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Hell's City


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[b]Hotel entrance. They are watching the buildings nearby explode and crumble. There did not seem to be any explosives in the hotel though.

Jesse: [/b]And so it begins. Kang could be anywhere in the city and that will make it hard for you to find him.

[b]John: [/b]I shall wait for him to show himself. The sense does not mean that I shall die immediately, in fact most don't actually die until 24-48 hours later but many have also died in the hours following. All it does is let you know it will happen soon.

[b]Jesse: [/b]So you might be able to still help us locate Rhee before it is too late. Do you have any intel on where he last was?

[b]John: [/b]Unfortunately I don't. He was with a princess named Angelika though. If we find her she may be able to help us locate him, and help us take down the Dragon Cult as well. You and Brian shall search near the governmental buildings and I shall search near the docks and along the coast. We still have our phones which can be used as two-way radios so we shall keep in constant contact as well. And don't worry about me Jesse. I can still use my Dragon form as personal defense if I need to so if I am attacked the attackers will not last long.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Lets hope we can find them before Kang and the cult find us.

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[b][center]The Den[/center][/b]

"You have rigged the floors, the walls of the temple.. the ceiling?" Kang inquired.

The man nodded. "Just beneath all the balsa wood panels and floor pieces as you have instructed.. in a pattern to maximize fragmentation."

King smiled darkly, "When the other Dreamers and their surrogates come, I shall be ready for them. They wanted some action. They'll get as much as I can provide. You have also installed the anchors and the handles in the ceilings and overhangs?"

The engineer nodded again promptly.

Kang nodded approvingly, "Then leave me alone. My lieutenants have their orders. I need merely wait for the last chapter. They can do the rest upon their own accord. Oh.. and have someone tell the one who seeks me.. where to find me. I'm hungry."

[center][b]On the Streets[/b][/center]

A man taps John gently on the shoulders. He realizes it is someone who saw him at the bar earlier. He says nothing, but signs, "Come with me. I'll show you where the dark one is."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"No!" Angelika sprang up sitting the bed and grabbed Ryu by the collar. "You don't understand, everything in Korea has been flipped on it's side. Your Deputy Imperator, he's in the presence of a traitor. Those blue objects you've been hunting, they're Ming's creation entirely. I saw first hand what he's doing and what this serum is capable of, he designed it with Bridgette Saenger for God's sake so you have to realize that this won't end well if we don't act now." The sudden burst of energy immediately made her tired and she relaxed her grip on Ryu, falling back to the pillow. "I...I was with one of the people who got injected, a regional inspector, a Korean, named Rhee. Ryu, it mutated him, it turned him into some monster, gray skinned, his entire body bulging, and he wasn't able to control himself. It was a state of perpetual rage."

The Princess sighed and dropped her eyes. "He needs to be removed from power over in Korea, but I couldn't say that because he was too close. It wouldn't surprise me if it was him who ordered the ambush on me, because he knew that I would tell this all to the Imperator and my sister. But we have to move now, I have to get out of be-"

The door of the hospital room opened as Theresia flung herself into the room, pushing past Ryu and Chakri covering Angelika with her arms. "Oh thank God you're okay, Angelika. What the hell were you doing in Korea anyways? You nearly gave me a heart attack and I'm only thirty-two." The Empress laughed with tears streaming down her eyes. "Don't ever do that again or I swear I'll look you up so you can't get into trouble again."

Angelika shook her head, "No, Theresia, you don't understand. I...I need to talk with Jia."

The Empress' eyes narrowed curiously. "Why do you have to speak with him? What's going on Angelika?"

The Princess would watch as Jia entered the room at the sound of his name and she sat up further in bed, trying to gather what energy she had. "Majesty, your brother, he's in trouble. You have to get rid of Ming." Then she told Theresia and Jia the same story she told to Ryu and Chakri, about the serum, Rhee, the ambush, Ming, and why Korea was on the brink of collapse.


Meanwhile, across Inchon, Bridgette sat on a laboratory table with her legs crossed looking up at a television screen. She smiled gleefully and took a sip of the steaming, bitter green tea she held in a styrofoam cup. The Dragon Cult had made the first move as she had predicted, it was hard to keep fanatics from destroying the thing they most wanted to inherit, which in this case, she believed was Korea. Whether that was right or wrong, Bridgette didn't really mind, this Kang Lung person was putting him and his followers right out in the open where they could be scrutinized by the Federation and any other Korean forces that disagreed that a long dead leader was the Second Coming of Christ or whatever the hell they believed in. Organized religion was a fantasy and these Cultists fell right into an old man's trip. Needless to say, she thought the entire situation easy to exploit.

Inchon, if she could remove the Dragon Cult along with Ming, could be the perfect place for a larger base for Astrid's Asian Operations. In Singapore and other areas throughout the East, one had to be careful with border patrols, local police, and other inconveniences, but for a shamble like Korea. She could conduct her operations against the Yuan-Hapsburgs in peace and effectively, being in a chaotic zone so close to the Federation's border.

