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Posts posted by Ogodai

  1. Exactly you are a bunch of retired and semi-retired players who cant let the new players play the game. You think you own it. Rather than leave gracefully you want to the spotlight.

    Hmm? All we want is to return a sense of competition to CN. Interesting that an NPO member would accuse others of thinking they own the game.

  2. Shadowboxing...

    Can you even name a nation in NoV attacked by the NPO? Point to a thread where the NPO declared on you?

    If there is no declaration, and there are no attacks, then there was no war between us. Is it simple enough yet, or should I translate it to German?

    NPO is part of the Continuum. The Continuum declared war upon Norden Verein. It is very, very simple.

  3. Because the more attention we give him, the more he posts, and with Jalen, the more posts he gets, the more likely he's going to get the rest of his warn raised and get banned.

    Or you could take the route that doesn't involve putting effort into making Jalen go away. That is, ignore him until he gets bored.

  4. Almost, but not quite.

    It fails because people oppose NPO without forethought. Not because people don't oppose NPO with forethought. There's a slight difference there.

    Err... So you really think that the ultimate problem with this game is that the enemies of one alliance, the NPO, don't bother to plan? That's fairly narrow minded if you ask me.

  5. What? This game sucks because no-one opposes NPO with enough forethought? Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that what you're saying?

    People really need to stop with these 'What's wrong with CN' threads. There are countless problems, it's not just one thing.

  6. For those of you describing our terms as unfair, so be it, we can't change your opinion on that. However if you were involved in this, you would realise they are more than fair with the abuse we have had to put up with, both ourselves and our friends at MHA. The war was on a matter of principle, TAB is our acronym, no one is permitted to use it, we attempted diplomatic resoultions, however The Antarctican Brotherhood were unwilling to cooperate. As for the terms, as far as the tech goes, more than reasonable, we are buying it after all! We are also protecting them as part of the terms, how this can be seen as unreasonable, when we are assisting them to become a better alliance, I don't know.

    To confirm, the other nations are much larger than The Crimson Empire.

    Have you registered that trademark

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