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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318626552' post='2825121']
[color="#0000FF"]Two alliances. IAA and BTA, although I know I shouldn't be saying this (as it would be rather impolite) are completely useless. A few of them might be sending out aid or even actually fighting, but most of IAA is against this war (I cannot say I blame them for not fighting a war that most of them don't think they should be in), and I am not even sure what BTA is doing. But no, this war is mostly NSO, Tetris, and NsO.

Also, I never said Legion was Umbrella, but NSO has had a piss poor "upper tier" since 6 Mil. NSO's #40 nation is 18k NS. Legion's #40 nation is is about 50k NS. So chew on that simple fact before you go talking out of your behind. My comparison is quite on the mark, and is very in context. Thank you very much.[/color]

Stop being so arrogant. This isn't about you RV(I know what a concept!!!) I never compared Legion to just NSO... There are 5 alliances fighting them and that is all I've been talking about. You act as though you are fighting Legion on your own. If you aren't working with these other alliances, why are you even involved? Curious point =)

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[quote name='dev0win' timestamp='1318628167' post='2825143']
Stop being so arrogant. This isn't about you RV(I know what a concept!!!) I never compared Legion to just NSO... There are 5 alliances fighting them and that is all I've been talking about. You act as though you are fighting Legion on your own. If you aren't working with these other alliances, why are you even involved? Curious point =)
[color="#0000FF"]And what I am saying is IAA and BTA is less than useless. It is mostly Tetris, NsO, and NSO doing the fighting, and considering NSO makes up the majority of the NS of those three groups, I'd say the comparisons are quite appropriate and quite pertinent. And even when NsO and Tetris are factored in, Legion still has the advantage in the upper ranks (50-70k NS for the pathetic lots fighting this war). I am not sure why this is so difficult for you to comprehend, but then again you do share an alliance with berbers.[/color]

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[quote name='Gofastleft' timestamp='1318627892' post='2825140']
I have heard more than one person speculate that you (collective you) did not think Polar would do anything because of fear of giving somebody a reason to hit them. Of course those are just CN rumors/speculations so I will take your word on it.

That probably only came about after the first few days of them doing nothing. I figured that in our announcement that we came off more as go ahead and aid your allies and see what happens rather than hey it's cool if you guys aid your allies too. It happens I guess. Like I have said dozens of times throughout this whole thing, if we wanted to force Polar's hand we could easily do so by oAing onto Legion and tossing them the ball. Not gonna happen. We're being sincere in our motivations and if they are a little wary I wouldn't blame them because of the past but when has GATO ever lied just to get a chance to roll someone? We don't like Polar for a few reasons but we are not total !@#$%^&*.

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318628502' post='2825148']
[color="#0000FF"]And what I am saying is IAA and BTA is less than useless. It is mostly Tetris, NsO, and NSO doing the fighting, and considering NSO makes up the majority of the NS of those three groups, I'd say the comparisons are quite appropriate and quite pertinent. And even when NsO and Tetris are factored in, Legion still has the advantage in the upper ranks (50-70k NS for the pathetic lots fighting this war). I am not sure why this is so difficult for you to comprehend, but then again you do share an alliance with berbers.[/color]

I am sure BTA and IAA appreciate your support in these tough times. You could have at least not called them useless in public.

Anyway, it just proves that Devo is much classier than you and that any side stuck with you on it is poorer for it.

Continue with your !@#$%baggery and enjoy the ride down once you come out of hippy. (Legion I can't believe you let RV out of a stagger, out of everyone you are fighting he should be #1 priority to ZI)

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1318630455' post='2825169']
I am sure BTA and IAA appreciate your support in these tough times. You could have at least not called them useless in public.

Anyway, it just proves that Devo is much classier than you and that any side stuck with you on it is poorer for it.

