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[quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1301382051' post='2679766']
[color="#0000FF"]I see you feel the need to call me out over some comment I said a year ago. A comment so insignificant for me that it is pretty much standard, but you seem to have taken it to heart.

So, what are we celebrating here? That you have existing for a year? Well, la de da. Countless alliances have done that. It really isn't much of an accomplishment existing for a year. Now, actually accomplishing something in that year is something that is a little more difficult. GOONS has existed for a year (two actually, but that's irrelevant). In their first year they made a huge impact, and were highly relevant. NSO, also existing for two years, made an impact in its first year. You can debate how successful NSO has been (we've been rolled several times), but like GOONS, NSO is a memorable alliance. It is a well known alliance, and it being around has mattered.

But let's move past that. Let's thing something more simple. Has your alliance grown? At all? You have eight members, none of whom have a real presense in the world. I know you don't recruit, but neither does CoJ. Yet CoJ (also two years old now) in its first year still made more of an impact than your alliance has. CoJ has initiated things. I know they aren't popular, but they're a great example of how a micro cannot be a terrible alliance.

Let's look at Asgaard (also older than a year, I know), who did nothing but grow for this first few years. They've become a large alliance, and although quiet, are fairly relevant.

Bah. Enough with examples. I'll just say it now. Your alliance has done nothing in a year and adds nothing to the world. It is a waste of space. So what if you have managed to keep going? All that you are celebrating is your determination to continue your failure to launch. Most, after seeing absolutely no success in a year, would figure it is time to give up and try something different. But you, you celebrate the fact you've done nothing.

I have no idea what I'm saying, it's late after all and I should be sleeping, but it is all true.

You're another 64Digits. That is nothing to be proud of. I'd say you'd disband, but I'm not sure you're smart enough to.

Also, I never said you'd disband. I just said I hope you did. I still do.[/color]

RV, your entire posts hinges on one thing - that having a lasting impact or being big and relevant, or being preceived as not sucking is important to me. Anymore, so many people are worried about their legacies, and quite frankly, it doesn't matter to me.

I started Sanitarium to have a good time. I had no grandiose plans to become big or relevant. I didn't start it by telling myself that I was going to be the next great thing or was going to radically change things, not because I doubted my abilities, but because I simply didn't care about that.

Over the past year, I've had fun doing my own thing, talking to alot of people that I wouldn't have talked to otherwise, and helping out my friends where I could. Those are things that may not be important to you as you focus on your legacy and "being memorable", but they are important to me.

I could explain in depth why we are the size we are, but its really not relevant. I'm happy with what we are and where we are in our progression. I'm not in it to please you, so I'm not going to lose any sleep because I'm crying over "RV doesn't like me".

As for the comment, I didn't mean it as an attack on you, more of as a joke. I recently went back to read the DoE thread and got a good chuckle out of that and thought I'd quote it. I'm sorry if its past your capabilities to distinguish between jesting in good faith and a poor-spirited jab at somebody, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1301385410' post='2679784']
I'm not in it to please you, so I'm not going to lose any sleep because I'm crying over "RV doesn't like me".

and yet you care enough what he thinks to post his initial opinion in your thread title.

Your thread is bad. Your alliance is bad. You should feel bad.

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1301387571' post='2679792']
and yet you care enough what he thinks to post his initial opinion in your thread title.

Your thread is bad. Your alliance is bad. You should feel bad.

Your right, I probably should feel bad if somebody of such high importance who is a member of an alliance that RV claims has made such a large influence to the game (although, for the life of me, I can't figure out exactly what GOONS has done other then lead a resurgence of tech raiding and serving as low-range meatshields) says I should.

Not sure why, but I don't.

Edit, you mean the OP, not the thread title right? Just wanted to distinguish that, the thread title (much like the thread title of every thing I've posted on behalf of the alliance) is a lyric from a Metallica song.

Edited by memoryproblems
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[quote]I started Sanitarium to have a good time. I had no grandiose plans to become big or relevant. I didn't start it by telling myself that I was going to be the next great thing or was going to radically change things, not because I doubted my abilities, but because I simply didn't care about that.

Very interesting: you mean this isn't about lying, betraying, rudeness, and hate?

I agree with your reason to exist.....having a good time.

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[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1301387966' post='2679795']
Your right, I probably should feel bad if somebody of such high importance who is a member of an alliance that RV claims has made such a large influence to the game (although, for the life of me, I can't figure out exactly what GOONS has done other then lead a resurgence of tech raiding and serving as low-range meatshields) says I should.

Not sure why, but I don't.

Edit, you mean the OP, not the thread title right? Just wanted to distinguish that, the thread title (much like the thread title of every thing I've posted on behalf of the alliance) is a lyric from a Metallica song.

