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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1329244786' post='2920448']
Fault is not relevant to fact. Im not "blaming" you. But you cant take the stance that you wanted to "get to know" the others. We were ALWAYS there, you chose not to care. At some point, the notion of 1 man being inactive at a given time, and crippling Sparta has to end. You were busy with RL, and an alliance of over 300 couldnt find anyone to do any FA. And yet its still 1 person's fault. You sit this whole damned war in peace mode, then trumpet out that your Ephor of Defense went inactive (surely this has nothing do with his ridiculous insinuations that Olympus gov faked a certain set of logs...just sayin...), and his RL issues crippled the Sparta war machine. What it says is you have one, and only one person in any given department that can actually DO something at any given time. Hence the EXACT reason that so many people think you are crap. And now, now, you attach your cars to the Roquentin train, whos brilliant plan is to outrage that MK spied! While he made use of that spied info, and used that same spied information to hammer at other alliances during VE-NpO and the resulting DH-NPO war. Its complete and utter rubbish.
And that's all I have to say about that.

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I'm staying out of this argument. I still love how the insanity accusations are being thrown about. I'm not really sure how my "insanity" is impacting me in any negative way. Enhanced concentration is the best thing in the world and you mock it. See, at the end of the day, my goal is MK's destruction. I'll do whatever it takes to achieve that goal. I'm not sure why people want to get in the way given I've shown they're not very good. It's fine if you do, but remember one day, you'll fall with them. I offer a lot of people an alternative to their position as meatshields or outcasts in MK's vision of the world. If you don't want that, I don't know what to say.

MK doesn't like VE. MK doesn't like Echelon. Jacapo wanted VE expelled. TLR doesn't like VE.

Also, I'll always be active and DA is insanely active. Tulak can be active enough.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329239206' post='2920382']
Meh, I remember talking to Vektor at one point and I found out he lived in SoCal. That's about it. Oh, and getting Seerow off a ZI-list, but you don't care about that.

I love this analogy, though.

I'm confused how did me getting off the ZI list come up here? Either way, it was appreciated. After being told to go $%&@ myself for about a year and a half, getting me off was a good thing.

But seriously, I'm saying this not as a member of MK, but as the one person here who has known you longer than anyone else on Bob, and probably has more reason than anyone else in MK to feel sympathy towards you-You need to back off. You are taking negative comments from a few people, and blowing them up out of proportion. You have gripped on to this "destroy MK" platform and are holding on so tightly you seem incapable of letting go.

However, even if everything did work out exactly as you hope, and you got all of MK's treaties canceled, and MK rolled immediately after, MK would still survive. As a community, we aren't going anywhere. If your goal is to destroy our community, you won't be successful. If your goal is to make the rest of Bob hate us, you're a pretty long way off of accomplishing that. If the whole RoK thing a few weeks ago didn't do it, some year+ old spy info isn't going to do it either. You are lashing out in petty spitefulness, and rather than accomplishing what you want, all you are doing is burning bridges with those who would call you friend. And for what? Denial and 1337 being mean to you? Quinoa and Tamerlane trolling? Is it really worth it to you to trash all your good will and relationships to get back at a few people?

You've had plenty of time now to vent and blow off steam. Everyone in the world now knows you had issues with some people in MK, and how certain decisions were made. A lot of your gripes still seem irrational (I still don't get why you're so upset about the MK-TOP treaty for example), but at least a few have a real root concerns. But at this point you've gone way beyond venting those concerns or getting payback, and are just making the situation worse. Rather than making people see you're right, your continued lashing out is turning more people against you, and gaining you support only of the scum of the planet that prior to the last few months you never wanted anything to do with.

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This is some good drama and while I really have no place up in here, feel as though one tidbit I have to add.

[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329246298' post='2920461']I offer a lot of people an alternative to their position as meatshields or outcasts in MK's vision of the world. [/quote]
You fail to understand a crucial thing in your personal jihad.

You are a culprit. No one is going to fallow, you.

Chew on that.

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[quote name='Branimir' timestamp='1329246639' post='2920470']
This is some good drama and while I really have no place up in here, feel as though one tidbit I have to add.

You fail to understand a crucial thing in your personal jihad.

You are a culprit. No one is going to fallow, you.

Chew on that.

That's fine. If I have to play it like this instead, Nagasaki, here we come. It's not really about following me, it's about breaking off the chains of an old system. There's so much whining about stagnant politics and when I offer to shake things up, you cry foul. I don't remember half the people behind Karma being totally clean. It's an idiotic, unreasonable expectation.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329246677' post='2920471']
That's fine. If I have to play it like this instead, Nagasaki, here we come.

Attention shoppers, please head to your nearest fallout shelter.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329246298' post='2920461']MK doesn't like VE. MK doesn't like Echelon. Jacapo wanted VE expelled. TLR doesn't like VE.[/quote]

MK and VE have less animosity now than they have had in the past.

I can't speak for Echelon-MK relations

Jacapo talks a ton of !@#$ and has no control over the FA direction of Non Grata, that power resides with the Triumvirate.

Proof that TLR doesn't like VE?

I think you are out of date on a lot of relationships Roquentin.

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NG and the terrible MK alliance will dominate and backstab everyone until we control the land and are the two towers of mordor and gryffindor.




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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329234826' post='2920321']
I was planning not to post a for a while, but as I've said to anyone who has talked !@#$, bring it. Who do you think you are? Some random TOP member wants to talk smack? At least Yevgeni is reasonable.

Boo hoo hoo, do you need a nice tall glass of beaujolais to calm yourself down?

I think I am a member of TOP, and it doesn't matter if I hold a gov't position or not, I have the same rights as you to post on these forums. If you can't handle that people will have opposing points of view than yours, you may at anytime leave!

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[quote name='FlogYou' timestamp='1329247389' post='2920482']
Boo hoo hoo, do you need a nice tall glass of beaujolais to calm yourself down?

I think I am a member of TOP, and it doesn't matter if I hold a gov't position or not, I have the same rights as you to post on these forums. If you can't handle that people will have opposing points of view than yours, you may at anytime leave!

I just want to know how your assertion had anything to do with anything. Want to roll Sparta? Go right ahead. I will make it hurt ooc: nine inch nails style.

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329247267' post='2920480']
Wow, you almost have an out here. I wouldn't push your luck. I'd really like to see Non Grata go to the wastebin where it belongs though.


Why don't you like us D:

Edited by Nikita Ilyich Lenin
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The reasons should be obvious at this point. Let's go down the list: your treatment of me despite me never being anti-Non Grata before I left. I liked iFOK. zoom's BS. arexes. I like Mike, but the rest of you have shown a propensity to screw with me.

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[quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1329248200' post='2920493']
I'm not insane and I don't want to hear anymore about it or I start playing cards. Not like NG isn't vulnerable.

You have lost it, it means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no control of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal.

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