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Everything posted by Mogar

  1. The fact you think NG is a hivemind blindly following one dude vs an incredibly talented pool of many, many personalities from the past 15 years of this world who all happen to get along is really sad to be honest.
  2. We all have sins, but today we will show you wrath.
  3. Thank you all for actually using diplomacy. This was a horrible incident and I am hopeful that after this both sides will take some time to evaluate their own actions that got us here.
  4. I am curious to know if I will also be receiving apologies for those in this thread decrying OOC attacks for their own OOC attacks against me repeatedly on discord and on the forums on occasion, I know the answer to this of course but the hypocrisy isn't lost at least.
  5. They have shared their entire political sphere beyond a link between each other for about 6-7 years now.
  6. I am happy to see this, it took years but now at least you finally agreed to something higher than an NAP, rather than sharing all the same allies and kinda looking across the room at one another.
  7. Hello, it's me. Did you in fact know that having political opinions while not government means your opinion isn't actually an FA decision? In addition, LOL! This world needs independent thinkers, if you can't even manage to exist on these forums you should quit this planet now, let's all put our mouths where are statistics are and see how a conflict goes.
  8. There is a name I have not seen for years, good to see you are still around!
  9. I have a place off the coast, it's wonderful, spanish go by constantly, the Brits don't care too much, solid business options, savvy?
  10. You don't get a vote in this type of scenario, don't declare war on nations with MPs 🤷‍♂️
  11. Imagine thinking that anyone in this chaotic cess pool is capable of being brainwashed, 90% of those left here are so cynical and jaded it hurts to type.
  12. Hypothetical fictional creations, it's what we get for being active with a bunch of amazing !@#$posters.
  13. How dare you change the game up instead of just doing nothing constantly tbh.
  14. As opposed to the repeated times several of your allies also supported the same curbstomped you are railing against?
  15. Typically moving on would require you to not plot an attack against the people you are supposed to be moving on from grudges, but hey.
  16. NG is also responsible for agreeing to a much more favorable senate for CRAP and it's allies than could be all things considered.
  17. All you have to do is be happy you get your upper tier raided 3-4x a year and you too can become a lackey to better alliances!
  18. Let's not do this again, I have been enjoying my retirement and do not want to do things.
  19. Why would they accept peace after someone attacked them repeatedly?
  20. At his size the time required to pay reps equivalent to damage? I don't have a doctorate but uh, long time.
  21. The rise and fall of the NG Empire. I need 50 volumes.
  22. I support a lengthy apology for one, and a story about why forcing your grudges is bad.
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