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I do not know why this keeps happening to me, but [s]little birds keep dropping[/s] Non Gratas Minister of Defense dropped me tidbits about your members. I do not ask for this, and I don't want this. I swear. It's just my dumb luck, and just when I thought we could finally put this silly business about [s]Legion being a terrible alliance behind us and be as close of friends as we used to be.[/s] you being !@#$%*^ behind us.

Anyway, some [s]valuable[/s] information regarding one of your 16 k infra nations (Erasmian) was stolen from you [s]tonight by some dastardly rebel[/s] by Non Gratas MoD. I cannot believe the gall of some people, to just violate Farkistan like that and [s]think that they can[/s] get away with it. But yeah, I came across this stolen information and would like to return it to you.

[quote]<FeaR-> You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Erasmian. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation:
<FeaR-> Desired Religion: Christianity
<FeaR-> Desired Government: Communist
<FeaR-> Threat Level: Low
<FeaR-> Tax Rate: 30%
<FeaR-> Number of Spies: 800
<FeaR-> Last Nuke Purchase: 1/19/2009 5:47:46 PM
<FeaR-> Last Wonder Purchase: 4/14/2011
<FeaR-> Total Money: $1,047,601,190
<FeaR-> Technology: 6,000.37 Levels
<FeaR-> Last Bill Payment: 7/29/2011 8:10:01 PM
<FeaR-> Trade Partners: Flowercountry, Zentzis, Lily Land, Caprica
<FeaR-> Secret Aid Sent To: None
<FeaR-> Total Aircraft: 105
<FeaR-> Aircraft Fighter Strength: 675
<FeaR-> Aircraft Bomber Strength: 270
<FeaR-> Navy Purchases Today: 0
<FeaR-> Navy Vessels:
<FeaR-> Corvettes: 12
<FeaR-> Landing Ships: 12
<FeaR-> Battleships: 11
<FeaR-> Cruisers: 10
<FeaR-> Frigates: 9
<FeaR-> Destroyers: 8
<FeaR-> Submarines: 8
<FeaR-> Aircraft Carriers: 8
<FeaR-> Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.
<FeaR-> thats a fark nation[/quote]

Can we be friends again, Fark and NG?

Hugs and Kisses,

amidoinitrite RV?!

[quote][22:00] <Derwood1> sorry for the confusion
[22:00] <Derwood1> he willl take at least a round
[22:00] <Derwood1> Fark wanted him also
[22:00] <Derwood1> they werere displeased to ahve been played[/quote]

This is the kind of treatment I get after giving you intel. :((


tl;dr Non Gratas MoD spied on a Farker. I felt I should do the right thing and tell Fark. Now NG is ZIing me and Fark let it slide and wants to attack me as well. Oh well. Lol.

Edited by Cynic
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You tried to start a war after Non Grata already alerted FARK about our former MoD spying on them. Well done.

Just so the public is aware, once it came to our triumvirate's attention that Fear- spied we did not hesitate to alert them.

FARK can attest to this fact.

As for you Cynic, you're making your freedom even harder to negotiate. Especially after it was already settled last night.

You sir, are a !@#$@#$ moron.

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What's Amazon Nation's position on this attack on their AA?

[url="http://amazonnationalliance.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=welcome&action=display&thread=1817"]Your application thread[/url] is a bit, uhhh, [i]minimalist,[/i] but you are flying their AA and don't look like a ghost.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1312209273' post='2769100']
You tried to start a war after Non Grata already alerted FARK about our former MoD spying on them. Well done.

Just so the public is aware, once it came to our triumvirate's attention that Fear- spied we did not hesitate to alert them.

FARK can attest to this fact.

As for you Cynic, you're making your freedom even harder to negotiate. Especially after it was already settled last night.

You sir, are a !@#$@#$ moron.

Oh no what ever shall I do... my pixels D: D: D:


[quote]<Cynic> Hey
<ManwithplanX[FARK]> hiya
<Cynic> Did you get my query last night?
<ManwithplanX[FARK]> Power went out at my house last night, so I didn't see it this morning
<ManwithplanX[FARK]> I see it in the logs though
<Cynic> Mk.
<Cynic> How'd you get the logs?
<ManwithplanX[FARK]> I log everything
<Cynic> ok
<Cynic> Gotcha. I thought you meant the logs I dropped in ur query lol
<ManwithplanX[FARK]> Yeah, arexes came to us apologizing earlier
<Cynic> Mk.[/quote]

I was really trying to start a war there... huh? Pushed real hard for some action didn't I.. oh wait.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1312209451' post='2769105']
What's Amazon Nation's position on this attack on their AA?

[url="http://amazonnationalliance.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=welcome&action=display&thread=1817"]Your application thread[/url] is a bit, uhhh, [i]minimalist,[/i] but you are flying their AA and don't look like a ghost.