Continue with your !@#$%baggery and enjoy the ride down once you come out of hippy. (Legion I can't believe you let RV out of a stagger, out of everyone you are fighting he should be #1 priority to ZI)
Sir, you are assuming RV gives a damn about his nation. i think hes one of those who feels left out if he isnt ZI'd atleast once a year

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1318630599' post='2825174']
Sir, you are assuming RV gives a damn about his nation. i think hes one of those who feels left out if he isnt ZI'd atleast once a year

It would make me happy at the least :D

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[quote name='D34th' timestamp='1318558213' post='2824385']
Legion wasn't who requested and started to receive aid first, we are just make things even again. Nice try though.

No one requested aid.

To be honest, NSO have helped us with tech for a lifetime now, most of us are just repaying their kindness to the individual nations that have supported us.

But hey, if you have a problem with it you're more than welcome to do more than a dog and pony show about your aid packages.

[quote name='Sigrun Vapneir' timestamp='1318597283' post='2824823']
7 slots, 2 appear to be tech deals, the other are 'Aid for being ballers' if I may paraphrase only slightly.

Good ol' Lefty, known him since practically the beginning of my time here.

Edited by lonewolfe2015
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[quote name='The Big Bad' timestamp='1318593892' post='2824801']
Since you all joined C&G you have become Planet Bobs biggest ass hats.

They sure have. Although, in their defence, they haven't had much of other alliances' NS to throw around in th epast so they are making hay while the sun shines.

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1318632065' post='2825195']
They sure have. Although, in their defence, they haven't had much of other alliances' NS to throw around in th epast so they are making hay while the sun shines.

That's quite the defence. I'm sure they'll be grateful.

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[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1318630455' post='2825169']
I am sure BTA and IAA appreciate your support in these tough times. You could have at least not called them useless in public.

Anyway, it just proves that Devo is much classier than you and that any side stuck with you on it is poorer for it.

Continue with your !@#$%baggery and enjoy the ride down once you come out of hippy. (Legion I can't believe you let RV out of a stagger, out of everyone you are fighting he should be #1 priority to ZI)
[color="#0000FF"]So now "hippy" is an invalid tactic? I've made no secret that I use it. Five days is enough to restock some of my nukes and get out of anarchy so that I can declare three new wars. Staying out of "hippy" might be something idiots like to brag about, but there is a good chance you can get hit again, and prevented from declaring wars and selecting some priority targets.

Also, you and Devo are quite ridiculous. I am not sure what I've done that is so classless except be truthful. Where all you stats genies are pulling up whatever nonsense you can to make it look like one side or another is unfairly disadvantage I point out that it is all rubbish. Legion has a good upper tier, relative to NSO (which despite being completely true, Devo must deny simply to "stick it" to me). I also point out that IAA and BTA are useless in this war (it would be a lie to say they are doing much of anything).

I have also given credit to Legion where it is due, mainly in that a lot of them are better prepared than most thought. Not that they're anything exceptional, but their core is not completely incompetent. Sure they do have some bad members, but they'll shed that with the war and be the better for it. But bah, I know not why I waste my time on rubbish such as yourself. Your unnatural fixation on me is quite unsettling I must say.[/color]

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[quote name='Tygaland' timestamp='1318632065' post='2825195']
They sure have. Although, in their defence, they haven't had much of other alliances' NS to throw around in th epast so they are making hay while the sun shines.

We have been repressed for years now that you mention it. You may be on to something.

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[quote name='Rush Sykes' timestamp='1318602433' post='2824883']
Life sucks when there is no war.

Fixed that for you.

[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318632503' post='2825201']
[color="#0000FF"]So now "hippy" is an invalid tactic? I've made no secret that I use it. Five days is enough to restock some of my nukes and get out of anarchy so that I can declare three new wars. Staying out of "hippy" might be something idiots like to brag about, but there is a good chance you can get hit again, and prevented from declaring wars and selecting some priority targets.[/color]

In some alliances going into peace mode is a shooting offence. Are you calling GOONS idiots for not wanting to surrender?

