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The Trial of Sir Michael Harland

Michael McBride

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[u][b]One Week Ago[/b][/u]

"Michael Harland, you have heard the charges presented before you. How do you plead?"

"Not guilty, Your Honor."

"And you have chosen to represent yourself in this matter, forgoing formal counsel, is that correct?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Very well. The prosecution may call its first witness."

[u][b]Present Day[/b][/u]

"The defendant shall rise." Sir Michael Harland stood. The verdict was being broadcast live across all MediaCorp affiliates worldwide. A smirk tugged at his lips. He knew what the verdict would be. Nothing in the world could change it.

"Michael Harland, you have been charged with the most serious litany of crimes ever to come across the desk of this court. You are accused of leading a revolution to split this country in two. Facing an overwhelming mountain of evidence, you chose not only to represent yourself, but not to call any witnesses nor make any statements in your own defense. Therefore, it is the finding of this court that on all counts, we find the defendant guilty as charged. You are sentenced to hang from the neck until death two days from now. May God have mercy on your soul." The courtroom erupted, a mix of cheers and angry shouts. It was obvious the former Emperor still had the support of some people. Security personnel swarmed the former Emperor, leading him away quickly, and starting to force the crowd out of the courtroom.

Preparations were already underway in Times Square, where the public execution would take place.

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The Kingdom of Rhodes pleads for the Empire to abolish the death penalty. The courts have ruled Sir Michael Harland guilty, but let his verdict be changed to that of life imprisonment. No civilized society should seek to impose death on someone. If the Empire feels they can not contain the former Emperor in their own prisons, then the Kingdom offers to pay for the Emperor's life imprisonment in its own jails or that of a private corporation such as Virtus International. Let the healing begin without further bloodshed.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1306122572' post='2716885']
The Kingdom of Rhodes pleads for the Empire to abolish the death penalty. The courts have ruled Sir Michael Harland guilty, but let his verdict be changed to that of life imprisonment. No civilized society should seek to impose death on someone. If the Empire feels they can not contain the former Emperor in their own prisons, then the Kingdom offers to pay for the Emperor's life imprisonment in its own jails or that of a private corporation such as Virtus International. Let the healing begin without further bloodshed.

Unfortunately, Mr. Harland has brought this upon himself. The Empire does not impose the death penalty, except in cases of the highest of crimes: those being capital murder, and high treason. For every other offense, the Law of Hammurabi applies. Mr. Harland chose to rise up against the country, starting a needless war that killed tens of thousands. His death is the last drop from the faucet of death that has been flowing since he opened it.

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The attempted rogue launch of nuclear weapons is not acceptable. The Death Penalty is the only acceptable fate for Harland. The United Federation of the East applauds its ally's resolve to see justice done.

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while no MoG[Corp] external policy towards the subject was announced, the news was broadcast on all MoG[Media] outlets, and a MoG[News] reporter and television crew were sent to televise the execution.

Edited by Mogar
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OOC: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmq5M0w97sE"]Music for this post.[/url]


"It's time, Michael." Sir Michael Harland looked up from his bench in a small cell. The armored trailer had brought him here from the maximum security military prison he had been housed in. He knew outside waited Times Square, and his public execution. The former giant of North America was wearing a plain white t-shirt and navy blue scrub pants. Michael looked up at the man who had spoken.

"They said the executioner would be coming to get me, Thomas."

"And so he has, Michael." A pause followed as the former Emperor blinked up at the current one.

"You're my executioner?"

"Come now, Michael. It is a tenant of our justice system. Those who commit a crime can be punished by the person they wronged. You attempted to overthrow me... therefore I have the honor of pulling the lever." Slowly, Michael nodded.

"It is only appropriate, I guess, Thomas." Michael slowly stood, meeting his successor's gaze.

"I have taught you well, Thomas."

"You haven't taught me a thing, old man."

"Oh, but I have Thomas. You are more like me than you realize... or than you care to acknowledge." Michael smiled. "You will be a giant in America, Thomas. Keep a weather eye on the horizon though. You never know what might come your way." Thomas unlocked the cell door, starting to lead the shackled former Emperor.

"It's time to go." They slowly walked the length of the trailer, only pausing for Thomas to pull on a black hood before exiting. The crowds cheered as the former Emperor was led to the metal gallows that had been constructed for the hanging. Thomas led Michael up the steps, placing him over the door in the center. Slowly, the rope was lowered around Michael's neck and tightened. A slight grimace crossed the older man's face at the tightness, but quickly went away. Thomas slowly walked over to a lever, turning to face the former Emperor.

"Any last words, Michael?"

"You'll only make a martyr out of me, Thomas."

"You've created a few yourself. I'll be fine." Thomas yanked the lever and the center door dropped away. The rope lost all slack, and Michael's head tilted to the side to the roar of the crowd.

Thomas wiped his hands on his pants and turned to walk away. Behind him, still hanging at the gallows, a finger twitched.

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