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A Doctrine of Rationalization


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With the continued revival of the Greater Nordic Empire, Michael Visari felt it was necessary to push the nation into a new radical direction. Now was the time to announce his new Doctrine of Rationalization. A doctrine which would cement the future of the Greater Nordic Empire as a world power in and out of Europe. In addition, it would erase the wrongs committed by other nations against the Nordic people. Therefore, Michael Visari called for an Extraordinary Session of the Thorvald Klaasson Stettner, one of the rare moments in which the legislation was actually called into session. From all over the Empire, 1,500 Deputies who were appointed from territorial and national districts and from governing bodies of the party, union, youth, and other organizations arrived in the capital to hear their Autarch speak. In addition, millions of invitations were given out to foreign press for the event.

[i]Visari steps before the assembled body of the Thorvald Klaasson Stettner[/i]

My people... Sons and Daughters of Dalmatia.

When I last stood before you, our nation was in ruins. Bodies lie in the streets and the buildings of our great cities were in ruin. Various people from around the globe laughed and proclaimed "There would never be another Nordic Empire of Dalmatia!" However, we were destined to prove them wrong. For many months and years, we worked away on empty stomachs, slowly rebuilding our strength, our pride and our nation. Because of our pride, our nation is once again standing and I say to you non believers, never discount the spirit and will of a Dalmatian and Nordic Socialist.

[i]*Senate erupts in cheers*[/i]

In addition to the rebuilding of our great cities, the military has also began the journey of rebuilding itself. We have embarked on a tremendous military rebuilding campaign. Soon our military will be fielding new ships, such as the new Visari-class Super carrier, tanks, planes, and other equipment of necessity. While, we do not posses the power we held before the great turmoil, in due time we will again.

[b]*Cheers erupt in the senate*[/b]

As we move forward, our nation will continue to be in the forefront of Eastern European and Slavic politics. Only thanks to the Greater Nordic Empire have the nations of Eastern Europe and the Balkans achieved everlasting peace, and it is our duty as the hegemonic power to ensure that this stability continues. Therefore, I'd like to announce the [b]Doctrine of Rationalization.[/b]

The Doctrine of Rationalization is simple. In order to ensure the security and continuing stability, the Greater Nordic Empire, hereby, proclaims the following:

I. All European nations east of the Germanic Republic and Austria, hereby, fall under the Greater Nordic Empire's umbrella of influence.

II. All Slavic nations, other than those that fall under the umbrella of Athens, fall under the influence of the Greater Nordic Empire.

This doctrine ensures that the Greater Nordic Empire be allowed to provide the peace and stability needed to keep peace in Eastern Europe and the various Slavic states. However, some might ask where that leaves Slavorussia. It is in my distinct opinion, that the nation of Slavorussia is not a real Slavic state. One who knows their history would know that the historical relationship between the French, Celts and Slavs was one of tumultuous conflict. No real Slavic state would sign a treaty of union with those powers.

Therefore, Slavorussia is exempt from it's status as a Slavic state.

[b]*crowd cheers*[/b]


The Greater Nordic Empire continues to grow because of the loyalty given to the state from the people. All these years I have been humbled by the honor to lead you. Ever, EVER onwards! From this day. Till the end of days!

Hail Dalmatia!

[b]*crowd erupts in cheers*[/b]

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The Free City-State of Torun wishes to ask its Southern neighbor to clarify for Torun, where exactly does it fit into this new policy if at all. Noting the fact that your doctrine states "II. All Slavic nations, other than those that fall under the umbrella of Athens, fall under the influence of the Greater Nordic Empire." We as Torun being a successor to the ancient Polish state are Slavic and we will not be under a foreign nation's influence. We are a free peoples.

Edited by graniteknight
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[quote name='graniteknight' timestamp='1304217321' post='2702875']
The Free City-State of Torun wishes to ask its Southern neighbor to clarify for Torun, where exactly does it fit into this new policy if at all. Noting the fact that your doctrine states "II. All Slavic nations, other than those that fall under the umbrella of Athens, fall under the influence of the Greater Nordic Empire." We as Torun being a successor to the ancient Polish state are Slavic and we will not be under a foreign nation's influence. We are a free peoples.

