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Delta Squad of Noveria


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[b]Jesse and the team are watching the news about what had happened in East Asia.

Brian: [/b]OK, the UFE have gone too far this time. What have the Zargathians done to deserve that?

[b]Jesse: [/b]Nothing but there is also nothing we can do to help them without the support of our superiors. Yes I agree that the UFE has gotten very aggressive lately but there is nothing we can do to stop them at the moment. We need to focus on what is happening here. We are about to go meet a very bad individual so we can stop a war from happening.

[b]Brian: [/b]How can we trust Dracul? What has he done to show us that we can trust him?

[b]Jesse: [/b]Nothing but I know he is not lying. If this war happens... lets just say it will be bad for everyone on the planet.

[b]Brian: [/b]Lets go talk to him.

[b]At the resturant a while later. Dracul is at a booth waiting for Jesse while sipping wine. Jesse and Brian then walk in and takes a seat across from Dracul.

Dracul: [/b]I didn't know Brian would be here as well. I would have ordered another bottle.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Don't mess with me Dracul. I'm not in a good mood.

[b]Dracul: [/b]I wouldn't dream of it. I am glad you are here for this "diplomatic talk", I am sure we will come to an agreement before the night is over.

[b]Jesse: [/b]I know what you want and I am not the one to ask for it. If you want peace between the humans and vampire races you will have to talk to a representative from the UFE since they are the ones who do not like you right now. Good luck doing that. I don't think they will want to talk to you right now.

[b]Dracul: [/b]That is why I am hoping you will talk to them for me. Your species are the protectors of both the magical world and human world. You make sure there is no fighting between the humans and magical creatures.

[b]Jesse: [/b]And lately that has been getting a lot harder thanks to you and many others I shall not mention right now. The more you vampires bite the more people hate you, the more people hate you the harder it is for us to keep them from killing you.

[b]Brian: [/b]Isn't it that the more he bites the more powerful he becomes?

[b]Jesse: [/b]Sort of. He bites someone and becomes more powerful, the ones he bites bite more people and they become powerful but he does as well. The more vampire descendants he has the more powerful he becomes.

[b]Dracul: [/b]And the best thing you can do right now is to form a truce between the human and vampire populations.

[b]Jesse: [/b]My ancestors tried that a long time ago and you vampires ended up enslaving the humans and forcing blood tithes on them. The resulting war between the Vampires and the Dragon Protectors nearly destroyed all the human and vampire populations on the planet, as well as the dragons. The only way to save your race is to go into hiding. I know a few places where your people can be safe but in order to do so you will have to make them promise never to bite anyone ever again.

[b]Dracul: [/b]I will see what I can do. Goodbye.

[b]Dracul leaves the resturant and walks down the street.

Jesse [comm to Brian]: [/b]Keep an eye on where he goes. He may lead us to the rest of them.

[b]Brian: [/b]On it Jesse. He just turned into an allyway in between 2 buildings.

[b]Jesse: [/b]I am on it. He is heading into the Underdark. There is a portal to it located in that alleyway. I will follow and see where he goes. Head back to base and wait for me to call.

[b]Brian: [/b]Got it.

[b]The Underdark is a scary place where the most scary creatures that you can think of live. It is basically an endless maze of catacombs and passageways like ones you might find beneath ancient castles in Europe.

Brian: [/b]You sure you don't want to take a gun down there?

[b]Jesse: [/b]With how powerful some of these creatures are it won't do me any good. Its best to just go in alone and quietly.

[b]Brian: [/b]We are on our way back to the base. See you there. Brian out.

[b]Jesse continues to walk throughout the catacombs until he spots Dracul walking to a large wooden door like one you would find on the exterior of a European cathedral. Dracul enters through the large door while Jesse waits a few minutes and then enters quietly himself. In the distance he can hear 2 different voices with Romanian accents. One he recognizes as Dracul but the other is deeper and he cant tell who it is.

Dracul: [/b]Everything is ready father. Soon it will be time for you to reclaim your place as rightful ruler of both magical and human worlds.

