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Diplomatic Mission to Ireland

King Timmy

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Foreign Minister Aston Martin boarded the flight from Heathrow that would take him directly to Cork. The plane was listed as diplomatic traffic as that is exactly what it was. Along with the foreign minister was General T Spence, one of the most respected generals in the British Army. He was there to ensure the Irish they had the full support of the English Government.

The plane rose into the air. Martin was nervous. His actions here could determine the outcome of the whole Irish saga, something not to be taken lightly.

All the way across the Irish Sea the Minister and General discussed their plans for the oncoming meeting. They were becoming more confident as the flight went on.

The plane landed in Cork and they disembarked to the waiting party.

"Good evening, my name is Aston Martin, this is General Spence."

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"Excellent, let's not wait around outside any longer than we have to then."

They entered the waiting vehicles and departed towards the county hall. The journey was enjoyable enough considering the situation. Upon arrival they would follow Mr Kearney to the meeting room.

"Well, let's get down to business then. Mr Kearney, I want you to know that your movement has the full support of the English Government. We want an independent Ireland, and you're sure as hell the best chance we have for one. So I want to ask you, how can we be of assistance to your movement? We can provide as much verbal support as is humanly possible, the BBC can provide you with as much coverage as you require and there are other ways we can help however those would not be open to the public domain. MI5 have become rather adept at sabotage within Britain over the past while and I see no reason why they should not be as successful in any other position. This is all hypothetical talk of course and the English Government would never condone such measures.

What are your feelings on the matter Mr Kearney?"

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OOC: I warned you in the other thread partner, you need to ask for permission


The F-22s quickly met up with the craft and were weapons ready however they were not locked on. "Unidentified flight, you are approaching United States airspace. Turn around now or defensive measures will be taken against you to insure the National Security of the United States."

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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1314146056' post='2787274']
OOC: I warned you in the other thread partner, you need to ask for permission


The F-22s quickly met up with the craft and were weapons ready however they were not locked on. "Unidentified flight, you are approaching United States airspace. Turn around now or defensive measures will be taken against you to insure the National Security of the United States."
OOC: I know I just saw that post. Was going to ask if you could just let it get through, be more fun if you did :P

IC: The pilot responded.

"This is flight alpha kilo seven niner niner bound for Cork. We have a diplomatic envoy aboard, requesting clearance to transition into USI Air space."

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1314147395' post='2787291']
"Country of origin is England. Reason for request is we are inbound to cork with the English foreign minister to meet with high ranking officials and provide aid to local population."

"If you would like to meet with any high ranking officials in charge then you will divert your course to the Island (The Isle of Mann) and will land in Douglas. Raise your altitude and turn towards Douglas, [i]now.[/i] We will escort you the rest of the way there."

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"Negative, we are bound for Cork, that is where the Irish officials we are to meet are situated. At this point in time the English government does not recognise USI sovereignty in Ireland, and we shall proceed as per our orders. We are carrying diplomats and aid only, I repeat, we carry diplomats and aid only."

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One of the fighters fired not at the craft but away from it, shooting a short burst of his machine gun rounds as a warning shot. "You [i]will[/i] divert your course or you will be arrested for illegally interning the United States."

[b]Meanwhile (Private) [/b]

"Cork Tower this is Overlord do you copy?" seven USI airforce controllers were in the tower, "Aye, we hear you loud and clear." Overlord then continued, "Do not give any more flights permission to land until my say so, it is a matter of National Security - over and out."

Overlord issued an order to one of the military commanders to get the Marines on high alert and to make sure to capture video of the event from every angle. Once the plane would land all inside would be arrested for illegally interning the United States, invading United States Airspace, and Attempting to Aid a terrorist organization. The entire airport was already on high alert from previous orders as they had been setting up defenses around the airport.

The people inside would probably be sent back to England for diplomatic immunity however the military didn't like to be messed with.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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The Foreign Minister had heard enough to know this was not going to be as easy as they hoped it might.

"Pilot, we shall commence plan b. Raise altitude an plot a new course heading south west."

"Roger that Sir." He flicked on his comms unit to communicate with the USI pilot.

"Be advised, we have cancelled all plans to land. We are plotting a new course estimate we travel over cork and on to North America for most efficient flight, we are raising our altitude. Any more warning shots and I might just !@#$ myself though!"

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OOC: Partner you need to make sure that you go around Ireland. I think that is what you mean by the Southwest? I didn't understand it to well, I apologize for that

"Be advised if you attempt to go over the Island of Ireland I will not be able to stop anti-aircraft fire from the ground. You will be shot down - I repeat you will be shot down if you attempt to go over the Irish mainland. We will continue to follow you."

By now a fourth fighter had joined who was behind the rest, lingering in the back.

Edited by PresidentDavid
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"Son, a second ago you said we would be arrested, now we're going to get shot down? What the hell made you change your mind so quick? You need to get your story straight. Do you really think someone would risk shooting down a diplomatic flight of a nation that they're right next to? Do you have any idea how stupid that would be? Or what the consequences would be? Never the less, for the fear that someone down there might be thick enough to do something as stupid as that, we will fly around Ireland not touching the mainland. Over and out."

The pilot was true to his word. However, the true intention of the flight had not yet been revealed...

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Noticing the fracas over Cork airspace a Halob AWACS and a Merat ELINT of the GSF202 would continue increased monitoring of the aircraft with stated origin from England. RCAF would take note of the declared diplomatic nature of the flight but would still task one of the JM4s maintaining Air Patrol over Ireland to maintain station with the jet. The JM4 would remain about 50 kms away from the jet, far away yet near enough.

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