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[size="7"][i][b][b][center]Mutual Defense Pact Between

The Republic of Texas


The Corporate Territories of Uruguay and Southern Brazil[/center][/b][/b][/i][/size]


The Republic of Texas, hereafter referred to as Texas, and The Corporate Territories of Uruguay and Southern Brazil, hereafter referred to as The CTUSB, agree to the following provisions laid out in the mutually-agreed upon pact. Both nations remain fully sovereign states and sign this treaty in the hopes that better relations may be attained for the greater peace, prosperity, and good of these two nations.

[b]Article 1: Nonaggression & Intelligence[/b]

The states of Texas and the CTUSB agree to a pact of non-aggression, and will not interfere or step into the soil of the other nation when not specifically requested. Nor will either signatory illegally spy, destabilize, or in any other way attempt to bring harm to the other. This includes letting military or government forces of a third party go through either signators land to attack the or signator. Texas and The CTUSB agree to disclose and share any relevant intelligence and information.

[b]Article 2: Mutual Defense[/b]

The states of Texas and The CTUSB agree to a pact of mutual defense and pledge to defend the other from attacks by a foreign aggressor. If a nation is waging a defensive war, the other promises to provide military, intelligence, and civilian aid to ensure the survival of the threatened nation. A Declaration of War in response to an earlier Declaration of War by a signatory, commonly referred to as “treaty chaining,” shall make such aid optional.

[b]Article 3: Optional Aggression[/b]

Should Texas or The CTUSB seek to attack another state in a non-defensive war, it may request help from the other signatory, however such aid will remain optional.

[b]Article 4: Economic Policy[/b]

The states of Texas and The CTUSB pledge to improve trade with each other and promote economic policies that forward this goal.

[b]Article 5: Cancellation[/b]

Should either signatory wish to leave the obligations of this treaty, a notice must be given at least seventy-two hours in advance.

[b]On Behalf of [i]The Republic of Texas[/i],[/b]

[i]Benjamin Gates[/i]
[b]President of The Republic of Texas[/b]

[i]Richard Denard[/i]
[b]Vice President of The Republic of Texas[/b]

[i]Matt Damon[/i]
[b]Secretary of State of The Republic of Texas[/b]

[b]On Behalf of [i]The Corporate Territories of Uruguay and Southern Brazil[/i][/b],

[i]Chancellor Alice Wesker[/i]

Edited by PresidentDavid
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