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The Thriller Ends

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[quote name='MrHavok' timestamp='1303648556' post='2698428']
Thanks for making everyones point it would be a first strike very similar to the cowardly acts of the group of rogues who did a first strike on another alliance. Nobody can tell you who you can accept as members you are right just don't be surprised when the acts of these people come back to hurt you much like it did for all of the members not named teddyyo or battalion when they were hit blindsided by a first strike.

I wasn't the one that called them rogues it was wicked and his moronic line of reasoning by comparing themselves to the ninjas when they attacked GOONs. It was clearly established then that the ninjas were considered a group of rogues who had a goal to hit just one alliance and were then sanctioned so blame your newest member for causing people to make the logical leap based on past history and precedent

Umm might want to check your information, GOONS considered Ninjas as a alliance.

Also this group of rogues term is starting to annoy me. The basic definition of a alliance is a group of people/nations that have a common goal or desire.

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I find the bashing of Olympus to be a little ridiculous. What, you think these people should be barred from ever joining an alliance again? I wanted to see Thriller get rolled by Argent as much as the next guy, but it's over. Let people move on so new drama and intrigue can happen.


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[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1303644495' post='2698402']
Like who?

Frankly, you've criticized us for actually taking in people who you felt were irredeemable. Perhaps it is just a coincidence that these people in general had small nations.

As QH said, you want a list, PM me. As for alliances, look closer to home.

From memory, I don't remember criticizing Invicta for anything of the sort.

[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1303645599' post='2698407']
So did AcTi accept this peace offer or have Olympus just involved themselves in the war by accepting nations still attacking them? And yes, very disappointing to see an alliance giving these clowns a free pass so quickly, but not that surprising ... 500k of aggressive NS is a big prize to pass up.

Oh well, it gives people a nice hook to draw NPO into a war at some point.

Edit: just saw one of the many poorly titled threads, apparently they did accept it.

If you think we're about stats, you have no idea who we are and what we stand for. We haven't 'involved' ourselves in this war, we have stood by our value set which for some reason has upset a few loud mouths.

NPO comment is pretty hilarious.

[quote name='Haflinger' timestamp='1303685367' post='2698773']

Mainly Pansy actually, which is why I consider this whole claim highly ... ironic.

Let me know an example then, please. Only time I recall Pansy commenting on Invicta is when you attempted to call us out for leaving a war.

[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1303693837' post='2698851']
I find the bashing of Olympus to be a little ridiculous. What, you think these people should be barred from ever joining an alliance again? I wanted to see Thriller get rolled by Argent as much as the next guy, but it's over. Let people move on so new drama and intrigue can happen.


I agree with Bama.

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[quote name='President S O' timestamp='1303627244' post='2698323']

Its not about "portraying" its about what we've done in the past, present and will continue to do in the future that proves we're the home of second chances. We've given those chances to individuals and entire alliances. If they're so powerful and well-connected, why do they find [b]themselves seeking refuge?[/b]

Maybe sometimes they have betrayed an entire alliance and people are looking for retribution. Sometimes the people looking for retribution might even be close allies who did not expect to be blindsided by betrayal.

Edited by Jacapo Saladin
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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1303695161' post='2698876']
Maybe sometimes they have betrayed an entire alliance and people are looking for retribution. Sometimes the people looking for retribution might even be close allies who did not expect to be blindsided by betrayal.

In such a case, they are not so "well connected" or powerful. Those that have issues know where to find us if they're serious about resolving it. Those that joined us aren't concerned about retribution, because they can hold their own.

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[quote name='Jacapo Saladin' timestamp='1303695161' post='2698876']
Maybe sometimes they have betrayed an entire alliance and people are looking for retribution. Sometimes the people looking for retribution might even be close allies who did not expect to be blindsided by betrayal.

Yes cause we all remember how bravely Hydra went into battle after that particulary episode.

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1303707380' post='2699033']
For the record none of my casualties came as a result of a raid. Ever. Hell imagine me raiding while in GATO. Oh yeah I couldn't. So, yeah.
I was going to call BS but then i remembered GATO...

