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The complete break with reality most people in NPO have is staggering. Somehow they defeated us as they surrendered.

William Bonney your nation, with all its wonders and amazingness, has a lower NS than I do. Which is pathetic. So it is clear you got curb stomped regardless of what you say. And based on the spy reports about your nation in our forum, you pretty much suck. Oh yeah I have 3 wonders btw, and my tech and infra is a fraction of what it used to be. Your tech is lower than mine, which says something. Either you completely fail at nation building in the first place... or all your tech got blowed up.

I am guessing it [s]might be[/s] is probably both.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1304452538' post='2705392']
We don't *have* an upper tier.[/quote]

I'm sure both your upper tier nations will be sad to hear that. Maybe I should send them a recruiting message?

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[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304450905' post='2705364']

Pardon me a moment.

I'm sorry...

Firstly it regards schatt "being in GOONS" like you said. secondly it regards you criticizing our ability as fighters.

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[quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1304454892' post='2705414']
Firstly it regards schatt "being in GOONS" like you said. secondly it regards you criticizing our ability as fighters.
I was not "in GOONS" I was in GOONS, ask Councillor banned member if you want verification.

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[quote name='William Bonney' timestamp='1304451444' post='2705368']
I'm sorry I couldn't hear you after that defeat alert I sent you. :smug:

edit: and I recall you had 1k more tech than myself, and still got a wooping. :lol1:
You were fun to fight. Despite having significantly less wonders, spies, and nukes than you, and fighting two targets with SDIs, I seemed to do pretty okay. I was handling air battles for the most part and GAs were pretty even (I got about 3m from you total from failed attacks sent my way, I think, not counting whatever I stole). Not that I didn't get caught a couple times by you. But the parting nuke was worth it. When I say I fought 25 people this war and only about 2 knew what they were doing, you might've been one of the two. Maybe. Might've just been the wonder/money advantage. But at least you had the basics down.

[quote name='ChairmanHal' timestamp='1304451855' post='2705374']
Here's what I got out of that:

Lecture, lecture, lecture...[/quote]
Somehow I imagine that's what you get out of every post, the whole "la la la la la can't hear you," which is why your replies never make any sense.

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304446771' post='2705310']
Pretty sure no one is talking about you, your alliance is terrible. He WAS on the other hand, insulting CoJ for being peace mode warriors after the first week of fighting.

There are very few alliances in this game that could take on 12 other alliances and win. Surprisingly enough to no one, Umbrella (our ally) is one of those alliances, and 2 billion is their crappiest nations war chest. So it didn't even phase them to rain billions on us during the war since they weren't able to do any fighting (you know, you... peace mode... hippy).

Bored MK nations also gave us dong showers to keep the war front going. And since thats all they could do, thats what they did. See above post about peace mode.
Did you notice none of your other allies or those fighting on your side wanted any reps from this war? MK I think was clear from the start they didn't expect any reps when they were clearly launching an offensive war, yet you did and made sure to go for the highest numbers you could. The only reason you got any of those reps was MK/Umbrella/ODN and others fighting many of the same nations as you guys decided peace with GOONS was mandatory for peace with them, but I wonder how long these alliances will want to burn alongside GOONS in the future as they spend million to prop you up, only to see their reward is you guys paint a bigger target on them with more bad PR as you continue to give more alliances reason to dislike all of you guys.

If it wasn't for their close assosiation with GOONS, there would be no reason to dislike Umbrella. While MK has done reps in the past, most of the dislike towards them probably comes from their close assosiation with GOONS and enabling you guys to get the reps you want. A lot probably believed you guys would of deserved it had you ended up with far more alliances declaring on GOONS, seeing the way GOONS treat victory it probably just furthers those beliefs for them now.

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304454115' post='2705410']
The complete break with reality most people in NPO have is staggering. Somehow they defeated us as they surrendered.