Behind her, Y and a few hired hands were producing the first drops of the new serum. This time, glowing a dark blue color having combined both the first stage of the injection with the second stage. It would make up for lost time in long experimentation and would make her shock troops much more effective after the chemical was fully completed. While at her side, Jinho, would be standing firm as the new personal guard and commander of Bridgette's forces.

Jumping down off the table, the Austrian threw the cup to the floor and clasped her hand behind her back. "So the Cult is going to make the first move. I believe it's time to call out the Vikings then and get rid of this rabble. In addition," she turned to Jinho, "You and I will be following a bit from the behind. Rumors have been rising from the cultists in the streets that this Kang Lung, was able to mutate himself into their 'Dragon God', if we can get a hold of this virus and change some Viking or other person under our influence into this Maelstrom, everything would be much easier. We'd have the cult at our fingertips and I believe for you," she said patting the girl on the shoulder. "Would be one step closer to achieving Korea's freedom. Come, let's rally the troops."

They walked from the private quarters into the main chambers where squads of Vikings and other mercenaries were standing with their weapons. Bridgette, in the military uniform she had worn during the Austrian Civil War. Her long blonde hair reached down to her waist and her rosed cheeks blossomed even in the darkness of the basement complex. "Ladies and Gentlemen, Vikings and other hired mercenaries. I would first like to thank, each and every one of you for coming on this venture, even those who recently have signed on. Of course, this is given that you will all receive your wages and bounties at the end and I can assure you, we will have more than our fair share to go around.

"The Dragon Cult in the little wisdom that they possess have decided to steamroll throughout Inchon. Buildings are collapsing, riots are igniting on the streets and within time, the Federation will be sending soldiers to quell this rebellion. However in the meantime, in this open chaos, it is our chance to cement our hold in Inchon and in Korea itself. The 'Incarnation of Maelstrom Vortex' also has something very important for me as well. His blood, for the person that gets me a specimen of his insides, I will triple your bounty and make you a very rich man or woman."

She walked towards the exit of the complex and flung her hands in the air. "That said, let's cause a bit of chaos!"

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4PoQtKWJCM&feature=related"]Bridgette's Theme[/url]

In the storming crowd of guns, swords, grenades, pikes, and other beautiful weapons to Bridgette's amethyst marched forward descending on Inchon's slums and streets with an intense ferocity. Police, cultist, whomever, the Vikings were there to establish fear in the hearts of the people and to take what belonged to their bounty, which was pretty much everything.

"The cultists they say," Bridgette began as she herself began to walk into the barren wilderness that was Inchon, with Jinho at her side. "Are not afraid of death. Which is good, because I don't see the reason why we should even give them time to contemplate death. Off with their heads is easy enough. And soon, order will come from this chaos. Order that you've always fought for Jinho. Yes, soon enough."

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[b][center]The Streets of Inchon[/center][/b]

There was a firefight pretty much around every corner, a sniper on every roof. The city was a living hell. As Bridgette walked down the street she and her retinue would do so avoiding bullets. A [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6HcFq_LS8s&feature=feedrec_grec_index"]sniper[/url] happened to target her as she made her progression as she was not wearing "the mark". Pulling the trigger he released a .50 cal round in her direction targeted upon her head.

In the meantime, a skirmish with local authorities and rioting cult-antagonized hoodlums spilled out into the street in front of her.

Nearby an explosion from an overheated propane tank that had been in a building fire rocked the block, throwing the sniper, who was reloading, off his balance and onto his back upon the roof.

[center][b]With John, a warped mind..[/b][/center]

[quote]John looked at him, nodded, and followed him. "If you think it will be easy for your master to defeat me you are very wrong."[/quote]

"It is not my master you should fear. It is his ability to plan. You are not important. You are not a dreamer's incarnation. You are just letters in a book to him. He will not waste his time directly assailing you. Instead.. he will let you find him.. in here.." He gestured to the gates of an amusement park. "Enjoy yourself." The man would quietly begin to walk away.

Within the amusement park currently only one thing appeared to be functioning beyond the gate, it was a stand up fortune machine that had a depiction of the Dragon Emperor of times old within with a crystal ball offering to tell your fortune. It had a nice little carnival jingle to it and flashing lights. A female voice intoned, "Come.. let me tell you your fortune! My eyes see all!" The mismatch of voice indicated the machine was a cheap Chinese knock-off brand fortune telling box.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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When the explosion rocked the streets, the quake knocked Bridgette's feet out from under her and as she fell to the ground and a Viking guard in front of her. She watched at blood splattered at a high velocity onto the ground and over her uniform. Immediately, guards flanked around her, picking her back to her feet and brushing off the dust. "Doctor Saenger? Are you alright?" Said one of the Vikings as they began to push her to a defensible area on the opposite side of the street, checking to make sure she hadn't been wounded in the assault.

"Get off of me! All of you! I'm fine." She scowled and pushed the guards out of the way. "There's snipers for God sakes, Lieutenant, even in their rush for spoils, can't your men at least try to clean up the streets around them? Or are they that stupid they forget that we need to actually take these buildings, not leave them behind us." She grabbed his collar and tightened her fist. "This is supposed to be a secured area, SECURE IT!"

