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Proof of Allegations


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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329203507' post='2920032']
Hello Bros.

You still have access to many other servers though, do you not?

Also you don't need root admin, the both of us know that. Super Admin ~= root admin in this scenario. Which can be created by any FTP account, which you would probably have access to if you helped them set it up.

But lets take your word for it, you've never done anything to lose my trust, if what you say above is true, then how did you get the information used in the screenshots Roq posted?

Also are you denying that during that 2 week period you didn't use your access to spy on UPN?

I probably have a couple of FTP accounts on random alliance's websites, but I would not know unless I went through my 2+ gigabytes in IRC logs and read every single log line-by-line and checked to see which ones still worked.

There is no such thing as super admin. There is no form of admin power on SMF that cannot be taken away. I tell most alliances that are reticent about giving me admin access in the first place to remove my FTP account after I am finished setting up all of their things and it all works.

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[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1329203729' post='2920037']
I probably have a couple of FTP accounts on random alliance's websites, but I would not know unless I went through my 2+ gigabytes in IRC logs and read every single log line-by-line and checked to see which ones still worked.

There is no such thing as super admin. There is no form of admin power on SMF that cannot be taken away. I tell most alliances that are reticent about giving me admin access in the first place to remove my FTP account after I am finished setting up all of their things and it all works.

Right, but when they don't, you use it correct?

Also using a find command/mirc log search wouldn't make finding the FTP accounts hard at all... 2+ GBs or not. You really don't have to read them "line-by-line."

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1329195948' post='2919878']
Please Roq, continue to attack my character instead of actually admitting that you're equally guilty in all of this. Just because it is a fact you wish to ignore doesn't mean it isn't true.

It's as if you can't handle criticism or being out of the spotlight.

For some reason I don't think Roq cares if he's equally guilty at this point, but I know Roq has never been a liar, so I trust what he says.

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Assuming one does not want to blur the IC-OOC line, how would one proceed with this information, Roq? That is, you are asking people to take a stand against MK (cancelling on them for their allies, at least) based on OOC information. Considering it is a game we play on an IC basis, how can we take this as valuable/relevant information in Digiterra?

I think my point is: you should make a thread about it in the IC section.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329203845' post='2920038']
Right, but when they don't, you use it correct?

Also using a find command/mirc log search wouldn't make finding the FTP accounts hard at all... 2+ GBs or not. You really don't have to read them "line-by-line."

I use what? The FTP accounts?

You know FTP accounts only allow access to the files, not the database, right?

And it would be difficult to locate FTP accounts, as nobody gives me their FTP details the same way. Sometimes it is like:
<person> okay your ftp details are
<p> username: bros
<p> passsword: floppyparts

or <p> bros/floppyparts

or <p> bros@domain.com password floppy

people use a million and one variations

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EDIT: Just saw your response..

[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1329204177' post='2920043']
I use what? The FTP accounts?

You know FTP accounts only allow access to the files, not the database, right?[/quote]

Let me explain something to you.. SMF was created as an offshoot of myBB.

The highest admin is a Super Admin that can't be demasked.. You have to edit FTP files to change who the Super Admin is.

If you have the FTP log in, you can do that. You can change the Super Admin to your account, create another account for you to view their boards, then change the Super Admin back before anyone knew about it.

And it would be difficult to locate FTP accounts, as nobody gives me their FTP details the same way. Sometimes it is like:
<person> okay your ftp details are
<p> username: bros
<p> passsword: floppyparts

or <p> bros/floppyparts

or <p> bros@domain.com password floppy

people use a million and one variations

You could search for "FTP" and be done with it. Plus I'm sure you remember whose forums you helped set up, which would give you the log file to search.

Also Bros, you forgot to answer:

"then how did you get the information used in the screenshots Roq posted? " (i.e. how did you know what was going on in NSO govt. forums)

Also are you denying that during that 2 week period you didn't use your access to spy on UPN? (you have yet to formally denounce Roq's allegations... aside from when you said the images were photoshopped; they were proved not to be). Are you denying what Roq says at all?

Edited by Unknown Smurf
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329204260' post='2920044']
EDIT: Just saw your response..

Let me explain something to you.. SMF was created as an offshoot of myBB.

