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Just a good hundred miles away.....

Joel James

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President Abdul knew that it was time. If the Eastern Federation was to ever be respected, they would have to establish relations with other country's. Instead of going halfway across the world for a relationship, he chose to start wth his neghbors, startng with the Legion. He opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out a sheet of paper and a pen. He wrote down a short letter and put it in an envelope, pasted it shut, and put a stamp on it. He summoned an aide to mail the letter for him. When the aide came into his office, he said [i]"sir?"[/i]President Abdul replied [i]"I need you to mail a letter for me. It's destination is the capital of Legion."[/i] The aide's eyes widened, but he did not say anything. Instead, he took the letter and went to the presidential mailroom. The letter would get top priority, and be mailed immediately. If everything went alright, the letter would be received wthin the hour. Meanwhile, President Abdul went to his bedroom. He laid down in his bed, stretched, and went to a nap. He knew this was a bad habit, but the role of being thr first president of a fairly new country did not agree with his sleep schedule. While asleep, his mind kept rolling over the words in his letter, knowing that is was a terse but forward notice:


To: The Government of Legion
From: President Abdul

If you, the people of the Legion government would be allowing, please allow me to send a diplomat to the Legion to start talks about a relationship between our nations. I would like to get to know many nations, especially my neighbors. Please reply as soon as possible.

Edited by Joel James
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The Empress Sufyan, in all her beauty and wisdom, finds herself in the crux of a crisis. Simply put Legion does not have a diplomatic corp. They have men who are Legionnaires, they have Legionnaires who are polite enough to pretend to be diplomats, but they have no diplomats who pretend to be Legionnaires. She examines the message carefully and comes to the conclusion that the best way to welcome this new neighbor into being is to give them the full Legion treatment of foreign affairs.


"YES Ma'am?"

"Put together a diplomatic package for President Abdul."

"Ma'am, Denard ordered all the diplomats shot 3 weeks ago."

"Are you joking or being serious?" the Empress asks as she knows that her husband already had all the lawyers rounded up and deported. This of course implies it may well be a serious event that Denard also had all the diplomats shot as well.

"Yes ma'am, but you know how it is, there wasn't a single diplomat in Legion to begin with. Since when does Legion practice [i]diplomacy[/i]?"

"True, you are as close as it gets and despite that you still have video footage up on bobtube of you dancing naked on tables at diplomatic receptions."

"You know how it is ma'am, inside of every Legionnaire is a ..."

"Drunken moron waiting to escape?" The Empress adds helpfully.

"Ehh, not quite ma'am but with you being the Empress and all, who am I to argue?"

"You are the man who is on the next plane to Presidents Abdul's capitol. There will be no drunkenness, no lechery, no setting anything on fire, no nudity, no grenade throwing demonstrations, no airdrops, and nothing insane. Do you understand me?" the Empress asks with an edge of steel in her voice.

"Ma'am, what exactly am I supposed to do then?"

"Improvise Legionnaire, when all else fails pretend you are someone else for a few days."

"Good Copy Ma'am," Dellion replies as he reels off a salute and goose steps out of the Empress's office.

"I suspect that other people who claim the title of Empress do not have to put up with their generals dancing naked on tables, replying with weird words like good copy, or mocking them by goose stepping. Unfortunately I'm cursed with an overgrown little boys club of juvenile delinquents called the Legion," The Empress mutters in frustration as she goes back to her needlepoint at Denard's bedside.

"Don't be too angry with him," Denard groans from under the swarm of IV tubes, EKG patches, and other medical devices.

"My dear, Dellion is one of my oldest friends and has saved your miserable hide more than once. I think I can put up with his.. what is that word your mother would use... sass?"

"Oh god, that brings back memories," Denard says as he and his wife take a stroll down memory lane in regards to Mama Denard and her reign of terror on both of their lives.

[b]Legion Air Force Base Mogadishu[/b]

"Now remember, I don't know much about being Diplomatic. I do know how to be polite. So let's go over there, see what the man wants, and get back home in time for supper. Maybe if we are lucky he'll have some supper for us. Remember though, this land is former Raouchin land and we all know how Legionnaires used to feel about those guys. No telling if there is any hard feelings held in regards to our aggressive hostility and blowing up some of their airfields in the Aether-Legion dust up. So be polite," Dellion orders the platoon of men going with him.

"SIR YES SIR," The men respond in unison.

"Does everyone have their facepaint on?" Dellion asks.

"SIR YES SIR," the men reply.

"Does everyone have their weapons safety checked and fully unloaded?" Dellion asks.