"Of course, Doctor. I'll have men on it right away."

Bridgette looked back up towards the building where the path of the bullet would have come from. "Start there," she said pointing at it. "And move slow, silently, if the Federation forces show up, if we're going to survive we have to become one with the shadows."

She stood firm, a bit winded and shaken from the attack on her life, but she had close calls before, it keep the adrenaline pumping and it kept her beauty from fading. As she watched the fighting unfold in front of her she bit her lip. The entirety of Inchon had descended into a proverbial Hell and in truth getting anything remotely beneficial out of the city seemed at best a pipe dream. There wouldn't be a city after this was done.

"Doctor," one of the other guards turned to her. "It isn't safe out here for you. Would you rather head back to the compound, we can't risk your life here."

Turning, she saw the Vikings collide into the fray at the end of the street, against Cultist, Federation Police, and the other unfortunate souls that got in the way. "And not be able to watch what happens?" She laughed and reached into her pocket, the powdered version of Ming's serum neatly ground into her hand. Turning towards the Lieutenant, she smiled at him before blowing it into his face. "Now, be a good Viking and go berserk for me."

The Viking's eyes lit up painfully as he began to squirm with the passion of blood lust. Together with a few other guards, they charged ahead, much like the Cultists not fearing either injury or death and the screams coming from the fray ahead was evidence of this.

"Now, let's go find somewhere a bit safer to watch the fireworks."

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Cultist and viking met in sprays of blood not seen in warfare in some time. Usually it was a nice remote battle with point and click explosions and missile launches. Not this time, it was quite visceral. Sword, met knife, met rifle butt, met switch blade, met any cutlery you could think of.. even butcher's knife.. if it could cut flesh it was out there being used on the streets somewhere. An ungodly and unholy melee. This mixed with bullets, explosions of improvised design, in this environment a can of hair spray was as useful as a blade. Anything that could be turned into a grenade, a bomb, or a Molotov became one. The cult knew it was fighting for its life, but it honestly didn't care if it lost it. It wasn't they had nothing to lose, they simply recognized they were tools for the use of their dreamer. They fought to be remembered even if it meant scarring the minds of those who dreamed.

Those who moved to clear the building of the sniper were in for an unpleasant surprise. As he had gotten up to fire again he'd noticed the people moving to clear his building. He set his rifle to semi-auto mode and got behind some sandbags he had set up on the top of the building to protect himself from the rear.. and aimed at the exit door to the roof. Lu waited for whoever opened the door.. well aware.. his first shot would likely kill the first one.. the one behind him.. and maybe even a few more.. forcing bodies to be moved from the doorway while he reloaded. Then he would repeat. It would be a shooting gallery if he were lucky.. and perhaps if he could score high enough, his dreamer wouldn't forget him.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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After Angelika told her tale, Jia paused looking at Ryu and Chakri briefly. "They match your description?" Jia asked. He had always suspected the treachery of Ming. Ryu nodded, "Each of them is getting harder to kill, this Rhee guy... he sounds like he's moving up the ladder too. The fact that he hasn't yet become a beast is somewhat encouraging though."

Jia sighed and nodded. "It seems, I may have been too quick to thrust my siblings into positions of responsibility." he said. "Too allow this to occur."

He was somewhat conflicted, feeling some guilt still for their differences in upbring, but this situation could not be allowed to stand.

"Angelika, you know this Rhee person, he trusts you. If he's different than what Ryu and Chakri have previously encountered he may be out best bet to find out what is going on and stop this. Moving against Ming with a broad sword at this time could only allow him a chance to escape. Besides if possible, bringing Bridgette in too is preferable. I doubt they'd be stupid enough to be around the same places at the same time." Jia paused again, looking at Theresia and then to be sure there were no scalpels for her to stab him within immediate sight.

"A small team should be sent into re-infiltrate while we pre-position assets for an intelligent larger move. I propose Angelika, when you are recovered, with Ryu and Chakri as your back up. They'll remain out of site, observing you as you return to check on Rhee as promised. They're my two best men, and you'll be safer with them around. It is important though Ming does not yet suspect that we are onto him or that Bridgette escape till we are ready.

I am hesitant to quote my predecessor Mao Zedong, 'but you must draw the snake out of the hole if you are to chop of its head.' This cannot be undertaken lightly. We should begin preparing immediately."


Meanwhile the month had not been kind to Incheon, violence had broken out in much of the city, and the fight between the Dragon Cult and Bridgette's criminal syndicate had only grown in intensity. The PLA had been deployed when large fire fights broke out, but they had to prioritize. Small gun skirmishes were not something they could afford to be involved in.

Rhee followed Ming into Li's office. In the month Rhee's appearance had changed. He was now significantly leaner, with his already athletic frame now pure muscle. His head had been shaves completely in the mold of a Buddhist monk, and he had a calm energy about himself.

Rhee had completely devoted himself to the ways of wushu, using it to clear his mind and keep check. He new that he had to take pro-active steps to clear his mind and while he had not yet noticed Ming diminishing his mental acumen, he believed firmly that he would need to make himself as tough a nut to crack as he possibly could.

