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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1301360528' post='2679520']
-Lots of words about how it all went down-

pro-tip: I wasn't in government at the time of the Second Great War. The only two wars I plotted anyone in to while in LUE was the LUE/NPO vs ICSN war, and the First Great War.[/quote]
Lovely, you telling me the history of the League and GW2, [i]which was the only war the League ever fought,[/i] and then you say you weren't even in government!

Pro-tip: I was a League leader and you weren't. Perhaps you were referring to the CoaLUEtion in GW1 or Aegis in GW3?

So please continue to wax on eloquently about how you crafted coalitions you can't even get straight in your head. Your relevancy is really shining through now!

[quote name='TheNeverender' timestamp='1301360926' post='2679530']Denial covered most everything, though it is amusing to think that some thought the League forums were even remotely utilized for actual meaningful discussion[/quote]
Yes, we noted your absence where the [i]rest of us fighting on your side[/i] actually tried to make a proper effort in the war. And you wonder why we lost a war even Pacifica said we had a decent chance of winning if we had fought like a proper team.

[quote name='Cager' timestamp='1301361311' post='2679537']I'll confirm GOLD's horrible military performance during the war. Literally every nation during that war folded like a piece of paper at an origami convention[/quote]
Good to know. Really makes their case. Surprising even......

.....considering GOLD didn't even fight in the war. :rolleyes:

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It would be disingenuous to say that there is no bias but it's less biased than people might think because:
- It is open to everyone
- There are plenty of people who are generally very critical of us who haven't been nominated because they aren't bad posters.
- There have been plenty of nominations of those who are generally neutral towards us or on our side politically.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1301454535' post='2680371']
@all the ppl using the "There are people from other alliances so this is unbiased" line.

The polls in WPE right now have around 100 votes each, MK as an alliance has 160 members. ATM they might not be the only ones voting, but I'm guessing their dominating the votes well enough to decide just about any winner. When you take into account that after MK members, the next biggest group would be the MK friends and allies that are typically on those forums and think the same way on most thing, you really do have a small amount of people from other view points voting in that thread.

Also its pretty pathetic that in an ooc forum that people are claiming they have no bias. Every human being has bias. To say you don't have bias just shows how much you are letting your own bias dominate and cloud your way of thinking.


[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1301404349' post='2679908']
And all these people that flat-out refuse to take part make this a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Also words.

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[quote name='Wu Tang Clan' timestamp='1301453980' post='2680368']
I post things critical of MK all the time, and as far as I know, I haven't been called a bad poster... yet...

I just think you're a terrible poster.
From the few posts I've seen from you there has been nothing worth reading, so you're a pretty terrible poster yourself imo.

[quote name='Jrenster' timestamp='1301448887' post='2680309']
Methrage, I think it's pretty obvious that the competition is far less biased than you think it is. I also think it's a bit absurd that you claim that the winner of the competition will be the one who gets on MK's nerves the most considering people from all over are participating in this.

You see, here's what I don't understand. If you think the competition is heavily favored to MK, and you are not participating because of that, then you must realize that by not participating, you are allowing it to be favored to MK. I'm not saying that's how it is; I'm just saying that's the loophole in your logic.
I don't even care about the contest, so doesn't matter to me if it is favored towards MK. I only posted in this thread out of boredom and it being on a forum I use. MK and everyone else supporting this contest can go ahead and have fun with it, but even posting as much as I have in this thread is a waste of time and giving off the wrong impression that I care if this is biased or not. So have fun with it if you its your type of thing, but these types of contests have never been something I bother participating in beyond maybe voting in a poll if its on OWF in a thread I happen to see.

I haven't even seen anything mentioned on a prize for winning, but enjoy the popularity contest. If I win I expect a prize though, even though I don't plan to do anything regarding the contest. :P

Edited by Methrage
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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1301456798' post='2680392']

Also words.

This is ironic. You are apparently trying to criticize me for not participating, even though you are not your self participating, otherwise you would know that I submitted a few nominations, and have been posting in the competition. From what I've seen though the competition has been completely dominated from one view point.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1301458674' post='2680421']
This is ironic. You are apparently trying to criticize me for not participating, even though you are not your self participating, otherwise you would know that I submitted a few nominations, and have been posting in the competition. From what I've seen though the competition has been completely dominated from one view point.
Um. I wasn't trying to criticize you specifically, I was pointing out that that attitude, when it does lead to people not participating, just puts the ratio more in favour of MK members. Which is the exact thing you're all complaining about. And I have been taking part. So, good effort?

