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News Update 3/28/2011


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Good Day to everyone. Due to drinking, partying, and a busy Sunday, I was not able to update the status until now. Real life does have its priorities over CN.

[size="5"][b]Mid War Analysis:[/b][/size]

What started as a major advantage for G-6 has become a very even battle across the board. PLOW is doing an awesome job holding their own against the NS juggernaut.The battle has been epic across the board with major action everywhere. Even yours truly has already been nuked twice as of this update. Over the last 24 hours G-6 has taken more damage and PLOW though in the overall picture, PLOW has taken slightly more damage. This shows the effectiveness of the counter strikes against G-6.

The number 1 ranked nation in TE still belongs to G-6, but 3 of the top 4 G-6 nations have dropped in the rankings. On the other side, LE and OP have taken the heaviest losses so far. PS has held their own pretty well and WAPA has actually made some gains increasing in all category.

Overall, this has been an extremely hard fought and bloody war for both sides. Members on both sides should be proud as this is quickly becoming an amazing war. Everyone has also been out in full force on the forums as well.

[size="5"][b]The question of the day: [/b][/size]
"Which side can hold out the longest?"

[size="5"][b]Statistics show the following:[/b][/size]

101 Total Nations - 80 Active - 787,467 Total NS - 7,797 Average NS - 48.34 Alliance Score - 7 Anarchy - 154,032 Infra - 19,992 Tech - [color="#00FF00"]333 Nukes[/color]

3/26/2011 06:00 Update
101 - 80 - 816,623 - 8,085 - 49.24 - 19 - 150,285 - 20,472 - 347
3/26/2011 15:50 Update
99 - 83 - 818,735 - 8,270 - 49.03 - 25 - 146,641 - 20,527 - 353

[b][i]3/28/2011 05:20 Update
98 - 84 - 676,247 - 6,900 - 44.15 - 66 - 122,641 - 17,940 - 309[/i][/b]

[b]Total Change as of 3/28/2011 05:20 -
[color="#FF0000"]3 Nations Lost * -111,220 NS Lost * -897 NS Average Lost * -4 Alliance Score Drop * 59 Additional Anarchy * -31,391 Infra Lost * -2,052 Tech Lost * -24 Nukes Lost/Used[/color][/b]

[b]PLOW (PS, LE, OP, WAPA)[/b]

159 Total Nations - 138 Active - 842,886 Total NS - 5,301 Average NS - 15.07 Avg Alliance Score - 8 Anarchy - 180,348 Total Infra - 25889 Total Tech -[color="#FF0000"] 51 Nukes[/color]

3/26 15:40 Update
157 - 133 - 795,895 - 5069 - 15.255 - 30 - 165,335 - 25,581 - 46

[b][i]3/28 05:40 Update
159 - 140 - 705,113 - 4435 - 14.658 - 64 - 145,834 - 23,193 - 42[/i][/b]

[b]Total Change as of 3/26/2011 15:40- [/b]
[b][color="#FF0000"]0 Nations Lost/Gain * -137,773 NS Lost * -866 NS Average Lost * -0.41 Alliance Score Avg Lost * 56 New Anarchy * -34,514 Infra Lost * -2,696 Tech Lost * -9 Nukes Used/Lost

Details about the alliances involves[/b]

[b]WAPA - Warring Alliance Of Psychotic Alcoholics [/b]
13 Total Nations - 10 Active - 71,227 Total NS - 5,479 Average NS - 5.21 Alliance Score - 0 Anarchy - 14,376 Infra - 2,665 Tech - 0 Nukes
3/26 06:00 Update
14 - 11 - 74,541 - 5,324 - 5.54 - 0 - 14,603 - 2,690 - 0
3/26 15:40 Update
14 - 11 - 74,541 - 5,324 - 5.54 - 0 - 14,603 - 2,690 - 0
3/28/2011 05:40 Update
16 - 14 - 96,527 - 6,033 - 6.75 - 1 - 18,330 - 3,320 - 8