"SIR YES SIR," the men reply.

"You will exchange weapons with the man next to you and he will safety check your weapon for you at this time. You will then regain your weapon and shoulder arms to prepare to board our ride," Dellion orders.

"SIR YES SIR," the men reply as the hangar is filled with the sounds of rifles and other weapons being exchanged to double check the chambers to ensure they are empty.

"Right then, board your choppers!" Dellion shouts as he clambers aboard a waiting UH-60 Seahawk along with the rest of the Legion's notorious Les' Terribles, or commonly known as the Terrible Ones within the Legion. A small select group of Legionnaires kept in holding for high casualty missions and personal protection details. Today they are decked out in full Legionnaire field uniform, body armor, and weapons. Their faces are painted and each of the men is wearing his tactical helmet with knee pads and elbow pads.

As the UH-60 Helicopters leave Legion Airspace and head out over the Red Sea a message is sent ahead requesting directions and permission to land at a field of President Abdul's choosing.

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Since the Legion was kind enough to send a diplomatic team to the Eastern Federation, Preisdent Abdul thought it would be right to welocme them himself. Since President Abdul had sent a message earlier to land in the capital, President Abdul expected the aircraft to be landing any minute. President Abdul dd not know what to expect. He heard of the reputation of the citizens of Legion. If he was not a person of high office, he would not mind going there for a few parties. They seemed like decently good people, even though they tended to go too overboard a lot. The type of people the President would enjoy talking with. He should ask if he could ever come to Legion for a visit. Not many people would approve, but he didn't care. Just one week of loosening up and forgetting his problems temporarily would be great. When the President looked up at the night sky, he heard the sound of chopper wings. A moment later, he saw a chopper descending through the sky. When the chopper touched down on the helipad, and tall, powerfully built man stepped out. When he strode towards him, the President took a moment to compose himself. He knew that he had to be very careful. He figured that these were the type of people who liked arguing and fighting, and would look for a reason to fight. When the man came up to the Presdent, the President extended a hand and said in a warm voice [i]"Welcome to the Eastern Federation. I take that your flight went well. Forgive me for asking, but what is your name?"[/i]

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The President might be slightly surprised when the fully armed and ready Legionnaire shouts, "SIR, cover your ears," and hands him a pair of ear protectors.

As this happens the rest of the helicopters do a high speed fly over and break off one by one. They come in from a slew of random directions shooting off flares and chaff and come to a screaming halt in mid hover with their their cargo doors wide open and door gunners looking ready for war. Long thick heavy rope descend to the earth and a full platoon of armed, armored, and painted up Legionnaires descend via fast rope. Once on the ground they form a 360 degree perimeter to simulate the defending of a hot landing zone being secured by air assault.

The Last Legionnaire down the ropes is Dellion as he's timing the men and taking notes. He's a slightly annoyed that their deployment is less than perfect. It's good, very good, damn good in fact, but not perfect. Still, he has nothing but admiration for their professionalism and he says so as he walks by the men as the helicopters in the sky depart as fast as they come by flying off in random directions and heading back to Legion as sky skim along at tree top levels, no doubt playing absolute merry chaos with the region's air defense networks.

But really, what is life without a few surprises? That's what Dellion is think as he walks up to President Abdul and asks, "Sir, can you confirm to the Empress Sufyan that I in fact did not parachute in but fast roped? She's going to hang me by the balls if she thinks I went in by parachute."

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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President Abdul smiled. [i]"Don't worry, I will confirm that you did not parachute in"[/i] While this was not what he had expected, President Abdul was actually pleased by what he had saw. Now here was a group of people that knows the meaning of punctual, a word he probably wouldn't have associated with the Legion eariler. He knew that he would like this man, and that they would get along well. This was going to be an interesting evening. A car pulled up behnd the two of them. This car was to drive the two of them to an archery range so that they could work out an agreement together. President Abdul always thought better when he was concentrating on something, especially archery. After giving the man a few seconds to write down something on his paper, he extended his hand to the man and said [i]"I humbly welcome you to the Eastern Federation. I hope that you had a good flight. Forgive me for asking, but what is your name? If you want, I can have more cars called infor your friends"[/i] After the pleasantries were over, President Abdul and the man would depart immediately.

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"Dellion is my name, Mr. President," Dellion responds politely. He's somewhat pleased that he's off the hook with the Empress. He's not at all interested in getting bashed on the gourd with a frying pan like Denard has on occasion. He gives a hand motion to the platoon leader of the Les Terribles to back up their kit and keep out of sight. Nothing like a platoon of thieves and sociopaths to cause a bit of trouble. The transport for them will arrive shortly and whisk them away to some remote corner of Legion where they'll be kept in a cage until some event so dire transpires that it worth the risk of letting them out.

