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The venerable Vince Sixx was lying on a chair on a beach. He had bought his own personal island in the South Pacific and called it, unsuprisingly, Distopya. He managed to make it an independent nation, and frequently bought supplies from suppliers in Greater Pacifica, Cascadia, and the HAE. He was having a good life.

Only a few other people lived on the island. Viktor Betrakte was one of them, and the first that Vince had invited to live on the island. A few other Distopyans shared the island with him. They had all chosen to leave their homes and move to the island without telling anyone. Their plan was to live out the rest of their lives there, eventually travelling the world or finding a wife, in Viktor's case.

On this particular day, Vince was feeling more tired than usual. In his age, the exhaustion from just breathing was getting almost unbearable. For all of his life, he had been afraid of death, but the fear was slowly dripping away as he edged closer to his final day.

He looked out at the sea, and thought he saw the smoke of a ship on the edge of the horizon. All of the sudden, his pain began to recede. The smoke seemed to get closer and wash over him in waves as his vision became darker. He mouthed out, "I have no fear," but no noise came out of his mouth.

His mind turned inwardly, and he had a vivid memory of when he was a kid. All of the dastardly things he had done in Lawless came back to him. It haunted him for what seemed like an eternity. He saw the pain he had caused the people that his gang had hassled. Then, his visions went to adulthood and starting Distopya. A calm feeling of peace washed over him as he witnessed the good he managed to create in the world, and the Lawless situations seemed so insignificant at that moment.

Finally, he was back in his body, but nothing was moving. He could use all his senses. He felt the cool sea air touching his skin, but his body would not move. A younger looking man approached him.

"Use your strength Vince, push yourself out," he said in a calm voice.

Vince found a surge of strength from within himself and sat up, but suddenly he felt no air surround him, he didn't feel, only saw and heard.

"What's going on? Why can't I feel anything? Am I numb? Who are you?"

"Relax, Vince. You cannot feel in this world anymore."

And now, Vince knew exactly what happened. He looked behind him and saw his body lying on the chair, eyes closed, looking at peace.

"I'm dead, aren't I. At least there is an afterlife."

"Yes. There is. Come, take a walk with me."

Vince stood up. The feeling was coming back to his feet, and he started to feel the sand between his toes again.

"Your feelings will be numbed, but you will still feel."

"So I can't walk through walls."

"With practice, you may."

"Well, what do I do now?"

"Anything. You can go create your own world off in another dimension, you can make yourself look like anything you want, but the only thing you cannot do, is mess with this material world. You can approach people in dreams, but that is it."

"What if I get bored?"

"Enter a delivery room just as a baby is being born. Your memory will be wiped, and you will be born again."

"What do people usually do when they die?"

"They go watch their funeral, which should be...in a couple hours actually."

"That fast?"

"It's been a week, Vince. Time dilation is something you'll get used to and eventually be able to control within yourself."

"How can I get there? Where is it?"

"You can always find your body just by closing your eyes and willing it."



"Today, my friends, we remember Vince Sixx, a great man who has affected the lives of millions. Although Distopyanism never spread beyond the borders of the distopyan nations, the citizens of those nations witnessed a freedom they have never, and will never again receive. Now, I will ask friends and family to say a few words."

Vince suddenly found himself in a convention hall of the Distopyan Headquarters. Green banners with the white Distopyan phoenix adorned the halls, and everyone wore green and black. Some soft classical music was playing as people paid their respects. There were hundreds.

"That's a lot of people," he thought to himself.

Various friends and acquaintances walked on stage to talk about their experiences, which Vince sort of skipped through, until Frederick took the stage.

"I never really knew my father. He was gone all the time on crazy adventures, and it wasn't until he settled down in Oregon that I really got to see him. That wasn't until I was ten. I guess it was sort of like grandpa, dad never got to see him either. Well, I vowed not to do that with my son..."