[b]OP - Ordo Paradoxia [/b]
43 Total Nations - 41 Active - 254,180 Total NS - 5,911 Average NS - 17.88 Alliance Score - 2 Anarchy - 56,848 Infra - 6,827 Tech - 23 Nukes
3/26/2011 06:00 Update
43 - 38 - 227,285 - 5,412 - 16.73 - 12 - 50,309 - 6,589 - 18
3/26/2011 15:40 Update
41 - 39 - 226,252 - 5,518 - 16.54 - 12 - 49,047 - 6,571 - 20
3/28/2011 05:40 Update
40 - 37 - 173,592 - 4,340 - 14.6 - 23 - 38,274 - 4,930 - 5

[b]LE - Lafayette Escadrille [/b]
47 Total Nations - 44 Active - 279,939 Total NS - 5,956 Average NS - 19.59 Alliance Score - 2 Anarchy - 57,234 Infra - 9,052 Tech - 26 Nukes
3/26/2011 15:40
47 - 42 - 261,412 - 5,562 - 19.05 - 10 - 52,964 - 8,969 - 26
3/28/2011 05:40 Update
47 - 44 - 208,597 - 4,438 - 17.36 - 24 - 42,919 - 7,497 - 22

[b]PS - Pork Shrimp[/b]
56 Total Nations - 43 Active - 237,540 Total NS - 4,242 Average NS - 20.14 Alliance Score - 4 Anarchy - 51,890 Infra - 7,345 Tech - 2 Nukes
3/26/2011 06:00
55 - 41 - 233,329 - 4,242 - 19.76 - 4 - 51,890 - 7,345 - 2
3/26/2011 15:40
55 - 41 - 233,690 - 4,249 - 19.89 - 8 - 48,721 - 7,351 - 0
3/28/2011 05:40 Update
56 - 45 - 226,397 - 4,043 - 19.92 - 16 - 46,311 - 7,446 - 7

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301324543' post='2679087']
Well wtf... how come the other half of TFK has not merged into WAPA... maybe then people on the other side would stop crying like little girls.

Let's see....

4 nations have joined WAPA since the war started, 3 have joined G-6. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301328968' post='2679129']
Let's see....

4 nations have joined WAPA since the war started, 3 have joined G-6. :rolleyes:

i see a net loss for G-6, care to argue statistics? The three that joined have an ANS of 2401. The 4 nations that have joined WAPA have an ANS of 6877.5 and 18 nukes (in 2 of the nations). Now i am not complaining in the least but please don't attempt to argue stupid ass !@#$. In fact, G-6 has basically lost 6 nations and gained 3 for a total loss of 3 nations. Congrats, what was your point exactly? Oh wait, just trying to find something to cry over apparently. i would roll my eyes at you but you ain't even worth it.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301330299' post='2679136']
i see a net loss for G-6, care to argue statistics? The three that joined have an ANS of 2401. The 4 nations that have joined WAPA have an ANS of 6877.5 and 18 nukes (in 2 of the nations). Now i am not complaining in the least but please don't attempt to argue stupid ass !@#$. In fact, G-6 has basically lost 6 nations and gained 3 for a total loss of 3 nations. Congrats, what was your point exactly? Oh wait, just trying to find something to cry over apparently. i would roll my eyes at you but you ain't even worth it.
WOW just WOW! I bet you'd argue with me if I said the sky was blue.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301330299' post='2679136']
Now i am not complaining in the least but please don't attempt to argue stupid ass !@#$.

Congrats, what was your point exactly? Oh wait, just trying to find something to cry over apparently. i would roll my eyes at you but you ain't even worth it.

My gosh. You really do have a problem with trying to find boogeymen and ghosts in everything. You may want to seek help for your paranoia.

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301328968' post='2679129']
Let's see....

4 nations have joined WAPA since the war started, 3 have joined G-6. :rolleyes:

Well it is kind of expected :P it would happen any war we declare

edit-also I love your stats XD I just looked at the charts

OP's nearly lost 100k NS

LE has lost 105K NS

PS has lost 30k NS (with a 10K nation joining them) so 40k NS technically on their other nations

WAPA has gained... oh.. 30K NS from new nations (it was more but during their blitzs most lost a lot of NS :smug: )

G-6 has lost 160K and at most only gained 2 nations. We only have 1 day 1 Seniority and 1 day 2 seniority. Neither of which are currently in the top 40 of our alliance :lol1:

Edited by Frostfirefox
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[quote name='paul711' timestamp='1301330391' post='2679137']
WOW just WOW! I bet you'd argue with me if I said the sky was blue.