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1301459117' post='2680430']
Um. I wasn't trying to criticize you specifically, I was pointing out that that attitude, when it does lead to people not participating, just puts the ratio more in favour of MK members. Which is the exact thing you're all complaining about. And I have been taking part. So, good effort?
I think you're mistaking people pointing out that a contest like this held on a biased alliance's home boards rather than the official means the results don't matter other than entertaining MK forum visitors as complaining, when its just making a statement. I don't care what they do on their forum and I guess if they want to make a thread to try getting more people to come to their forum that's alright as well. Stating what I think of the credibility of the contest doesn't mean I have a problem with it, fake news shows can be fun to watch, although you just need to take it into context and realize its not accurate.

What I find most interesting is how many from NSO and some other alliances are trying to defend this contest as something important and worth trying to affect the results of. Is it worth defending? Is it worth criticizing? Not really, unless they try portraying the results as an accurate representation of what the majority of CN posters using this board think.

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Hmmm, a thread about a competition about awful forum posts on a board about the game on another board about an in-game alliance about the same forum posts because freedom of speech limitations on the first board and statistics that for some reason couldn't be linked on the first board from an off site resource....

*head explodes*

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1301459843' post='2680440']
I think you're mistaking people pointing out that a contest like this held on a biased alliance's home boards rather than the official means the results don't matter other than entertaining MK forum visitors as complaining, when its just making a statement. I don't care what they do on their forum and I guess if they want to make a thread to try getting more people to come to their forum that's alright as well. Stating what I think of the credibility of the contest doesn't mean I have a problem with it, fake news shows can be fun to watch, although you just need to take it into context and realize its not accurate.

What I find most interesting is how many from NSO and some other alliances are trying to defend this contest as something important and worth trying to affect the results of. Is it worth defending? Is it worth criticizing? Not really, unless they try portraying the results as an accurate representation of what the majority of CN posters using this board think.

For one, I'm not trying to say that this contest is not biased. Of course it's biased. But it's not like this is some sort of contest for only MK to enjoy and that the winner of the contest is MK's biggest enemy. If you don't like it, then don't bother with it. It's not like everyone has to enjoy it. Do I think that the results of this contest are going to be objective? No. But I also don't think that the results of this contest are going to be a bunch of MKers spamming votes for who they hate the most.

Here's what I think: everything up until before the Elite Eight or the Final Four are going to be relatively biased, but the rest are going to be closer to what people generally believe.

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1301459117' post='2680430']
Um. I wasn't trying to criticize you specifically, I was pointing out that that attitude, when it does lead to people not participating, just puts the ratio more in favour of MK members. Which is the exact thing you're all complaining about. And I have been taking part. So, good effort?

Ahh, I see what you mean. However, if MK can't be beat in voting on the OWF in the CN awards, what makes you think they can be outvoted on their own forums?

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1301459843' post='2680440']
I think you're mistaking people pointing out that a contest like this held on a biased alliance's home boards rather than the official means the results don't matter other than entertaining MK forum visitors as complaining, when its just making a statement. I don't care what they do on their forum and I guess if they want to make a thread to try getting more people to come to their forum that's alright as well. Stating what I think of the credibility of the contest doesn't mean I have a problem with it, fake news shows can be fun to watch, although you just need to take it into context and realize its not accurate.

What I find most interesting is how many from NSO and some other alliances are trying to defend this contest as something important and worth trying to affect the results of. Is it worth defending? Is it worth criticizing? Not really, unless they try portraying the results as an accurate representation of what the majority of CN posters using this board think.
The results aren't really going to 'matter' regardless of where the poll is held, and I'm not trying to say that it does. What I am arguing against is the crux of your argument being that they are hosted on offsite boards and will therefore be horribly biased due to the membership of those boards, when the fact is that everyone is able to sign up and have their say. If you don't want to participate that's fine, but don't dress it up in moral indignation, crossing your arms and shouting biased. Individual bias will be always present in an event like this no matter who participates, but in the case of group biases it seems nonsensical to me to rail against a situation and then consciously take an action that exacerbates it.

Edited by WorldConqueror
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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1301357434' post='2679480']
We finished off our opponent and were ready to roll into the next crew until we realized how bad you had botched your front. NAAC was holding on and our addition could have tipped the balance.