The highest admin is a Super Admin that can't be demasked.. You have to edit FTP files to change who the Super Admin is.

If you have the FTP log in, you can do that. You can change the Super Admin to your account, create another account for you to view their boards, then change the Super Admin back before anyone knew about it.

I am aware of the origins of SMF.

There is no super admin or root admin in SMF. It was a feature not brouht from mybb

I will answer more questions sometime in the afternoon (it is 2:30 AM right now).

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329204260' post='2920044']
Also Bros, you forgot to answer:

"then how did you get the information used in the screenshots Roq posted? " (i.e. how did you know what was going on in NSO govt. forums)

I don't think he "forgot".


[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1329204994' post='2920052']
I am aware of the origins of SMF.

There is no super admin or root admin in SMF. It was a feature not brouht from mybb

I will answer more questions sometime in the afternoon (it is 2:30 AM right now).

He forgot again.

Edited by Krack
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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1329204092' post='2920041']
bros on the other hand,
I know Roq a lot better than I know bros, so I don't know if he would or not. Considering the main arguments I've seen against Roq here is he's just as guilty or accusing him of betraying his friends, I'm inclined to believe Roq is telling the truth.

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@ US: Okay you're actually insane. There is no super admin with SMF unless you code one in (which is difficult). These alliances would know if there was one. [b]You do not know how SMF works[/b].

Edited by Banksy
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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1329205267' post='2920057']
@ US: Okay you're actually insane. There is no super admin with SMF unless you code one in (which is difficult). These alliances would know if there was one. [b]You do not know how SMF works[/b].

I don't, but I do know how [url=http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=253702.0]google[/url] works and its not that difficult to get the super admin added.

The point being is if you helped someone set up their forums, it wouldn't be hard to set it up so you could access their forums back-door. It doesn't matter if you call that a Super Admin, Root Admin, or something else entirely. With their FTP login, it can be done.

And considering the information posted in the screenshots, it was done.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329205905' post='2920059']
I don't, but I do know how [url=http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=253702.0]google[/url] works and its not that difficult to get the super admin added.

The point being is if you helped someone set up their forums, it wouldn't be hard to set it up so you could access their forums back-door. It doesn't matter if you call that a Super Admin, Root Admin, or something else entirely. With their FTP login, it can be done.

And considering the information posted in the screenshots, it was done.
You really don't think people would have noticed bros gallivanting around as some sort of 'super admin', which is only made possible by either coding it in or installing a rather conspicuous mod?

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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1329206218' post='2920060']
You really don't think people would have noticed bros gallivanting around as some sort of 'super admin', which is only made possible by either coding it in or installing a rather conspicuous mod?

Considering they needed help installing a forum which is basically uploading files via a FTP, no I don't think they would have noticed... especially considering that the mod is designed to be a "spy" mod.

Also note the fact that "Super Admin" is the name of that mod and that term was used by Bros' supporters on IRC... coincidence? I don't know.

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This is all for moot. Even if Bros had FTP access he would need Database access as the forums are not stored in plain text. They tend to be stored either in a MySQL or PostGres database. Most forum structures are MySQL and hunting through MySQL tends to be a balls ache and doesn't give you a pretty screenshot which lots of people tend to show when they are showing leaks.

Most of the screens you posted Roq show very anecdotal evidence which anyone could glean when having a short conversation with lower gov. People like Crymson do this all the time. It's not spying, it's being a good talker and getting people to be, possible a bit too open.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329206452' post='2920062']
Considering they needed help installing a forum which is basically uploading files via a FTP, no I don't think they would have noticed... especially considering that the mod is designed to be a "spy" mod.

Also note the fact that "Super Admin" is the name of that mod and that term was used by Bros' supporters on IRC... coincidence? I don't know.

You realise that mod is horribly out of date right?

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[quote name='Yevgeni Luchenkov' timestamp='1329204146' post='2920042']
Assuming one does not want to blur the IC-OOC line, how would one proceed with this information, Roq? That is, you are asking people to take a stand against MK (cancelling on them for their allies, at least) based on OOC information. Considering it is a game we play on an IC basis, how can we take this as valuable/relevant information in Digiterra?

