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Posts posted by Koala

  1. Good Afternoon...

    I am Koala,Prime Minister of FDN.FDN is a small,neutral alliance that is about a little more than a month old.I formally invite you to come to our offsite forum,and check us out.We are in the Orange sphere,though.We welcome all nations,new or long standing.We have fund sources,trade and tech guilds, and most importantly...fun!

    So,if your interested in joining...come say hi:

    FDN Offsite Forum

    Have a great day!

  2. The FDN is a new alliance,that is slowly growing each day.We can't give the big sign up bonus due to us being new.But,we are loyal,and will protect our members and allies,if needed.At FDN,we encourage our members to be active,voice their concerns,suggestions,etc.And most importantly,we want FDN to be fun.And that is what we strive to enforce.

    So,if your interested in at least checking us out,here is our FDN Charter and Recruitment Thread:

    FDN Recruitment Thread

    So,come say hi!

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