William Bonney your nation, with all its wonders and amazingness, has a lower NS than I do. Which is pathetic. So it is clear you got curb stomped regardless of what you say. And based on the spy reports about your nation in our forum, you pretty much suck. Oh yeah I have 3 wonders btw, and my tech and infra is a fraction of what it used to be. Your tech is lower than mine, which says something. Either you completely fail at nation building in the first place... or all your tech got blowed up.

I am guessing it [s]might be[/s] is probably both.
NPO didn't defeat you. [i]You[/i] defeated you. Think about it.

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[quote name='Lord Velox' timestamp='1304454892' post='2705414']
Firstly it regards schatt "being in GOONS" like you said. secondly it regards you criticizing our ability as fighters.

The exact quote was, "Also you cannot judge our experience as fighters because you did not partake in any fighting and if you actually did we would pound your nation into Pixeldust pretty quickly."

You fought with cash raining on you like a hot pole dancer. A significant portion of your alliance consists of nations that aren't much older than the war and I'd be willing to wager that most of that number actually came into existence during the war. You went up against mostly sub-par talent, employing questionable strategy. Your ability to click a mouse seems ok, but actually fight in a war against a skill enemy in which you have to manage internal logistics, deal with limited resources, set up meaningful Peace Mode rotations over a period of weeks?

No, you have a few people who have the skills, but not nearly enough to go around. Against quality opponents employing aggressive tactics you'd have been a pelt on their living room floor. Poison Clan has forgotten more about war than you learned in many weeks of fighting. Umbrella knows how to coordinate attacks that would leave you crying for your mom. FAN back in the day would take a punch in the mouth and not even flinch or go running even once to the OWF to brag/whine about it. I've fought these alliances. I know real warriors. You aren't there.

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This makes a ton of sense. My understanding was that you declared on NPO as a pre-emptive measure before they entered the NpO war. That war is long finished, and yet you still need to take your pound of flesh from them? Why? What's the basis?

Probably someone else already said that but I didn't want to read the whole thread.

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Okay first things, Methy, shut up and attack us again so we can EoG you and burn you to pixel dust AGAIN.

Second thing. [ooc] Skill... this game requires NO skill. Its a really terrible browser game that is, on the surface, badly made and poorly executed. There is absolutely no skill involved in playing this game. Nor is there any real strategy to play this game. Follow the improvement/wonder guidelines, sled sled sled, sell tech/buy tech, hope to god someone attacks you to break the monotony. So when people say "You lack the SKILL" it is completely ridiculous. The ONLY thing good about this game is how much you people cry over it. And that alone makes this crap tolerable [/ooc]

Anyway continue crying its wonderful to hear.

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304456802' post='2705449']
Okay first things, Methy, shut up and attack us again so we can EoG you and burn you to pixel dust AGAIN.

Second thing. [ooc] Skill... this game requires NO skill. Its a really terrible browser game that is, on the surface, badly made and poorly executed. There is absolutely no skill involved in playing this game. Nor is there any real strategy to play this game. Follow the improvement/wonder guidelines, sled sled sled, sell tech/buy tech, hope to god someone attacks you to break the monotony. So when people say "You lack the SKILL" it is completely ridiculous. The ONLY thing good about this game is how much you people cry over it. And that alone makes this crap tolerable [/ooc]

Anyway continue crying its wonderful to hear.

There is a degree of skill involved

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304456802' post='2705449']
Okay first things, Methy, shut up and attack us again so we can EoG you and burn you to pixel dust AGAIN.
You guys had the CB to try it if you wanted when I declared on MK, but you guys decided watching ODN give it a try 2+ months was better for you guys. If you guys want to fight, don't expect me to always come to you guys. Doesn't mean I won't point it out when I see you guys doing it wrong, even if I don't see the need to attack you.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1304456268' post='2705436']
Did you notice none of your other allies or those fighting on your side wanted any reps from this war?
A shepherd must look after his flock.

