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Great Britain Restored

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[quote name='Rauchen' timestamp='1316374267' post='2803119']
The Kingdom of Kurland officially recognizes the British government's claims to Scotland and Wales, and supports their claim to the Scottish islands.

[From the other thread]

"If you truly wish to avoid war, you will recognize Cromwell's British government as the rightful successor to England, and therefore the Scottish Isles, rather than digging in your heels and allowing a petty conflict to tear the lives of the Scottish people asunder. You will bring no good to the people with such a mulish attitude. Considering that the new British state is primarily Scottish, they have just as much, if not more, claim to the Isles, and I highly doubt that the British will punish citizens who did not fight against them. By encouraging those citizens to fight, you would be to blame for whatever happened to them during and after the conflict. Enough blood has been shed in Britannia without you trying to expand at the expense of a new state. Don't let your pride obstruct your view of the world."

-King Alaric

OOC: Just for the record, I'm not recognizing anyone's RPing of the citizens of the area until the dispute is resolved.

We are simply just standing up for the people. Their voice will not go unanswered.

David Anthony O'Reilly
The President of The United States

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316374682' post='2803128']
We are simply just standing up for the people. Their voice will not go unanswered.

David Anthony O'Reilly
The President of The United States

"So you say. You did the exact same thing with almost identical claims when you attempted to seize Ireland, and were initially reluctant to give up your claims to the rising Irish government. Do not make the mistake of pushing your nation into war over a similar dispute. Annex one territory under shaky claims, shame on you; annex a second...still shame on you. As my father used to tell me when I was a boy, don't be a dumbass. It's unbecoming of a leader."

-King Alaric

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[quote name='Rauchen' timestamp='1316375223' post='2803132']
"So you say. You did the exact same thing with almost identical claims when you attempted to seize Ireland, and were initially reluctant to give up your claims to the rising Irish government. Do not make the mistake of pushing your nation into war over a similar dispute. Annex one territory under shaky claims, shame on you; annex a second...still shame on you. As my father used to tell me when I was a boy, don't be a dumbass. It's unbecoming of a leader."

-King Alaric

"The people of Ireland did not need or want us there so we handed over power to those who were peacefly demonstrating. You may not want to acceptthe situation, but I will stand by these people as long as they ask me to and if the slaughter of innocent civilians starts, we will not back down from defending the freedom of these peoples. I am sorry to cut our conversation short, but I have a country to run."

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Jefferson helped other people along the front lines load some of the warm food and cold water the soldiers had given to them. A young woman bad volunteered to bring the wagon to the other side. Even though the other side was insurgents, they were still humans. The girl couldn't have been older then 19. She had long brown hair and the casual dress her grandmother had made for her. The only thing she had to defend herself with was a broom stick. Above the wagon flew a large white flag of peace. When she would arrive to the other side she exited her wooden wagon and looked back at the line of Scots giving looks of encouragement and hope. "My name is Tina, we saw that you all are in the mud like us and are problably tired like us so we wanted to give some food and water.. It's for all of you." She awaited a response to see if the other side would take their gift.

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The Athenian Federation has been watching the situation for a long time now without commenting however with every announcement it becomes more and more clear who enjoys the legality. We support the freedom of the British people and as such support the Cromwell government. We strongly urge the Islanders to withdraw to avoid further bloodshed.

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Another message was sent to England, asking that both sides send their leaders to a neutral location such as Ireland or Athens or Germany. "We should not harm civilians and we shouldn't be fighting eachother. I beg that you help me prevent this conflict. What if you would be in the same situation and a foreign power was trying to hold you down? We need to hear the voice of these people and we need to both come together and speek, for the sake of both of our nations."

David Anthony O'Reilly
The President of The United States

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1316377622' post='2803159']

The Athenian Federation has been watching the situation for a long time now without commenting however with every announcement it becomes more and more clear who enjoys the legality. We support the freedom of the British people and as such support the Cromwell government. We strongly urge the Islanders to withdraw to avoid further bloodshed.

Private Response To Athens

Do you not respect the freedom of the Scotish people? Even the Spartans and Athenians joined together for the cause of stopping the Persians.

Susan O'Neil
Chief Diplomat of The United States

Edited by PresidentDavid
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Once again, the Empire declares her complete neutrality in the partitioning of England. However, being that conflict will be taking place near our base, we will extend sanctuary to any [b]unarmed, uninvolved[/b] civilians who can make it IMB: Ireland in Argyle and Burke, Scotland. This is our public notice that the 4th Fleet is moving back to dock at IMB: Ireland, and the facilities on the base and the ships of the 4th will be used for any civilians who choose to come. As always, an attack on an Imperial military base is an attack on the Empire herself. We hope that a solution can be found without the need for further bloodshed.


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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316377838' post='2803165']
Private Response To Athens

Do you not respect the freedom of the Scotish people? Even the Spartans and Athenians joined together for the cause of stopping the Persians.

Susan O'Neil
Chief Diplomat of The United States

[b]Public Response:[/b]

The freedom of the people of Scotland is being protected, by the Cromwell government. These lands have belonged to its predecessor for nearly a decade and it is only fit they go to the successor state.

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While New Spain is not predominately concerned with European affairs we feel it is in our interests to support our allies in Athens in calling for the removal of USI claims on English lands. We fully recognize the Cromwell government as the right and just rulers of these lands. We feel that the USI actions thus far have been imperialistic at best and wrapped in a guise of false liberation. We urge leaders in the USI to come to their senses to prevent any unneeded bloodshed for the Scottish peoples.

