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Great Britain Restored

Captain Enema

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316807302' post='2806829']
OOC: 30,000 people do not even live in the area which I am claiming, also I have already RPed most of them. Come back with some real numbers.
I will make my IC post soon, after you fix those 30,000 people who do not even exist in that area

OOC: Population is relevant to the RPer. This is CNRP, not RL, we don't copy statistics directly from a Wikipedia page for our populations and nations. I doubt there are many, if any at all, nations who use the exact RL population as their RP population.


[quote]Classified Message to Great Britain

To Mr. Cromwell,

With my nation's recognition of your government and its claim to the USI-occupied Scotland, I am in a position to offer you assistance in your reclamation efforts. As the commander of all Kurlandic assets presently stationed in England, I have at my disposal all excess medical supplies and food initially intended for the war effort. Seeing as we will not be engaging in further military actions, I'd like to offer those supplies that are not needed by the populace to assist your regime. These will include the aforementioned food and medicine, as well as ammunition and weapons captured from English Army stockpiles. Should you accept, we will immediately begin shipping these supplies by rail into Scotland.

Here's to a swift British victory.

Generalmajor Týr Bernat
Commander, Kurlandic Peacekeeping Force in England[/quote]

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[quote]Private Message to Cromwell

We, the Ibizan Republic, are willing to assist you in your current situation. Be it armed soldiers, discreet operatives, cyber warfare or air support we can provide you with assistance.

Just tell us what you need, when you need it and where to put it. The british expatriate population of Ibiza long to see a day where the british isles are reunited once more and we feel we might be able to help it come to fruition.


Juan Carlos[/quote]

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[quote]Private Message to Cromwell

We, the Ibizan Republic, are willing to assist you in your current situation. Be it armed soldiers, discreet operatives, cyber warfare or air support we can provide you with assistance.

Just tell us what you need, when you need it and where to put it. The british expatriate population of Ibiza long to see a day where the british isles are reunited once more and we feel we might be able to help it come to fruition.


Juan Carlos[/quote]

[quote]Private to Juan Carlos

Support is welcome, we'd dearly love to see the insurgents at war inside the USI zone properly equipped with modern munitions and explosives. We suggest very easy to use and easy to maintain weapons given their supply situation and their current state of training and expertise.

Further, given the situation is going to more than likely take several years to resolve through economic embargo and the refusal of nations to recognize the sovereignty of the USI and their supporters we suggest that your nation consider making the first step of publicly supporting the long term aims of the One Britain Collorary.

Our short term goals as a nation is to quell the violence in the occupied zone by returning it to the rightful law of the British government. Our long term goal is hopefully the peaceful amalgamation of the USI back into the loving nurturing bosom of Mother Britain.

-Cromwell [/quote]

[quote]Classified Message to Great Britain

To Mr. Cromwell,

With my nation's recognition of your government and its claim to the USI-occupied Scotland, I am in a position to offer you assistance in your reclamation efforts. As the commander of all Kurlandic assets presently stationed in England, I have at my disposal all excess medical supplies and food initially intended for the war effort. Seeing as we will not be engaging in further military actions, I'd like to offer those supplies that are not needed by the populace to assist your regime. These will include the aforementioned food and medicine, as well as ammunition and weapons captured from English Army stockpiles. Should you accept, we will immediately begin shipping these supplies by rail into Scotland.

Here's to a swift British victory.

Generalmajor Týr Bernat[/quote]

[quote]Private to Generalmajor Tyr Bernat

We'll happily accept these supplies.


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='comrade nikonov' timestamp='1316809702' post='2806869']
The United States of the Islands has been exercising internationally-recognized sovereignty in Europe for a long time now. Finland will not stand and watch a resurgent, belligerent Britain bring war to the North Sea so soon again. If aggressive actions are taken by Britain against the United States of the Islands, the Republic of Finland will take actions it sees appropriate to preserve stability in the region.

Public Response for Finland:

Dear sirs,

We remember you lot. In the darkest hour of our greatest need many a Briton asked, "Where is Finland?" Yet you were no where to be found. Our Mutual Defense Pact meant so little to you that you failed to even make your presence known when foreign armies were charging across our shores.

Great Britain hereby revokes the Mutual Defense Pact between our two nations. Great Britain further bans all Finnish shipping, air travel, tourism, and diplomatic presence inside British territory. All Finnish citizens have 12 hours to begin leaving Great Britain.

Until that day you can consider the English held Finnish bases returned to you. The issues of the Shetlands will be dealt with at a more appropriate time.


Edited by Tidy Bowl Man
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316807302' post='2806829']
OOC: 30,000 people do not even live in the area which I am claiming, also I have already RPed most of them. Come back with some real numbers.
Also you are telling me to post casualties. I'll do so if you can tell me from what? You had people running with clubs at my front lines and I had the National Guard douse them with pepper spray and hit them with batons and use highly efficient sound weapons. The army was waiting in the back while they yelled to get back. After that you went inactive for a week and left us all in the dark. So I am not going to post casualties to that because you didn't reply back. I will make my IC post soon, after you fix those 30,000 people who do not even exist in that area

OOC: I believe Centurius cleared this up for you in IRC. I had people coming at you with firearms, clubs, knives, petrol bombs and you've yet to rp a single loss of life. The numbers in question are well within my troop count, I'm sure that's been cleared up for you as well.

If it hasn't been made clear to you, follow up with Centurius for clarification.

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David, Robert, Susan, and the Irish twin sisters living in the Orange House left the Island and went to other parts of the world to continue their legacy. The military stood down because they did not want to see Islands civilians slaughtered, even though they knew England would slaughter most of the high ranking officials in the Islands just because they would want to.

EDIT: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105497

EDIT: Before David left the Orange House he grabbed a dry red rose from on top the fire place in the family room in the Orange House. It was absolutely his most prized position.
(Sorry, it was essential I add that in)

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316830267' post='2807085']
David, Robert, Susan, and the Irish twin sisters living in the Orange House left the Island and went to other parts of the world to continue their legacy. The military stood down because they did not want to see Islands civilians slaughtered, even though they knew England would slaughter most of the high ranking officials in the Islands just because they would want to.

EDIT: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=105497

The British Home Army moves in and assumes control of the former USI Renegade Provinces. A message is sent to the Irish Government to open up communications about the future of the islands in question given their rather mixed heritage.

All high government officials are put on the next available flight out of the country on the sentence of permanent exile.

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"Sometimes a man has to stand behind his convictions. Other times he needs to stand out in front of them. The entire British nation was willing to stand out in front of their convictions. The government of the renegade USI terrorists only seemed willing to stand way behind theirs. Way back in another country behind theirs."


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