The only thing Vince felt at that moment was tears streaming down his face, and the gutless feeling of regret. He felt an entire universe in his body die, and the absolute heartbreak he felt seemed greater than any he had ever witnessed. Before he knew it, Frederick had finished his eulogy and sat back down.


The funeral procession travelled to Portland International Airport, and they flew on a Distopyan jet to Tblisi, formerly Stor Bokstav. There, they buried Vince's ashes on the top of a mountain, with nothing but a large concrete brick with a Distopyan Phoenix emblazoned on it. As the ashes were buried, Vince walked up to Frederick and whispered, "I'm sorry."

It was only supposed to be a token, as he knew he could not mess with the material world, but Frederick turned around. He looked behind him and saw nothing, but Vince saw Frederick staring right into his eyes. Vince touched his shoulder, but Frederick turned back around, just as quickly as he had turned to face Vince.

OOC: It's been fun, but I'm busy. I won't say never, but I won't say when.

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"With the passing of the Cascadian Republic, Austria will be moving to administer this fallen territory as a protectorate. Given our current state of affairs, due to the aggressive actions of Germany, I humbly request Austrian allies, to help our soldiers from Ehestadt administer this area. At the moment, the one-hundred thousand Austrian Imperial Soldiers from the Ehestadt district in East Asia will be relocated to Seattle and other points east. The North American nations have cooperated with our nation before, we hope that this cooperation and friendship still exists now."
-Empress Maria Theresia II


The one-hundred thousand soldiers from Ehestadt would begin boarding transport ships bound for the Pacific coast, it was asked by Austrian allies, the UFE, and others to provide assistance and protection during this transport.

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"The United Federation of the East recognizes the Austrian Claim. We ask that our North American Allies support the Commonwealth in its tragic time of need."

-August Imperator Jia

By Imperial Order, the UFE Strategic Air Lift Command was ordered to begin the immediate airlift of Austrian Forces to relieve their countrymen in Cascadia.

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Official Statement from the Foreign Ministry:

"Holy Ursalia cannot, and shall not, in good conscience consent to this spread of foreign imperialism in North America. We thus declare the regions formerly belonging to the Republic of Cascadia to be an protectorate. This protectorate shall be administered by Americans, not foreigners."

Classified/visible thru satellites:

Appoximately 50,000 troops were ordered to advance into the region. The Imperial Ursalian Air Force were scrambled into action as to ensure Ursalian control of the airspace above the region.

From southern Columbina and from the Holy Ursalian Protectorate, troops crossed into the region in the thousands, heading toward the major cities such as Seattle, Portland, Boise, and other cities. Military transport aircraft carrying paratroops would be airlifted into these cities as well as regions, under guard by the Air Force.

The ATO was notified of this through secure channels.

OOC: on my phone ATM, will respond in full later.

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"We find it rather astounding that the Ursalians would threaten action against Austria who afterall is their ally as a fellow signatory of the Pacific Harmony Accords. Further we find it equally astounishing that you call it the Republic of Cascadia and the Austrians foreigners. Cascadia was a member of the Austrian Commonwealth AND Empress Theresia was the Head of State of Cascadia. Even if you cite the ATO supremacy clause, it specifically states further expansion. Cascadia has been Austrian, its not further expansion. I was sitting at the table when the Emperor of Pravus Ingruo agreed it was so. We strongly warn the Ursalians that attacking an ally will be considered a most greivious offense and not end well for them."

-August Imperator Jia of the United Federation of the East


Second Tactical Response Air Force was mobilized out of Fort Beihai to destroy the Ursalian Air Force should Ursalia attack one of its allies.

Edited by Triyun
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"As representative to the ATO, my government, while observing this treaty [i]does[/i] seek to contain further colonization and/or imperialism in North America would like to point out that the Republic of Cascadia was a member of the Austrian Commonwealth. It was granted independence from the Austrian State by the hand of its venerable rulers, the Hapsburg Family, and that being said, to allow it to revert to the hands of the Austrian Crown would be acceptable. The Republic of Cascadia was granted independence from Austria, and there is nothing to suggest that it wouldn't allow for another nation to be born out of an organized political force once one is found.