[b]Other Vampire: [/b]Before I go back you will need to eliminate any resistance including the Dragon protector known as Jesse. Then the world will be ready for the return of Vampire Count Vlad. You have done well my son.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Oh crap!

[b]Vlad: [/b]Who goes there?!

[b]Jesse: [/b]Oh double crap.

[b]Vlad: [/b]After him!

[b]Many lesser vampires start chasing Jesse throughout more of the catacombs. Jesse then stops below an opening that looks like an old water well.

Jesse: [/b]It's a good thing they put in these emergancy exits when the first Dragons created this place. [b][Jesse looks back at vampires running at him][/b] Sorry folks but I gotta fly. But don't worry because I will be able to kill you next time.

[b]He turns into his Red Dragon form and flies out through the opening. He is now in a forest area outside of Edmonton.

Jesse: [/b]Luckily those lesser vampires cant fly or climb stone well so I am home free. [b][calls Brian][/b] I think I found out what Dracul is planning. I am heading back to the base. Jesse out.

[b]Jesse then starts flying toward the direction of the base.[/b]

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[b]Back at the base once Jesse arrives. He is back into human form.

Jesse: [/b]It is sort of making sense guys. Vlad and his vampire army are going to try to take over the world.

[b]Brian: [/b]How come we never heard of Vlad before?

[b]Jesse: [/b]He is known by a different name to the humans, Dracula.

[b]Brian: [/b]Oh dang.

[b]Jesse: [/b]It is up to us to stop them from taking over.

[b]Brian: [/b]And how are we supposed to do that? For all we know they could have already infiltrated countless numbers of governments. Any of the governmental leaders could be a vampire. Except for the UFE and Northern Federation since they are cracking down on vampires. Anyone else could be with Vlad. How are we supposed to know who is and who isn't?

[b]Soon a person walks in. His name is John.

John: [/b]You won't.

[b]Jesse: [/b]I didn't think you would show up Grandpa.

[b]Grandpa John: [/b]Well when you receive a distress call from your grandson who is known for a lot of things both good and bad it is kind of hard not to come. I hear you have a vampire problem?

[b]Jesse: [/b]Vlad is coming back. For all we know some of his descendants could be world leaders right now and we won't know who until it is too late.

[b]John: [/b]The Dragon Council has ways to know.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Screw the council. If they were actually doing their jobs we wouldn't be in this situation. The Dragons were supposed to be protecting the world from destruction and look at what happened. Decades of endless war. If they were doing their jobs the world would be a much safer place and magical creatures might have actually been able to live with the humans side by side.

[b]John: [/b]It is not their job to meddle with what the humans do. If the humans go to war with each other that is their own choice. If they destroy the whole human race in the next global war it is their own fault. If the humans can put aside their differences than maybe the human and magical worlds will be able to coexist together in harmony but until they do that it is our job to protect both worlds from the forces of evil. We have been doing it for the past century and we will continue to do so until the time that we are no longer needed. Whether you like it or not you live in this family of Dragons and we will protect everyone from evil. Even if we die in the process. I have been protecting both worlds for 4x the amount of years that most humans live and very soon my time will be up. When I die you will be the next line of defense against the forces of evil. You will take my place as head Dragon Protector and it does not matter if you want this job or not.

[b]Jesse: [/b]I may be a Dragon as well but my loyalties still lay with Noveria.

[b]John: [/b]They may for now but soon your allegiance will not just be with Noveria but with the whole world.

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[b]A while later.

John: [/b]There seems to be a new lead on what Vlad is planning. One of my informants wants to meet me in Incheon.

[b]Jesse: [/b]UFE huh, you sure that is a good idea.

[b]John: [/b]Lots of nukes might have gone off there in the past but it seems to have recovered enough to where there should be no radiation in the city itself. Plus I thought you would have learned by now that Dragons are not affected by that type of radiation anyways. I will be fine.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Just make sure to come back in one peace. I don't want to have to save your ass like last time.

[b]John: [/b]I was sick that week. You know that.

[b]Jesse: [/b]In sickness or in health you still have to fight evil.