Rhee's 'tests' if you wanted to call them that were brutal. He now knew that his body would transform once a day, unless given a drug, and that during those transformations he was reduced to his most basic instincts. Over time he had been able to gain some modicum of control over his abilities, but it was still not what he'd like. He was hardly reliable in his judgement, prone to fits of out burst against his handlers, even those he suspected of being innocence, unaware of Ming's larger sinister agenda.

Ming smiled at Li, "Have you heard word from Ms. Hapsburg yet?" he asked. "Our good detective has been asked about her?" Ming said.

Li shook his head, "No. She's not yet been found, I talked to my brother today, he suspects her kidnapped... damnit this is just what we need. He sounds annoyed too."

Ming suppressed his grin, he had not heard from the assassins but he had also not heard from any of his contacts in the PLA about Angelika being recovered, he suspected she likely was taken by wolves or some other grizzly fate.

"That is too bad. But I have news, I believe Rhee here is ready to test his abilities." Ming said. He turned to Rhee.

"Deputy Imperator, I have heard news of what has gone on in the city. It is most distressing, if you would, permit me to assist." he said. Rhee did not even think of the implications of what he was saying, he was focused on the earlier conversation. Ming was taunting him. He knew now this was a test, a test to see if it was yet time to begin destroying his mind.

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Jinho had been clenching her fists as she watched the devastation the Cultists had wrought upon Incheon, [i]HER[/i] Incheon. She would make them suffer for it, of that she was sure. As such, when she walked outside she was feeling as motivated as the Vikings and mercenaries were, even though she had not been offered a bag of money for it. This was her city, her home and her country, and she'd be damned if she'd let someone make a mess of it on her watch. After going outside, she could hear guns, screams, explosions, death where there had once been life. She saw one of their numbers fall, her mind instantly connecting it to the time where they had had to call in a sniper to neutralize a hostage situation. It wasn't much, but from the angle at which the Viking had fallen onto the ground as well as entry and exit wounds she could make a fairly good impression of where the sniper was located.

She looked around, spotting a fairly tall building a bit further away, a pillar of smoke rising up from it like a beacon. It looked almost fitting for it to be her first goal. Pointing at two of the mercenaries, she motioned them to follow her.

- "You, you. Follow me, let's get this block secure!"

And with that, she ran off sideways, using the covered porches of commercial buildings to hide her advance from view, and hugging the walls. Once she had reached the building, staying as much out of sight as she could, she ran into the building closely followed by the two she had ordered to follow her. There, her eyes scanned around for someone that appeared to be in charge, or had simply been unfortunate enough to end up on guard duty today. She'd stop in front of him, fishing her wallet and holding it open in front of him, her badge clearly visible.

- "Jinho Tojimaru, South Korean Police. What's the fastest way to the roof?"

She knew about stairs and elevators, but there were also less common paths such as service entries and maintenance paths that she wouldn't know of unless the building plans would be laid out in front of her. As she lacked both said blueprints as well as the time to casually see them, she would have to assume the guards knew what they were supposed to guard. Besides, if there were such areas she would need him or his pass to guide them through it without having to backtrack.

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After she had recovered, in the month that had passed as Korea and Inchon descended into the abyss, Angelika was anxious to get back onto the ground. Theresia had advised against it of course, but the Princess had made a promise not only to Rhee that she would return, but also to Ming that she would bring him down. The fact that Bridgette Saenger was making her presence known made the situation even more dangerous. Ming was insane, but his insanity was kept to scheming and well thought-out plans. Bridgette destroyed for the sake of destruction itself. If Inchon and Korea as a whole was going to be saved, every element that existed in the city had to be removed and it wasn't going to be an easy fight.

Now she was flying over the barren Korean landscape once again with Ryu and Chakri at her side. She had been given a prototype of special armor to not only keep her safe, but improve her combat skills as well. It was funny, she never expected something like this to come into her life. Riding in like some Valkyrie in red armor, out of Norse Mythology, a heavy pistol at her side along with a vibroblade around her waist, she felt nearly invincible. Nearly, until she looked at the burning city far off and knew that there was an unbelievable amount of death happening below her and that she was not an exception to the rule. If she put herself in harm's way again, Ryu and Chakri might not be there to save her.

"So," she turned to Ryu, "Since you know a little more about the situation on the ground than I do. I know we're looking to find Rhee and stop Ming's operations. But do you have an idea of where we should start?"


"I always wondered," Bridgette said looking out from one of the burning rooftops over Inchon. "They say, they don't care if they live or die and that this world doesn't matter to them or their 'Dreamer'. It's a shame the Dragons didn't become a suicide cult, it would make this entire operation so much easier."

One of the Vikings, currently infected with the serum could only chuckle and grunt. Bridgette rolled her eyes and twirled around the roof, laughing happily. "Ah! I'm surrounded by idiots, men with no brains at all." Wrapping her hands around the railing of the roof, the Austrian watched as the Vikings continued to pour through the streets, striking down anyone who might have coming into their path. The problem was however, many of the streets were narrow and there were of course many more Cultists then there were Vikings or other African Mercenaries who had come with the Astrid Corporation. "No matter," she said to herself, "I'm sure there are other parts going to be played that I have yet to see."