That being said, we recognize Austria's claim to protect the former lands of Cascadia, on the grounds that they were already an existing colonial holding, as they were part of the Austrian Commonwealth. There is no expansion of foreign colonization here, only lands reverting back to the hands of those who granted them independence in the first place, therefore it is the interpretation of the Cajun Federation that Austria's claim is legal and legitimate at this time. We wish the Austrian Empire luck in their protecting of the Pacific Northwest, and as shown from previous actions, know that this region is in [i]capable[/i] hands."

[i]The Marquis de Lafayette, Jean-Louis de Lafayette
Senior Cajun Federation Delegate of the American Treaty Organization[/i]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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The Republic of Texas joins with its brother in the Holy Ursalian Empire and proclaim that the former nation of Cascadia will not fall to European imperialism. The American Treaty Organization was made just for situations such as this and Texas will uphold its obligations unlike its Cajun neighbor.


JOCA's Warden Program was once again activated - though only about 15% would be online due to its in progress construction. Texas's armed forces would be put into Defcon 3 with all passes canceled. Nuclear weapons would be put on operational readiness in case war came to the continent. Texas would send parts of its navy out of port to prevent disaster in case of nuclear strikes.

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"Cascadia was an Austrian protectorate.
It was granted independence, and continued to be part of the Austrian Commonwealth.
It thus should continue to be part of the Austrian Commonwealth. It has been since before the ATO, despite what some overly aggressive nations seem to believe.

Ceylon recognised Austria's claim."

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1309576426' post='2746485']
"We find it rather astounding that the Ursalians would threaten action against Austria who afterall is their ally as a fellow signatory of the Pacific Harmony Accords. Further we find it equally astounishing that you call it the Republic of Cascadia and the Austrians foreigners. Cascadia was a member of the Austrian Commonwealth AND Empress Theresia was the Head of State of Cascadia. Even if you cite the ATO supremacy clause, it specifically states further expansion. Cascadia has been Austrian, its not further expansion. I was sitting at the table when the Emperor of Pravus Ingruo agreed it was so. We strongly warn the Ursalians that attacking an ally will be considered a most greivious offense and not end well for them."

-August Imperator Jia of the United Federation of the East


Second Tactical Response Air Force was mobilized out of Fort Beihai to destroy the Ursalian Air Force should Ursalia attack one of its allies.

"We are not attacking an ally as much as we are merely honoring our treaty obligations and safeguarding the interests of North America. The ATO was formed for a reason, to prevent foreign expansion such as this. Yes, Austria may be our ally but that does not mean we will stand aside and neglect our obligations and responsibilities to North America. And that's not mentioning the fact the ATO takes precedence in regards to foreign colonization over other treaties that we currently hold.

And Austria, being located in Europe, is a foreign nation. Cascadia was an American nation, being located in North America, and we are not willing to let an European nation waltz into North America. If we did nothing, like the Cajun Federation, then the ATO would have become worthless.

Moreover, we will not attack unless fired upon. Our troops will continue with what they are doing, and any hostile actions against them will have serious consequences."

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We in Le Royaume de la Lumière applaud those who wish to remain free from colonisation, however see no such case of it here. Instead we see people trying to prevent an international practice that dates to the beginning of this world to either weaken the rightful owner or for personal gain.