Yes, you fought the mighty CIS. Clearly this would have been a major game changer in the war :rolleyes:

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[quote name='WorldConqueror' timestamp='1301461900' post='2680471']
The results aren't really going to 'matter' regardless of where the poll is held, and I'm not trying to say that it does. What I am arguing against is the crux of your argument being that they are hosted on offsite boards and will therefore be horribly biased due to the membership of those boards, when the fact is that everyone is able to sign up and have their say. If you don't want to participate that's fine, but don't dress it up in moral indignation, crossing your arms and shouting biased. Individual bias will be always present in an event like this no matter who participates, but in the case of group biases it seems nonsensical to me to rail against a situation and then consciously take an action that exacerbates it.
You can enjoy the contest however you want and make of it what you will, if you want to go sign up at MK's board and gossip with them on who you guys consider the worst posters, I'm not going to try stopping you. The results don't matter to me, but you can continue to rail against and shout at everyone who points out the obvious bias. Its MK's forum though, so they can run it how they want. Even if they started banning those who don't vote for who they want or blatantly modify the poll results, I wouldn't see it a horrible action from them, but funny that anyone would bother trying to shift the results away from something MK wants when its on their home boards.

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[quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1301459843' post='2680440']
I think you're mistaking people pointing out that a contest like this held on a biased alliance's home boards rather than the official means the results don't matter other than entertaining MK forum visitors as complaining, when its just making a statement. I don't care what they do on their forum and I guess if they want to make a thread to try getting more people to come to their forum that's alright as well. Stating what I think of the credibility of the contest doesn't mean I have a problem with it, fake news shows can be fun to watch, although you just need to take it into context and realize its not accurate.

What I find most interesting is how many from NSO and some other alliances are trying to defend this contest as something important and worth trying to affect the results of. Is it worth defending? Is it worth criticizing? Not really, unless they try portraying the results as an accurate representation of what the majority of CN posters using this board think.

Well this covers it.

WorldConqueror, actually i agree with Methrage. I'm not registering on MK boards. Neither will the vast majority of forums posters. So the majority of those polled will be MK members and DH allies. Therefore whilst there's nothing wrong with having a poll off-site, it does mean it won't be reflective of the majority opinion.

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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1301454535' post='2680371']
@all the ppl using the "There are people from other alliances so this is unbiased" line.

The polls in WPE right now have around 100 votes each, MK as an alliance has 160 members. ATM they might not be the only ones voting, but I'm guessing their dominating the votes well enough to decide just about any winner. When you take into account that after MK members, the next biggest group would be the MK friends and allies that are typically on those forums and think the same way on most thing, you really do have a small amount of people from other view points voting in that thread.

Also its pretty pathetic that in an ooc forum that people are claiming they have no bias. Every human being has bias. To say you don't have bias just shows how much you are letting your own bias dominate and cloud your way of thinking.
You're just upset you're beating SAM~

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So, if they were hosted in NPO's home, would you whine about the bias too? What about GPA's?

But, to be honest, I'm glad that OWF polls are almighty and totally reflective of the majority opinion. That means those 40 something awards in two years are totally deserved!

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[quote name='potato' timestamp='1301478074' post='2680568']
So, if they were hosted in NPO's home, would you whine about the bias too? What about GPA's?

But, to be honest, I'm glad that OWF polls are almighty and totally reflective of the majority opinion. That means those 40 something awards in two years are totally deserved!
I never pay attention to any popularity type contests held on other forums, so I wouldn't consider the result of something held at NPO or GPA's forums to be reflective of general CN population either. Obviously the forum holding the contest will have most of the votes, as most people aren't going to bother signing up on another forum just to get a chance at voting on who they hate the most or find the most annoying. If the event was more positive in nature, such as the winner gets something worthwhile and they have reason to try winning, maybe I would be more interested than I am in an event like this, whose sole focus is to try making fun of individuals and possibly make them feel alienated from posting if they did take the result seriously.

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I hope the winners will be alienated from posting, to be honest. Or at least try and improve their style and/or reasoning. But I seriously doubt that: people nominated (which include me, one of the organisers of the competition!) think WPE means "who annoys MK the most" instead of looking at their objectively bad post.
Because, let's face it, no matter where we held it, 99% of the Top 64 would be there. There might be a few changes in the results but the final 8 to 16 would be the same.

As for a medal, I'll see what I can do for the winner.

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[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1301455769' post='2680384']
Lovely, you telling me the history of the League and GW2, [i]which was the only war the League ever fought,[/i] and then you say you weren't even in government!

