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Announcement from the Legion concerning Tetris

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They've lost 217k since update, and over 1 point in score since Gopher updated. They've fallen off at a faster clip then they were previously, and it seems to be a free fall already(in week 1). It's too soon to say that one side is "winning", but stuff like that doesn't help their case when they claim to be winning.

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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1318077652' post='2820755']
They've lost 217k since update, and over 1 point in score since Gopher updated. They've fallen off at a faster clip then they were previously, and it seems to be a free fall already(in week 1). It's too soon to say that one side is "winning", but stuff like that doesn't help their case when they claim to be winning.

Dilber your a smart man
You know this already legion has already won not matter how much damage they take . They were being abused and taunted and decided to man up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
They know they were on the losing side of planet bob and again said enough is enough and declared war..

I and anyone else on planet bob would say tetris and crew look like the biggest losers planet bob has ever seen calling in all there ally's ..
They taunted legion got smacked and then ran to there big brother and friends to protect them ..

Win lose or draw legion is going to come out on top in everyone's eyes and if u don't see it your blind buddy


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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1318078994' post='2820763']
Dilber your a smart man
You know this already legion has already won not matter how much damage they take . They were being abused and taunted and decided to man up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
They know they were on the losing side of planet bob and again said enough is enough and declared war..

I and anyone else on planet bob would say tetris and crew look like the biggest losers planet bob has ever seen calling in all there ally's ..
They taunted legion got smacked and then ran to there big brother and friends to protect them ..

Win lose or draw legion is going to come out on top in everyone's eyes and if u don't see it your blind buddy


Haha .. I almost thought you were serious for a second there .... Sarcasm doesn't translate too well through text :ehm:

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picking a fight that they are going to lose dosent score them any points in my book, this seems to be a case of growing a pair of balls but not the brain cells needed to make it count.

and yes i see it as Legion starting this fight, despite what you may say about tetris and spying its all just words untill someone throws a punch, legion threw the first punch and missed and hit a brick wall.

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Lol no sarcasm her rayon I'm dead ass here
My opinion on legion steams all the way back to NAAC IMHO legion has caused me personally to lose almost every war I have been in whether them not joining a war or just there bad fighting ability that's all in the past...
Now I have the utmost respect for them and wouldn't mind going to zi again for them and what there standing up for...

And again they're in a 6-1 and doing pretty damn good, hats off to you legion keep up the good fight

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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1318080049' post='2820772']
And again they're in a 6-1 and doing pretty damn good, hats off to you legion keep up the good fight
I know you like to say 6-1 to make Legion sound better, but all alliances are not created equal.
Currently they are at a 10% disadvantage NS wise.

Also Vlad Stukov declared on the forums, but has no current wars against them.

Edited by The Pansy
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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1318081068' post='2820777']
I know you like to say 6-1 to make Legion sound better, but all alliances are not created equal.
Currently they are at a 10% disadvantage NS wise.
I'm not saying it to make them look better I am sayi g it cause that's what it is
Fact is they hit tetras for spying I'm sure they would have peaked out with them as soon as they apologized for spying instead they went crying to there frieds for help ( another fact )
If tetras had any balls they would have excepted what they did instead they took the coward way out and asked for assistance.

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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1318081353' post='2820780']
I'm not saying it to make them look better I am sayi g it cause that's what it is
Fact is they hit tetras for spying I'm sure they would have peaked out with them as soon as they apologized for spying instead they went crying to there frieds for help ( another fact )
If tetras had any balls they would have excepted what they did instead they took the coward way out and asked for assistance.

Crawl back under your iceberg, champ. I think you're done here.

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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1318078994' post='2820763']
Dilber your a smart man
You know this already legion has already won not matter how much damage they take . They were being abused and taunted and decided to man up and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT
They know they were on the losing side of planet bob and again said enough is enough and declared war..

I and anyone else on planet bob would say tetris and crew look like the biggest losers planet bob has ever seen calling in all there ally's ..
They taunted legion got smacked and then ran to there big brother and friends to protect them ..

Win lose or draw legion is going to come out on top in everyone's eyes and if u don't see it your blind buddy


It doesn't surprise me that a member of Polar would look at this war and think "gee, legion have stood up and showed some moral character and even if they do lose the battle, they will win the war" blah blah blah. Heck, you probably think Bipolar was a victory too.

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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1318081353' post='2820780']
I'm not saying it to make them look better I am sayi g it cause that's what it is
Fact is they hit tetras for spying I'm sure they would have peaked out with them as soon as they apologized for spying instead they went crying to there frieds for help ( another fact )
If tetras had any balls they would have excepted what they did instead they took the coward way out and asked for assistance.
And the [b]Fact[/b] remains, they are only at a 10% disadvantage (Closest war I have ever seen)
Legion have dished out 12% NS damage to their enemies, whilst only receiving 10% NS Damage.