I think my point is: you should make a thread about it in the IC section.
Seriously, Yevgeni, I'm tired of technicalities like that. IC MK spies on blocmates of their allies and will do it whoever they need to do it to. That is the truth. They treat some allies like !@#$ while treating others like stallions.

Here's what should happen:

1. NoR cancellation
2. Heptagon Vote to cancel
3. ODN senate vote to cancel or whatever procedure they need to do
4. Umbrella withdrawal from Doomhouse. I don't understand why they're allied to people like Tamerlane and Quinoa. It just shouldn't be the case.

Also Stewie, someone just needs to host the .htm in order to see the whole thing and it'll look very bad. bros was a good talker to Altheus and Toraoji, am I right?

Is anyone else unimpressed by Non Grata's ballcupping of MK?

Edited by Roquentin
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[quote name='Stewie' timestamp='1329206542' post='2920063']
This is all for moot. Even if Bros had FTP access he would need Database access as the forums are not stored in plain text. They tend to be stored either in a MySQL or PostGres database. Most forum structures are MySQL and hunting through MySQL tends to be a balls ache and doesn't give you a pretty screenshot which lots of people tend to show when they are showing leaks.[/quote]

Serious question, why would he need database access? As stated above he could use the FTP access to set the admin#1 (root admin, main admin, whatever you wanna call it) account, log into that admin account via the forums, create himself a ghost account that can see everything, and then use the FTP access to change it back so noone would know he changed the admin#1 account.

[quote]Most of the screens you posted Roq show very anecdotal evidence which anyone could glean when having a short conversation with lower gov. People like Crymson do this all the time. It's not spying, it's being a good talker and getting people to be, possible a bit too open.

Key word: Most. Considering the dates on the post, the information Roq posted would have only been known by highier govt. at the time. Also in the screenshots Bros states that he used the FTP access so he didn't do what "people like Crymson" do all the time.

[quote name='Ryuzaki' timestamp='1329206579' post='2920064']
You realise that mod is horribly out of date right?

There could be others like it. I don't know, that was the first hit when I searched, I didn't look into it. The point is that those types of mods exist and its not difficult to employ on an alliances forums as Banksy implied it was.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329206452' post='2920062']
Considering they needed help installing a forum which is basically uploading files via a FTP, no I don't think they would have noticed... especially considering that the mod is designed to be a "spy" mod.
I've administered a couple of SMF forums during my time in CN, and I've got to say, it'd be pretty damn hard not to stumble across the existence of some sort of 'super admin' even if the mod makes ridiculous claims about being invisible. Not to mention, as Ryuzaki stated, that the mod is considerably out of date. Mods are already hard enough to get working on SMF - particularly if you have other mods installed and have performed any sort of customisation - without adding problems of conflicting mod/forum versions on top of that.

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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329204260' post='2920044']
Also Bros, you forgot to answer:

"then how did you get the information used in the screenshots Roq posted? " (i.e. how did you know what was going on in NSO govt. forums)[/quote]

[quote name='bros2' timestamp='1329203062' post='2920028']
Sources for intelligence do not need to be revealed.

I don't think it's his job to point out your leak(s). Just sayin'.

EDIT: as for the FTP access, I got the impression that that access was to the server hosting the [s]calculator[/s]parser linked in the screen grab. Not forums.

Edited by jraenar
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[quote name='Unknown Smurf' timestamp='1329205905' post='2920059']
I don't, but I do know how [url=http://www.simplemachines.org/community/index.php?topic=253702.0]google[/url] works and its not that difficult to get the super admin added.

The point being is if you helped someone set up their forums, it wouldn't be hard to set it up so you could access their forums back-door. It doesn't matter if you call that a Super Admin, Root Admin, or something else entirely. With their FTP login, it can be done.

And considering the information posted in the screenshots, it was done.

Have you ever been an admin of any kind (super, special, sublime or even just normal) on SMF? It is incredibly easy to see if he's made another account on the forums, or he's got access to their database (changing passwords helps). If they had this mod installed then it would be there for them to see (on the server). As they clearly don't have this mod installed, you're talking out of your arse (surprise).

In addition to that, that mod is out of date and isn't compatible with their version of SMF (SMF 1.1.7). According to Dibler in #Mushroom earlier, bros didn't have have FTP access during the time those things were posted so, yet again, you don't know why you're talking about.

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