Pro-tip: I was a League leader and you weren't. Perhaps you were referring to the CoaLUEtion in GW1 or Aegis in GW3? [/quote]
Hint: The League existed before the Second Great War And while I was not in government in LUE at the time of the outbreak of the war (I stepped down on Dec 31 2006, GW2 started several days later), I was still involved in every single high command channel. You weren't. Yet you're nicely seeded in this competition. Probably a common reason behind both of those facts.

[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1301455769' post='2680384']
So please continue to wax on eloquently about how you crafted coalitions you can't even get straight in your head. Your relevancy is really shining through now![/quote]
Wait a minute. I thought I was a plotter and schemer that pushed The League into the war? I seem to get a new role in every post! I'm interested to see what I am next, and if it's just as contradictory as the last accusation.

[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1301455769' post='2680384']
Yes, we noted your absence where the [i]rest of us fighting on your side[/i] actually tried to make a proper effort in the war. And you wonder why we lost a war even Pacifica said we had a decent chance of winning if we had fought like a proper team.[/quote]
Was it fun playing in Little Zeke's Sandbox all alone during the Second Great War?

[quote name='+Zeke+' timestamp='1301455769' post='2680384']
Good to know. Really makes their case. Surprising even......

.....considering GOLD didn't even fight in the war. :rolleyes:

Haha. You're a gem.

(also, look at the last paragraph. Pure strategic [i]genius[/i]!) [img]http://i838.photobucket.com/albums/zz304/Revanche23/haw-1.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Banksy' timestamp='1301477863' post='2680565']
You're just upset you're beating SAM~

Answer someone's criticism by saying something completely unrelated.... its too late to get yourself a WPE nomination Bansky. Does this mean you have no valid response to what I just said?

Edited by supercoolyellow
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[quote name='supercoolyellow' timestamp='1301492588' post='2680629']
Answer someone's criticism by saying something completely unrelated.... its too late to get yourself a WPE nomination Bansky. Does this mean you have no valid response to what I just said?

"You had a 120 million war chest with an 85K NS nation going into the war." -SCY '11

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This is obviously a biased and cruel attempt to hurt those currently under the bootheel of MK.

[b]*goes off to see if forum account is still active*[/b]

*Fake Edit: Sweet, I got two nominations! Thanks guys, you !@#$@#$ crybabies.

Edited by Kzoppistan
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[quote name='Denial' timestamp='1301483532' post='2680590']
Hint: The League existed before the Second Great War And while I was not in government in LUE at the time of the outbreak of the war (I stepped down on Dec 31 2006, GW2 started several days later), I was still involved in every single high command channel. You weren't. [/quote]

A gem as you say. Note the date. The League didn't even exist until 2 weeks before the actual start of the war. The only reason the war started so late is because I managed to somehow keep New Reverie from completely pissing off NPO in mid-December and having them roll even before the even League formed. A fact that was made even harder because of your crew's constant taunts. I fully remember the slap dash to cobble something together at the last minute to show a supposedly united front once it was clear NPO wasn't going to give us forever to get our act together. All your supposed long term leg work arrived half baked. Truly a credit to all your hard work! :rolleyes:

High command channel? Too funny. You had your little IRC clubhouses back then, but serious business was done via embassy back in those days. Nothing was official until the embassy saw it in pixel form. Nor was war managed on IRC then either. Forums were where the real work was done.

[quote]Wait a minute. I thought I was a plotter and schemer that pushed The League into the war? I seem to get a new role in every post! I'm interested to see what I am next, and if it's just as contradictory as the last accusation.[/quote]
Plotter and schemer? Ha! Just another attempt at braggadocio. No, I called you what you really were. An irritant that kept pissing off The Initiative. Nor did I refer to just you in particular. I referred to your mob collectively. But then with all your self aggrandizement I could see you thinking it was all about you.

[quote]Was it fun playing in Little Zeke's Sandbox all alone during the Second Great War?[/quote]
Alone? I didn't set up the League forums. Everyone else showed up and were willing to make a go of it, until it was clear LUE wasn't going to make the effort. That's when GOLD said they were not going to participate in the group coordination and everything fell apart. That the war saw the rest of you picked apart piecemeal is no surprise.

Yes, I goofed that. It was GOLD who walked out on the unity coordination once LUE refused to participate. Then I confused that with GOLD staying neutral for Aegis. But there is the difference between us. I shoulder my mistakes and accept them. A concept obviously foreign to you. Your fragile ego doesn't permit you to show where you made a mistake or lessen the public image you so carefully craft so you look blameless when it all goes to hell. Coward.

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