You do a disservice to Legion in spouting this 6 vs 1 stupidity, when with proper facts it is seen they are currently holding their own.

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1318081929' post='2820786']
And the [b]Fact[/b] remains, they are only at a 10% disadvantage (Closest war I have ever seen)
Legion have dished out 12% NS damage to their enemies, whilst only receiving 10% NS Damage.

You do a disservice to Legion in spouting this 6 vs 1 stupidity, when with proper facts it is seen they are currently holding their own.
If no one else gets involved, this might be one of the closest wars in history.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1318083417' post='2820797']
Nobody leaves. Nobody else comes in. It's just them - and us.
I guess we'll see how long it lasts that way, this war could end up going in a lot of different directions.

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[quote name='The Pansy' timestamp='1318081929' post='2820786']
And the [b]Fact[/b] remains, they are only at a 10% disadvantage (Closest war I have ever seen)
Legion have dished out 12% NS damage to their enemies, whilst only receiving 10% NS Damage.

You do a disservice to Legion in spouting this 6 vs 1 stupidity, when with proper facts it is seen they are currently holding their own.

we're only doing well so far because their top tier hides in peace.

When they come out i'm fairly sure we're screwed, we could destroy them on their own but combined it doesn't look great

Edited by kolsara
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[quote name='Dilber' timestamp='1318075959' post='2820742']
To be fair, you are doing what you've always done.


Lets go back to slightly before update yesterday:

Tetris Side Original: 7142434
Tetris Side Current: 6425356

% of original: 90%
Raw Lost: 717078

Original Legion NS: 6286416
Current Legion NS: 5848573

Current NS vs Original 93%
Raw lost: 437843

[b]Here it is now[/b]
Tetris Side Current NS: 6256829
Tetris Side Lost NS: 885605

Legion Side Current NS: 5666009
Legion Side Lost NS: 620407

Difference since I last posted stats:
Tetris side: 168527
Legion side: 182564

% Difference between the 2 for difference since last posting 8.3%
% Difference between the 2 for difference in current overall NS - 10.4%

See Dilber I can use math and you can use a little ship, one appeals to someone who is informed and the other appeals to the uniformed.

And as always have nice day :)

Source: [url="https://docs.google.com/a/publicmain.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AvhBDJVbPEMSdDJIY1E0U1lwZ2s5NVlXU1pjQ0JBc0E&hl=en_US&ndplr=1#gid=3"]You will notice it is maintained by Tetris[/url]

Edited by MisterShadow
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[quote name='greco' timestamp='1318081353' post='2820780']
I'm not saying it to make them look better I am sayi g it cause that's what it is
Fact is they hit tetras for spying I'm sure they would have peaked out with them as soon as they apologized for spying instead they went crying to there frieds for help ( another fact )
If tetras had any balls they would have excepted what they did instead they took the coward way out and asked for assistance.
So, how's that scars and commitment thing going? 1/2 Ain't bad I suppose.

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[quote name='Charles Stuart' timestamp='1318087708' post='2820836']
The point remains, you are losing.
Hooray take a snapshot will not give you a big picture, are you really going to say that 18k NS is a substaintial margin and therefore gives you an entire picture. My hats off to you because you know a single nuke cant possibly do 14k in NS damage, that never happens right?

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1318076485' post='2820748']
Our allies know what's going on, and nobody else gets to find out. That is how opsec is supposed to work.

It is?! :o

Why didn't you tell us?!

Edited by O-Dog
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[quote name='kolsara' timestamp='1318086166' post='2820824']
we're only doing well so far because their top tier hides in peace.

When they come out i'm fairly sure we're screwed, we could destroy them on their own but combined it doesn't look great
Come on Son, where is that Legion fighting spirit? (PS looking at match ups, there are many ways you can sway this in your favour)

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Can we stop with all this whining about micro-stats, and 100k NS that way or 18K NS the other way? It's pathetic, and doesn't really show anyone winning or losing.

Yes, I realize this banter happens in every war, but this one has taken it to a ridiculous level. (probably because it is so equal - and because you have Legion's traditionally running-at-the-mouth posters against NSO's traditionally headstrong ones)

You aren't really going to give any indication of worthwhile "winning" or "losing" until warchests and warmaking capacity start running out en-masse, until you start clearing entire tiers of enemy targets, membership collapses and, at the very least, the first round ends.

So please, either stick to fighting, or find something more interesting to mock each other about.

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