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Cutting Away the Cancer in Germany


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While the Greater German Reich was home to many people of different ethnic backgrounds, it was home to also a small Korean population. This population had lived in Germany for many years, surviving through the many regime changes and wars that had plagued the nation. Despite the fact that the Koreans lived in absolute obscurity, they were often viewed with suspicion, and their connection to many illegal dealings did not help their image. Citizens, in the Reich, felt that the Koreans had no absolute loyalty, and that they would turn their back on the nation at any moment. This was supported by the Korean betrayal of Scolar Visari during the invasion of the Greater Nordic Reich. Koreans were also known to be involved in a number of illegal dealings, such as embezzling funds and industrial espionage. Such information was also supported and spread by the Reich Ministry of Propaganda. According to the Reich Ministry, Koreans were responsible for trying to spread the same communist subversion into Germany, that had swept throughout Europe, in order to disrupt the People's Community the Nordic Socialist Party had built.

Acting upon a suggestion from his Minister of the Interior, Michael Visari quickly drafted legislation to rid Germany of a problem that had plagued it for so long. At the Reichstag's special session held later that day at 8 p.m., Visari delivered a short speech in which he characterized the new laws as an attempt to "achieve the legislative regulation of a problem which, if it breaks down again will then have to be transferred by law to the Nordic Socialist Party for a total solution"

The laws were then read by Reichstag President Jorhan Stahl as follows:

[quote][b][center]Reich Citizenship Law[/center][/b]

I. 1. A subject of the State is a person who belongs to the protective union of the German Reich, and who therefore has particular obligations towards the Reich. 2. The status of subject is acquired in accordance with the provisions of the Reich and State Law of Citizenship.

II. 1. A citizen of the Reich is that subject only who is of Nordic or kindred blood and who, through his conduct, shows that he is both desirous and fit to serve the German people and Reich faithfully. [/quote]

The law was passed unanimously, therefore rendering Koreans as subjects of the Greater German Reich. As per the terms of the law, the Koreans were immediately expelled from Germany, citing that they had failed to serve the German people and Reich faithfully. They, of course, would be sent back to the UFE.

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The Great Horde of Tianxia condemns the barbarism and ethnic exclusionary policies of the Greater Germanic Empire. I have ordered that all heirs of Goryeo be allowed to return. Further the Great Horde of Tianxia will be withdrawing its emissaries in protest from the Court of Visari.

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