Then the phone on her belt began to vibrate, as she picked it up, Y's frantic and happy voice sounded on the other end. "Bridgette! You have to come back to the compound, I've been able to produce an actual successful liquid of the serum. It's not much, but you have to see, the chemical compound is unbelievable."

She chuckled and nodded as she began to walk towards the building's stairwell as the Vikings followed her. "I'm on my way, should be interesting to see what you come up with."

As Bridgette and her Viking guard were preparing to head back towards the compound she sent a message to Jinho's phone.


Secure as much of the city
as you can, without hurting
yourself. Most of the Vikings
have been engaged and with the
extra strength we should be able
to push through what the Cultists
bring up against us. That said,
I do not want you hurting yourself
and if necessary, you should come
back to the compound to replenish.
I will not lose my newest commander
this soon into the fight.

And this will be a long fight.


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Ryu sat back resting his head against the cushion of his bench seat trying to get comfortable. He placed his crimson armor out of the helicopter, musing at its adaptive change. He felt ashamed that after he met up with his contacts he couldn't wear the new toy while undercover. In truth he was quite jealous of Angelika who got to continue to sport it even after they entered into the city.

The sound of the new model black hawk was a low constant hum, a far cry from the noisy helicopters that were available till only just recently.

[i]"So," Angelika turned to Ryu, "Since you know a little more about the situation on the ground than I do. I know we're looking to find Rhee and stop Ming's operations. But do you have an idea of where we should start?"[/i]

Ryu turned. "We'll land outside the city. We'll meet up with a team who we have confidence in the loyalty and discretion of. From there, you'll go to Li to keep your appointment with Rhee. Ming will move with him, likely. I will follow Ming's movement and also check out the Seoul hospital. Chakri here will keep an eye on you from afar and observe. His sniper scope is equipped with a secure video link transmitter, he'll provide you with fire support but also secondarily provide us intelligence so we can look for patterns, identify Ming's vehicles, people who show up oddly at multiple places etc."

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Jinho smiled as she read the message on her phone. It was nice that Bridgette told her to look out for herself, some of the better Sergeants and Captains she had worked under had the tendency to do the same, but like anyone that had been in law enforcement she knew the risks all too well. Nearing the rooftop, she motioned for the small group to slow down, ensuring silence and making sure the stairs themselves were not rigged with explosives. Once near the door, Jinho slowly opened it a hair before one of the mercs spotted a thin cord connecting the door frame to something unseen attached to the other end of the door. It was a relatively simple trap, the kind that one sometimes saw in movies yet lethal if not taken seriously. The merc that had spotted the wire was quick to take out a knife, and gently cut the cord, almost brushing the sharp end of the blade against it several times to fray it without applying too much pressure, and after a few such caresses it fell away into two halves, the threat avoided.

After that, she ordered the guard to back down to a point where he could see if anyone was coming up, aiming to at least get some advance warning if the Cultists found out what she was about to do. On the silent count of three, she and the two mercs burst onto the roof, shooting the sniper on sight along with anyone that would be there, though it was likely due to the Cult's nature that they were operating individually she did not want to take chances. After that, she picked up the sniper rifle, and ordered the two mercs on lookout, using the edge of the roof and the smoke still billowing up from the propane tank as cover as they helped her in spotting enemy snipers. Those located on higher rooftops than the one they were on would be prioritized due to their advantageous location compared to theirs, and Jinho was fully planning to turn their own sniper rifles against the Cult that had supplied them.

The only concern was ammunition. None of her small group carried a type of ammunition that would fit into a sniper rifle of this type, so she would have to keep a mental list of where the snipers she had shot would be. If the gunfire that had killed the original sniper was -- as she thought -- partially masked by the gunfire and explosions echoing up from below, and her team did manage to remain unnoticed, then securing the streets would be a relatively simple task depending on how many numbers the Cult had positioned inside the buildings themselves and the supply of remaining ammunition available to her.

Edited by Amyante
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Angelika chuckled as the helicopter landed on the outskirts of Inchon. "Don't you know what happens when you split up, Ryu? Someone always runs into trouble." She waited for Ryu to jump down to the ground and then followed suit. Swinging her rifle over her shoulder and steadying her hand on the hilt of the vibroblade, the Princess nodded and the trio began the trek towards the center of the city. In the distance the echoes of screams and the sounds of battle vibrated across the ground and Angelika could feel a lump beginning to form in her throat. She was going back into the Lion's Den and things had gotten much worse over the past month, but somewhere in the streets beyond Rhee was counting on her and she wouldn't let him down.

"C'mon," she said picking up her pace a bit. "Time isn't something we can take for granted right now."

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[i]Angelika chuckled as the helicopter landed on the outskirts of Inchon. "Don't you know what happens when you split up, Ryu? Someone always runs into trouble."[/i]

Ryu laughed, "In that case... lets hope its Chakri, I'd rather not make an enemy of the Empress."

Chakri shook his head, "Yeah love you too there buddy." he said as he stepped off last, he had his sniper rifle disassembled in a leather case, swinging it over his shoulder like a golf bag.

