='burtenjay' timestamp='1329720704' post='2924416']
because you can't fight realistically? i apologize sir but it seems to me the two nukes that have been dropped in real warfare have since been regaurded with tremendous regret and sadness. Did it work? yes. Did it take any skill? to build and procure, sure, to use, absolutely not. To be honest they don't leave much to chance or strategy. i'm simply looking for those who wish to brighten there dull evenings with a not so green glow in a competitive friendly manner.

A war without nukes is like a Xmas party without a drunk uncle, sure its more politicly correct but it aint half as much fun! :awesome:

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[quote name='burtenjay' timestamp='1329720704' post='2924416']
because you can't fight realistically? i apologize sir but it seems to me the two nukes that have been dropped in real warfare have since been regaurded with tremendous regret and sadness. Did it work? yes. Did it take any skill? to build and procure, sure, to use, absolutely not. To be honest they don't leave much to chance or strategy. i'm simply looking for those who wish to brighten there dull evenings with a not so green glow in a competitive friendly manner.

I can't help but notice that you have 25 nukes.

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Nukes are a large part of strategy, I won't be participating because of this. If you use purely conventional warfare, there is no way for someone to "come back" once a nation asserts dominance short of buying more infra. It also all but eliminates the value of tech, because having a !@#$%* tech:infra ratio is actually good when it comes to ground attacks (more troops and whatnot).

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why does most of the world have nukes, MAD, mutually assured destruction, i trust not a single one of you and i have yet to be in a war that doesnt involve them and i have yet to be the first person to go shooting them off. as for the complaint about infra tech ratio, the entire purpose of this is to match people evenly...hence your missing the main principle.

Edited by burtenjay
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[quote name='burtenjay' timestamp='1329893092' post='2925467']
nobody wants to play :-/ even for free no reps?

I would love to play. Sadly I am small and much obligated to not squander my pixels. It would be a challenge to find anyone that doesn't feel that obligation, but I love the idea and wish priorities were different. You probably got to find an immanent quitter.

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