[b]John: [/b]I'm going now. Try not to get into too much trouble while I am gone.

[b]Jesse: [/b]You too.

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[b]Jesse [on the phone with his grandfather]: [/b]The amulet of Maelstrom. Yea I heard of it and what it turned the Dragon Empire leader into. You were there. You saw what happened to him later on. His meetings were public spectacles. It shows us why we can't tell anyone else we are dragons. Sure we would be celebrities but it would also be complete chaos. Your best bet is to find someone who can bring you to the Dragon Cult leader. GOOD LUCK!

[b]John: [/b]I'm gonna check out this bar nearby. Someone from it should be there.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Again good luck and don't get yourself killed!

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[b]Edmonton Military Base, just after Noveria is placed on a heightened state of alert.

Ben: [/b]What the heck are we gonna do? They are going to soon notice that Jesse and Brian are not here and then people will get suspicious.

[b]Nathan: [/b]I do not like it either but until they come back we should keep acting like they are on a vacation, and of course until they come back I am still in command of Delta Squad.

[b]Ben: [/b]I still can't believe Jesse put you in charge. Surely I am the smartest of the three of us.

[b]Nathan: [/b]But not the most experienced. You are still new to this whole military thing, the only reason you are in this squad is because you are the best field medic that Jesse could find in the training grounds. The reason he was searching there was because all the others were already assigned to squads. You may be the best at medicine and pain-killers but you are definately not the best at combat.

[b]Ben: [/b]Then maybe you guys should start training me more?

[b]Anthony: [/b]That is actually not a bad idea.

[b]Nathan: [/b]Once this hightened state of alert is done you will get more combat training. Even if I have to teach it to you myself.

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[b]At the Edmonton Military Base. Jesse is on the phone with Paul.[/b]

[b]Jesse: [/b]YOU WANT ME TO WHAT!

[b]Paul: [/b]Training recruits is not a bad job. Even if it is for Andorra. We are still pretty small and will need better defense forces in case anything bad happens.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Who in their right mind would want to attack you. You are still being protected by Angevin so if anyone wanted to attack you they would have to go through them. Plus there is really nothing of interest there anyways! Except for the beaches along small area of coast. Those are probably to most beautiful in the world. I really don't see any reason anyone would want to attack you unless you make them angry which you tend to do a lot, especially to me.

[b]Paul: [/b]There is nothing wrong with the Noverian Government letting you do this. I thought they were nice when it came to this sort of stuff.

[b]Jesse: [/b]They like keeping eyes on their investments plus you might as well call it by its actual name now. [b]The Noverian Executive Board.[/b]

[b]Paul: [/b]That bad huh?

[b]Jesse: [/b]All they care about is looking over their investments and making profits. Plus with the new "Noveria Security Force", people are starting to get scared. I thought protecting Noveria was my job. Now all they care about is protecting their company's interests. I was right, they are starting to treat the populous as slaves. Soon Noveria won't be much different from the Communist countries. Maybe even worse.

[b]Paul: [/b]At least think about it and then ask them if it is OK.

[b]Jesse: [/b]OK. Hopefully they are still not stupid enough to get me any angrier than I already am.

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[b]Brian: [/b]Jesse, why have you not asked them if we could go help your uncle in Andorra yet? I'm bored out of my head, and I didn't think that would even be possible!

[b]Jesse: [/b]No use in asking until Noveria is out of its "state of alert".

[b]Brian: [/b]Why is it even in one anyways?

[b]Jesse: [/b]I have no fricken clue, we are not at war and there is no news on any terrorist threats so your guess is as good as mine.

[b]Brian: [/b]You think they did that just to keep us here? Does Novcorp really hate us that much.

[b]Jesse: [/b] They probably know we don't like them much either. If they want us to be more friendly to them this is probably the worst thing they could do because it will only make me angrier.

[b]Brian: [/b] Maybe they found out something about you or Paul and they don't want anyone else to find out what it is.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Andorra is still protected by Angevin. The Novcorp leaders are not stupid enough to attack him, or even us. If they want us to keep working with them they will have to become a lot more friendly. Making a secret police that arrests anyone that is against them is not the way to do it, just makes me hate them even more.