Ryu nodded to them, "This is where I leave you two... Chakri, Princess... been a pleasure." he said.

Ryu then boarded his ride, his first mission would be check out this hospital. This left Chakri and Angelika alone to make the journey in with their rides.

[i]"C'mon," she said picking up her pace a bit. "Time isn't something we can take for granted right now."[/i]

"Right away your highness." Chakri said in a formal tone. His eyes looked around. The air around them smelled of raw humanity, its food, its waste, its garbage, free of any luxuries. They would be entering the refugee areas soon enough. This was going to be interesting...


Rhee entered into the edge of the refugee camps on the APC, he heard the sounds of sporadic gunfire outside. The soldiers with him were all cladened in full armor and looked nervously at him seeing that he was not. Two scientists were with them to control Rhee if they got out of hand, control him how or why the soldiers were not made aware.

"We've got Cultists everywhere in this camp. They have taken two check points and are using the arms to raid food supplies. They claim that their god or some ridiculous !@#$ will save those who are truly hungry, and only by spiritual fulfillment can they truly escape hunger..." the lieutenant said. "Our team will be creating a line of fire, where we will insert... I'm sorry what should I call you, detective agent?" he asked.

"Just Rhee." Rhee replied.

"Right... Rhee into this fight." he said. "I'm told you have some sort of show for us?" he said.

Rhee shrugged, "I guess."

The lieutenant was clearly frustrated with this answer. "Look if I'm going to put my men in danger..." he began.

The scientist smirked, "He'll do fine, the Special Projects Division guarantees it."

Suddenly the vehicle came to a stop, the sound of smoke canisters being launched could be heard quickly followed by bullets smacked against the exterior armor. A red light came on as the rear ramp lowered. "Alright go time!" the Lt. said. Placing his helmet on, he looked at Rhee through his red goggles. Rhee felt a pang, as he well remembered the armor of the Federation soldiers when they first came to Incheon fighting block by block against the Juchists and the destruction that caused.

"LETS MOVE!" the PLA officer ordered as he and his men exitted the rear of the APC. They opened fire with their weapon, which were rapidly joined by the Cults own. They were in a real fight now. Rhee sighed, his eyes shifted to his handlers.

"Go." one said walking up to him. Bringing out a syringe they placed it by his neck, for a second he thought about stopping the scientist, but what was the point. He felt a pain as the needle entered... and then... the rush. Rhee walked outside around the front of the APC as he began to transform once more. He breathed slowly to keep his mental barrier up.

Charging forward his eyes quickly identified the first cultist. He leaped into the air landing in front of the man, about 19 years of age. With one swing of his grey muscular army he sent the man flying back into a telephone poll.

Another took aim firing. Rhee thought the approach of the bullet seemed like an eternity as he moved to the side ripping the bumper off a car and tossing it. Seeing it hit the man, Rhee felt a rush, it felt [i]good[/i]. He quickly purged the thought... [i]no must stay focused.[/i] he thought to himself.

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The nearer Chakri and Angelika came to the city center, the slower they rode. Most of the streets in the outer city were abandoned, disgusting hovels collapsing in on themselves and smelling of rotten food and rotten flesh filled their nostrils and more than once did the Princess think she was going to throw up. Nevertheless, they pushed onward into the flickering flames until the signs of battle between the Cultists, Vikings, and whoever else joined the fray were right in front of them. Turning to Chakri, she jumped off her ride.

"Find a roof, some vantage point where you'll be able to observe my movements. We have to cross this battleground if we're going to get to the Deputy Imperator. Hopefully it isn't too late for Rhee."

Having dismissed Chakri, Angelika pressed her rifle into the small of her shoulder and rested her finger on the trigger. Then she made the slow gait towards the street in front of her, trying to avoid the main thoroughfares completely. But as she was walking, there was a sudden scream from far off then a body flew across the air in front of her. He landed on the ground a few meters from where she stood. His face was completely mangled, his chest was broken to bits and she could tell that his bones were smashed. A pool of blood had already begun to form at his feet and a trail of red dots ran from where he landed all the way down the street. It was then Angelika noticed the behemoth standing at the end of the road.

He was massive, a gargantuan brute of gray skin completely bereft in all manners of human thought. But through the mutations, she could recognize the face and the flaming eyes behind the wall of expanded muscle and sinew. "Rhee?" She aimed the gun at his body and narrowed her eyes. "Rhee, it's me, Angelika. I told you I'd make it back. I just hope I wasn't too late."

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Rhee moved onto the next Cultist it was a kid, raising his gun at Rhee, he trembled firing out blindly, spraying the weapon in its full automatic setting. Bullets impacted Rhee, those hitting his chest were unable to break his transformed skeleton, but those hitting his skin and flesh tore through creating lacerations across his upper body.

Rhee felt adrenaline and anger swell through him instead of the pain of being shot. Then suddenly his body switched [i]no.[/i] he thought to himself as he lunged forward, grabbing the kid, no more than 15 he twisted the head... it was over. He saw the boy lifeless in his arms, for a second, he felt control returning before he heard the words behind him.