We can not in good faith support any other decision than the return of the land to Austria for protection and see no reason for ATO signatories to be distressed about this course of action.
-His Royal Majesty, Arséne Moreau

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1309577412' post='2746505']
The Republic of Texas joins with its brother in the Holy Ursalian Empire and proclaim that the former nation of Cascadia will not fall to European imperialism. The American Treaty Organization was made just for situations such as this and Texas will uphold its obligations unlike its Cajun neighbor.[/quote]

"Obligations? There are none to uphold, Cascadia was part of the Austrian Commonwealth, and were former lands of the Austrian Empire, there should be no quarrel here. The Austrian Empire has shown itself to be a capable world leader, and has exhibited stability on her part for years now. The Cajun Federation sees the legitimate heir to these lands as the Austrian Empire, this isn't an instance of European Colonialism in North America expanding, it already existed, therefore it falls outside the boundaries of the American Treaty Organization's charter. By disputing this claim, we are undermining the treaty we only just signed, by interpreting it on a much more broader scale.

There is no need for the Republic of Texas or the Holy Empire to chide its neighbor in saying obligations have gone unfulfilled, there are no obligations here to [i]fulfill[/i]."

[i]The Marquis de Lafayette, Jean-Louis de Lafayette
Senior Cajun Federation Delegate of the American Treaty Organization[/i]

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1309578143' post='2746518']
"We are not attacking an ally as much as we are merely honoring our treaty obligations and safeguarding the interests of North America. The ATO was formed for a reason, to prevent foreign expansion such as this. Yes, Austria may be our ally but that does not mean we will stand aside and neglect our obligations and responsibilities to North America. And that's not mentioning the fact the ATO takes precedence in regards to foreign colonization over other treaties that we currently hold.

And Austria, being located in Europe, is a foreign nation. Cascadia was an American nation, being located in North America, and we are not willing to let an European nation waltz into North America. If we did nothing, like the Cajun Federation, then the ATO would have become worthless.

Moreover, we will not attack unless fired upon. Our troops will continue with what they are doing, and any hostile actions against them will have serious consequences."

You would have a point if Cascadia severed all ties with Austria or substantially reduced them. But that is not what happened. The Hapsburg Throne continued to be recognized as the head of state, by the choice of Cascadia. Cascadia joined the Austrian Commonwealth, clearly choosing to remain part of the Austrian Community. This action is done in the name of the Austrian Commonwealth which Cascadia has been a part of since its founding. You can hardly define that as colonization.

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[quote name='JEDCJT' timestamp='1309578143' post='2746518']
"We are not attacking an ally as much as we are merely honoring our treaty obligations and safeguarding the interests of North America. The ATO was formed for a reason, to prevent foreign expansion such as this. Yes, Austria may be our ally but that does not mean we will stand aside and neglect our obligations and responsibilities to North America. And that's not mentioning the fact the ATO takes precedence in regards to foreign colonization over other treaties that we currently hold.

And Austria, being located in Europe, is a foreign nation. Cascadia was an American nation, being located in North America, and we are not willing to let an European nation waltz into North America. If we did nothing, like the Cajun Federation, then the ATO would have become worthless.

Moreover, we will not attack unless fired upon. Our troops will continue with what they are doing, and any hostile actions against them will have serious consequences."

"Then surely you will have no ill will when Austrian troops land on the Pacific Coast and uphold the protectorate that is in our sovereign right to uphold. As Head of State of the Cascadian Republic, it is my duty as Empress to oversee the protection of this region. The American Treaty Organization has no claim on this land. One, Cascadia never entered into your treaty assembly, second, Cascadia recognized Austria as it's mother country and swore loyalty to the Hapsburg Throne. Whether the North Americans agree with this move is none of our concern. We will reinforce our protectorate. If any nation fires upon our troops, Austria will treat this as an act of aggression.

In fact, given that the Ursalians have moved into our protectorate after we have already declare it as such, is a violation of our sovereignty and an act of war. We will give the Holy Empire of Ursalia twenty-four hours before a declaration of war is announced from Ljubljana. North America was once a very hospitable continent to the welfare of those under Austria's protection. In fact we had signed treaties with the Empire of Pravus Inguro, the founder of your ATO.

You have our message and our moves. We await your response."
-Empress Maria Theresia II

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