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Peace Talks


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(This Thread Includes: TBM, EM, Markus, Curristan, and I)

Muwaffaq Muta awaited for the arrival of the diplomats at the estate on the outskirts of Arlit. He paced around, double checking every detail of the estate's rooms and the security detail for the building.

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The Aeon [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/Newish/Princesspossible.jpg"]Princess[/url] herself would attend such a momentous and crucial occasion. Her heart began to swell at the thought of the good she could bring to the world with this opportunity. To broker a lasting peace between these two irreconcilable parties would be all that she could ever ask for.

Touching down in Arlit, near the heart of what was once Niger, Rhianne carefully placed a delicate foot down on central African soil. She was the first East African to do so - what was once the United Mechodamian States was now the People's Republic of Africa, and what was once the tyrannical Nation of Nod had now become the Principality of Aeon - this was certain. Mere decades earlier, such a feat would have been considered an act of war.

A thin silk hood shrouded the Princess' tiny frame as her Guards, adorned striking [url="http://i710.photobucket.com/albums/ww106/mofailla/Newish/monkfemale.jpg"]red and gold tunics[/url] - only a smattering of their regular armor plating in sight - followed in her wake. They were there purely for ceremonial reasons - this was a friendly place, no harm could befall their beloved Princess here.

The final arrivals were merely a band of faithful Handmaidens. Dressed in similar hooded robes as their master and almost holy icon, the women quickly huddled behind Rhianne, holding her long tress with solemn faces and idolatrous hands.

Meeting with the PRA leader, the Princess would merely remove her hood, dismiss her guard, and gaze at him with clear green eyes.

[i]"I am Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo I, reigning sovereign of House Sidamo. I come as a harbinger of peace, and I offer you my most humble greeting. It has been far too long since last we have spoken."[/i]

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An extremely annoyed looking Deltrane wanders in and takes a seat. With the Coordinator of the Legion occupied with a royal ball in Budapest it falls upon him to represent the Legion at these infernal peace talks. With him he brings a briefcase, inside the briefcase is a single pad of yellow legal paper, a satellite phone, and several faxes with classified communications.

He nods politely at the Princess and takes a seat. As he waits for the Commonwealth representative to show up he scratches the stump of his missing arm and ponders if it would be out of place to order a sandwich. He thinks to himself, 'Certainly it would be well out of place to ask the Princess to get me a sammich' and he emits a single polite smile at the rather outrageous thought.

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Muwaffaq Muta greeted and thanked everyone for attending and arriving promptly.

"Now that we are all here, we can begin talks. Allow me to lay down the facts of the matter before all of us involved so we may proceed accordingly. The Republic of Africa, in this conflict, fabricated evidence, and then proceeded to attempt to assault the People's Republic of Africa because of the fabricated evidence, in direct disregard of our signed Non-Aggression Pact.

Because of this, we are gathered here today. While we in the PRA wish to help build a more unified and peaceful African continent, this cannot exist if such instances are to occur."

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The following lists were distributed to the representatives:

The People's Republic of Africa hereby proposes the following terms to be placed on the Commonwealth of Africa, to be held for 10 years (where applicable):

[*]Soldier count to remain at or less than 1/5 maximum capacity
[*]Borderland be made into a PRA-Occupied border zone, 15 miles into Commonwealth of Africa lands
[*]$5,000,000,000 in Reparations
[*]PRA military inspectors allowed access throughout military to ensure proper troop numbers are upheld
[*]Elimination of Air and Naval branches of service in military
[*]Official apology to the African community and admittance of fault
[*]Implementation of the history of socialism in school curriculum, including the differences between communism and socialism, taking a 3rd party, non-biased, point of view at the economic system's pros and cons
[*]All seaports to be made into PRA Protectorates for 12 years
[*]No military imports or exports

Should terms be broken, the defensive parties (The PRA, Aeon, and Legion) may re-initiate attacks on the offensive party (Commonwealth of Africa)[/quote][/quote]

[quote]The People's Republic of Africa hereby proposes the following terms to be placed on West African Republic:

[*]Official apology to the African community
[*]$3,000,000,000 Reparations
[*]Soldier count to remain at or below 1/2 maximum capacity for 4 years
[*]PRA military inspectors allowed access throughout military to ensure proper troop numbers are upheld
[*]Elimination of Naval branch of service in military for 5 years

Should terms be broken, the defensive parties (The PRA, Aeon, and Legion) may re-initiate attacks on the offensive party (West African Republic)[/quote][/quote]

OoC: Terms follow 1 RL month = 1 IC year

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Dr. Brie slowly shook her head as she read the terms. "Mr. Muta, what you are proposing to the Commonwealth is similar to the Treaty of Versailles. By limiting our soldiers, social policies and imposing a severe fine, you are setting yourself up for retaliation in the future. If you do not wish for such an attack to happen again, you need to be [b]reasonable[/b] with your demands."

She slid the paper back towards Muta. "I cannot, in good conscience, agree to such outlandish terms."