[i]Emilo Bourbon[/i]
[i]Lord Steward of the Kingdom of New Spain[/i]

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An open microphone was left on in a news conference where Vice Imperator Kou was talking to a member of the Foreign Ministry privately.

"People in Europe need to stop being so !@#$@#$ retarded. The idea that there is anything that much more different between a scotsman and irishman than a Shanghaiese and Taiwanese person is laughable and retarded. You'd think at least the German and Britain would have at least gained the two cents to remember that their nations already had committed suicide over minor differences that nobody cares about.

For $%&@ sakes everyone over there needs to just shut the $%&@ up about abstract lines drawn a thousand years ago... forgetting for a moment back then there was no idea of a modern state system or nationalism... It all is getting quite ridiculous what do you mean my mic is on? Oh well $%&@ it."

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1316383890' post='2803253']
The USI is constantly claiming that they are either Irish or Scottish, I would like to raise the question as to what happened to those who were native to the Islands before the cultural genocide was committed?

"If you are referring the the Manx people then the answer to that is simple. Few of them left the Island, some went to the Western Isles, but a majority still reside in the North of the Island."

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316383981' post='2803256']
"If you are referring the the Manx people then the answer to that is simple. Few of them left the Island, some went to the Western Isles, but a majority still reside in the North of the Island."
Left the Island, or were exiled? Went to the western Islands, or were forced to relocate there? Reside in the North of the Island, or are kept there to make sure they are out of the way?

They seem to be an oppressed people who never have a voice even thought they are the natural born heirs to the land. Not once have I heard of someone in your nation that traces their roots to the Island rather than Ireland or Scotland. It is rather suspect to say the least.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1316384611' post='2803266']
Left the Island, or were exiled? Went to the western Islands, or were forced to relocate there? Reside in the North of the Island, or are kept there to make sure they are out of the way?

They seem to be an oppressed people who never have a voice even thought they are the natural born heirs to the land. Not once have I heard of someone in your nation that traces their roots to the Island rather than Ireland or Scotland. It is rather suspect to say the least.

"Considering their voter turnout was 6% last year I am not that surprised. So tell me why again a nation that has existed for less than 24 hours is questioning me? I think you are oppressing your people."

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1316384889' post='2803271']
"Considering their voter turnout was 6% last year I am not that surprised. So tell me why again a nation that has existed for less than 24 hours is questioning me? I think you are oppressing your people."
I am asking questions because it seems strange to me that people from a nation with no historic ties to a neighboring nation all of a sudden one day decided to embrace it's neighbors traditions as it's own.

You think I am oppressing my people by asking a question?

[i]The Chancellor facepalmed so hard his face would be red for a week.[/i]

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1316385958' post='2803280']
I am asking questions because it seems strange to me that people from a nation with no historic ties to a neighboring nation all of a sudden one day decided to embrace it's neighbors traditions as it's own.

You think I am oppressing my people by asking a question?

[i]The Chancellor facepalmed so hard his face would be red for a week.[/i]

"I think you sir, are not worth the two cents of electricity it took for me to post this!"

-Random Blogger

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OOC: you off the islands or not yet, because my next IC post will depend on it and I'm not going to wade through 3 pages of gorp.


The British Home Army is on the Southern most point of the reported Islander incursion zone and are ready to attack. The time limit given has expired and they are waiting for the formal declaration of war and orders to commence Operation Granby.

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' timestamp='1316387861' post='2803306']
OOC: you off the islands or not yet, because my next IC post will depend on it and I'm not going to wade through 3 pages of gorp.


The British Home Army is on the Southern most point of the reported Islander incursion zone and are ready to attack. The time limit given has expired and they are waiting for the formal declaration of war and orders to commence Operation Granby.


You need to read what I posted because some of it is replies to other things you did.

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OOC: Smashin' time then, be back later, have to go to work, will start with the attacks I get home. And I'm not responding to any of your hippy mode attempts until you've gone back and responded to my initial insurgent attacks. Stop trying to avoid casualties.

back in about 10 hours. :lol1:


The British Government requests the following from its European neighbors:

1) The prevention of outside assistance to the Islanders. Please block any attempts of a foreign power to involve itself in this situation.

2) Assistance with air support. The Royal Air Force is in a shambles at this moment. We request assistance in keeping the Islander aircraft out of the skies.

Public Response to USI:

We see that you are still in our territory. The time limit has expired and from reports you are willingly placing civilians in the line of fire in what appear to be human shields. That slick media spin job you are regurgitating isn't fooling anyone here in the British Government. Anyone will stand there when you have a gun to their family's head, which is what we suspect is the case.

We will not negotiate for what is rightfully ours. We will not have any meetings, we will not have any last moment attempts by your government that appears to be using civilians forced into speaking for you by your forces.

What we will allow is the obvious, those who truly want to be part of the USI may freely leave. Their lands will be forfeit, their citizenship revoked, they will never again be allowed to return to the Great Britain. However, they'll have their little Utopia.

Further, all British citizens in the occupied zone have a responsibility to resist the USI's illegal occupation. This collaboration by certain members of the population will be investigated. Should it be found that it is a willing one the price they'll pay will be a most severe one.

You've signed your fate, you may now deal with the consequences.


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Dalmatia will be adopting a wait and see stance on the current situation.


Focke Stealth Air Recon UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) are to be dispatched over the area of hostilities to maintain 24/7 aerial surveillance.

Edited by Malatose
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