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President Abdul lead Dellion to an armored car, and they both climbed in. When they were safely heading towards the palace in the middle of an escort, President Adul said [i]"They might not be as good as the soldiers of your I saw eariler, but they will do. I hope that you like archery. I don't usually resort to it, but I find it somewhat calming and easier to think. If you want to, you could also join me while we talk."[/i] After saying this, President Abdul leaned back waiting for Dellion's reply. He looked out the window behind Dellion's head while waiting. [i]"A beautiful night, so far so good. An excellent start so far."[/i] He only hoped that everything went well. Considering that this was the first foreign dignitary visiting his country, he knew that this would have a huge impact on his foreign image.

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When President Abdul and Dellion had arrived at the palace, the palace guard opened thedoors and led them in. One of the guards led them down a couple of flights of stairs into a spacious room. At one end were rows of targets. On one of the walls, there were bows upon bows. Some were ornate, some were World Class, and others were simple wooden bows. They all had draw weights from 25 lbs to 100 lbs. President Abdul approached the wall and picked a smple wooden bow off the wall. He usually used this bow for casual and mportant matters. From experience, he knew that the bow had a draw weight of 70 lbs. He knew that it would be a good instrument to help hm concentrate. He looked underneath the walls and pulled out a quiver full of wooden arrows. These arrows were made of the toughest wood in the land, since it had to be put under intense pressure. After finishing this, he said to Dellion with a smile [i]"You are welcome to shoot if you wish to but only at the targets. I know the reputation of your country, so please try not to shoot anyone."[/i] On top of that he added [i]"Down to business. Please feel free to get settled as I talk, but I will not beat around the bush, so I apoligize if I am beng blunt, but I never did enjoy playing word games. First and foremost, I wish to join the African Unity Pact. I will give you reasons if you want them"[/i] President Abdul gave Dellion a mnute to let this sink in, get settled, and give a resonse back. He did not wish to rush this, as this is a very important and possibly historical moment in the country.

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"Hmm, maybe I will give this a try," Dellion says as he picks up a bow. He walks up to the firing line looks slightly confused. He's not sure if he should fire the weapon with a 'Weaver' stance or something else. After a few seconds of deliberation he turns his hip towards the target and pulls on a bracer and fires an arrow at the target. He's not much of an archer as the arrow just barely makes the outer ring, but Dellion is pleased enough. 'I figured there'd be some poor bugger behind me with an arrow poking out of his arse by now,' he thinks to himself as he puts the bow back, removes the bracer, and sits down with the President.

Once he's seated he asks, "Tell me Mr. President. You commented earlier on the quality of your guards. Does your nation need assistance in developing it's military?"

Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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Thud. President Abdul fired an arrow and watched it hit the bulls-eye. He smiled. Months of practice paying off right now. He was about to fire another arrow when he heard Dellion's question. He lowered the bow and turned to Dellion. [i]"To answer your question, I do need help trainng my soldiers. We usually complete basic training which is easy enough, but we really need help wth specialization. So far, we haven't foud many people qualified enough to help with specialization, so we need to settle wth subpar instructors. This in turn, does bring trained soldiers, but I believe that they are not trained well enough. I intend to bring radical changes to the training regimen, but I have no one to advise me with it, and no one to execute these changes, so I cannot implement them. Due to this, no soldier has been trained with live fire, many do not know how to defuse a bomb, and scarier even, about half my soldiers don't even know the best things to do in a battlefield. I fear that if I am launched into a war right now, my nation would only win through sheer force of numbers. I do have a group of highly trained soldiers left over from the Rebel Army days, but they number no more than 1,000 personnel, and none of them know how to teach the new recruits effectively. See where the problem lies now?"[/i] After saying all of this, President Abdul turned back to the targets and fired another arrow. Thud. Another bulls-eye.

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"I'll tell you what, pick 3000 of you best and brightest. Send them to Legion, and we'll train them as instructors. Right now we are in the middle of possibly entering an armed conflict with the Canadians, can't believe I'm even saying it, but really, who would have thought anyone would ever make war on Canada of all places?