Not really but when Thomas tries to make some wise ass remark about how G-6 gained 3 nations despite us losing 6, as if that offsets the gain by WAPA. Maybe he should have just kept his mouth shut about something that is frankly a useless argument to begin with. Instead, he had to begin an argument with me over something so useless. So sue me for slamming him in the face with actual facts. maybe ya'll should stop whining so damn much and just fight. Hell for that matter, ya'll should get others to DoW G-6 so that maybe you will stop crying.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301333089' post='2679166']
Not really but when Thomas tries to make some wise ass remark about how G-6 gained 3 nations despite us losing 6[/quote]

I said no such thing.

Take a look at exactly what I typed again. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301333681' post='2679173']
I said no such thing.

Take a look at exactly what I typed again. :rolleyes:

"Let's see....

4 nations have joined WAPA since the war started, 3 have joined G-6 :rolleyes:"

Yup, looks like you said such a thing. G-6 had 3 nations join after the war started. but not a single mention of the 6 nations lost (3 nations net loss). That is exactly what you said mate. Care to try again?

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301333894' post='2679174']
"Let's see....

4 nations have joined WAPA since the war started, 3 have joined G-6 :rolleyes:"

Yup, looks like you said such a thing. That is exactly what you said mate. Care to try again?

No, mate. What I [i]exactly said [/i]is what I exactly said. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301334059' post='2679176']
No, mate. What I [i]exactly said [/i]is what I exactly said. :rolleyes:

Considering how much you have !@#$%*ed about anything G-6 related, the implications are there. not to mention with the rolleyes emote, it is quite obvious you are attempting some sort of dig at G-6 so just stop. you are just getting pathetic. maybe next time don't start something that can so easily be destroyed.

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301335143' post='2679183']
maybe next time don't start something that can so easily be destroyed.

I started nothing. Take a look at Post #4 in this thread. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Shaazzam' timestamp='1301337621' post='2679219']
I'm all about the underdogs baby. They're my Obi Wan Kenobi.

I missed out on badgers nuke though, hopefully he reloads.

I think my level 5s pissed him off. I got nuked at like 12:00:03

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301335608' post='2679193']
I started nothing. Take a look at Post #4 in this thread. :rolleyes:

What exactly did i start? seriously, explain your illogical thinking to me? All i stated was that more nations from TFK should merge into WAPA to stop people like you from crying about this war. You then went on to state that WAPA had only gained 4 nations. had you left it at that, i could have seen how many nations were in TFK and figure out if that was actually half or not. If not, i would have corrected myself for assuming that half had joined WAPA.

Instead, you continued and stated that G-6 had gained 3 nations. then rolled your eyes. I took that to mean that you are somehow suggesting that G-6 has gained more nations than lost (which is false and that can easily be refuted by the stats in the OP) as well as that G-6 has somehow gained NS or ANS from those 3 nations that joined. This i also proved to be false by easily looking at the G-6 nation page. I went on to show that those 4 nations WAPA gained were greater in NS by almost 4 times the NS of those who joined G-6.

So, like i suggested before, you should not start !@#$ that you cannot actually finish. with that, i am done with you since i can only hope you are acting this retarded on purpose to provoke me. otherwise.....

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[quote name='Dochartaigh' timestamp='1301338077' post='2679224']
You then went on to state that WAPA had only gained 4 nations.[/quote]

There you go again. Take a look at my post again to see [i]exactly[/i] what I said. :rolleyes:

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[quote name='Thomasj_tx' timestamp='1301338547' post='2679231']
There you go again. Take a look at my post again to see [i]exactly[/i] what I said. :rolleyes:

apparently you were not acting.... you should look at what i posted before you attempt to say i did not post what you said "exactly". i did go on to state what you said about G-6. so please stop acting like i have not read your stupid little post and debunked what you implied in it. If you were saying nothing at all, then you would not have posted it. nor would you have quoted me and posted that. anyways, i tire of you. i have refuted your argument, implied or otherwise, and all you can do is post this nonsense over and over again.

also thanks thaisport for posting the stats. :D

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