[b]Brian: [/b]Noveria is still lead by a president elected by the people. If Novcorp really wanted to completely take over all they would have to do is take him out.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Than it is up to us to make sure that does not happen.

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[b]Jesse, Paul, and Damion are on phones talking to each other.[/b]

[b]Jesse: [/b]Paul I know you want to do the right thing but this is insane. I can’t let you risk your life in trying to help me prove something.

[b]Paul: [/b]You will not tell me what not to do Jesse. They are hiding something and we need to find out what. If this goes well than you will be able to get here safely and if they do end up shooting at us than we will know that something is wrong there in Noveria. The plan is simple. I shall come there for a diplomatic meeting with the Noverian President while you and Delta Squad get onto my plane. Once the meeting is done I will go back to the plane and we will head back here to Andorra. Besides Damion will be flying the escort Jet. We all know he is the best pilot in at least the northern hemisphere.

[b]Damion: [/b]If they send anything after us I will shoot them down with ease. I will be flying my personal Dassault Rafale.

[b]Jesse: [/b]OK. How is this gonna work though?

[b]Paul: [/b]You need to get to the Nadrink Airport as fast you can because that is where the meeting will take place.

[b]Jesse: [/b]There are a lot of checkpoints between here and there. Luckily I know a lot of back roads we can take through the woods to bypass them and even if we do have to get through one of them all I would need to do is show them our id’s and they should let us through. But if there is a problem at least we will know something is going on so there should be no problems.

[b]Damion: [/b]You have done this stuff before haven’t you Jesse?

[b]Jesse: [/b]At least 10 times a year. I know how to do this stuff well so don’t worry about me, it’s you I am worried about.

[b]Paul: [/b]Luckily I have also done stuff sort of like this before. All I need to do is talk to him long enough for you to get to the airport and then leave before they suspect something. The President does not work for the corporations so he should be on our side in this, that is why you need to get to Nadrink before Novcorp suspects anything.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Just another day on the job. Let’s do this.

[quote]To: President Thomas Christopher of the Corporate Republic of Noveria
From: Duke Paul Rousseau of Andorra

Hello, I wish to extend my hand for friendship between our nations and meet you in Noveria to discuss trade and future diplomatic relations between our 2 nations. From what I hear you have a large economy as well and tradeing with each other will benefit us both. If there is also anything you would like ask me as well that is fine. I hope to meet you soon.

Paul Rousseau
Duke of Andorra[/quote]

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(OOC: Just a notice: NovCorp, although immensely powerful, is only one of many corporations, and each corporations are strong in their own way. And the President controls (or at least influences) the corporations; he is the Chairman of the Noveria Development Corporation (NDC), which is the 'parent' of all the corporations. The CEOs are accountable to him. He is Big Brother.

Of course, all this is an extremely-guarded secret. Jesse, Paul, and Damion doesn't know of this. :P)


The letter made its way through the increasingly-chaotic Noverian bureaucracy to the President's desk. After scanning over it, President Christopher composed a reply:

[quote][b]To:[/b] Paul Rousseau, Duke of Andorra
[b]From:[/b] J. Thomas Christopher, President

Such an endeavor would be wonderful. We can meet at the NovCorp Headquarters in Nadrink, if you wish. I look forward to meeting with you and furthering relations with Andorra.

With regards,

He then sent it. He did not know that it was purely concidential.

(OOC: :P)

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[b]Damion: [/b]He wants you to meet him where?

[b]Paul: [/b]He wants to meet me at the Novcorp HQ building. There is still nothing wrong with that as long as Jesse and Delta Squad make it to the plane without getting spotted by corporate militia forces.

[b]Damion: [/b]You think he is that good.

[b]Paul: [/b]He can be stealthy when he needs to be. We are just trying to figure all this out and if the Noverians turn hostile than we will know something is wrong. As long as he doesn’t know what we are planning we should be fine.

[b]Damion: [/b]I sure hope so, because if they do turn hostile I might not be able to take out all the hostile guards myself.

