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Will the Real Ragnarok Please stand up?

Yukon Don

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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1328129289' post='2912710']
Rampage is way too good for RoK, it's a shame to see him get dragged down in something like this.

Believe it or not, RoK used to be filled with people like Rampage... It's kind of sad what it has become.

/good ol' days post.

EDIT: I'm sure you know that though.

Edited by USMC123
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[quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1328127178' post='2912687']
In the end Bob, it is not about what I want. The "what Rampage wants" ship sailed a bit back. I would have preferred that the members of my alliance find a way to deal with one another more reasonably and privately than they did. I would have preferred that my selection as successor not participate in OOC attacks on my predecessor. I would have preferred not to try to log-in Friday AM to the forums only to not get anything. I would have preferred not to [ooc]rock a sick child in the middle of the night while trying to figure out what the hell happened in the less than a week since I stepped down[ooc].

This is where we are. Rok is her warriors. They support Adel. I support Rok. And given Ragnarok's situation, I cannot simply walk away from my AA at this time. Some can, and I wish them well. But not me.
It sure is fascinating when someone can hold a very different opinion from mine yet present it in a coherent and respectful enough manner that I am given no reason to disagree with it.


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I asked this earlier in the thread and it was met with crickets chirping, so I ask again ...

Is there anyone who has been in Ragnarok for over a month, and is currently in Ragnarok now, that wants either Bob or Joe to lead their alliance?

Speak up because the silence is deafening.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1328131620' post='2912735']
I asked this earlier in the thread and it was met with crickets chirping, so I ask again ...

Is there anyone who has been in Ragnarok for over a month, and is currently in Ragnarok now, that wants either Bob or Joe to lead their alliance?

Speak up because the silence is deafening.

Don't expect them to show up. Their new government has already displayed their childish behavior by illegally deposing the Emperor and without a legitimate excuse. Members posting here to show their support for Bob and Joe will likely lead to them being expelled and potentially attacked and I don't blame them for not wanting to risk that. Though frankly I wish they would take a stand against the criminals in power.

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[quote name='ktarthan' timestamp='1328129843' post='2912717']
It sure is fascinating when someone can hold a very different opinion from mine yet present it in a coherent and respectful enough manner that I am given no reason to disagree with it.


civility and respect show the intelligence and leadership of those that live by it. I see it from a select few from every alliance. EVERY alliance has at least one (sans a few one-offs). I have hope these few will become or stay the leaders of their perspective alliances. It would do us all good. It will educate us all on how to represent ourselves and our alliances and promote character as a meaningful way to exist.

Good luck to Rampage. Rok needs some guidance like his, even if it is only the small amount that his retirement can offer.

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1328131620' post='2912735']
I asked this earlier in the thread and it was met with crickets chirping, so I ask again ...

Is there anyone who has been in Ragnarok for over a month, and is currently in Ragnarok now, that wants either Bob or Joe to lead their alliance?

Speak up because the silence is deafening.

Not really.

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[quote name='Emperor Marx' timestamp='1328132157' post='2912740']
Don't expect them to show up. Their new government has already displayed their childish behavior by illegally deposing the Emperor and without a legitimate excuse. Members posting here to show their support for Bob and Joe will likely lead to them being expelled and potentially attacked and I don't blame them for not wanting to risk that. Though frankly I wish they would take a stand against the criminals in power.

Yeah, I was asking because I'm interested in the answer. I'm completely disinterested in a C-level attempt at spin from someone outside the alliance.

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[quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1328119759' post='2912626']
Overall this has been a sorry last two weeks for me.

I had to retire. No choice. Things that I needed to do that were much more important [ooc] than a game[ooc]. In my view Rok needed someone who could devote more time to her than I could.

I chose Bob as my successor because he worked his way up the ranks fair and square. In fact, he was selected as Regent by Kait and was very nearly picked by her over me to be Emperor. Joe and Adel were both Chancellors, 3rd in line in my administration. For him to select Joe as Regent was also no surprise.

When Bob told me that he informed MK that Kait and Hoo were no longer on the AA and free to be attacked, it is not what I would have done but it was his call to make. I understood that and even told him that if someone came for me and them having me would clear Rok's debt, I would do it and enjoy the ride down. Had he simply done what he said to me that day then likely we would not be here. Perhaps some would have left, but perhaps others could have spoken to him, changed his mind, worked things out in an amicable way. SOMETHING.

However, that is not what happened. Bob and Joe proceeded in OOC attacks on Kait, attacks that he had subsequently said to me were partly in jest. No matter the motivation, those OOC attacks sparked an outrage among the membership that ended up where we are now. By the time I realized what was going on (remember...retired. RL issues) the forums were down, and only restored after Kait was contacted and had them restored herself.

Adel is the Empress of Ragnarok. PERIOD. No amount of posturing by anyone changes that fact on the ground. Joe and Bob have no support in Ragnarok after what happened and though I wish dissent and Bob's mistakes could have been handled differently, it wasn't. Adel has the support of Rok's warriors and that is the only way you can lead.