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[quote name='MikeCrotch' timestamp='1318633302' post='2825216']
FIn some alliances going into peace mode is a shooting offence. Are you calling GOONS idiots for not wanting to surrender?
[color="#0000FF"]No. I quite like GOONS. However, peace mode is a valid tactic if it is used to cycle in and out of waves. As long as you come out eventually (well, after a short period rather). If you're sitting in it for months on end, then it becomes questionable.[/color]

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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318628502' post='2825148']
[color="#0000FF"]And what I am saying is IAA and BTA is less than useless. It is mostly Tetris, NsO, and NSO doing the fighting, and considering NSO makes up the majority of the NS of those three groups, I'd say the comparisons are quite appropriate and quite pertinent. And even when NsO and Tetris are factored in, Legion still has the advantage in the upper ranks (50-70k NS for the pathetic lots fighting this war). I am not sure why this is so difficult for you to comprehend, but then again you do share an alliance with berbers.[/color]

Yes you guys are SOOOO [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqoKxlQUYv4ldEJxcnlQaEpaOXlaaXp3ODAwTW4xSGc#gid=0"]disadvantaged[/url]...

You have about 25 members that are in an "outmatched" tier but dominate both the top15 and the bottom 190, with an overall average of 88% advantage 1 to 1 ans(see spreadsheet if that doesn't make sense).

[color="#DDA0DD"]Legion ANS: 20586.550697479 [/color]
[color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 20401.6473346303[/color]

[color="#DDA0DD"]Legion Total Membership: 238[/color]
[color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 257[/color]

[color="#DDA0DD"]Legion Total NS: 4,902,743[/color]
[color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 5,350,538[/color]
*These are current NS's and Tetris and Co have suffered greater losses than Legion and this disparity was greater at the start of the war in favor of Tetris and Co

Tier breakdown(From Tetris and Co Perspective)
Average +/- member to member Tetris/Legion
[color="#00FF00"]Top 15........115.48%[/color]

Maybe if NSO should start working with these "less than useless" alliances? Of course it's easier to blame failure on someone else rather than step up eh Rebel?

[edit]eww sorry for the evil colors... fixing[/edit]

Edited by dev0win
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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1318628502' post='2825148']
[color="#0000FF"]And what I am saying is IAA and BTA is less than useless. It is mostly Tetris, NsO, and NSO doing the fighting, and considering NSO makes up the majority of the NS of those three groups, I'd say the comparisons are quite appropriate and quite pertinent. And even when NsO and Tetris are factored in, Legion still has the advantage in the upper ranks (50-70k NS for the pathetic lots fighting this war). I am not sure why this is so difficult for you to comprehend, but then again you do share an alliance with berbers.[/color]

[quote name='berbers' timestamp='1318630455' post='2825169']
I am sure BTA and IAA appreciate your support in these tough times. You could have at least not called them useless in public.

Hey berbers don't be surprised this has been NSO's MO since the Doomhouse war. They seem to be making a habit of laying into their "allies" for the slightest perceived wrong-doing. At least with us they peaced out before they started complaining about how we used extended PM. Seems that this time they were too impatient to wait until the war was over before they started moaning.

As for IAA and BTA being useless Gopherbashis war stats thread says otherwise:
[quote][font="Courier New"]October 11, 2011 - Day 09
[/font][font="Courier New"]

[color="blue"]•[/color] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=New%20Sith%20Order"][color="gray"]New Sith Order[/color][/url]: 10.32 --> 10.35 ([color="green"]+0.03[/color]) / -10.9% cumulative
[color="blue"]•[/color] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Imperial%20Assault%20Alliance"][color="blue"]Imperial Assault Alliance[/color][/url]: 6.46 --> 6.43 ([color="red"]-0.03[/color]) / -5.6% cumulative
[color="blue"]•[/color] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Tetris"][color="green"]Tetris[/color][/url]: 3.08 --> 2.86 ([color="red"]-0.22[/color]) / -33.0% cumulative
[color="blue"]•[/color] [url="http://www.cybernations.net/stats_alliance_stats_custom.asp?Alliance=Blue%20Turtle%20Alliance"][color="blue"]Blue Turtle Alliance[/color][/url]: 2.69 --> 2.69 ([color="black"]+0.00[/color]) / -4.9% cumulative

Together they've taken as much cumulative damage as NSO. They may not be living up to the high ideals of the NSO war machine, but they are fighting alongside you nonetheless and deserve at least some respect from their so-called "allies".