[b]Paul: [/b]Lets go.

[b]Meanwhile back in Noveria. Jesse and the rest of Delta Squad are in their armored Hummer heading toward Nadrink.

Jesse: [/b]The Noverian Military answer directly to the Secretary of Defense who answers directly to the President so we should be fine if we run into any army units. It is the corporate militias and the “Secret Police” that I am worried about becoming hostile.

[b]Brian: [/b]They have no reason to turn on us unless they really think something is wrong. So as long as they are not suspicious of anything we should be fine.

[b]Jesse: [/b]OK guys sit tight. It’s a long drive to Nadrink. Time for us to find out what is going on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

[b]On the plane heading back to Noveria. They could see Nadrink from where they were.

Brian: [/b]You don't usually go into something like this without a plan. What is it?

[b]Jesse [gets on his phone and calls Daniele]: [/b]It is time for us to have that chat you wanted. Where do you want to meet? The restaurant near the Novcorp HQ building, got it. See you there.

[b]Brian: [/b]This is your plan?

[b]Jesse: [/b]She knows where the Mafia HQ is. The only reason they did not do an assault yet is because she knows there are probably over a hundred guards there and a direct assault will be bloody, but not if they are just the diversionary force.

[b]Brian: [/b]What?!

[b]Jesse: [/b]Her forces will be a distraction while we go in the other way. With most of the guards focusing on them it will be easy for us to go in and take out the Mafia leader. With their leader taken out they will be in disarray and the rest of them will be confused and go down easily. It won't be just us attacking the Mafia. Other Special Forces and SWAT units are prepared to attack the Mafia strongholds in their cities as well. We are gonna take out the whole Noverian Mafia one a huge simultaneous attack on their bases.

[b]Brian: [/b]You guys have been planning this for a long time haven't you.

[b]Jesse: [/b]We started planning this while she was still Director of Defence and now we will finally do it. All I need is permission of the Supreme Executor, Julius Thrawn.

[b]Brian: [/b]You really think he will go through with this?

[b]Jesse: [/b]I don't know. I guess we are just going to have to hope that he does.

[b]The plane then lands at the airport.[/b]

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Folding her phone and placing it in her purse, she heaved out a soft sigh as she sat on one of the tables at the Vitollo's Dining restaraunt. The restaraunt, located a block away from the NovCorp Headquarters building, was an inconspirious place to meet, she mused to herself. Giving herself a quick look-over, Daniele Favalaro knew that, given the discreet way she conducted business in the Noverian federal government and her corporation, Tulio & Armando, nobody would recogize her. She was dressed in a simple but elegant Jamie Silk Georgette dress.

As she glanced at her watch before averting her eyes over to the restaraunt's door, Daniele thought about the state of event taking place in the Corporate Republic that had driven her to do this, to commit what was essentially treason against the government that she was working for and had sworn to defend. The growing corruption in the country, coupled with the corporations' increasing pre-occupation with profits over the smooth administration of the country, the growing financial crisis that had been convulsing the country but muzzled by NovCorp, and the frequent Mafia wars that were taking place in many parts of the country. She knew perfectly well that the corporations were fond of using the Mafia for their own personal ends, and more than once, she had been the target of such attacks herself. After the latest one, and given the inefficient of the judicial system controlled by the Omni Corporation, she've had it enough.

Despite her control of Tulio & Armando, who controlled the Noverian Defense Forces, Daniele knew that she couldn't easily order the military to seize power and oust the corporations; it was politically impossible, and it was not mentioning the fact that Supreme Executor Julius Thrawn outranked her.

"May I have your order, ma'am?"

Daniele blinked out of her thought as she turned to the young waiter standing at her table, holding a notepad. Mustering a smile, Daniele nodded. "Yes, a glass of water, please and thank you." After the man jotted down on his notepad and walked away, Daniele sighed again as she delved into her thoughts once again, drumming her fingers against the tabletop.