Well, noting the majority of your people are Polish, at one time or another they held Nordic citizenship. Therefore, they fall under our protection.

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Indeed, your land came from our Germanic brothers. However, your ethnic majority is Polish. Poland is a province in the Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia. Therefore, no matter how much you deny it, your people are either direct descendants or immigrants from our nation, therefore placing them under the umbrella of our nation.

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We do not and will NEVER recognize your illegal claims to our nation and to our people. Our fate is tied to that of the German Federation, not the Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia. We request that you stay our of our affairs and instead play in your own sandbox like the good little school child we know you to be.

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We are shocked at this attitude coming from a nation under our umbrella of protection. We are even more shocked at these threats coming from the fellow Slavic nation of Torun. If these threats continue, we might feel the need to protect ourselves and restore order and stability to a fellow Slavic state, under our own Doctrine of Rationalization.

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"As an ally of the Dalmatian Empire, Austria hopes that with the finalization of this doctrine that the era of peace in Eastern Europe will continue. Dalmatia has placed themselves as a father figure of the Slavic Peoples and as such the responsibility of peace and prosperity to all peoples east of our lands falls to them."
-Maria Magdalena von Hapsburg

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"Truly laughable, the gall of a nation incapable of even protecting its own territories speaking about protecting a continent. As long as their allies themselves are protecting the said regions any sort of bravado can of course be said. Greater Nordic Empire of Dalmatia is only claiming the scraps of glory thrown its way by the benevolence of Athenian Federation and Germanisk Forbund. Truly laughable,"
His Highness Kerala Varma,
The King of Cochin

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[b]Executive Lounge, Portland Capitol Building (Former U.S. Court of Appeals Building)[/b]
"Is Poland asking to be invaded? Haven't they learned that they don't really fare well from that?" Chris asked the room while watching.

"Maybe the Poles have developed a fetish..." Frederick added.

[b]Official Statement from the Commonwealth Republic of Cascadia[/b]
We will recognize this move by the Nordic Empire as legitimate, as we have no diplomatic stake in any of the nations it covers.

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Statement to the press from Premier Medvedev:

“The Kremlin does not recognize the new southerner’s doctrine as a legitimately binding contract between the Slavic peoples of Europe and the [i]Nordic[/i] Empire.

On another note it is unfortunate Visari felt he had to slur the Slavorussian Empire the way he did in his address. Our reasons for the union with the Celts and French were our own, but nevertheless Slavorussia is still a legitimate Slavic nation. Even though we don’t understand it, we have never insulted them for their strong conviction to a proto-fascist-Germanic ideology and they have no right to insult us because they don’t understand our ideology.”

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Prussia received its independence from GNED, and for that we are forever grateful. But in relation to your claims of nations east of the Germanic Republic and Austria being Slavic, we do not accept such a statement. Prussia is Germanic, we are a nation of Germans, Austrians, an Prussians not Slavs. Therefor we do not accept your doctrine.

-Kaiser Johann

Edited by Chancellor Patrick
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[i]"Surely this Slavic Republic could shoulder the burden of enforcing peace and harmony with its friends and neighbours on the continent? It is the duty of all, and should be partaken as such. To do otherwise would only serve to invite... difficulties along the path to righteousness."[/i]
- Princess Rhianne Lucretia Sidamo, Principality of Aeon

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[quote name='Malatose' timestamp='1304205482' post='2702764']
I. All European nations east of the [b]Germanic Republic[/b] and Austria, hereby, fall under the Greater Nordic Empire's umbrella of influence.

We wonder where this Germanic Republic exists. In addition, would this mean that any nation that is came from and is under the influence of the Germanic Union will be "protected" by Nordland?

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1304308562' post='2703779']
The PRA is amused at the sudden turnaround in policy by Prussia.

Kaiser Johann is dead and our new Kaiser Frederick Von Hapsburg accepts this doctrine. He has convinced the Imperial Council and the people to accept the doctrine because of the benefits Prussia would receive under it. So if the Kaiser thinks it is better for Prussia, then so be it.

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