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[quote name='Tir Nan Og' timestamp='1304456802' post='2705449']
Okay first things, Methy, shut up and attack us again so we can EoG you and burn you to pixel dust AGAIN.

Second thing. [ooc] Skill... this game requires NO skill. Its a really terrible browser game that is, on the surface, badly made and poorly executed. There is absolutely no skill involved in playing this game. Nor is there any real strategy to play this game. Follow the improvement/wonder guidelines, sled sled sled, sell tech/buy tech, hope to god someone attacks you to break the monotony. So when people say "You lack the SKILL" it is completely ridiculous. The ONLY thing good about this game is how much you people cry over it. And that alone makes this crap tolerable [/ooc]

Anyway continue crying its wonderful to hear.

It is saddening that the people of this world now resort only to accusing others of behaving like children and doing things like crying and whining, rather than actually responding to any points made on any issue.

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[quote name='Johnny Apocalypse' timestamp='1304456590' post='2705444']
Woah man. That's deep.
Not really. I mean, for you guys, maybe, but you all continue to be amazingly and/or intentionally blind to how much political capital you guys spent over the course of this war. Really, a staggering sum, much of it not even necessary if you just wanted to roll Pacifica for no reason. Burning through PR is almost like some sort of a sport for you guys.

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[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1304457193' post='2705461']
A shepherd must look after his flock.
Rather than teach them how to build up their nations well on their own, you teach your sheep that they're entitled to getting free aid to make up for their shortcomings throughout any war, as well as reps afterwards which your allies end up having to fight extra long for you guys to get. It will be a sad day for your flock when/if some of GOONS key allies decide you guys aren't worth it anymore. Especially when they start realizing they need to take care of themselves and rebuilding their own images if they want to survive after all the political capital spent in order to declare an offensive war like what you guys waged against NPO.

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[quote name='HeroofTime55' timestamp='1304457427' post='2705466']
Not really. I mean, for you guys, maybe, but you all continue to be amazingly and/or intentionally blind to how much political capital you guys spent over the course of this war. Really, a staggering sum, much of it not even necessary if you just wanted to roll Pacifica for no reason. Burning through PR is almost like some sort of a sport for you guys.

A Finalist of the WPE awards and one of the main contributors of ideas to the WCE thinks we have bad PR? Somehow I don't think this will keep me up at night.

Edited by SADeki
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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1304456268' post='2705436']
Did you notice none of your other allies or those fighting on your side wanted any reps from this war?[/quote]
No, I didn't notice that, because it's not true. This will be [i][b]at least[/b][/i] the fourth time this has to be pointed out, but there were tech reps in the terms, but they got converted to cash to make it easier on everyone. See [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=101542&view=findpost&p=2705352"]this recent post of mine for more details[/url] before you keep talking about this as if you know anything.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1304457968' post='2705473']
Rather than teach them how to build up their nations well on their own, you teach your sheep that they're entitled to getting free aid to make up for their shortcomings throughout any war, as well as reps afterwards which your allies end up having to fight extra long for you guys to get. It will be a sad day for your flock when/if some of GOONS key allies decide you guys aren't worth it anymore. Especially when they start realizing they need to take care of themselves and rebuilding their own images if they want to survive after all the political capital spent in order to declare an offensive war like what you guys waged against NPO.
Thank you for your "touching" "concern", but we don't need you to tell us where we stand with our allies.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1304457968' post='2705473']
Rather than teach them how to build up their nations well on their own, you teach your sheep that they're entitled to getting free aid to make up for their shortcomings throughout any war, as well as reps afterwards which your allies end up having to fight extra long for you guys to get. It will be a sad day for your flock when/if some of GOONS key allies decide you guys aren't worth it anymore. Especially when they start realizing they need to take care of themselves and rebuilding their own images if they want to survive after all the political capital spent in order to declare an offensive war like what you guys waged against NPO.

For god's sake, stop !@#$%*ing.

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