"Good job." the lieutenant said approaching Rhee. Turning, Rhee saw the familiar armor of the UFE, then to the Korean boy, then back. He felt rage build in him towards the Federation... towards what they had done. This situation... this camp... Ming. This was the true nature of the Federation. Rhee's control began to slip, this time in an avalanche,

Rhee's body began to grow even slightly larger as he charged towards the lieutenant. Before anyone knew what happened, Rhee's arm tore off chest armor, and with a second blow killed the man instantly.

He then turned to hear a voice.

[i]"Rhee?" She aimed the gun at his body and narrowed her eyes. "Rhee, it's me, Angelika. I told you I'd make it back. I just hope I wasn't too late." [/i]

Rhee leaped forward towards Angelika, this time with a speed faster even than the first time they met, with a swipe he slammed his fist into her gun to knock it to the side.

Chakri meanwhile was running through the back alleys of the refugee camp, the crowded space made it hard for him to find a position to setup. Eying a garage that looked pretty abandoned, he decided to head towards that point, to take up position on the roof.

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The impact of such force, would not only knock the gun out of Angelika's hands but also send her rolling across the ground for several meters until she came to a stop near the wall of a hovel. "Urgh..." She groaned and pushed herself up from the ground. The armor had held surprisingly well, given the strength behind his punch, but it had left the suit nearly broken and another attack like that would crush her entire body. She wouldn't be surprised if a few of her ribs had been cracked in the attack

Pushing the haze out of her mind, the Princess pushed herself back to her feet and looked at Rhee standing in front of her. If he had attacked her so suddenly and without any provocation, his mind had been warped beyond reason. She had come too late. "Damn it all." Angelika said as she took the vibroblade out of it's sheath.

She didn't know where to even begin to successfully attack him. The moment she got close, he could swat her away like a fly, but she was a very large fly and easily swatted. Rhee had her on mobility and strength. Pointing the sword out in front of her like a rapier, she gently rotated the tip in circles as she stepped closer and closer to the brute. "Easy now, I don't want to hurt you, but dammit, if you give me a reason to I'm going to gut you dry." She said as her eyes darted between his eyes, his hands, and his legs. The moment one part moved, she would be ready to either jump back, or fling her blade forward.

"En garde!"

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Rhee looked at Angelika, it seemed he was about to pause for a moment, as the intensity of his blue eyes seemed to fade. Rhee's concious self tried with all his might to hold back what he knew was about to come out. [i]Angelika run![/i] he screamed, but all that came out was an intense roar from the mouth of the creature which now controlled his body.

Rhee knelt down picking up a piece of steel pipe almost two meters long. Examining it for a second almost intelligently, Rhee charged forward with it swinging it like a club at Angelika, confronting her head on with sheer power to break her defenses.

Chakri meanwhile ran around the side of the garage finding a fire ladder, climbing up it, he heard the familiar roar of a creature, it sounded close. [i]$%&@ $%&@ $%&@ity $%&@ $%&@.[/i] he thought to himself as he opened up his rifle case screwing on the barrel as fast as he could.

[i]Angelika hold on just a bit.[/i] he thought to himself as he rushed to get the rifle assembled.

Edited by Triyun
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She watched as the pipe came flying towards her head. Stepping back, Angelika swung her sword towards her right and the blade caught against the pipe. Their weapons bounced off of each other in a perfect parry, but the force behind Rhee's attack sent the Princess stumbling back, trying her hardest to keep her feet firmly planted on the ground. Repositioning herself, she drew the point of the blade back towards the center of the monster in front of her. Angelika could feel a few drops of a warm liquid beginning to run down her face and she could only imagine how badly she had been cut up.

Shaking off the pain bellowing through her body, the Princess shook her head and with a shout of her own charged against Rhee's swinging pipe. She didn't aim for his center, but instead slashed at his hands, contorting her body to the best of her ability to land strikes against his massive hands and wrists. All the while being very careful of his movements and when he could land the perfect strike.

Every move Rhee made caused Angelika's heart to jump and for a few moments she thought she could see the blue in his eyes fading. "C'mon, we're not too late. We're not too late. Remember!" She yelled slashing. "Don't give into them!"

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Chakri sighted the fight in his scope turning it on, and looking around, [i]Holy hell.[/i] he thought to himself as he saw the back and forth between Rhee and Angelika. [i]That thing is at least a third bigger than the last one.[/i] He attempted to get a clear shot, but between Rhee and Angelika's movements he could not guarantee not hitting her as well. [i]Damnit to hell.[/i] he thought to himself. Without getting a clear shot he did what he could; he scanned, closing in on the scientists who were watching, allowing the scope to scan their faces for cross reference with known UFE data bases.

Meanwhile Rhee continued to charge forward at Angelika in a blind rage. The slice across his hand forced him to release the pipe as he growled in anger.

Rhee's conscious tried to slow his body down as he reached for Angelika with his other arm to grab her by the neck. Suddenly a shot rang out as Chakri landed a bullet on Rhee's wrist right as it was about to reach Angelika's neck. Going through the skin, even the bullet from the rifle dented as it impacted the bone, creating a loud bang before ricocheting into the air and down several yards away.

