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The RIA Is Terrible, And Should Be Punished Hard

Holy Ruler

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[quote name='Stonewall Jaxon' timestamp='1323966553' post='2878894']
In the bolded part lies your hypocrisy. You're giving special consideration because, in the Cybernations community, the OP's religion is in the minority, so you're granting him special protection. Atheists and Christians attack each other all the time and nobody makes a big deal of it. But Atheists are just as opposed to Muslims as they are to Christians, and Christians the same. They're all opposed to Judaism and vice-versa. What the people in this thread are saying is: we don't care what religion you are, somebody you're going to talk to is going to be opposed to it, so you can just get used to it.

Hold on there, Dawkins. ;>.> As an atheist, I am waaaay more opposed to the act of misrepresentation of truth than any religion. >_> If various religions would get some of their more violent bits revised and stop encouraging people to dull the critical thinking abilities of their children, I'd be perfectly content to coexist with all the pointless, superstitious bull. The label doesn't matter, it's the act that counts. That's why trolling sucks, because it involves acts that don't count. It's hard to take people for their word when they're unreliable. Unfortunately, most trolls are also insensitive fools or simply bad people, who will continue to troll even as it hurts their friends.

But while we're on the topic of religious offense, all I have to say is that you do [u]not[/u] have the right to not be offended. If your friends give you lemons, find better friends, but don't try to force them to change or kill them with burning. You don't have the right to do those things, either.

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People can be dicks. I'm Catholic and people still find ways to insult my religion every day... Not much I can say besides what Omni said on the first page, "grow thicker skin", because there's plenty of insulting people around here in every alliance.

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[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1323974346' post='2878984']
I agree RIA is a horrible AA.

/under his breath
No surprise NOR accepts deserters just look at their leader. (I support NOR as an ally of an ally but facts are facts).

If you have something to say about His Majesty Nemhauser, say it.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1323972576' post='2878962']
I'm not granting him any special protection. I'm saying if a person was a decent human being they wouldn't attack someone because of a difference in any aspect be it beliefs, characteristics, background or whatever.

As for the bolded part, yeah, why try to change it? Why ask people to be decent and not bigoted? Good point.

Please don't attack my characteristic of being bigoted or the beliefs that cause it. It would be more decent of you not to help me grow into a better person. Thanks in advance.

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[quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1323931716' post='2878633']
Meh, if I was insulted for my religious beliefs I'd probably want to drop some nukes too. There is a place for that stuff. And that place is 4chan, not your inter alliance discussion forum.


It's apparent that some dillweeds pushed you around with some joking, but I don't see where you think you get off pulling a SethB diplo move in the middle of war, telling RIA to take NoR's dick, telling people you're going to $%&@ their -prostitute- moms, and then coming here to tell us how awful RIA is.
Anyway, you make no sense: Wouldn't you get stoned to death if you $%&@ed a mom that is a prostitute?

Edited by Schattenmann
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[quote name='Captain Flinders' timestamp='1323976616' post='2879003']
I certainly don't handle admissions or anything but I do know that if someone came to me while we were at war with RIA and said "screw RIA I want to blow them up" I'd probably put a gun in their hand and point them in the right direction.

So he was admitted to NoR?

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[quote name='Holy Ruler' timestamp='1323945277' post='2878779']

[b]Imagine going to an AA with mostly Hindu members who would insult Jesus(assuming you are Christian), and the members would say that you are childish when you complain about that. How fair is that? Get off your box.[/b]


The thing I realised about most good christians is that they're far far more accommodating when it comes to matters like this...

[quote] By defending said actions, the RIA deserves to burn in-game. May Admin have mercy on their Bigoted souls, and also the few who are not Bigoted, for we shall not have mercy on you. Ever.

Yeah you're really not helping your cause here, [i]at all[/i].

Edited by Jens of the desert
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[quote name='Jens of the desert' timestamp='1323977890' post='2879024']The thing I realised about most good christians is that they're far far more accommodating when it comes to matters like this...[/quote]

They tend to be more used to have their beliefs openly mocked in all media since about a hundred years ago or more.