Anyway, back to my point, because we've deployed nearly 150,000 men and women to the other side of Africa. Give me those 3000 men, attach them to my military as a short regiment and let them taste a little fire or maybe even get close to it. Who knows what the silly Canadians will do, but even if they don't there appears to be a little insurgency brewing in the area so that'll keep everyone busy.We'll form them into a short regiment, I'll provide equipment and instructors... and here is the genius part.. or maybe the worst idea ever.. we'll let them learn the hard way how to conduct themselves in the field. They'll fight, they'll train, hell maybe even a few of them will get some kills.

But by the time it is done you'll have a body of men who have seen somethings, done somethings, and have some training under their belt under the harshest conditions a soldier can endure, war," Dellion replies. It's not like Legion needs the help, but seriously, he can't think of any other way to form up a military other than getting them shot at a few times. Pilot training would be tricky but not impossible.

OOC: even if this entire Canada thing goes away and the insurgency dies out I will rp a resistance against you give your men some valuable field experience using significantly lessor stats and you being supported by numerous high tech African nations.

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Preisdent Abdul set down his bow and went to a phone by the wall. He picked it up, dialed a number and waited for the other side to pick up. After a terse discussion, President Abdul hung up. He turned around and came back to the meeting, picking up his bow at the same time. [i]"I apologize for that, but I was issuing orders to the military. 3,000 soldiers, armed with FN SCARs and Desert Eagles are getting ready for departure. They will be crossing the Red Sea into The Legion by a civilian ship, since my navy is still under construction. They are moving right now, and should be in your country's waters in an hour or two. Please try and not blow them out of the water. They are flying a white flag. If you want to, you can call your government right now."[/i]

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"Sir, tell them to leave their equipment behind. We'll equip them from head to toe with the best equipment this side of Africa. This will ease logistical matters. I'm going to leave one of my assistants here with you, Lt. General Bari Mustapha. You can pick him out of a crowd just about anywhere, he's only got three fingers on his right hand from a childhood bomb making accident.

He's extremely good at what he does and he'll start by setting up a local training center for logistics, vehicle maintenance, and other vital war support functions. You can't go to war without those items and Bari is just the man you need when it comes to teaching those things, he's patient and knowledgeable," Dellion replies as he takes out his satphone and places a call back to Legion to organize the arrival of the incoming men. His orders include the assigning of the Legion Special Forces Group to the regiment to assist with training and backing them up in battle.

Other orders go to the Legion Quartermaster Corp and inform them they'll have uniforms, body armor, helmets, radios, pistols, rifles, weapons suitable for a light regiment ready and waiting at the docks in Mogadishu. Another order goes to the Legion Air Transport Command to free up space for moving the 3000 men, equipment, and Special Forces Operators to the other side of Africa. The Regiment is given the provisional title of Legion Foreign Service Regiment Provisional till the particulars can be sorted out and they earn their formal regimental name and colors by engaging in battle.

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Presdent Abdul put down his bow and pulled a phone out of his pocket. He dialled a number, the secret extension to the military command. After talking for a minute, he hung up and picked up his bow again. He fired another arrow. Another bulls-eye. He looked at Dellion and said [i]"I will await Lt. General Bari Mustapha. If his reputation is even half as good as you say t is, I know he is a brilliant commander and trainer. I also contacted the command and told to pull all equipment from the soldiers, and that they would be armed when they arrive in Mogadishu. They just managed to pull the equipment before the soldiers departed. If everything goes well, with the ship going at full throttle, they should be at your coast in one hour."[/i] President Abdul knew that he got a lot from Dellion, but he had one final request. [i]"If you think t s suitable, after my soldiers have been trained and the Eastern Federation military is at full force, would you be willing to admit the Eastern Federation into the African Unity Pact? This would help my nation both militarily and economically, since it would bring us some sense of protection and open up our oil to foreign markets. What say you?"[/i] President Abdul was nervous, but he did not show it. This was the turning point of the meeting. This could escalate relations between the two countries, or it could completely destroy them.

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President Abdul thought for a moment. After Dellion had finished his phone calls, President Abdul said [i]"I do not have much more to say. Do you have anything more to add?"[/i] President Abdul took aim and fired another arrow. Thud. The tenth bulls-eye in a row. He knew it was about time that he got the range modified to have the targets set farhter away, because being able to hit ten bulls-eyes in a row meant something.

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"Nope, I'm going to be busy for awhile getting this lash up organized. I need to get back to Legion, things are developing there as we speak," Dellion replies as he takes his leave and returns to the airfield to board a helicopter back to Legion.

OOC: Give me a day or two and I'll start a thread for your troops to hassle with insurgents in. Until then just rp them showing up in the Republic of Paris and pick a city on the coast. I'll let you know what equipment they'll be getting when I have more time later.

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