Edited by LeonidasRexII
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[quote name='dev0win' timestamp='1318633675' post='2825222']
Yes you guys are SOOOO [url="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqoKxlQUYv4ldEJxcnlQaEpaOXlaaXp3ODAwTW4xSGc#gid=0"]disadvantaged[/url]...

You have about 25 members that are in an "outmatched" tier but dominate both the top15 and the bottom 190, with an overall average of 88% 1 to 1 ans.

[color="#DDA0DD"]Legion ANS: 20586.550697479 [/color]
[color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 20401.6473346303[/color]

[color="#DDA0DD"]Legion Total Membership: 238[/color]
[color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 257[/color]

[color="#DDA0DD"]Legion Total NS: 4,902,743[/color]
[color="#008000"]Tetris and Co: 5,350,538[/color]
*These are current NS's and Tetris and Co have suffered greater losses than Legion and this disparity was greater at the start of the war in favor of Tetris and Co

Tier breakdown(From Tetris and Co Perspective)
Average +/- member to member Tetris/Legion
[color="#00FF00"]Top 15........115.48%[/color]

Maybe if NSO should start working with these less than useless alliances? Of course it's easier to blame failure on someone else rather than step up eh Rebel?

[edit]eww sorry for the evil colors... fixing[/edit]
[color="#0000FF"]You really are trying too hard. I was never blaming anyone. IAA is not an incompetent alliance. Far from it. Historically it usually performs above par during wars. This one, however, does not have the support of most of the membership. If you looked at the declaration of war several IAA members came out and said as much. That alliance is not in peace mode for any other reason than to protest its government.

Now tell me, how do you work with IAA members when most IAA members do not want to fight? BTA just isn't important at all.

As for Tetris and NsO, they and NSO have been coordinating you numbnuts. Bah.

I am not really sure what you are trying to prove. Are you trying to say NSO is incompetent? I am sure Legion would disagree, as we know that NSO nations are currently priority targets (as most wars against them are being launched by NSO nations). Likewise most NSO members, with one or two notably loud exceptions would agree that Legion is not incapable of defending itself. I am reasonable impressed by their performance, in all honesty.

I will not deny that whatever advantage IAA/BTA provides to the Tetris/NSO/NsO side is null, however, due to the lack of performance from those two, however. Nor will I deny that Legion does have the advantage in the "upper tier" (however pathetic the "upper tier" of this war might be). Those are factual facts.

That said, both sides are still relatively evenly matched. Legion is holding up well, and NSO is dishing out quite a bit of damage. This war has always been one of a wills, and I have always been the first to say that. It will not end until either Legion or NSO blinks. Why you are trying to paint my words as saying otherwise is beyond me, but methinks you need to get over whatever little grudge you have against me. You can also stop hounding after me on IRC to give you a fight. Quite frankly I do not consider you worthy of my time.[/color]

[quote name='LeonidasRexII' timestamp='1318634069' post='2825227']
Hey berbers don't be surprised this has been NSO's MO since the Doomhouse war. They seem to be making a habit of laying into their "allies" for the slightest perceived wrong-doing.
[color="#0000FF"]I give credit where it is do and when it is do. I gave credit to Invicta for their performance during the last war, and to NADC too. I find both of those alliances to be unbearable. This war, however, I will give credit to Legion, as much as I may dislike you. You have fought well and I will commend that.

Likewise last war I will admit IAA held up well on its front, while this war it has been less than impressive.

I have never been one to embrace the idea that I should pat on the back everyone on my "side" even if they are are completely incompetent. Call me a jerk if you like, I will not deny that. But I will never dish out empty praise, nor hold back on undeserved criticism.[/color]

Edited by Rebel Virginia
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