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[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1303662012' post='2698516']
#1- since when do song lyrics = a charter?

#2- since when was an unofficial notice of protection against [b]raids[/b] a real protectorate?

#3- there is only one piece of evidence that could show that you all arent a bunch of rogues and that's STELIOS:

who the hell goes rogue with less than 10mil of a warchest at 30k NS :lol1:

that's worse than the AcTi alliance you were fighting yourself :lol1: ...hell by using Thriller logic this means that FAR needs to be rolled next right?


oh and this was a spy report just before i had declared on him in Thriller ;)

1. We wanted to see what it would be liek for an ex- AcTi Memeber with an AcTi sized WC, to see if the sickness was jsut from within. It was.

2. They still didnt stop me. Sooo. :D

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[quote name='magicninja' timestamp='1303707380' post='2699033']
For the record none of my casualties came as a result of a raid. Ever. Hell imagine me raiding while in GATO. Oh yeah I couldn't. So, yeah.
maybe 10k tops of my casualties came from raiding, I've only ever been involved in 2. one when I was just starting out to learn the war system, and once a little while back because I thought I'd give it a try. so yea, I'm not exactly a raiding monster

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[quote name='blazerboy525' timestamp='1303710725' post='2699056']
maybe 10k tops of my casualties came from raiding, I've only ever been involved in 2. one when I was just starting out to learn the war system, and once a little while back because I thought I'd give it a try. so yea, I'm not exactly a raiding monster
This would mean something if you didn't have 500k casualties.

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[quote name='relyt92' timestamp='1303793193' post='2699624']
This would mean something if you didn't have 500k casualties.
Yes, that's a very good point.

Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 802,812 Attacking + 2,270,268 Defending = 3,073,080 Casualties

I consider myself to be fairly peaceful as well, actually I had double-digit casualties after my first five wars.

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[quote name='Systemfailure' timestamp='1303795567' post='2699633']
This thread has really deviated from its main point which is AcTi is still hopeless.

Mission Failed. Retry?
Which album should we use next? I think we should use the song "Black or white" and everyone switch to either the black or white sphere

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[quote name='relyt92' timestamp='1303793193' post='2699624']
This would mean something if you didn't have 500k casualties.
you're either insinuating he has low casualties which is because he isnt that old of a nation or he has alot which is because of a month of war with GOONS and co

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[quote name='BamaBuc' timestamp='1303693837' post='2698851']
I find the bashing of Olympus to be a little ridiculous.
The same people who complain about the new Oly members only wanting an easy fight and their cheerleaders are complaining because their easy fight was taken from them. They should just attack Oly if they are that bent out of shape about it.

Edited by Alterego
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1303814107' post='2699713']
The same people who complain about the new Oly members only wanting an easy fight and their cheerleaders are complaining because their easy fight was taken from them. They should just attack Oly if they are that bent out of shape about it.

This is definitely one thing I can agree with Alterego on. If you feel so strongly that Olympus is bad for accepting applications and making our own internal decisions on the suitability of our potential members, then come on over and try and force your views on us. In other words, "put up or shut up".

We do not debate our FA strategy or decisions on the OWF if we feel you [the OWF] need to know where we stand we'll make an official announcement. If you wish to find out our stance on any of these "points" made on the OWF then feel free to contact us on IRC or through an embassy on our forum. Of all the spouting off about what Olympus's involvement in this episode of drama I know of only one individual who came to us for information and that was Ryan Greenberg and I commend him for it even though I do not agree with what he posted there or here. To be honest I most likely owe Ryan Greenberg an apology for my response to him was a little terse, because he at least came to us to find out. I think he really knew what we were going to say but he did check that off his list before going out to "do something about it" and I have to give him credit for that. Much more than I can give our other detractors here in this thread.

In general our responses on the OWF are our individual responses and may or may not directly reflect Olympus's internal or external stance. Again if you want to know where we stand come talk to us in our official channels and we might actually talk candidly with you.

