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Breaking Of A Blockade


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At this, Thomas threw his head back and laughed. He straight up, full on laughed. "You... you want me to pay you?" He laughed even harder. It was nearly a full minute before he composed himself. He looked over at the Texans. "I apologize... whew." Wiping a tear, it even seemed like Dr. Church cracked a smile. "Let me get this straight. You want us to name the numbers of your military, potentially putting thousands out of work, and then if anyone dies from this "insurgency" we have seen and heard nothing of until now, you want us to pay that person's family $100,000? How foolish do you take us for? Putting thousands of people out of work who know how to use weapons, knowing that they can get easy money for people? If we agreed to this, you'd simply create your own insurgency." Thomas stood, smiling at the Texans.

"I thank you for your hospitality. I also love what you've done with the place. I obviously have other matters to attend to, but I'd love a visit after everything's settled." He turned back to Oscar.

"You have 24 hours to dissolve your government, denounce the name "the United States of America", release a statement containing the phrase "we're sniveling $%&@tards" in reference to yourself, disband your military, and submit your land to the Empire as a protectorate so we can come in and restore order from any "insurgency" that happens to be there. There. Those are our terms. You have 24 hours to accept, unless you wish to do so immediately."

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"If you wish. We do have a pleasent surprise for you invading us.

Of course, we gave you everything you wished. Goldman Industries, along with the dozens of other new corporations launching, would've easily hired these men. But no matter. At least now we know you are only here to tell us you are not going to come to any peaceful terms. You only plan for death.

But let us return home and tell the people you want us to dissolve our government, the one we fought so hard and lost so much for. Let me tell them, and we'll see what happens. It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Thomas Asgeirsson, the man who deserves no respect. Next time we meet, you'll be in hell."

Oscar stood up, smiled at Thomas, and walked out of the room.

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