"Damn..." Chakri said, clearly impressed, he quickly looked back into his scope, trying for another non-lethal shot... or if he really had to to keep Angelika alive, a final shot.

The shot had though created an opportunity for Angelika to counter before it was too late...

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When the bullet rung out, a sharp echo over the make-shift arena that Angelika and Rhee had created. The Princess watched the gray beast stumble backwards for a moment. "God only knows what they did to you in that month's time to make you like this." Bone that could withstand the bullet from a sniper rifle? It was almost unheard of, this serum that Ming had made, it had to be totally destroyed. Falling into the wrong hands, it could completely change the balance of the human species. What was in front of Angelika right now was not human, he was a mutant and he needed to be put down. But as he barreled back from the attack, she couldn't help but think that somewhere, underneath the shell of muscle and sinew, there was a man, desperate to get out and tortured that his life had come to some nightmarish ending as this.

"I'm sorry." She muttered under her breath and then dashing forward as fast as she could, Angelika leaped into the air and raised her virbroblade with both hands above her head. Screaming, the Princess dug the blade into the beast's body between his shoulder and neck. Immediately, blue blood began to squirt out from the gray skin and his entire being seemed to shake wildly underneath of her. But with all her might, Angelika hung onto the hilt of the sword. Until, turning into a rag doll from the twists and turns that Rhee made, she was flung off and the blade broke off from the hilt, still buried in the monster's shoulder.

Angelika rolled across the ground, covered in his blood and looked with wide eyes as the beast thrashed painful across the square.

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Rhee felt the blade impact into his shoulder, a searing pain jolted through him, overwhelming even his body's mental shield which had protected him from shock since he had first had the serum enter into his body. As he watched the blood drawn from his body, he slowly felt the powers of the serum receding from him. Rhee's thoughts became more focused, his movements more controlled.

Reaching in he pulled the blade from his body. Through some chance it had missed the heard and liver, preventing lethal damage. As he flung it to the side, his body's last bit of transformation was gone. Rhee collapsed down onto the ground entering into both exhaustion and shock at the same time completely blacking out.

The men of the PLA who had watched the incident had taken in the scene with amazement, but now their training kicked in. They quickly moved in past Rhee, and surrounded both him and Angelika. The two scientists walked forward. One examined Rhee, "He's alive, but totally out." The other turned to Angelika. "Who are you?" he demanded.

Chakri observed this from the rooftop, seeing the PLA guard surround Angelika he decided it was time to move, before they figured out where the shot came from and looked to go find him as well.

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Angelika pushed herself up off the ground spitting a trail of blue and red blood out of her mouth and onto the ground near the feet of the scientist. "Angelika von Hapsburg, Imperial Agent for the Imperator and Empress." She stood tall now, looking at the second scientist. "And since I outrank you, who the hell are you and if you're Federation soldiers, why didn't you come and help me out back there, or," she looked down at Rhee's body. "Is he your little plaything? Because if that's true, you and I aren't going to get along anytime soon."

They were big words to say, especially given the fact that she was surrounded, but if these were Federal troops then killing her would call for immediate retribution, so she had some leverage over the situation, Angelika just didn't know how long that leverage would hold. Just in case, her hand slid stealthily down towards the small dagger that was hold on her waist. It wasn't much, but it would be enough to defend herself, at least for a little while.

"So are we going to play nice or are you guys working for Ming?"

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The men, having lost their commanding officer were somewhat confused by the situation. Most were grunts and thus had little access to the internal politics of the Federation's upper echelon.

The NCO, looked around at the men, "Lower your weapons, we don't get paid for this !@#$." he said annoyed. The soldiers lowered their weapons as the scientists got up looking at Angelika.

"The special projects division is here to develop this man's abilities. Not to use him as a play thing. There is chaos all around us, we must bring order to it." the scientist responded.

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[b]John [to himself]: [/b]There is probably a bomb strapped to it. Jesse told me about that training mission where the general who was playing as the enemy leader strapped explosives to the room he was in and detonated them when Jesse and his team went in. Kang is probably not that desperate but he should be smart enough to know that trick won’t work on me.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Grandpa come in. where are you?

[b]John: [/b]I am at an abandoned amusement park on the coast. There is no sight of either Rhee or that girl he was with.

[b]Jesse: [/b]If you don’t mind me asking. How did you know he was even with someone?

[b]John: [/b]Lee spotted them together near the docks and then called to tell me while you and Brian were still arguing about what to do.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Hang tight. We spotted a large grey monster recently and we are going to try to track it down and help the UFE soldiers. We shall meet you there once we are done with this thing.

[b]John: [/b]I am not going anywhere.

[b]He hangs up. The other guy that brought him there seemed to be gone so he turned into his blue Dragon form and walked toward the machine.

John: [/b]I know you are somewhere nearby watching me Kang and sooner or later you will have to come out of hiding.

[b](OOC: Maelstrom, I am not good at battle scenes so I am gonna message you what he says once he meets Kang and you can RP the fight.)[/b]

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