I can't decide if you are serious, GOONS does more in a month that you and your alliance would do in 15 years of existence

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[color=Blue]RV, that post was comical - I could almost see you typing away in a spazmy fit because they buzzed you.[/color]


Congrats on a year of existing Sanitarium. Sure, many marginalize that - but just because you don't attract drama doesn't make you valueless. An alliance is simply a group of individuals who will stand up for each other in good times and in bad and six people that are fully "committed" are better then a 1,000 who are only half behind you. After all, if RV is comparing you to 64 Digits, then you're being compared to an alliance that is currently made up of six people who have a heck of a lot of guts - and show incredible commitment to the causes they believe in (as I learned fully in this war - they were like the Spartans in 300).

So, happy birthday,

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[quote name='Matthew The Great' timestamp='1301398014' post='2679856']
I can't decide if you are serious, GOONS does more in a month that you and your alliance would do in 15 years of existence
Yet the avg NS for the alliance is still one of the lowest among all alliances, despite all the aid that gets pumped into them to keep them able to fight and all the reps they ask after every conflict they get in. If by GOONS doing more you mean them attacking more unaligned nations instead of building up their nations efficiently between wars, then they might do more pointless stuff to get on the nerves of other nations. Although they don't accomplish anything worthwhile in doing so.

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[quote name='Lamuella' timestamp='1301387571' post='2679792']
and yet you care enough what he thinks to post his initial opinion in your thread title.

Your thread is bad. Your alliance is bad. You should feel bad.

[quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1301385410' post='2679784']
As for the comment, I didn't mean it as an attack on you, more of as a joke. I recently went back to read the DoE thread and got a good chuckle out of that and thought I'd quote it. I'm sorry if its past your capabilities to distinguish between jesting in good faith and a poor-spirited jab at somebody, but I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Reading comprehension is a beautiful thing. :awesome:

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1301400308' post='2679869']
Yet the avg NS for the alliance is still one of the lowest among all alliances, despite all the aid that gets pumped into them to keep them able to fight and all the reps they ask after every conflict they get in. If by GOONS doing more you mean them attacking more unaligned nations instead of building up their nations efficiently between wars, then they might do more pointless stuff to get on the nerves of other nations. Although they don't accomplish anything worthwhile in doing so.
How is avg NS relevant?

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Wow. Why expend so much hate on an alliance you say doesn't matter?

Congrats, Sanitarium. Worse alliances have been propped up longer by the people moaning in this thread.

[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1301372411' post='2679678']
The pathetic thing is that you're probably still one of the twenty best alliances on your side.
I don't think there are 20 alliances on their side.

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Boy you can tell GOONS are feeling those nukes! What a crybaby mess. Just remember though, everything you post matters to somebody and those it hurts cry the loudest. Those of you who I am speaking about know who you are...

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1301400122' post='2679868']
(as I learned fully in this war - they were like the Spartans in 300).

They're all going to die? Sounds good to me.

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[quote name='Judge X' timestamp='1301424870' post='2680046']
Boy you can tell GOONS are feeling those nukes! What a crybaby mess. Just remember though, everything you post matters to somebody and those it hurts cry the loudest. Those of you who I am speaking about know who you are...
This is one of the most terrible arguments you could possibly make. "You're talking about us so we obviously matter!"

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but this game doesn't have a lot to it. There's forums, IRC and a random number generator. The fact that we don't have much else to do coupled with the fact that we expend so little energy calling you terrible really nullifies this argument.

Also, the fact that you don't care if you're terrible doesn't change the fact that you are.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1301426812' post='2680060']
This is one of the most terrible arguments you could possibly make. "You're talking about us so we obviously matter!"

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but this game doesn't have a lot to it. There's forums, IRC and a random number generator. The fact that we don't have much else to do coupled with the fact that we expend so little energy calling you terrible really nullifies this argument.

Also, the fact that you don't care if you're terrible doesn't change the fact that you are.

Your really not all that great yourself.


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[quote name='Carrick' timestamp='1301426810' post='2680059']
They're all going to die? Sounds good to me.

Wait - you didn't see the end of the movie where the Spartans came in with a vast army that would ultimately defeat the Persians, despite the death of Leonidas and the 300??? Oops, spoiler, my bad XD.

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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1301430518' post='2680100']
Wait - you didn't see the end of the movie where the Spartans came in with a vast army that would ultimately defeat the Persians, despite the death of Leonidas and the 300??? Oops, spoiler, my bad XD.

You'll excuse me if "vast army" and Sanitarium don't compute.

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[quote name='Carrick' timestamp='1301430887' post='2680107']
You'll excuse me if "vast army" and Sanitarium don't compute.

Mwah ha ha ha... that's what they'd like you think.

Now if you're not here to give them well-wishes for celebrating one year of their existence, then scram; you're just proving how bored the two of us [i]truly[/i] are. *Looks at nukes* Oh how I wish to launch thee.

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Irrelevant alliances will always claim that they never intended to be. What are they supposed to claim? "Yeah, we wanted to be relevant but failed. Oh well." Congrats either way though ...

Also: I love watching horrid posters slapfight. New Frontier vs. Judge X and memoryproblems should make for at least three more pages of amusement.

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[quote name='New Frontier' timestamp='1301372411' post='2679678']
The pathetic thing is that you're probably still one of the twenty best alliances on your side.


Try five. Who on NPO's side is actually [i]better[/i]?

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