Edited by Krashnaia
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[quote name='ScratchScreen' timestamp='1323984830' post='2879100']
I am with you on this, my friend. Don't suffer in silence-your alliance is supposed to be your friends-not your enemies. Don't listen to this idiots!
This idiots are prettys stupid.

You two should start an alliance together against intolerance.

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I actually sympathise with the OP. There is an awful lot of religious bigotry here. I don't know about his personal situation (I don't have an RIA forum account) but there is clearly an issue.

Holy Ruler, I would suggest joining somewhere like the ODN (if they want you) as they enforce a fair moderation system on their forums. Language like that would not be acceptable.

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1323986239' post='2879115']
I actually sympathise with the OP. There is an awful lot of religious bigotry here. I don't know about his personal situation (I don't have an RIA forum account) but there is clearly an issue.

Holy Ruler, I would suggest joining somewhere like the ODN (if they want you) as they enforce a fair moderation system on their forums. Language like that would not be acceptable.

From: Mushroom Kingdom Member

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[quote name='Charles the Great' timestamp='1323974346' post='2878984']/under his breath
No surprise NOR accepts deserters just look at their leader. (I support NOR as an ally of an ally but facts are facts).


And quite honestly, I agree with Flinders. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that stuff.

Edited by Striderwanabe
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[quote name='Kevin McDonald' timestamp='1323986616' post='2879120']
Insulting Allah (or any God) does not make RIA terrible. Pandering to whiners like yourself would.

Insulting Allah (or any God) does make RIA intolerant and bigoted, and thus terrible to him.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1323987648' post='2879130']
Insulting Allah (or any God) does make RIA intolerant and bigoted, and thus terrible to him.

Do you really think people in this topic are oblivious to the fact that you are just here to bite at our ankles?

I'm just curious.

Also, have you even tried to actually read his topics? I'm guessing you haven't. If you have, please let me know what your user account is.

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323976631' post='2879005']Wouldn't you get stoned to death if you $%&@ed a mom that is a prostitute?

No, Sharia is very tolerant.

[size="1"]Unless you're a female that's done nothing wrong.[/size]

Anyways, it seems like threads like these never work out so well for the OP.

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[quote name='TurnipCruncher' timestamp='1323988845' post='2879144']
Hmm RIA do suck, but so does religion... it's a tough one. All being said and done though, a little more vetting of prospective members FTW.

Sorry about your alliance, TurnipCruncher

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[quote name='Schattenmann' timestamp='1323976631' post='2879005']


It's apparent that some dillweeds pushed you around with some joking, but I don't see where you think you get off pulling a SethB diplo move in the middle of war, telling RIA to take NoR's dick, telling people you're going to $%&@ their -prostitute- moms, and then coming here to tell us how awful RIA is.
Anyway, you make no sense: Wouldn't you get stoned to death if you $%&@ed a mom that is a prostitute?
1.5 billion doesn't turn "billion" into a plural, that's funny

i also like the implied threat of him speaking on behalf of all muslims; you're not offending him, you're offending one and a half billion people -- look out!


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Individual surrender terms for RIA have been updated. Member Nations must change thier religion to Islam.

All jokes aside, this issue isn't actually about RIA or religion. It's about complete childishness. Holy Ruler wants it both ways: to abuse other people based on his prejudices, all the while expecting to be exempt from the insults himself by hiding behind a veil (pun unintended) of protection because of his religious faith.

Edited by Ch33kY
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[quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1323990374' post='2879176']
1.5 billion doesn't turn "billion" into a plural, that's funny

i also like the implied threat of him speaking on behalf of all muslims; you're not offending him, you're offending one and a half billion people -- look out!
I had a snappy one-liner but I don't want to come off as a bigot. Suffice it to say, I've spent more time studying Islam than the average bear, and my polite opinion is a hearty Tim Curry laugh. It is my sincere hope that one day all 1.5 billions Muslims learn Justitia's Truth.

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