Amazon are fine with our attacks. We've been in contact with Randala, who as of last night was part of negotiations.

I'm sure she'll love to see her time wasted when she logs in to read this topic.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1312209451' post='2769105']
What's Amazon Nation's position on this attack on their AA?

[url="http://amazonnationalliance.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=welcome&action=display&thread=1817"]Your application thread[/url] is a bit, uhhh, [i]minimalist,[/i] but you are flying their AA and don't look like a ghost.

I left NG's aa and went to RIA Trade Partner where Delta said I could hang until I found a place. At 5ish yesterday afternoon I decided to join AzN. The attacks started @ 11ish during Randalla trying to negotiate something with them and then putting her off. She tried negotiating some less than ZI punishment but NG refused. So.. if I'm gonna get ZI'd then why not have a good reason.

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Well at least I'm under the impression she's fine with the attacks.

You don't drop logs, attempt to start a war, and halt a treaty being signed and expect to get away with it.

Attacks were bound to happen no matter what. Cynic himself stated a desire to quit.

Simply jumping to an AA doesn't provide you protection, especially when the leader of that AA is aware of the crimes.

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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1312209692' post='2769112']
If that's the case, then I'm surprised she hasn't denied his application in the thread I linked.

My app had been approved before the ZI was issued, and long before the attacks.

As for zoom saying it was "near settled"

[quote][22:10] <Derwood1> ok I am going to have to say for now it is war on, he can do what he feels is necessary, when we are done we will let you know.....but I will tell you I will talk to tris to try and limit it
[22:11] <Rand[clone]> Well since I've been working with more than one NG rep just tonight alone, and have been trying to help as much as I possibly can, the fact that I ended up getting left in the dark anyway isn't very encouraging
[22:13] <Derwood1> honestly I thought I was very upfront that we were attacking him, I am truly sorry you did not understand that.
[22:15] <Rand[clone]> I think the time frame was a little muddy, I was still expecting to hear for how long. I'll appreciate anything you can do, honestly

Limit it eh? Woke up this morning to find I had been attacked for the stagger and sanctioned. Well now...

Edited by Cynic
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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312209957' post='2769120']

Limit it eh? Woke up this morning to find I had been attacked for the stagger and sanctioned. Well now...

"war on" typically means you'll be attacked.

The expression "limit it" can mean any number of things. He could have been simply referencing a time scale, which I believe is the case. Considering the size of your nation we can't exactly expect to keep you at war forever.

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1312210077' post='2769122']
"war on" typically means you'll be attacked.

The expression "limit it" can mean any number of things. He could have been simply referencing a time scale, which I believe is the case. Considering the size of your nation we can't exactly expect to keep you at war forever.

Attacking during negotiations isn't very nice. Sanctioned my trades man, that all I care about. I worked my ass off putting NG's trades together and then u took'em XD

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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312210224' post='2769123']
Attacking during negotiations isn't very nice. Sanctioned my trades man, that all I care about. I worked my ass off putting NG's trades together and then u took'em XD

Negotiations? I wasn't aware Azn had something to negotiate about. They 'accepted' you on the basis of information lacking. You leaked screenshots of our private boards, messed with logs, tried to torpedo one of our treaties being signed and you thought you would get away with it? Silly man.

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[quote name='Cynic' timestamp='1312210224' post='2769123']
Attacking during negotiations isn't very nice. Sanctioned my trades man, that all I care about. I worked my ass off putting NG's trades together and then u took'em XD

I believe the general consensus in NG was "$%&@ you." To think you were going to get off without getting attacked was foolish. You were a member long enough to guess as much.

As for the trades, oh well.

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[quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1312210412' post='2769125']
Negotiations? I wasn't aware Azn had something to negotiate about. They 'accepted' you on the basis of information lacking. You leaked screenshots of our private boards, messed with logs, tried to torpedo one of our treaties being signed and you thought you would get away with it? Silly man.

Whoa whoa.. I didn't "mess" with any logs. Also this thread really wasn't as much about Cynic and NG... as it was about the !@#$%*^ formerly known as Fark.

Like I said, I'm getting ZI'd regardless so why not give you a good !@#$@#$ reason.

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On a random note, did anyone else notice that the nation linked in the OP is 4.5 years old (and has spent the entire time in Fark), and has [i]0 casualties[/i]? How does that even happen?

Edited by Varianz
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[quote name='Varianz' timestamp='1312210717' post='2769132']
On a random note, did anyone else notice that the nation linked in the OP is 4.5 years old (and has spent the entire time in Fark), and has [i]0 casualties[/i]? How does that even happen?

By allowing people to !@#$ on you.

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