[i]As a note just because an applicant is riding our AA does not mean they have been voted in as a member yet. We tell all, not just these recent applicants, to change their AA to Olympus. We do not maintain an Olympus Applicant AA. Anyone who applies to Olympus receives full Olympus protection under our AA while they go through the application process. If they are not accepted they are politely asked to move on to somewhere else.[/i]


Edited by Grendel
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[quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1303645599' post='2698407']
So did AcTi accept this peace offer or have Olympus just involved themselves in the war by accepting nations still attacking them? And yes, very disappointing to see an alliance giving these clowns a free pass so quickly, but not that surprising ... 500k of aggressive NS is a big prize to pass up.

Oh well, it gives people a nice hook to draw NPO into a war at some point.

Edit: just saw one of the many poorly titled threads, apparently they did accept it.
Please Bob by all means feel free to shut up. Oly has never been a stat whoring alliance so it makes the pick up line retarded at best. Your sitting on an AA that basically set up NpO so they could roll them. Did NpO fall for the trap you bet they did but as the saying goes those in glass houses and all. Clean your own house up then come on back.

[quote name='Grendel' timestamp='1303815249' post='2699717']
This is definitely one thing I can agree with Alterego on. If you feel so strongly that Olympus is bad for accepting applications and making our own internal decisions on the suitability of our potential members, then come on over and try and force your views on us. [b] In other words, "put up[/b] or shut up".

We do not debate our FA strategy or decisions on the OWF if we feel you [the OWF] need to know where we stand we'll make an official announcement. If you wish to find out our stance on any of these "points" made on the OWF then feel free to contact us on IRC or through an embassy on our forum. Of all the spouting off about what Olympus's involvement in this episode of drama I know of only one individual who came to us for information and that was Ryan Greenberg and I commend him for it even though I do not agree with what he posted there or here. To be honest I most likely owe Ryan Greenberg an apology for my response to him was a little terse, because he at least came to us to find out. I think he really knew what we were going to say but he did check that off his list before going out to "do something about it" and I have to give him credit for that. Much more than I can give our other detractors here in this thread.

In general our responses on the OWF are our individual responses and may or may not directly reflect Olympus's internal or external stance. Again if you want to know where we stand come talk to us in our official channels and we might actually talk candidly with you.

[i]As a note just because an applicant is riding our AA does not mean they have been voted in as a member yet. We tell all, not just these recent applicants, to change their AA to Olympus. We do not maintain an Olympus Applicant AA. Anyone who applies to Olympus receives full Olympus protection under our AA while they go through the application process. If they are not accepted they are politely asked to move on to somewhere else.[/i]

Bolded part is preffered by many. So feel free to try. Olympus took them in, you all have the option to attempt to change that and since verbal diahreah isnt working there are other options.

o/ QH the finder of lost souls
o/ Olympus
o/ Londo Wickedj and Magic Ninja upon your acceptance well be (/me pukes in my mouth a bit) Allies :P

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Let your actions speak for yourself, not your !@#$@#$ casualties. Most of us casualty collectors just want them to get our name on the dumb awards page.

From Christmas to the end of PC's wars I collected 4 million without a single raid. It isn't hard and if you're a small nation !@#$%*ing about your lack of infra you only have yourself to blame.

Edited by Zoomzoomzoom
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[quote name='Alterego' timestamp='1303814107' post='2699713']
The same people who complain about the new Oly members only wanting an easy fight and their cheerleaders are complaining because their easy fight was taken from them. They should just attack Oly if they are that bent out of shape about it.
Im not sure how i feel about Alterego, sort of, defending me..

also, bud you crazy old man lets raid Londo

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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1303811405' post='2699709']
you're either insinuating he has low casualties which is because he isnt that old of a nation or he has alot which is because of a month of war with GOONS and co
For being over 400 days old 500k casualties isn't a huge amount. You know that.

[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' timestamp='1303832660' post='2699787']
Let your actions speak for yourself, not your !@#$@#$ casualties. Most of us casualty collectors just want them to get our name on the dumb awards page.

From Christmas to the end of PC's wars I collected 4 million without a single raid. It isn't hard and if you're a small nation !@#$%*ing about your lack of infra you only have yourself to blame.
Zoom I love you have 3 children with me.

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