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An old veteran has come out of retirement

Poppa Clam

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I know most of you don't know who I am, but I was one of the first members of CN. I've seen many things over the years (2006-2010 mainly) And blah blah blah. I've been an alliance founder and leader before. I've created forums and charters, irc chanels and treaties. I know how an alliance works and how to build an alliance to be great.

I am looking for a small alliance, perferably Pink or Yellow sphere. I am going to make one last run before I retire for good, so I want to make this one count. I've been in my fair share of sanctioned alliances, I was in a tiny alliance and helped build it all the way to a top 5 sanctioned alliance. I don't need any help on how to play the game and I can get to work asap. So if any newb alliance want some help, I'm your man.

So...who wants me?

Edited by Poppa Clam
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[quote name='Poppa Clam' timestamp='1323825267' post='2877089']
It's alright, but there's a lot of large alliances there already.

True enough, well like swatch0 said above you, GPF is a multi-colored alliance that is really new but has a lot of potential, I'm sure you could convince them to go to yellow or pink :)

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[quote name='OrangeBeard' timestamp='1323825781' post='2877099']
What alliances have you previously founded?

SOAP and ROFL. (SOAP was granted a Valhalla protectorate, a member of the Pegasus bloc AND recruited an 85k nation who many many sanctioned alliances failed to recruit. I wrote the charter for SOAP, created the government structure, created the forum, the Irc channel and it peaked at 80+ members woth over 500k NS before I had to quit due to RL work conflict)

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