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Rhianne squeezed her eyes shut for a moment after reading the terms proposed by the PRA. They were harsh indeed, perhaps even draconian. [i]This is not going to go as I had hoped[/i], she thought to herself morosely. Speaking in a clear, neutral voice, she began.

"The terms are harsh - surely the PRA can agree to that? Would you, perhaps, renege on a number of them or reduce the severity of their magnitude?"

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"You violated a treaty with Ghana, who is an ally of the PRA. Furthermore, you have initiated hostile actions against us. We see these terms as the only way to ensure our safety, given we cannot trust you to ensure that by your word alone."

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"I will say that I do believe the West Africans have paid their reparations in blood. The opening rounds of the war saw two of their divisions completely mauled by Legion forces near our joint territory. The photographs of those burning men, tanks, and other vehicles makes even a jaded old veteran like myself wince. I think we can reasonably come down on their reparations to 1,000,000,000 and shorten the restrictions on their naval forces to one year. Further, rather than scuttling those vessels if the West Africans are willing they can dock them in Legion ports and Legion will put caretaker crews on them until they've finished up their terms. Further, should they abide by a 50 mile DMZ on their side of the border with the PRA I think we can forgo any restrictions on their military forces as well.

By DMZ I mean lightly armed police forces only with PRA listening posts 25 miles in as an early warning against possible aggression for a period of 10 years.

The Commonwealth on the other hand, have shown no real interest in making amends for their wanton aggression. Rather than making a reasonable counter-offer they've beaten their chests like they are the victims of this situation. Quite the opposite in fact, they are the aggressors and ought to be a bit more willing to dicker, if such a thing can be done regarding the lives of men, women, and children being lost.

My patience grows very thin with the Commonwealth, but I'll spare what shred left I have for them to give them a final chance."

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"There is no way we can accept the last three terms. As its been said it would be the Treaty of Versailles repeated and would aggravate the situation even more. There would most certainly protest over such terms, especially when the West African people and the West African Senate were totally deceived by Stanley Mgambo into going to war. The families of the killed would not take kindly to being stripped of their sense of security. I know you have been wronged, but you are punishing the wrong people.

We would however accept Legion's suggestion of placing our combat vessels in Legion ports for the year and we would also accept the implantation of a Demilitarised Zone with Legion peacekeepers taking part. Also we offer Stanley Mgambo to stand trial in the PRA as he was one of the instigators of the conflict. We feel that your people should decide his fate as we see him as a war criminal.

We also support Legion's suggestion of reducing the reparations as a serious economic situation has arisen due to uncertainty caused by panic selling in the Stock Market. There has been drop in the value of our currency and projected reduced economical output for the next three to five years.

We hope that what we have suggested is suitable."

Edited by Curristan
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"We'd be happy to place peacekeepers in a DMZ if that's what it takes to get the West African Republic out and about. Further, we would be willing to put the West African Navy to work in our own employ for the year, or something along those lines.

In short, I don't see anything inherently evil about the West Africans, they just had an idiot as a President. Let's cut them lose to grow and prosper and to mend the hurt between all of us. Now the Commonwealth, they damn well will show some humility before anything else, if not.. so be it."

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Dr. Brie finished her cigarette and placed her hands on the table, folded. "What I can offer the PRA is this. The Commonwealth will issue a formal letter of apology to Africa and the PRA, we will agree to a DMZ outlined by the Legion representative and all other terms. I cannot and will not, however, agree to any sort of fine or limitation on our armed forces."

She leaned back from the table. "If you must impose these outlandish terms on us, it will do more harm than good."

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"I offered those terms to the West African Republic, not to you. The West African Republic has shown a distinct willingness to hold their leader accountable for his actions. You on the other hand keep telling us what you won't do and haven't shown any willingness to compensate the People's Republic of Africa for the damages incurred by your assault upon them.

What it is coming down to is simple. Your entire government is soon at the risk of being utterly destroyed. Upon the completion of this destruction a vote will be held by your citizens to determine a new government and monitored by Legion and the People's Republic. Should that government be to our liking, it'll be allowed to stand. If it merely a carbon copy of the idiocy I'm seeing now, well.. we do have plenty of ammo left in this year's budget.

Truly, you are really starting to piss me off, your attitude offends me. Adjust it accordingly."

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"I cannot hold my leader accountable when he is no longer in the country!" Dr. Brie screamed. "But, if you are truly hellbent on eliminating the government, I will not live to see it."

With that, Dr. Brie took a cyanide pill from her purse and swallowed it. She would be dead within seconds.

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Rhianne quietly watched as the talks started to break down. No one had heeded her calls for restraint or even basic negotiation - she had failed. Of course, no one accosted her with that fact, it was merely a result of her unrealistic expectations. But that didn't make her feel any better.

She merely stared at Dr. Brie's convulsing body, waving a handmaiden over to watch over her. As the sound of the young woman's inevitable reply - 'She is dead, your Grace' - filled the meeting room, it also signified the end of a meaningful peace.

The Aeon would go to war.

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