Where was she? Oh yes, Thrawn. Thrawn would easily thwart her plans if she tried to implement them in practice, owing to his authority and prestige, despite the fact he did not have operational control of the military. Unless he sympathized with her, but she highly doubted it, aware of his close affilation with the President. But then, she could try, and she would have to do it as discreet as possible. According to secret discussions with Delta Squad (after making sure the communication lines were not tapped, of course), she would utilize the Forzaespecial (Special Forces), highly-skilled military units utilized for specialized operations with enough firepower to wipe (or at least severely maul) a full division, to strike at the corporations' true source of power: the Mafia.

The plan was to strike at the Mafia, particularly the Corleone Family, in Nadrink. The idea was to launch raids against Mafia installations and bases throughout the city in a coordinated strike. Despite the Forzaespecial's firepower, Daniele knew that any direct assault would be bloody, given that the Mafia were quite well-armed, so she opted to utilize flanking maneuvers whenever possible, to catch the Mafia off-guard and keep them occupied. The idea was to distract the Mafia long enough to enable Delta Squad to participate in the operation. The operation was not to be confined to Nadrink only; it would take place in Calgari, Edmonton, Vancouver, Juneau, Saskatoon, and Regina.

Her thoughts were interrupted once again when the restaraunt's doors opened and several figures entered. Daniele blinked slowly, wondering in her mind how much time passed by. As she set her eyes upon the newcomers, her heart began to constrict and flutter a bit as she recalled the...[i]moments[/i] she spent with him. Pushing the thoughts aside, Daniele smiled politely at the men as they approached her table.

"Hello Jesse." She said simply.

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[b]Jesse: [/b]Hello Daniele. [b][he sits down] [/b]Its been a long time since we last sat down and actually talked.

Soon we will fanlly take down the Mafia. The current head of the Corleone Family killed my father a few years ago when he was about to have enough evidence to take them out for good. Everyone must face the consequences for their actions and the Mafia have been evading theirs for too long. I helped train most of the Forzaespecial myself so they know what to do. The Mafia main base here in the city is the most heavily guarded of all of them but there is a tactic that we have not done in a while. At night most men are sleeping but if woken they have almost the same amount of energy as they did during the day, I've seen enough night operations go wrong to know this is true but things are different with what I like to call sunset assaults. If you were to try to fall asleep and you all of a sudden tried to wake up it would be harder than if you were already asleep for a while. You would still be very tired and your senses will be inefficient.

That is the best time to attack them. When they are tired yet do not have enough stored energy to wake and fight back. I have already thought up a perfect date as well. In a day or two when the Angevin king does the "press conference" about what has happened to him and his wife. While everyone else is watching that we will make our move against the Mafia. It is time to finish what my parents started, I understand that the Mafia has sent men after you before and it was the same for me. If we don't stop them from coming they will eventually get us. It will be bloody no matter how we do it but this way we have a larger chance of catching them off guard.

[b]Brian sat down at the table with them, [/b]"I do not know about this Jesse, if we get one thing wrong in the planning this whole thing will fall apart."

[b]Jesse: [/b] My uncle will call me a little bit before it starts, that is when we should start our attack. Daniele, your team will be a distraction to get the guards away from where we will attack. Once we take out their leader and the other teams do the same in the other cities the Mafia will fall apart. I need to know that you are with me on this Daniele. Even if we are declared traitors at least we know we are doing the right thing. If you need protection my uncle can also provide that. I need to know you are willing to go through with this plan.

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Daniele remained silent as Jesse outlined the plan, nodding at appropriate times and mental notes in her mind.

"I would be willing to go through this plan, but I cannot say the same for my counterparts in the Directorate of Defense, especially the Noverian High Command. I am not sure if Thrawn would be willing to go along with these plans, given his close relations with the President, so we will have to move swiftly. The corporations will make loud noises over this operation. As head of Tulio & Armando corporation, I operate the Noverian Defense Forces, but I do not exercise full control and authority over it; that lies in the Supreme Executor. The only aspect I wield full authority is the Forzaespecial." Daniele said, her orbs skitting between Jesse and Brian.