To MK, I know that you are not without reason. The Kait situation is a mess, but let's be honest: any raider that hit Kait, no matter the reason, was going to get nuked by Kait. You knew that when you came to her door. I sincerely hope that we can clear this mess up and, if you prefer, I will make myself available to assist in that regard should you think that helpful.

Bob and Joe are smart guys, guys that I trusted and who served Rok well for a very long time. I feel no joy in the fact that it has come to this. In the end however, one must realize that a revolution has occurred. Adel, a member of RC for nearly a year, has taken the throne carried by the support of the vast majority of Ragnarok. She will find that the crown can be heavy, and I hope that she will have the strength for the coming trials.

o/ Rok
EDIT: Proofreading ftw

Well said Rampage. I do wish you luck in RL, that is for sure hard and stressful there. I love the point where everyone keeps forgetting as well.. THIS IS JUST A GAME.. But anyways, I have a question for you though.. Since Adel doesn't appear to have much political influence here.. I have not seen any arguments from her this entire thread.. Do you think in the near future you may want to return to power to restore order?

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[quote name='Rampage3' timestamp='1328127178' post='2912687']
And given Ragnarok's situation, I cannot simply walk away from my AA at this time. Some can, and I wish them well. But not me.
I cannot praise this sentiment highly enough, good luck to you and your community in the coming weeks and months.

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Rampage, we both know Adel will mean death for Rok. You were there countless times when she threatened to walk out over OOC !@#$. Remember when we were trolling said member on IRC and she freaked out and gave her resignation because she skyped with him? Yeah, well that completely misguided person is in charge of OUR alliance. The alliance we helped build from the ground back up after Karma. I will not stop until someone who is truly deserving to sit the throne and wear the crown actually does. Yukon, Valt and yourself are ALL better options. !@#$, a parking cone has more leadership experience then Adel, they can at least keep cars in line.

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It's about time I strolled into this thread. I'll be an active participant from now on.

I find the places where RoK members say they have a right to protect Kait because she "was a former Empress, did great things for this alliance, etc.) completely and utterly hilarious. I'm a former Emperor. I am almost solely responsible for RoK's inclusion in Mjolnir (ask anyone there during the talks, it was pretty much me alone representing RoK once talks got serious) and, by extension, pretty much solely responsible for delaying RoK's inevitable destruction by at least 6 months. Please, hold your applause. If I was under attack from a group of people, aka [i]if I was in the exact situation Kait was in[/i], would you lot have done something about it. Should it actually happen, will you?

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[quote name='Krack' timestamp='1328133001' post='2912747']
Yeah, I was asking because I'm interested in the answer. I'm completely disinterested in a C-level attempt at spin from someone outside the alliance.

I would be surprised if a quarter of all Ragnarok members have an account, even more so if they actively use them. May I suggest instead of getting uppity about my response to your question you should perhaps message the members of Ragnarok personally instead of asking in this medium where you know you will not get a response.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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[quote name='Bob Ilyani' timestamp='1328142304' post='2912808']
It's about time I strolled into this thread. I'll be an active participant from now on.

I find the places where RoK members say they have a right to protect Kait because she "was a former Empress, did great things for this alliance, etc.) completely and utterly hilarious. I'm a former Emperor. I am almost solely responsible for RoK's inclusion in Mjolnir (ask anyone there during the talks, it was pretty much me alone representing RoK once talks got serious) and, by extension, pretty much solely responsible for delaying RoK's inevitable destruction by at least 6 months. Please, hold your applause. If I was under attack from a group of people, aka [i]if I was in the exact situation Kait was in[/i], would you lot have done something about it. Should it actually happen, will you?

Well dude, the honorable Adel is now in charge and has ordered everyone into PM. First time ever in Rok.

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[quote name='USMC123' timestamp='1328129382' post='2912712']
Believe it or not, RoK used to be filled with people like Rampage... It's kind of sad what it has become.

/good ol' days post.

EDIT: I'm sure you know that though.

I'll toast to that. We had one of the best communities I have ever been a part of.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1328142997' post='2912817']
Well dude, the honorable Adel is now in charge and has ordered everyone into PM. First time ever in Rok.

Hate to rag on what Rampage3 said but: Some [i]warriors[/i].

Also that comment was going to inevitably be made.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1328143600' post='2912829']

Sorry for the size, i'm !@#$@#$ terrible with this !@#$.

that stability was from Ramps time as emperor, the decline comes from Bobs time as emperor. None of this would have happened if you didnt try to "reform" a perfectly good alliance.

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[quote name='Joe Stupid' timestamp='1328143600' post='2912829']

Sorry for the size, i'm !@#$@#$ terrible with this !@#$.
Just a thought... but when did ROK ever care about our NS?

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[quote name='kairotan' timestamp='1328144282' post='2912843']
Just a thought... but when did ROK ever care about our NS?

I think the point is people are leaving. Not that your precious ns is going down. Just a thought.

Edited by Emperor Marx
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1328144722' post='2912851']
Thats their choice.

For some of us it wasn't a choice.

kairotan go crawl back in your hole, take Isaac with ya.

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