Supreme Executor Julius Thrawn was silent as he sat at his desk in his darkened office, his being partially bathed in the light emanating from the large screen in front of him. On it was various schmatics and other displays, but Thrawn's mind was not focused on that.

Rather, it was focused on other...things. Particularly the state of affairs in the Corporate Republic of Noveria.

More than once, or even a dozen of times, his mind had veered to this troubling subject that had surfaced in his brilliant mind as troubling pangs. Such sentiments he strictly kept to himself, and given his cool, composed demeanor that left his subordinates no reason to question him, but nevertheless these sentiments he had silently mulled over.

From what he saw, the State that he had conspired to replace the Holy Empire with in the first place was seemingly going in a direction that he did not - indeed, could not - condone. Given the growing excesses of the corporations and their inefficency in public affairs, Thrawn was wondering if all these treasonous efforts he had exerted years before were worth it. Did he really do all these just so the corporations - these greedy corporations - could reap great profits and shoot each other in 'turf wars'?

He should think not, but for some reason, Thrawn felt himself conflicted.

What could he do in these days, really? Given the legal and constitutional restrictions the corporations had put in place to safeguard their hold on power in a Republic dedicated to them, there was not much he could do to try to rectify the changing situation.

Was he in actuality a servant of the corporations?

A frown creased across Thrawn's blue forehead as his red eyes scanned the screen. The corporations...these damn corporations. They were truly inefficient in everything except generating profits through their monopolizing tendencies. Well, except perhaps Tulio & Armando, which he regarded as 'decent' and 'lesser of the evils' in their affairs. Given the various reports he had been receiving from government officials through 'unofficial channels', the state of affairs in the Corporate Republic were, to put it, shocking. Bribes? Abuses of power? Mafia? This was only the tip of a growing iceberg.

Thrawn's thoughts veered to foreign affairs, and his frown deepened. As with the former Holy Empire, the Corporate Republic remained somewhat isolated in North America and the world. It's sole affiliation was with the Confederation of Arctic Nations, and this particular alliance had dwindled to little more than an alliance with the Federal Republic of Greenland, Republic of Newfoundland, and the Northern Federation - not a promising prospects for a strong and stable alliance. And this lies the fact that the President had not invested a lot of time on constructing - and repairing - relations with other countries. Noveria did not have a lot of friends, and this was proved when it backed down to New Spain, a nation who had powerful friends in the United Federation of the East. And then there was the recent economic downturn, which contributed to price increases and wage reductions, which in turn contribued to growing public discontent.

Thrawn heaved out a soft sigh as he swiveled around in his chair, his arms crossed.

What could he do? Thrawn wondered as he drummed his fingers softly on his biceps. What could he do to rectify...all this?

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[b]Jesse: [/b]With how surprising and shocking the conference will turn out they will all have their eyes glued to their screen the whole time. This will almost be too easy for the Forzaespecial. Trust me they are all we will need.

[b]Brian: [/b]Are you saying you are happy with what has happened with the Angevin King and Queen?

[b]Jesse: [/b]I'm saying they could have died yet they didn't. It was all a freak acident, The King got a little too curious with what that medallion was and people should be a lot more careful in dealing with Dragon Cult artifacts and relics.

[b]Brian: [/b]They did not know it was one of those.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Not until it bit them.

[b]OOC: At this point Daniele would probably ask what happened.[/b]

[b]Jesse: [/b]Lets just say that are much different than they were before, some say they are better, some say it is worse, I don't really care what people say about it. Lets just say if you don't see the conference you will definitely see it on the morning news the day after. All I can say is that the guards will be glued to the screen one moment, and dead the next. No matter what happens I think you should come with us back to Andorra once this is over. Even though we got along for a while we both know you got along much more with Nathan a bit aftter.

[b]Nathan: [/b]Jesse seemed to have hurt you after he said he couldn't be with you yet I was there to make you feel better. I miss the days we sat down and just talked about stuff like there was no tomorrow.

[b]Jesse: [/b]Lets just enjoy this night while we still can. I see you two have much catching up to do so the rest of us will leave you alone for a while.

[b](OOC: We needed more drama in this thing. I had to do that.)[/b]

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